The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 23, 1947, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    Sunday, November 23, 1947
Game . . .
(Continued from Page 1.)
The Sooner score came with five
minutes remaining in the first
The kickoff to begin the second
half gave the visitors another
break as they grabbed a free ball
on the Husker 28. Five plays later
after Brewer, Thomas and Kreick
had moved the ball down to the
Nebraska two, Thomas scored on
a line buck over center for the
second Sooner touchdown. Wal
lace again kicked the point, giv
ing the Oklahomans a 14-6 ad
vantage. However, the spirited Corn
huskers were not to be denied
and after Cletus Fischer's return
of the kickoff to the Nebraska
44 they marched straight down
the field for their second score of
the day. This time a pass from
Dick Thomson to Alex Cochrane
accounted for the score. The play
covered 27 yards and was a good
execution of the perfect pass play.
Cochrane was a good five yards
behind the sleeping Sooner de
fense and the pass was so placed
that he didn't change his stride
while making the catch. Patton's
second attempt of the day brought
the score up to 13 for the Huskers
and 14 for the Sooners. The two
scores in the second half came
within the first five minutes of
the third quarter with both teams
playing a tight defensive game to
the end.
For the Sooners, overlooking the
one kick that was blocked in the
first quarter, the punting of Dar
rel Royal stood out along with the
steady defensive play of Center
John Rapacz. Rapacz was credited
with two interceptions of Husker
passes during the game but was
kept pretty well covered other
wise. Tom Novak's play through
out the game was sparkling as he
crashed through the Sooner de
fense time and again to once again
exhibit his jarring style of tack
ling. Tom came through with his
usual tackle after the kickoff that
has through the season brought
Nebraska fans to their feet in
amazement. Novak lived up to his
reputation as being the hardest
tackier of the day as he cut down
the speedy Sooner backs from his
line backing position with his hay
maker tackles besides making one
pass interception and recovering
a loose ball in mid-field during
second quarter action.
Scarlet Cagers
See Basketball
Motion Pictures
The University of Nebraska
cagers were guests of the State
Theater Saturday morning at a
showing of "Cinderella Kids," a
basketball movie on the Univer
sity of Utah.
Utah won the National Invita
tional Tournament in Madison
Square Garden last season. The
pictures were taken during Utah's
games in that tournament.
. . .. .. . ,: !
A Nebraska pass was intercepted by Oklahoma oin this play during the second-quarter action of
Saturday's game. There was a penalty, however, and a no-p!ay ruling by the officials.
ITJc'II bet you
. . . that PAL HOLLOW GROUND blades,
though exceptionally low in price, will
give you the kind of (having tatitfac
tion you've been looking for.
That means they must give you quick,
clean, cool, economical (haves.
YOU are the fudge I If you're not en
thused, return 'em to us and we'll (end
you doubfe your money back I You win
either woy I Get a package today.
4 for 10c 10 for 25 25 for 59c
. . and for reaf conomy
SO Pal Blade, M
Pal Hollow Crcvnd hot (he "frfge"
I.M. Department
Plans University
Rifle Tournament
Intramural and recreational
rifle shooting facilities are being
readied in the west basement of
Andrews Hall for all students in
terested, according to Intramural
Director L. E. Means.
Fraternity and independent
team leagues will be formed with
competition beginning Jan. 8. An
individual tournament is sched
uled for early in February.
Any student mayractic from
1:00 to 5:00 p. m, -on Tuesday,
Wednesday, or Thursday after
Dec. 2. Students must pay a fee
of $1.00 which provides member
ship in the University Rifle club,
privilege to shoot whenever de-
LM. Bowling
Leagues Roll
On Full Scale
Play in the seven University of
Nebraska intramural bow 1 i n g
leagues continued through last
week with the standings of six
leagues announced by the Intra
mural Office Saturday.
In League I of the Interfra
ternity division, Phi Delta Theta
and Beta Sigma Psi are deadlock-
sired, and entrance to intramu
ral competition.
Students will be allowed to use
their own guns provided they are
regular .22 rifles. Rifles will be
furnished to those who need them,
and ammunition can be bought
for lc per shell.
ed for the top position with nine
victories and no defeats. Sigma
Phi Epsilon and Sigma Alpha Ep
silon lead the field in league 2
with respective records tof seven
won and two lost. Delta Sigma
Pi is leading League 3 with nine
victories with no defeats. Delta
Tau Delta and Phi Gamma Delta
are second and third, respectively,
in that league.
In the eight-team Independent
league, Nthe Rockets stand at the
top of the list with an undefeated
record of nine wins. Ag Social
Club and the Lilies are tied for
second with seven-and-two rec
ords. Three teams are deadlocked
for the Interdepartment league
lead. Law Phi Delta Phi, ASME
Engineers, and Engineering Inde
pendents each are undefeated in
six contests.
Theta Xi has won three straight
without a loss to take the No.
1 position in the Duck Pin League.
Kansas, O.U.
Share Big
Six Crown
The University of Kansas and
the University of Oklahoma earn
ed the title of Big Six Co-champions
Saturday as the Jayhawks
downed Missouri, 20-14, and the
Sooners squeezed past Nebraska
Missouri's Tigers were in the
lead, 14-13, at the end of the half
and held the margin until one
minute remained in the ball game.
It was then that big Forrest
Griffith drove into the line from
the two-yard marker for the
Jayhawks' winning tally. Miss
ouri's last-minute pass attempts
failed to bring the needed touch
down. The Nebraska Cornhuskers save
Oklahoma's Sooners a scare in
Lincoln's Memorial Stadium be
fore succumbing, 14-13. The loss
put Nebraska into fourth place
behind Missouri. Iowa State fol
lows the Huskers, and Kansas
State remains last in the final loop
Sig Eps Blank
Beta Sigs, 5-0,
In Ping Pong.
Sigma Phi Epsilon defeated
Beta Sigma Psi, 5-0, Friday in
the Intramural Table Tennis
Tournament. In the other match
of the day, Ag Y.M.C.A. blanked
Building B, 5-0.,
Fowler, Doering, Capsey, Wil
liams, and Camp were the Sig
Ep winners in its victory. Holm
berg, Hageman, Krieutz, Shires
and Hendricks counted for the Ag
Y.M.C.A. five wins.
Friday's handball matches found
Sigma Alpha Mu defeating Sigma
Alpha Epsilon, 3-0, and Delta
Tau Delta downing Delta Upsilon,
3-0. Bernie Goldware defeated
Pete Durland; Al Lagman drop
ped Bruce Berquist; and Bob
Bob Eramson downed Bob Good
for the S. A. M. victories.
Harold Breetzke, Ed Schwartz
kopf, and John Baas outscored
Lenny Mayer, Bill Ferguson, and
Bill Harris, respectively, for the
Delts' wins.
When Your G. 1. Underwear
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Arrow Shorts
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Arrow shorts with Grlpper fasteners and seamless
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Do you like Dancing?
Here's a dance nobody likes. Arthur Murray never
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It's called the "All Day Squirm" and is per
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Moral: Switch to Arrow
shorts and relax. Arrow
shorts have no center
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Super comfortable, these super-shorts come in plaia
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$1 up at your favorite Arrow store.