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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1947)
5e to 6 Sind7 CAGE 6 Foreign Fellow CON'T FROM TAGE 2 classes this semester, Maria Is not registered as a student. She sits in on many classes and listens to the lectures. "I take my notes in Greek and translate them after I get home, she explained, I can not write fast enough in the Eng lish language yet." A new language, however, is nothing new to Maria, who speaks five Greek, Bulgarian, French, German, and English. She laugh lingly admits that often she gets here German words mixed with the English words. She enjoys "Y" and other cam pus meetings because most of the speakers talk slow enough for her to understand them. Ordinary conversation is difficult for her to grasp. Asked what she thought of Ne braska, Maria was quick to re spond that, in the first place she was surprised. "On the boat they said that this part of America was still wild and that there were Indians here, but it is not like that at all, and I like it very much." Every year the Home Eco nomics Club sponsors a foreign student through their Foreign Fellowship Fund. Money is raised for this fund at their annual Silver Tea. Due to the higher tuition and living costs, the university Stu dent Foundation is co-operating with the club this year to pro vide a large scholarship. Miss Constanides is the fifth student to study here under their aus pices. MAIN FEATURES START LINCOLN "Ride the rink Horse," 1:37, 3:41. 5:45, 7:49, 9:56. STUART: "The Unsuspected," 1:35, 3:51. "Lincoln Svmphony, 8:30. NEBRASKA: "Ladies Man," 1:10, 3:54. 6:40, 9:2G. "The Big rix, 5:36, 8:22. CAPITOL: "Sea Hawk." 2:25, 5:50, 9:15. "Sea Wolf," 1:00, 4:25, 7:50. NOW! 44c to 6 P.M.! also COLOR CARTOON Cf fr Canary an 4 BRAIN'S CAN BE BEAVTIFI L TOMORROW! 'GHEEI1D0LI STREET STARRING VAN HEFLIN DONNA REED RtCHAftO HART mmm. Nebraska SPIKE JONES AND HIS CITY SLICKER? IN 'LADIES MAN' WITH EDDIE BRACKEN CASS DAILEY PLCS "THE BIG FIX" With REGIS TOOMET and SHEILA EVAN CAPITOL Wed. through Sat. William Powell Myrna Lay Krrnan Wynn -Song f the Thin Man" and. TiCiK 1 "rfTT 0 Bart Ijlii caster In "BRUTE FORCE" Plu 'Xlttle Mr. Jim" Straight Stuff BY CHUCK I1EMMINGSEN. Three weeks late Dave Miller and Joyce Steele call it a week. Parlay Charlay goes into bank ruptcy and final retirement. State Police suspect unprecedented gambling fix. Oh, Snook If. We wonder when Cy Markeson and Bobbie Rusch will give each other top rating. It looks like steady time when a gal starts calling a guy Snook ie. Who Was High? Towne Clubbers spirited dates to their "Haunted" party this week-end. Freddie Lorenz stole the show with his singing. Two stray N-mcn even drifted in to hear those high ones. If John Ayres hopes to compete with convertibles he'll have to beat that "12:15 Indigestion Club" to the Theta House after lunch. Biggest party of the week-end was the birthday party given by two campus wheels for them selves. AI Lawson gave the snap pies present in the large array of gifts. Hot Cinders. The inside skindorva is that some footballing Phi Gam has a 1 zxl It- ti J is so much better to smoke! THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Walilstrom Announces Block and Bridle Plans There will be no further meet ings of Block and Bridle, na tional Animal Husbandry club, until the Dec. 9 initiation meet ing. Rick Wahlstrom, president of the group, made the announce ment. Committees are now working on the details of the initiation ceremony, and on ine supper which will follow the proceedings Berl Damkrogcr and Bob Schick head the committee which is planning the annual supper. great warmth for Helen "Haircut" Prince. Helen, however, wasn't uivine Chick Story any cold time at the "Hills" Saturday night; and, said Fiii has a date with Jackie Wightman to the Military Ball. The wires are hot. Jo De Lam atre and Ken Kailcy have secret means of communication between the Alpha Xi house and Ken's room. Wonder if Ken can tune in on cat sessions over there. Be worth a few chucks. Student Directory Sales. There will be an important meeting of the Student Directory Sales Committee this evening at 8 p.m., in the Student Foudation office. If it is impossible to attend, please call Gcncne Mitchell, 2-7375. 2L J -jr - - ISs 1 .. Campus Ne In Brief AKD REVIVAL The university's chapter of Alpha Kappa Delta, national hon orary sociological society, is being revived, according to Dr. W. u Wilbcr of the sociology dept. All undergraduate students with twelve hours of sosh and a a "B" or better average who have not already given their names to members of the staff arc request ed to do so at their arlicst con venience in order to receive con sideration for membership. YWCA. The Intercultural group of the YWCA will meet Tuesday at 5 p.m. in Ellon Smith hall. Mem bers of the group will be in charge of the program. CORNilUSKER GRANGE. A special meeting of the corn- husker grange to be held in Ani mal Husbandry Hall on ag cam pus at eight o clock on Tuesday evening will feature E. O. Bel- sheim of the Law College as the special speaker. Professor Belshcim will discuss the Community Property Tax aw and its influence on income tax. All interested people are nvitcd to attend. Alter the meeting, officers will if"" .. si- W "i jr. r u v - ' ft N PHILIP MORRIS offers the smoker an extra benefit found in no other cigarette. For Philip Morris is the ONE, the ONLY cigarette recog nized by leading nose and throat specialists as definitely less irritating. Remember: Less irritation means more smoking enjoyment for you. Yes! If every smoker knew what Philip Morris smokers know, they'd all change to PHILIP MORRIS. n n Tuesday, November 25, 1947 be elected for the coming year. Present officers are: Dale E. Weese, Master; M. A. Alexander, Lecturer; and Frank Miller, Sec retary. AG NEWMAN CLUB MIXER. Members of the ag branch of the Newman Club will meet In the recreation room of the An Student Union of a mixer on Tuesday night at 7:30. YM-YW THANKSGIVING PROGRAM. The ag YM and YW will meet together in the Home Ec parlors for the Thanksgiving program Tuesday night at 7:30. The spe cial service will be conducted by Stan Lambert and Jean Beck and devotions will be in charge of Mavis Musgrave and Bob Bridenbaugh. ' WATCH MIYSTALS b rr n:i Wliilo-lVlVait Round .50 Fancy .75 DICK'S Watch Service In the Nrbr. Rook Store Guaranteed Watrh Repalrinf 8 TRY A PACK . . TODAY