"Friday, October 23, 19477
Your Church
The Baptist Student Fellowship
will meet at the Baptist Student
Center. 315 North 15th street at
5:30 for supper. This will be fol
lowed by devotions led by Bill
Sorensen at 6:30. The speaker for
the evening will be Miss Laura
Johnson, missionary from Burma.
The recreation hour will follow at
The Christian student Fellow
ship is moving into its new stu
dent quarters at Cotner House,
1237 R street. Students are Invit
ed to come in and get acquainted.
"FRIENDLY" will be held each
Wednesday afternoon at the Cot
ner House from 4:00 to 5:ro. Next
week, a Halloween "FRIENDLY"
will be held wltn popcorn as re
freshments and a chance to meet
a lot of new friends.
On Sunday Dr. Paul Empie, ex
ecutive director of Lutheran World
Action Committee will speak to a
joint meeting of L.S.A. on the sub
ject of Lutheran World Action.
The meeting will be held at the
First Lutheran Church, 17th and
A street. John Ebright will lead
Bible Hour will be held at 9:15
a.m. at 1200 North 37th street.
Rev. II. Erck, University pastor,
will preach on the topic "Christian
Attitude In Days of Evil" Elaln
Otto will be accompanist Ser
vices will be held Sunday, 10:45
in room 315 of the Student Union.
The Newman Club will sponsor
a hay-ride tonight. All students
wishing to go should meet at the
Temple building at 8:00. Dancing,
cider and cookies will follow.
Dr. K. O. Broady will be the
Forum speaker at 5:00. His topic
will be "America's Opportunity in
Central Europe." This will launch
the Presby House program of for
eign relief. Supper and an infor
mal recreation period will follow
at 6:15.
There will be a wiener roast
Sunday evening. Meeting place
will be the Unitarian church, 12th
and H street at 5:30. They will
go from there to Roberts Park.
Picnic supper will be 50 cents a
person. A special "round the
campfire" program has been
A group discussian on "The Sig
nificance of Prayer" will be held
Sunday starting at 5:30 u.m. under
the leadership of Rev. Anderson
at St. Pauls church. At the Meth
odist Student House Friday night
at 7:30 there will be a Crackerjack
Jamboree with folk games and
Attention! !
We offer 3 7 day Precision
Watch Repair Service at no
extra cost. If your watch
must be with us for more
than 3 days, we have a
watch for you to use.
Royal Jewelers
1138 P St
9 to 1
lit i rssK
Phalanx Initiates
Twenty-Six Plcbcs
With Formal Rite
A formal Initiation Thursday,
Oct. 23 at 8 p. m. in parlor C of
the Union marked the rebirth
on the campus of Phalanx, honor
ary military fraternity.
Eldredge R, Long, Jr., comman
der of Delta Morae chapter of
Phalanx at Creighton university
and Edward Zorinsky, cadet first
lieutenant at Nebraska university
initiated the candidates under the
supervision of Capt. J. A. Wolf.
The plebes were pledged last
Thursday night Oct 16, at the
Student Union and were initiated
by virtue of their academic abil
ity, military proficiency and lead
ership. The following men have been
Initiated: Robert E. Olson, Wil
liam P. Moore, Charles R. Willey,
Howard sDolen, Harry L. Wytock,
Gerald L. PanRburn, Ray W. Cof
fey Earl M. Enddest John J.
Mechan, William H. Micheels,
Charles B. House, Charles W.
Youngson, Philip E. Swason,
Frank B. Anderson, Norbert T.
Tiemann, James C. Martin, Jr.,
Starting TUESDAY, OCT. 28th
She Dared. . .She Lived. . .Men Died!
Cornel Wilde X
I . W. if. J VI
I I "I I J I I I kl M
Tax Inl.
76c to 6 P. M.
Paul J. Vlcan, Leonard E. Gissler,
Herbert E. Bonesteel, Lee A. Har
ris, Michael J. Sparano, Leonard
L. Wolpa, Bernard J. Wolpa, Irv
ing Vietzer, Harold G. Crawford
and Dallas Cotton.
A panorama of ja . . . in masterful and
artistic presentation by America's greatest
ja instrumentalists . . .
Coleman Hawkins, Bill Harris, Flip Phillips, Howard
McGhee, Ray Brown, Hank Jones, J. C. Heard,
Helen Humes
The Greatest fast Concert in History
Friday, Oct. 31st, 8:30
Tickets at Student Union Office, $1.00 plus tax
Sing a song of sixpence, pockets full of
dough. Here's the wsy you'll get it from
Pepsi-Cola Co. Make us laugh ... if you
an. Well pay you $1, $2, $3 . . . ai much
s $15 for stuff we accept and print.
Think of it. Yon can retire. (As early as
9 P. M. if you like.) You don't bars
to mention Pepsi-Cola but that always
mnkes us smile. So send in your joke ant
gags to Easy Money Dept., Box B. Pepsi
Cola Co., Long IhIuihI City, N. Y.
The very next day you may receive a
de-luxe radio-phonograph combination and
a nine-room prefabricated house. It won't
be from us. We'll just send you money if
we feel like it. Easy Money, too.
Little Moron Corner
Mohair Moron, the upholsterer's son,
was found huddled up and shivering
in his refrigerator one day. He rx
plained hy saying, "I was th-thirsty
for a P-pepxi-C-cola and was t-told
it should le d -drunk when cold. Now
I can drink it. I'm c-c-colJ!"
ou don't tat' to be a moron to
write these . . . but it helps. $2
for each accepted we' pay you,
and not a penny more.
At the end of the year we're going
to review all the stuff we buy, and
the item we think was best of all is
going to get an extra '
If you're a "he" or a "she" (as we sus
pect) writing IIE-SIIE jokes should be
a cinch for you. If you're not a "be"
or a "she" don't bother. Anyway, if
you're crazy enough to giva us gags
like these, we might be crazy enough
to pay you a few bucks for them.
He! Give me a kiss and I'll buy you a
Pepsi-Cola ... or something.
She: Correction. Either you'll buy me a
Pepsi ... or nothing I
He: When a man leans forward eagerly,
lips parted, thirsting for loveliness,
don't you know what to do?
She: Sure, give him a Pepsi-Cola.
He ghosti I'm thirsty. Let's go haunt
the Pepsi-Cola plant.
She ghosti Tbat'a the spirit!
$3.00 (three bucks) we pay ft
like this, if printed. We ai
ashamed of ourselves, either!
ror stuff
are not
(age 16 to 19 plus)
This is easier than taking candy away from a baby. And less squawking.
Maybe you don't want to be rich, but just force yourself. You'll like it.
And, if we like the title you write for this cartoon we'll force ourself to give
you $5. Or if you send us your own cartoon idea we'll up it to $10. For a
cartoon that you draw yourself, we'll float a loan and send you $15 if we
print It. Could you expect any more? Yes, you could expect.
A famous sage has said that people are
funnier than anybody. If that were true,
all you'd have to do would be listen to
what the kiddies are saying, write it down,
end it in, and we'd buy it. If that were
true. It might be, for all we know. We
haven't the slightest idea what we'll ac
cept. Chances are It would be things lika
these unless we get some sense.
"My George, who will just be 17 on next
Guy Fawkes Day, had his appendix re
moved last month. When the doctor asked
him what kind of stitching he'd his to
have, George said, 'suture self, doctor'.
"Elmer Trees tump says his girl Sagebrush,
only 21)4., brings a bottle of Pepsi-Cola
along on every date for protection. Sha
tells everybody, 'tliat'r my PopI'
$1 each for acceptable stuff like this
ADM. $1.00 EA.