PAGE 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, November 12, 1947. Gamma Delta Convention Scheduled Here Nov. 14 The twelfth national convention of Gamma Delta, a university or ganization for Lutheran students of the Missouri and affiliated synods, will be held in Lincoln, November 14, 15, 16. The Sigma chapter of the University of Ne braska will act4s host with head quarters at Hotel Cornhusker. Delegates, representing the 64 chapters, will attend from the Uni versities of Iowa, Kansas, Minne sota, Alabama, Chicago, Washing ton, Missouri, Indiana, Colorado, Ohio, Michigan, Northwestern, Tu lane, Purdue, and the Chicago Medical Center. Sigma chapter is sponsored by the Rev. H. Erck, student pastor, at the University of Nebraska since 1924 and dean of the Mis souri synod of student pastors. Highlighting the convention will be the Saturday evening semi-formal banquet at Hotel Cornhusker. Toastmaster will be Theodore Roesler of Lincoln, national 1947 Gamma Deltan and past president of Sigma chapter. Principal speaker will be Frank Mueller, assistant executive sec retary of the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce. Music will be furnish ed by a quartette from Council Bluffs. Tn insure representation by well informed convention dele gates, the National Board of Gov ernors has set up a detailed con vention procedure. Each chapter has been solicited for overtures which will be submitted Friday evening to a steering committee, composed of one delegate from each chapter. The formulated res olutions and recommendations are then to be presented to the gen eral convention assembly Satur day morning and each delegate will vote on the items of business. Presiding at the Saturday busi ness meeting will be national president, Robert Lussky from Il linois. Dean T. J. Thompson of the Nebraska University will give the welcome. Included in the schedule of Campus News In Brief Uni-Vets All members planning to attend the Uni. Vets dinner-dance, Fri day, November 14 and who have not yet purchased tickets should notify the Uni Vets office by call ing Ext. 146 not later than Wed nesday by four o'clock. Alpha Lambda Delta Alpha Lambda Delta formal pledging service will be held at 5:00 at Ellen Smith Hall thL; Thursday, Wanda Young, presi dent, announced Wednesday. Federalists A meeting of the United World Federalists will be held Thursday, November 13, in Room 316 of the Student Union at 7:45. Kermit J. Rohde, president of the Univer versity of Nebraska chapter, will report on the national conven tion, which was held in St. Louis on November 1-2. There will also be an election of officers to fill vacancies in the executive board ASME The ASME Student Branch will hold its monthly meeting on Wed nesday, November 12 in Room 206 RL at 7:00 p. m. Noon meal tick ets for the Inspection Trip on November 19 will be on sale at the meeting. Cost of the tickets i.s 35 cents. farmer . GLEN GRAY SINGING STAR TURNPIKE FIU.-SAT. ATO'S AND THEIR DATES OUR GUESTS FRIDAY. events for Friday Is registration, followed by an informal reception and candlelight vespers at Trinity Lutheran church. A tour of the city will precede the Saturday evening banquet. The Sunday morning chapel sermon will be delivered by the Rev. W. Wol brecht of Concordia Teachers Col lege at Seward. Election of offi cers for the coming year will fol low the service. Concluding the convention will be the convention summary and installation of officers by the Rev. R. W. Hahn of Chicago, executive secretary of the Student Service Commission. Classified BALLROOM darvrlniri Studio 270S Royal Court. Nellie SpeidelL Telephone -M8tt. MAGIC Modem, mirthful entertainment for parties, chibs. and pettoretherm. "Professor" Weldon Baker. Reference. 5-9394. FOR Sale Complete set ot drawing equipment elide rule and mtnosa 7961- S drawing set. Manuel Fischer. Plate Journal Printing oo LOST Somewhere between Mem. Gym and Sosh a tan leather rlass cae con taining a pair of platic-rimmed trlaas es. Are urgently needed. Norma Shalla, Z-7371. WOMEN students. Can earn up to 12 an hour la spar Lima. TaJte or tiers, lingerie, dresses, hosiery. Phone or see Mr. L. G. Nichols. Lincoln Hotel. Thurs. afternoon or eve. FOR SALE ETSGEN DRAFTING SET. 39.b0 new. Usrd three weeks. Wul SeU for $25.00. Call 5-7S20. FRE-LAW. The Pre-Law Association will hold its monthly meeting, Wed nesday, Nov. 12, 7:30 p.m.. Room 101, Law Building. All pre-law students are invited to attend. Mr. Don Olsen of tfie speech depart ment will give a talk on "The Values of Speech in Everyday Life." Annual dues of 50 cents will be collected at the meeting. according to William J. Berquist, secretary-treasurer. CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. Dr. Paul Rood, D. D., president of the World Fundamentalist As sociation, who has recently re turned from a trip to Norway, will be the speaker at a meeting of the Inter-Varsity Christian Fel lowship, Thursday, at 7:30 p.m- n Room 313 of the Union. All university students are invited. STUDENT REPORTERS. All students who indicated their desire to report for The Daily Ne braskan are requested to come to the office before 3 p. m. today to pick up copies of poll questions from the special features editor. The question sheets must be turned in Saturday morning. ?9 Now Yo' Gals Hada Best Be 'a Gitten a Pardnor for the Y Mawlkins Mop' Satorday, Nov. 15th Sfoodent IJnyun IIAlIUJM 8:C0 $1.00 (fer 2) plus Dura Corf. Takt DAVE HAUN on Moosik '"It T w s WW YO' DONT HAFA' DATE HAIRLESS JOE AN' KUMITTEE WILL BE 'A N KON-TAKTIN' YO' PURSONULLY AFORE LONG. TIES M tefe HAIL LS jW kA dgmX - w7 V ' .f CUE x m easy cleaning V 11 wrinkle- resitting ff " Lwu A paUermg Q P i long wearing A ft V'tyh V SHOP II if J- SULLERS METfS SHOP is proud to announce lite ac Hral of mm. aristocrat in tics . . .Cheney Nylard. Hmm ties take on the soft, smooth feel of silk, are wonder fully long wearing, no trick to clean and have tlie happy faculty of misting wrinkles! Tim several p for Christmas gifts. JUa's She . rUM HEAD.QUABTEIXS FCE1 FINEST IN MEN'S WEAR LEI c Ain r