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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1948)
Friday, Tanuary 16, 1 948 PAGE 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Dear Editor: I came to the University at a time when it was not impossible to enter other schools. I did not come because I was a native Ne braskan (l am not), or because I had all my schooling in the state (I did not), or because I could not afford another school. I worked part-time six of the seven semesters I was in school; I could have worked my way through another school. I came because I wanted to be a Cornhusker. not just for four years, but for the rest of my life. Last spring, before receiving my degree, I had the privilege of working with Fritz Daly. Mr. Daly would not like me to say that he is the most active alumnus of the University I know. He is, as I am, extremely proud of the thousands of grads who give of their time, energy and money to help build the "greater uni versity" which Dr. Gistavson promised us. Yes. the book drive was my own idea. It grew from a talk which Dr. Knute Broady of the Extension Division gave at an alumni meeting which I attended. Very few people have heard that it originated with me because I feel that bringing personalities into the picture would subject the drive to T. S. Eliot's last temptation, "To do the right thing for the wrong reason." With all of Europe torn to shreds, with the students begging lor even mimeographed lecture notes to replace destroyed books, Phaedrus yelps because the drive was not started through channels. I can only cry with Kipling "If At Nebraska NANCY WAGEY smokes CHESTERFIELDS Nancy says: "I like Chesterfields because they're mild and cool, so easy on the throat." Voted TOPS! Chesterfield the largest selling cigarette In America's colleges (by nation wide survey). drunk with sight of power, we loose wild tongues that have not Thee in aweLord God of Hosts, be with us yet. Lest we forget, lest we forget." If American thought has come to this mean level, we will need his guidance. . Every great idea originates in one mind, but it is the end. not the beginning, which is the lm portant thing. I shall continue to offer my help to the University regardless of Phaedrus' opinions. This Phaedrus, unlike the fabulist whse name he usurps, is not a Roman, but a Greek. And even his method is a repitition of that used last year by those on tho opposite side of the fence. In giving personal instructions to his staff tfr&t the articles were to be run anonymously, the Edi tor has taken unto himself full responsibility for their appear ance. Should further defamation make legal action advisable, this responsibility will not cease when Mr. Novotny leaves the office next week. As to the implied suggestion that Eugene Berman and 1 were working for ulterior motives, I can speak only for myself, since I have not consulted with him. We do not agree on many mat ters, particularly of social theory, but those differences are to be settled in private, not by child ishly refusing to speak to him, or by anonymously smearing his name in public columns. To suggest that his argument against the Pershing Rifles is a "party line outburst" is danger ously close to libel, as set forth by a recent N. Y. Supreme Court decision. And I might remind Phaedrus that another alleged party line in America is the crippling of all budding liberal movements, which puts Mr. Phaedrus and his blow at the NSA in the same class where he tucked Berman. As to the NSA, I have argued, begged and implored for our af filiation in every ear open to me, from freshmen to the adminis tration. I believe that one voice crying in the wilderness may be lost, but that the voices of three million American students, once united in NSA. cannot be ig nored. And I have the decency to stand up for what I believe openly, without stooping to un signed columns, or personal mud slinging. As to his sniping at me personally, I offer to him the Tibetan proverb which is my solace in such times as this: "The only real weather is inside one self, not ouLsof-doors." MARTHELLA HOLCOMB. SPECIAL NOTICE "Days and Nights" Russian film at the Temple building will be shown at 8 p. m. this evening rather than 7:30 as previously announced. IF YOU HAVE A GOOD HORSE . . . Gentlemen, shall we "Ride him to death?" To the proponents of the so called "Operations Subsistence" as I heard it presented on the cam pus on Tuesday afternoon, let me say as one vet to another, "For Shame." Certainly we could all use more money but when some one says we NEED it? What is the matter fellows, can't we work a bit. get in a little practical experi ence at the same time even though it may be at frying 'bur gers' and perhaps come out of this institution with a little dust on the fingers as well as on the brain? Those fellows with sev eral dependents and there are quite a number and the lucky fellows with a brand new family do need more, but have you heard any of them complaining? Let us not lose sight of the fact that the government does not owe us this education nor is it trying to give us a free ride they just wanted to help. Never before have the large majority of us had such an easy opportun ity to get an education at so little effort. There were. I'd say, some two hundred in attendance at the above mentioned meeting out of the four or five thousand vet erans on the campus so may I try to make one point clear in re gards to the publicity in Wednes day's "Daily" concerning the vet erans asking for more money. This does not represent my feelings and I believe I'm safe in saying it does not represent the large majority of vets on the campus. Can you see any sense in borrowing on the future when a little effort now will keep you solvent?" ; Incidentally, in regard to "Oper ations Subsistence," if you haven't read the front page of Wednes day evening's World Herald, you 11 never know who the "Friends" are, backing this show. VERNE TRAUDT. Dear Sir: Mr. Berman attacks the wooden rifles of the Pershing Rifle ini tiates as similar in intent and pur pose to the late (I hope) Deut schen Jugend. While the Persh ing Rifles are behaving just as asinine as other fraternities in their "initiation," the parallel is unfair. If I were a member of the P. R. I would call Mr. Berman a "damn pacifist," and be equally unfair. Since I am" not, I'll just consider him a mistaken pacifist. He also states that we should "put down our arms." We did, Member Intercollegiate Press FORTY-SIXTH FEAM ftutiuTlntlan rater are Sl.AS per semester, 12.00 per semester malted, er It. 00 far the cXm Jar. M.00 ".lied. Single copy . rabltoM dally during lb. ,,1, tr eint Mondays nd Saturdays, vacations ud esamlnatlon periods, by ths, of Nebraska endrr the suiirvlalon of Iho PoblloaHoa Board. Knifed M Becond tlass Mailer at the Post Office la Lincoln. Nebraska, ndrr Acl e 'Congress, March S 179. and at special rat. of postage provided lor In sectloa IMS, Aei or- Octobet anal hLa. tktnillAO 'LA. Itt'22- The Dally Nebraakaa la pnbllshed by the students of the CnlTerslty of Nebraska aa an expression el students news and opinion, only. Ac fordtaf ' "!? Laws governing Undent publication and administered by the Board of Fab Icatlonsi It la the declared policy of tho Board that publications nnder Its jurisdiction shaU be free from edltnrlnl censorship on the part of the Board, or on the Part of aa member of tho faculty of the university) but members of tho staff of" The Dally Ncbraakaa are personally reiiMinilbleforwhat tW railot Daks' Novotay Muimifnt 'Editors Jack Hill George Miller News Editors Jeanne Kerrigan, Norm I-eger, Wally Becker, Cub Clem, TotUo Stewart Sport Editor ;"'r . Stewart As News Kdltor Keith Frederlckson Special Featare Editor .Ham Warren Societv Editor Charles Hemminrsaaj '""""' BUSINESS STAKT Business Manager Could flan Circulation Manr.grr Jack Nclser Assistant Business Managers... Bill Wilklas, Merle Ktaldrr, Irwla Cheana Ed. NoCet The oplnione expressed by rolomnista la Tho llally Nebraska do not necessarily represent those of the University or The Daily Nebruskan.l Delta Thcta Phi Hears Dr. Foutz Dr. Roy W. Fouts of Omaha, speaker of the house of Delegates of the American Medical Associa tion was the guest speaker at the regular luncheon of Delta Theta Phi, law fraternity, which was held Thursday, January 18th. Dr. Fouts spoke on the legal aspects as related to the practice of law when, during a trial, a doctor is accused of mal-practice. my. wf i Wit (m 111 'If J I if BY e.J HOLCOMB Meet satisfaction and style at Harvey BrothersI We've lined up all of our cold weather suits and they're ready for your rigid inspection. We know you'll want a striped suit for your basic college wardrobe . . . but don't worry, we'll keep you on the straight and narrow with a stripe that will make you look better dressed than ever before! Comfort, style, and superb tailoring are a natural with Harvey's. Plan now for second semester fun, see Harvey Brothers for your new suit. m or and had Pearl Harbor. "Put down the threats to purge those who do not believe as we do" is a good catch phrase, but let us not put down our arms, lest we be purged "by those who do not believe as we do." "The fear of aggression" is a very real one to me and I shall retain it until some international super-state possesses armed forces strong enough (about 20,000,000 well-armed, well-trained men) and can assure me that I shall be safe if I visit atom-targeted Chicago. I agree with Mr. Ber man that wars and threats of war will not bring peace; but, if Lin coln had no police force, I should visit the campus with a rifle in my free hand. PETER PETERSON. Classified Straight Stuff 1 BUSH Pressman. (4.5 Zicss Trssor, Compure shutter, 3 cut film holders, 1 pack adapter. Kodak speed gun. Kaiart synchronized K. F. JIM) takes al. Bill LeRoy. Cornhusker Office. EXPERT tutoring in German by former resident of Hamburg. 5-70U2. Evenings or Saturday afternoon. TRADE TIES! Don't discard good neck ties. Someone will like them. Get a change. Swsp colors. Send 6 plus 11. Receive six others freshly cleaned and pressed. TRADE TIES, Box 310, - Salem, Indiana. LEGAL ADVISOR WANTED Familiar with decisions of the New York Supreme Court, Please contact E. Berman. KOR SALE New Emerson portable phono graph. Call 2-5607. LOST Brown striped Lifetime Bchaeffer pen at Library desk. Reward. Phone 3-2122. SPEED Urahic flash photography. Wed dings, parties, student activities. Phone Greger, 3-488. By Janet Graves and Joel Bailey. After scouring the campus and hiding under booths in the Crib, we have managed to scrape up these juicy tidbits we quote "Tri Delt Liz Davis was dating Al Mc Pherson until he left her holding the bag. Guess it was what was in the suitcase that really caused the trouble. Oh! Hum! Drink broke up my home too. (end of quote). A shock to all came when Bill LeRoy announced that he has a date! She's really a nice girl, too wish we knew her name! Changing: Color. Fig Flajrg is painting the Blue Beetle from- light blue to dark blue. Some people expect won ders from water colors. Question of the week Could it be that Jean 'Leadly, Gamma Phi pledge, has two Georges in her life? And if not, then why is she spending semester vacation in Kansas City? The buddy situation between Kappa pledge Mary Ryons and Beta Bill Siebolt is getting pretty serious Mary just presented Bill with a dozen oranges imported, no less, from California Sun kissed maybe? We managed to discover at last Pi Phi pledge Joris Devereux's weakness it seems it's a "red dog" by the name of Augustine. Confused. The Theta house is a bit con fused over a certain situation in volving Peg Lawrie and Billie Trombla one bright spot in the confusion is the fact that Dick Lahr, Sig Alph, is intent on dating Peg Lawrie again confus'n isn't it? Well, all the exciting news is just too cleverly hidden for us to scoop besides we go to school too! So back to the books, Cap tain from Castille that is. TP" "Would you wrap the Dentyne Chewing Gum V at a gift, please?" "That dam tkSyes me nuts! 'Wrap it a gift she says! At il anybody wanted to bother with fancy gift wrappings to get at that delicious, clean tasting Dentyne Chewing Cum with the rich, long lasting flavor. Dentyne it gift at any price be cause it helps keep teeth white." Dentyne Cum Made Only By Adams