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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1948)
Friday, January 16, 1948 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 &' ' . : ON THE WAY TO 80TII VICTORY Lowell Lange, Cornell college 145-pound grappler, toolds the upper hand as he wins a decision over Nebraska's Jack Tamai during the Iowa school's 28-0 win against the Husker mat team Monday night. Lange is the AAU and NCAA 145-pound ruler. He is unbeaten in 80 consecutive bouts. Scarlet Matmen Host Pair Colorado Clubs; Yambor Set Bob (Pcewee) Yambor, University of Nebraska 121 pounder, will be in action when the Cornhuskers meet the University of Colorado wrestling team here Friday night at 7:30. Yambor was shelved by a stomach ailment when Ne braska opened the season against Cornell college at Mount Vernon, la. The Cornhuskers meet Colorado State college Saturday night. Yambor and Jack Tamai, 145 pounder, are the only lettermen listed by Coach Buel R. (Pat) Patterson in the lineup that will face the Colorado teams. Kenny Brown, Columbus, will move up to the 128-pound group in place of Mickey Kelley, for the two Colorado matches. Brown grappled in the 121 division Mon day in the Huskers initial match against the powerful' Cornell, la. squad. Although the Cornhuskers were unable to score a point against Cornell, the team as a whole showed improvement over a year ago. Nebraska's mat squad will be bolstered after the second sem ester when the Copple brothers, Newt and Ed, will be eligible. Newt was second at 145 pounds in the national A.A.U. meet last season. The Cornhuskers will line up for two week end matches as. follows: 121 pounds: Bob Yambor, Omaha. 128 pounds: Ken Brown, Columbua. 138 pounds: Jack Barrett. Omaha. 145 pounds: Jack Tamai, Omaha. 1M pounds: Dick Hill, Lincoln. 165 pounds: Jerry Calhoun, North Platte. 175 pounds: Andy Marinkovich, Omaha. Heavyweight: Rex Hoy, Lincoln. Referee: Norman Sorenson, Omaha On tral. Award 62 Frosh Grid Numerals Sixty-two University of Ne braska freshmen won football numerals in 1947, Coach L. F. (Pop) Klein announced. Eleven members of the squad have some scholastic hurdles to clear before they can get their sweaters, Coach Klein said. The players eligible now for their awards are: John Andrews. Lincoln; Chcsley Baker. Nelich; Clark BellinRer. ArcfidiH; Robert Becker. Lincoln; Donald Bloom, Omahn; Kenneth Blocker, Graceland, Ga. ; Elmer Bnine, Chappell. ;alph Collins, Alnsworth; William Col lopy, Scottsbluff: Bertram Cooke. Lincoln; David Doyle, Lincoln: Gerald Ferguson, Scottsbluff; Howard Fletcher, McCook; Donald Gunncll, Boys Town; Waller Gun nel!, Boys Town; Clarence Goracke, St. Paul; Jack Hansen, Omaha; Joe H axe man, Ithlca: Jack Heckinlively, Lincoln; Roger Higglns. Schuyler. Gardner Johnson, Sioux Falls, S. D.; William Jonea, Wymore; Edwin Josclyn. Randolph; Gene Kirkendall, Lincoln: Jim McConnell', Central City; Joe McGill, Omaha; Frank Meyer, Lincoln; Alto Mills, Imperial. Lowell Nelso. Spalding: Charles Peters, West Point; Gus Peters, Bridgeport ; War ren Pirlnger, Omaha; Dean Prather, Thurman, la.; Herbert Reese. Omaha; Tom Reynolds, Grand Island; Rober Russel, ATO Thinclads Increase Lead; Fagot Breaks Record BY RALPH STEWART (Daily Nebraska Sports Editor) Alpha Tau Omega thinclads picked up an additional 11 1314 points Thursday night in the second round of the annual intramural indoor track and field meet to gain a tighter grip on first place. And in increasing their lead, the Taus established an other record. Francis Fagot cir cled the coliseum oval in 29.9 seconds, clipping three-tenths of a second off the record he set himself last year. Fagot came home in the fastest heat to cop first place from Don Bloom, Phi Gamma Delta, who also bettered last year's mark with a 30.1 time, Orvilla Glass. Beta Theta PI, and T J. Milliken. Phi Kappa Psl, tied for first place In the high jump. Both Jumpers cleared 5 ft. 10 in. Tie Mark Don Tesness. Delta UPsilon. tied the record of OB 6 seconds for the 0-yard dash in qualifying for the finals of that event. Finals In the 50 and 0-yard dash nd the four Ian relay will be run Monday afternoon to conclude the Indoor meet. Thursdays results: (Finals) One lap race: Won bv Francis Fagot (ATO): sec ond. Don Bloom (Phi Gamma Delta) third. Don Flnslrom (DUI; fourth, Don Yesness IDU); fifth', Owen Brainard (Farm House): Bill Hem (Beta Theta PI) and Knox Jones (ATO). Time 29.9. High Jump: (Finals) Won by Orville Glass (Beta Theta PI) and T. 3. Milliken (Phi Kappa Psli; third. Don Rice (ATO). and Chuck Hemmlngsen (DU) ; fifth, Wavne F.isenhart (Phi Gamma Delta); Frank Collopy (ATO): Russell Hale (SAKl: Dick Miessner (Phi Delta Theta); Glen Nletfeld (Sigma Chi); Spencer Phil lips (Sigma Crl) and Earl Elliott (in dependent). 50-yard dash (qualifiers) First heat Won by Bill Moomey (DU): second Owen Brainard (Farm House): third, Bob Ben nington (Sigma Nu). Time: 05.8. Second heat: Won hv Francis Fagot (ATO); sec ond. Bill Mueller (Sigma Chil; third, Al Ruby (Phi Delta Theta). Time: 05.8. 0-yard dash (qualifiers) First heat: Won by Don Bloom (Phi Gamma Delta); second, Joe Benak (independent); third. Don Finstrom iDU. Time: 06.7. Second heat: Won bv Don Yesness (DU); second. Bill Heln (Beta Theta Pi i : third, Gerald Ferguson (ATO). Time: 06.6. IM Basketball lii knna I'Ki 2. Farm House 2.H (HI. Miles 40, Galloping Dominoes 23. Cornhnnker 'o-n SI. Pioneer Co-op 10. Delta Tan Delta 12. Kappa Sigma 1 (B). Phi (iamm Delta 24, Krown Palace 1 (R). Sigma Nu 21, Alpha Sigma I'hl 13 (K). Alpha Tail Omega 33, Alpha Sigma Phi 2 (A). Melting Pot 19, Presbyterians 17. IV-T's 30 Pershing rifles 19. Phi Gamma Delta 28, Brown r a lace 16 (A). Alpha Tan Omega 23, Alpha Gamma Rhii 18 (B). Sallna. Kas. ; William Russell. Fullerton . Milton Schimdt. Lincoln: Donald Schnei der, Norton, Kas. ; Paul Siegmund. White River, S. D. : Walter Spellman, Omaha; Harry Spencer, Lincoln; Donald Btine, Omaha: Donald Strashelm, Kimball; Larry Thlmgan, Plattsmouth; Richard Thomason, Lincoln; Norman Tooker, Silver Creek; Duane Walker, Beatrice, Jerome Warner, Waverly; Leroy Wilson, Beatrice; Richard Wilson, Loup City. Coed Follies. Deadline for COED FOLLIES entries is 5 p. m. Friday, accord ing to Marian Crook, chairman. 4 I V J HARRY j WaA Sonj AND TURNPIKE SAT. NITE ' 9 TO 1 ADM. 1.25 EA. PLUS TAX u p ctf I o CO S o H ON THIS SPECIAL OFFER FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS A Complete Ballroom No. 1. A Beginners Course. No. 2., An Advanced Course. Two separate course. One for BEGINNERS who want to learn to dance. A second course for those who have done some dancinr bnt who want to learn new steps. You'll have the thrill of learning smartest styled dancing; as taught by professional dancinr teachers who are members of the "Chi cago National Dancinr Masters Association." - SJ50 1H FULL ONE-HOUR II DANCE LESSONS 10 DAYS TO ENROLL JAN. 28 LAST DAY A $20 VALUE DONT MISS IT. - BEGINNERS COURSE MEN will learn to lead confi dently and 1.AD1KS to follow skillfully. Inatrnrtioa Includes complete foundation eioorse Im the popular dance steps. ADVANCED COURSE A course for those who haw some enerlenee tn danclnt;. ln kt met Ion Includes advanced fox trot, rhumha, waltz and popu lar colleKiate swing. The combined brains of over 1,000 "Chicago National Danc ing Masters Association" members to which we belong developed this course. Fashion is strictly followed. YOU SAVE A FULL $12.50 OVER THE USUAL PRICE ON THIS SPECIAL OFFER. And you'll have a lot of fun in this large class besides learning to be a REALLY GOOD DANCER. SCHOOL OF BALLROOM DANCING LLOYD'S Huskers Seek 1st Loop Win; Collide Colorado Quintet Nebraska's 12 man cage crew will depart Friday night at 6:15 for Boulder and a conference clash with the Colorado Buffaloes Saturday. The Huskers will be seeking a first loop win in three starts when they meet Coach Frosty Cox's new Big Six members. Coach Harry Good has been plagued with the flu this week and Claude Retherford, leading Nebraska scorer, has also been a victim of the flu bug. Retherford, however, will make the Colorado jaunt. Others slated to make the Boul ler trip include: Joe Brown, Dick Schlenger, Neal Mosser Rod Cox, Anton Lawry, Bus White head, Paul Shields, Henry Cech, Thurman Wright and Bill Den-ker. Name Dallas Site Big Six-SW Meet The Big Six-Southwest Confer ence track meet will be held at Dallas, Tex., June 5, Coach Ed Weir announced. The meet was started a year ago with the top performers of the two confer ences matching strides. "In another year, I believe the meet will be held in Lincoln," Coach Weir said. "We were handi capped last year by not knowing until the last minute the meet would be held. As a result Bobby Ginn and other Big Six athletes had made plans which precluded their participation." At Nebraska BILL THOMPSON smokes CHESTERFIELDS Bill savs: "Because they're firmly pack ed and give me a satisfied feeling that no other brand can equal." Voted TOPS! Chesterfield the largest selling cigarette in America's colleges (by nation wide survey). Women9 Clothes are THEIR OWN TESTIMONIALS Fashion and wearabiliry the qualities that win or lose, customers are carefully regarded by women when they choose their clothes. Because of the importance of fashion In the economic and social scheme, a knowledge of style, quality and value is an inherent part of the average woman's shop-' ping equipment.. Manufacturers in the women's fashion industries muse therefore stand or fall on the consumer reaction to their merchandise. Testimonials have no value in selling fashions. The goods must be delivered. Introducing to THE AMERICAN COLLEGIATE PUBLIC A series sponsored by "Women's Wear Daily f airchild Publication, 8 East 15th St, New York 3, N.Y BOOMER BALLROOM 1210 P ST. 1 PHONE 8-5511 I