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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1947)
PAGE 4 Homecoming Sales Lively With only six more days until the Homecoming Dance Nov. 8, ticket sales are going fast, Corn Cob and Tassel representatives re ported Saturday. The Homecoming Dance will be held in tho Coliseum Saturday, Nov. 8 from 8 p. m. to midnight, and will climax a day of house display and parade floats judg ing, rallies, and the University of Kansas-N e b r a s k a homecoming game Saturday afternoon. Homecoming dance festivities will be highlighted by presenta tion of the 1947-48 Pep Queen, who will succeed last year's Queen, Phyl Harris. George Olson and his "Music of Tomorrow" band has been booked for the homecoming affair. Tickets are tagged at $3 per couple, and are being sold by members of Corn Cobs and Tas sels, and at booths in the Union and Social Sciences building. Faculty to Give Music Recital The second of four school of music faculty recitals today at 4 p. m. in the Union ballroom will present Miss Mary Louise Bochm, pianist; Miss Katherine Dean, contralto, and Mr. David Foltz, baritone. Two other instructors, Miss Charma Davies and Mr. John Blyth, will accompany. An unusual group of songs by , the outstanding American orches tral composer, Samuel Barber, will be the featured numbers of Miss Dean's portion of the recital. Preceded by a Handel air, the Barber songs vary in mood from "Rain Has Fallen" to "I Hear an Army." Longest work of the recital is a Mozart sonata which Miss Boehm, who presented three recitals in Chicago's Orchestra Hall last sea son, will play. Traditional concert songs by Brahms and Beethoven comprise Mr. Foltz' group. Police To Direct Traffic At 14 & S L. F. Seaton, university pur chasing agent, has agreed to a proposal by the Campus Improve ment Committee of the Student Council which will make possible traffic direction by a campus po liceman at the intersection of 14th and S streets daily between class hours. Dale Ball, committee chairman, stated that this action will take effect the early part of November. CLASSIFIED DAY Nl'KSfcRY 7 blocks from cariipiw 2478 Vine. Operated by txpr rlciiced ti-ncher. Opening for students' children. Phone 5-5392. Licensed. WANTED Girl for part time work In Inw office. Shorthand required. Call 2-7113. BALLROOM danclntfi Studio 2705 Royal Court. Nellie Spcldoll. Telephone 3-548U. LOST Vicinity of 11th "and R. ladles' black leather zipper billfold. Personal con tenta needed ba dly. Reward . 4-1812. FOUND Woman' passes, red nail pol ish on round-shaped rims. Owner " notify Jo Kelly. 2-1516. Host Pnrker "51" gray, silver and gold pencil belonging to a set. Call 5-5255. ''Betts." Reward. FOR SALE Martin tenor saxnphone, 3 months old. Chick Anderson, 2-7757. WHERE THE BIG BANDS PLAY PHI GAMS and their dates our guests for twilight dancing tonight 7:30-11 WW JACK OLSEN HIS PIANO & ORCHESTRA lEl Student Fellowship Changes Office The offices of the Christian Stu dent Fellowship officially open this week at 1237 K, despite the fact that repairs are not yet fin ished. The leading committees func tioning now are "Friendly Wed nesday" and the Current Inter state group. "Friendly Wednes day" meets every Wednesday aft ernoon from 4 until 5:30 and the interstate group will meet Tues day, Nov. 4, from 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. Guest speaker, associate pastor of the First Christian church of Omaha, the Rev. " 3 if UHii I o v " w i t i 1 V -J ! 1 ".') 1 - . it' - , :; ( i THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Campus .News In Brief TASSELS. There will be a Tassel meeting on Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock. POINT BOARD. The point board will not hold its scheduled meeting Monday night. The Cornhusker picture will be taken at Visual Education, west stadium at 5 p.m. Monday. Charles Livingston, will speak on a topic of current interest to students. Our Forty-second Year 4 15t r 5, - M ' s si It t,. Jr f " ft r.. ,. 0 ' INNOCENTS. Innocents will meet at 9:30 a.m. Morrday in the chapter room. UNI DAMES. "Three Meals A Day" will be the subject of the meeting of the Uni Dames in room 321 of the Union Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. YOUNG DEMOCRATS. The university Young Demo crats will hold a ward and pre cinct organizational meeting at 7:30 Monday evening in the ereen Room of the Lincoln YMCA. All uriversity 6tudents who wish to join the organizations should at tend the meeting. KoKmet Klub All Kosmet Klub workers must attend a meeting at 5 p.m. in the Li y i5- f - . ; ? 3 A v. T "..' , . . . . ..... j ' ,i. Betty pirouettes in a gay moire taffeta with sparkling crystal buttons . . . It's a Babs Jr. in black, navy, or brbwn. Sizes 9 to 15. 17.95 Torchie knows her Janet Conrad ballerina dress is perfect lor dates. Pastel and black checks in junior sizes. 22.95 Date Dresses. Fourth Floor Come in to Look anI Louf at leisure! Sunday, NovemHer S, 1947, Hespcria Pledges Fourteen new members were pledged to Hesperia, women's un affiliated group, Wednesday night. Included In the group are Ar lene Shuster, Mary Richert, Ruth Fouts, Emily Durkap, LaVergne Frederking, Frances Irwin, Fran ces Rogers, Candy Hackstaat, Pat Folsmeir, Eleanor Weekly, Patti Nutsch, Pat Hufnagle, Louise Ko pecky and Mary Smolick. club room Monday to get tickets for the Fall Revue. Nu-Meds . Nu-Meds will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the Union. Dr. Harold C. Morgan will speak. A 1 i ADM. ONLY 83c EA. rLUS TAX