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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1948)
Wednesday, January 14, 1948 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 v Cornell WresWers canb Seoriefr. 28-0 BY JIM MILLER. IJally Nrbrasbaa Sports Writer. "Nebraska's wrestling debut was spoiled Tuesday night as Cornell College of Mount Vernon, Iowa, gained an easy 28-0 win over the Scarlet at the Coliseum. The National AAU and NCAA champs lived up to ex pectations as they came through with six decisions and two falls. In the 155-pound class, Roger Snook pinned. Nebraska's Dick Hill in 2 minutes even with a front grape-vine and a half nel son. Snook placed second in last year's AAU and NCAA tourneys. Heavyweight Rex Hoy was thrown in 7:25 by Cornell's Al Partin. Partin used a half nelson to gain the win. CALHOUN NUDGED. Jerry Calhoun was the one bright spot in Nebraska's crew but he finally succumbed be fore Kent Lange's tactics in the 165 pound division by a 9-4 de cision. National AAU and NCAA 145 pound ruler Lowell Lange had things his own way as he de cisioned Jack Tamai, 4-0. BROWN DECISIONED. Cornell's Dale Sherill gained a 5-2 verdict over Kenny Brown in the 121 pound curtain-raiser. Nebraska's Andy Marinkovich Jack Barrett and Mickey Kelly proved easy victims for the Iowa grapplers in the 175, 136 and 128 pound classes respectively. Coach Pat Patterson's grapplers play host Friday night to Colo rado University and again on Sat urday night when Colorado State invades the Coliseum. Matches start at 7:30 p.m. The summaries: 121 pounds Dale Sherrill (C) decisloned Kenneth Brown (N), 5-2. 128 pounds Dick Hauser (C) declaioned Mickey Kelley (N), 3-0. 136 pounds Leo Thomsen (C) decisloned Jack Barrett N", 3-0. 145 pounds Lowell Lange (Cr decisloned Jack Tamal (N, 4-0. 155 pounds Roger Snook (C) pinned Dick Hill N In 2:00 with front grape vine and half nelson. 165 pounds Kent Lange C) decisloned Jerry Calhoun (N), 9-4. 175 pounds Fred Dexter C) decisloned Andy Marinkovich (N), 6-1. Heavyweight Al Partin (C) pinned Rex Hoy N in 7:25 with a hall nelson. .Referee : John Kellogg. FEM FUN The basketball practice sched ule for the week is as follows: Wednesday, Alpha Phi, Alpha Omlcron Pi, Alpha Xi Delta, and Terrace Hall. Thursday, Towne Club, Kappa Delta, Theta, Rosa Bouton, Wil son, Sigma Delta Tau and How ard Hall. Friday, Gamma Phi Beta, Ker nels, Residence Hall, Internation al House, Chi Omega, Lutheran Students, and I. V. C. P. Phi Gamma Delta Paces Marksmen At the end of three complete rounds, the Phi. Gamma Delta rifle team i leads the intramural rife tourney with two successive wins. The Fiji marksmen notched their second win by defeating the Sigma Nu shooters 741-592 last Friday. In Friday's other match the Phi Kappa Psi squad defeated the Tau Kappa Epsilon team 717-517. The Pershing Rifle squad posted the . highest team total in competition to date Monday night when they fired a 797 total in a match with the ASME Engi neers. The Engineers notched a 716 total. Sigma Phi Epsilon defeated the Pioneer Co-op crew in Monday's second match 737-699. Next rifle matches will be held .Thursday afternoon at 4:15 at the rifle range in the basement of Andrews hall. The . Univets meet the ROTC squad and the Pershing Rifle team will, test the NROTC marksmen. - Sgt. J. A. Lovold of the Uni versity of Nebraska Military de partment is in charge of the in tramural event. At Nebraska BILL ATO's Ahead In Track Meet; Kehl Sets Mark Leonard Kehl, a freshman of ATO, made the big news in the first day's intra-mural track meet activities when he set a new rec ord of 12'6" in the pole vault, breaking Jim Myers old record of 11 by a foot and a half. Kehl barely missed on a try for 13'. Three other vaulters tied Myers' old record. They were Junior Collopy, also of ATO and a halfback on tho football team, Dick Capek, Phi Delta Theta, and Huffmeister of Kappa Sigma. The ATO's jumped into an early lead in the meet by scoring 20 points in the first three events which were finished Tuesday afternoon. These events were the pole vault, 2 lap race, and shot put. Following the Taus were Phi Delta Theta with 11, Phi Kappa Psi with eight, and the Sig Alphs with six. Results in the three events: Pole vault: Leonard Kehl (ATO). 12'6": Frank Collopy (ATO). 11'; Dick Capek .(Phi Delt) 11': Haffmelster iKuppa Higmai, 11': John Bumstead PU). 10 6"; Bob Ackerman (DU), 10'6"; Keith Kcsairt (Hig Eps), 10'6". 2 lap race: R. L. Hollander (Phi Psi). 68.5 seconds: Leonard Kehl (ATOi, 68.6 seconds (In special race with no competi tion); Russ Hale (SAE), 69.2 sec: Bob Walt (DU)j Max Keramerling (AGR). Shot Dut: Frill Davis. Phi Delta Theta. 53" 5'; Warren Jensen. Sifcma Chi. 51' 3": Jack Pesek, Alpha Tau Omega, 48" 9"; O. Johnson, Delta Tau Alpha Epsilon. 45'; iseilson, uornnusiier Co-op. 45' ": Wlnton Buckley, Alpha Tau Omega. 45' 5". IM Basketball Wednesday' Games. Ag 5:00, Farm House vs. Phi Kappa Psi. (B). 7:00, Sigma Alpha Mu vs. Delta Up- 1. ... ' r U O . ..... MiriWr firtrrinMiiiiii-iwiwiwi , iiihhhmhiuii iimmumwi miiih in) amniniiiiiiiiiriMiW Courtesy Lincoln Journal. DICK SUB SINKS a basket during Monday's game between Mis souri and Nebraska. The Tigers' Dan Pippin and Huskers' Bus v Whitehead wait anxiously beneath the baskeet, while Rod Cox (12) and Bill Denker (17) race into position. Nebraska was beaten in their second Big Seven start, 66-54. lion (B). B:40, Alpha Gamma Rho vs. Alpha Tau Omega (B). Coliseum 7:00. Lilies vs. Galloping Dominoes, Pioneer Co-Op vs. Cornhusker Co-Op (B), Kappa Sigma vs. Delta Tau Delta (B). 7:50 Brown Palace vs. Phi Gamma Del to BI. Alpha Sigma Phi vs. Sigma Nu, (B). Alpha Sigma Phi vs. Alpha Tau Omego (A). 8:40. Presbyterians vs. Melting Pot. Dels vs. Pershing Rifles. Brown Palace vs. Phi Gamma Delta (A) . Thursday Games. Coliseum 7:00. ASME Engineers vs. Phi Delta Phi. Physical F.nglneerlng vs. Phi Alpha Delta, Delta Tau Delta vs. Beta Sigma Phi (A). 7:50. Architects vs. AIEE Engineers, Whiz Kids -vs. I. F. T.. Sigma Alpha Ep silon vs. Phi Kappa-Psi (B). 8:40, Sigma Nu vs. Pioneer Co-Op (A), Sigma Alpha Mu vs. Delta Sigma PI (A I. Zeta Beta Tau vs. Beta Theta Pi, (A). It smokes CHESTERFIELDS Bill says: "Because Chesterfields are mild, smooth smoking cigar ettes, and I like a mild smoke." Voted TOPS! Chesterfield the largest selling cigarette in America's colleges (by nation wide survey). i WVttttWWWVWUVWMVWWVWUWVttVWW You're the man most likely to succeed! in Van Hcuscn Shirts First prize for Lest dressed goes to tlie man in the Van Heusen Shirt! He owes that neat, trim look to Van Hcusen'i smart sewmanship . .' . to the low-set collar (In many new models) ... to action-tailoring . . . to figure fit. He geta another prize too, for quality and value. Sanforized fabrics, laboratory tested 1500 times a month. A new shirt free if your Van Heusen shrinks out of size. $3.25 $3.95 $4.50 I present fj' f " S . J J I spring swing I with roses J Big ones, blushing all over dark rayoa crepe with a great ?Ofl f"iL 1 aif of festivity. Finishing up j jO with a carnival glimpse of If If f!f I g color ... bright rayon taffeta I J; f jX I rippled round a wide, whirling '" If ! '$& 5 & htm. ftayon Crepe printed by I r. k H I I AS ADVERTISED IN MADEMOISELLE Vf I Ary, black or brofvn background. I ' j I ' I) ' A 5 I - F. 1 -if second Hoaz wwwvuvvwvvwuvwvwvvuwwvvvvwv Jvvwvwvwvww wvr inmor ami mojf ? j