The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 21, 1947, Image 1

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    KK Announces Prince,
Sweetheart Finalists
Vol 48 No. 42 Lincoln 8, Nebraska. Friday. November 21, 1947
UN Athletic Facilities Grow;
Will Add New Sports Arena
An army surplus sports arena
located at Camp Crowder, Mo.,
has been allocated to the Univer
sity of Nebraska to relieve crowd-
cd conditions in the coliseum, Sen.
Kenneth Wherry announced to
university officials today.
The main floor of the new
building is only 20 feet shorter
and 2 feet less wide than the pres
ent floor space in the coliseum.
Actual floor space in the new
building is 180 feet long by 100
feet wide, as compared with the
foliscum floor space which Is
200 feet long by 100 feet wide.
Overall dimensions of the struc
ture are 200 feet long, 131 feet
wide and 30 feet high at the peak
of the roof.
Plan Assembly 1948.
The building is now being dis
mantled and will be reassembled
on the Nebraska campus early in
1948 north of the new Military
Science building and will face
14th street. It will be a semi-permanent
structure and the Univer
sity plans to face it with brick
veneer. The entire cost of con
struction will be borne by the
Federal Works Agency, L. F. Sea
ton, university operating superin
tendent, said.
L. E. Means, director of intra
mural athletics, said Thursday that
with the rapid growth of the
intramural and recreational pro
gram which is reaching so many
students, the added space is a
boon to the university.
Mixed Classes.
"Classes for both men and
women students in theory courses
which were impossible i.n the col-
Borginanii Speaks
At Tutors' Convo
Speeches presenting various as
pects of Teachers' errttege were
given by Frank Henzlik, Dean of
Teachers college, Carl Horgman,
Dean of Faculties and Mary Dye,
Teachers' college senior at the an
nual Fall Teachers' college con
vocation held Thursday night at
the Temple theater.
Approximately five hundred
people attended the informal con
vocation, which is put on every
year to introduce to the fresh
men with the purpose and person
alities of Teachers' college.
A skit, entitled "Registration
Day" was presented by a group
of freshmen.
Big Six Faculty Delegates
Decline to State Race Policy
Official faculty representatives
of three Big Six schools refused
Thursday to state their school's
policy regarding the elimination of
racial discrimination within the
Dr. H. D. Bergman, Iowa State
College faculty representative, the
MVIAA, wired, "These are mat
ters for discussion in executive
session of, the faculty representa
tives." Dr. Bergman had previous
ly been reported as planning to
present the Iowa State Cardinal
Guild racial equality resolution at
the Dec. 9 meeting of the Big Six
faculty representatives.
No Comment.
The Colorado representative, Dr.
Walter B. Franklin, state in an
swer to the Daily Nebraskan's
wire, ". . .Colorado will make no
commitment except in a faculty
conference meeting."
The University of Colorado be
comes the seventh member of the
MVIAA Dec. 1.
Dr. H. H. King, the Kansas State
iseum where the dressing rooms
are in the basement with class
rooms, will now be possible in the
new building," Means said.
There will be space for three
basketball courts, several hand
ball courts, and a boxing and
wrestling ring. Six class rooms and
six faculty offices as well as
showers and lockerrooms will be
located in the building.
If used as an auditorium, It is
estimated that the building would
comfortably seat about 5,000 per
sons. One room of the new building
will be developed as a laboratory
where cxpcrlmcnlationand re
search along several lines is
planned, especially In health and
the physiology of exercise. Means
Out Today; Has
'Legs9 Finalists
Tictures of fifteen girls selected
as finalists in "The Most Beau
tiful Legs on Campus" contest
will be featured in the first issue
of the new humor magazine,
"Cornshucks," which will be out
this afternoon, according to an
announcement by Editor Joan
Fankhauser Thursday.
On the same page will be an
official ballot which all subscrib
ers are asked to send to the
Cornshucks office after they have
voted. The winner will be an
nounced in the next issue of the
Subscribers who live in organ
ized houses on city and ag cam
puses will have copies delivered to
them Friday or Saturday. Those
who live in Lincoln may pick
up their copies in the "Corn
shucks" booth at the Union lob
by. The booth will be open from
2 to 5:30 p. m. today, 9 a. m. to
12:30 p. m. Saturday and from
9 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Monday.
Subscribers should bring receipts
tc save time.
Copies of the magazine will be
on sale in the booth at 20c dur
ing the times listed above.
Special features of the issue, in
cluding the "legs" contestants,
will be the Missouri Migration
and party page. -
College representative, in affirm
ing the present conference policy,
stated ". . .Negro students should
be permitted to play the same as
any other qualified student except
against the universities of Mis
souri and Oklahoma on their home
The University of Nebraska
representative. Dean E. S. Full
brook, had previously declined to
comment until official policy is
determined by the athletic ad
visory board. -
Advisory Council.
No public statement could be
obtained from advisory council
members contacted regarding
Wednesday's Student Council res
olution asking withdrawal from
the Big Six if discriminatory reg
ulations were not eliminated.
The nine man athletic advivsory
board meets the second Tuesday
of each months according to Dean
Roy M. Green, board chairman.
Unless a special meeting is called
the group will meet next on Dec.
See Page 2
Announcing the Funniest Show in Town:
There's no
75c each
Sweetheart Candidates
Donna Alfrcy Joan Farrar
Harriet Qulnn Nancy Mines
Jo Srb
Prince Kosniel Hopefuls
Kenneth Elward Ted Gunderson
Hoyt Wells
Alpha Kappa Psi
Pledges 7 Men
Alpha Kappa Psi, professional
business fraternity, held pledg
ing ceremonies for seven stu
dents at the regular business
meeting held Wednesday evening
in the Union.
The new pledges are: John
Anderson, Loren D. Graul, Wil
liam D. Hiner, Oliver K. Mein
inger, Harold D. Stickney, Wil
liam Thornton and Harold Voss.
This was the - second pledging
ceremony of the current sem
ester; the first was held on Oct.
22 when 10 students were pledged.
business like show
Lee Harris Bob Schleiger
, mi
Annual Fall Review Tonight
In Coliseum; Nine Skits Slated
Twelve finalists for Nebraska Sweetheart and Frince Kosmet
were announced Thursday by Av Bondarin, Kosmet Klub business
manager. The two winners will be revealed directly after the finish
of the nine fraternity skits at the annual Kosmet Klub review tonight
Final Rally
Of Season
Set at 4:50
Huskcr rooters wil attend the
last rally of the season this after
noon to boost the team before to
morrow's game with the Oklaho
ma Sooners.
The rally will take place this
afternoon by the columns cast of
the east stadium at 4:50, immedi
ately following 4 o'clock classes,
Harriet Quinn, president of Tas
sels, announced last night.
Members of Tassels and Corn
Cobs, pep organizations, are in
structed by the presidents of their
respective organizations to wear
their uniforms tomorrow and be
present at the afternoon rally.
Organized groups that have tea
dances scheduled for 5 p. m. are
asked to delay for fifteen min
utes so that members of the groups
may attend the rally.
Matinee Movie
Shows at Ag
Union Sunday
Sunday afternoon movies will
be resumed al the Ag Union this
week with the showing of a mati
nee movie, according to Alice
Mathauser, director of the Ag
Last year the movies were held
on Sunday evening, but difficulty
of obtaining help forced the dis
continuance of this plan. Initia
tion of the new idea has been de
layed pending the installation of
black curtains.
A new twist added this year is
the "siesta movie" which will be
shown each week at 12:15 Tues
day noon. These movies will con
sist of shorts and special features
and will last anywhere from a
half hour to an hour.
The Sunday matinee will be
gin at 3 and this week will pre
sent "Suez" starring Tyrone Pow
er and Anabclla.
Big 6 Racial Discrimination
Poll Ballot
Return to
(Via Campus Mail)
I. Should the University of Nebraska advocate allowing Negro
students to participate in any Bis Six athletic competition?
Yes No
If in favor of Negro participation:
II. Should the University of Nebraska withdraw from the Big
Six if the discriminatory regulations are not eliminated?
Yes No
III. Should schools favoring elimination of the discriminatory
regulations, if a majority, reform the conference excluding the dis
senting schools?
Yes No
1. Indicate the number of people in your house voting each
way on the three questions in the appropriate voting square.
2. State number of students polled
3. Polling officer sign on this line:
Signed .
p. m. Tonight at Coliseum
at 8 p. m. in the Coliseum.
The six co-ed finalists include:
Donna AH'rry, Towne Club; Joan
Farrar, Kappa Alpha Tliota; Nancy
Mines. Alpha Phi; Harriot Quinn,
Chi Omega, Marjoric Reynolds,
I.OVC Memorial, and Jo Si b, Alpha
Omicron Pi.
Finalists for 1947-48 Prince
Kosmet are: Kenneth Elward,
Sigma Epsilon; Ted Gunderson,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Lee Harris,
Sigma Alpha Mu; Bob Schleiger,
Phi Gamma Delta; Jack Selzer,
Alpa Tuu Omega; and Hoyt Wells,
Cornhusker Co-op.
Open Door Election
These co-eds and men will be
voted for by all present at the
review tonight in an open door
election. Students will cast their
votes as they enter the Coliseum.
The votes will be counted while
the skits are being run off, and
the two winners will be presented
at the completion of the skits.
Immediately after this an
nouncement, the winner, runner
up, and third place skit will be
announced from the stage.
The nine fraternities who will
show their wares tonight are Phi
Gamma Delta, Alpha Tau Omega,
Beta Thela Pi, Phi Delta Thcta,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi,
Alpha Gamma Rho, Delta Upsilon
and Sigma Nu.
ATO's Score
Last year's winner of the skit
contest was Alpha Tau Omega,
followed by Phi Gamma Delta
and Sigma Nu. ATO Bob Mar
tens was elected Prince Kosmet
and Lois Swanson became Ne
braska Sweetheart.
Football Dance, Film Sucz'
Feature Union Weekend
Union activities for the week
end have been announced by Don
na Alfrey, general entertainment
To start the weekend there will
be a juke box fling in the ball
room at 9:00 Friday. There will be
no dance Saturday evening, but
after the game Saturday there
will be a football jamboree dance
in the ballroom.
"Suez," starring Tyrone Power,
Annabella and Loretta Young,
will be shown at Ag Union Sun
day and in the City Union ball
room at 7:30. The weekly coffee
hour will be held in both unions
at 5:00.