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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1947)
Thursday, October 23, 1947 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 Last year's total participants Record Number Runners Enler IM Turkey Race A record number of cross-country runners will tour the mile campus layout Thursday afternoon in the an nual intramural cross country Turkey race. Starting time is 4:30. A total of 460 have registered and been issued num bers lor the annual fall event established a record with 300 run ning. Delta Upsilon looms as a repeat team winner with two of the first three place winners from last year returning to seek further laurels. Place Winners Return Al Lawson and Chuck Roberts who finished second and third re spectively in 1946 behind Don Theil will both be running Thurs day. But the competition will be keener this year. Eserf Aydin, the tireless Turk who came to the Ne braska campus during the Na tional AAU Track and Field championships last summer and stayed to attend the university, will run independently. Several other long distance runners who are not eligible to participate on Coach Ed Weir's cinder squad have indicated in tentions of entering the intramur al affair. Jack Best Points Six men from each organization must finish the race in order, to qualify for Jack Best participation points. If 10 or more men finish the race, a bonus of five points will be awarded. Awards to winners will be pre sented by the Turkey Day queen and her court in the Coliseum lobby at the completion of the race. Beta SigsHand DcltaTauDelta Initial IM Loss Five games Wednesday evening brought down the curtain on the intramural touch football season. The Beta Sigma Psi nine ac complished what other teams have tried to do as they took a 1-0 overtime decision from Delta Tau Delta. It was the first loss handed the Delts. Bauer was the hero of the day as he intercepted a Delt aerial in the overtime session. Up till then, the contest was a bitterly fought one and darknedd closed in fast at the game's late stages. Thi Gams Win. Phi Gamma Delta handed Sig ma Chi a 6-0 setback in the replay of an earlier protested game. Schroeder's catch of an Eisenhart pass tallied the lone marker of the game. Both teams put up strong defenses throughout the contest. Veterans Organization, with the Ifldvik-to-Lowry pass combina tion racking up both TD's, jarred TIelting Potv 12-0. VMCA Ramps. Tn cnother unaffiliated contest, VMCA rocked Field House, 34-0. Paced by Bob Newcomb and LTu ane Berke the winners were never threatened by the outclassed Field House aggregation. Phi Delta Theta ended its sea son with a 6-0 win over Phi Kap pa Psi out at Ag Field. Jack Cady pitched the touchdown pass to Ed Donegan. Results of Tuesday's games were: Beta Theta Pi 8, Sigma Chi 0: Alpha Tau Omega 34, Sigma Alpha Mu 0; and Cornhusker Co op J 2, Brown Palace 6. SCHOOL SUPPLIES Note Books, History Paper Tens, Pencils, Erasers, Ink, etc. Goldenrod Stationery Stare 215 No. 14th OrEN Till RS. 'Til. 0 DO YOU NEED MONEY? loass on diamonds WATCHES RINGS RADIOS CAMERAS Royal Jewelers 1138 P ST. UN Nubbins Prep Ft- Riley In preparation for their Friday night battle with Ft. Riley, Ne braska's H team members con tinued to add polish to tluir un tried offense with most of the stress laid on the formation of a strong running attack. The working up of a good of fense has been Coach Ray Do Bolt's main worry for the defense has carried the full brunt of sev eral weeks of varsity contact. Wednesday night the Nubbins ran against the Freshman squad and looked to be in good physical con dition with the exception of a few bruises that might slow down some of the boys. Wednesday night DeBolt con- Coach Ed Weir Names K-Slate Two-Mile Squad Five two-mile runners have been named by Coach Ed Weir to carry the Iluskcr colors Saturday morning against the Kansas State Wildcats at Manhatten. Harold Kopf, Don Theil, Stan Martin, Warrcji Koenig and Don Morrison will run for the Nc braskans. The Husker distance team has dropped its two previous starts to intersectional foes. Minnesota nip ped the Huskers in a dual meet at Memorial Ctadium and Colorado university edged Nebraska at Boulder last week. This will be the first confer ence dual for Coach Weir's run ners. The Huskers will face Mis souri at Columbia and entertain Kansas before participating in the conference two-mile meet at Ames. tinned to use the same first team with the exception of the end po sitions where Harry Fox teamed with Sophus Larsen. The Nubbins for the most part are looking for a tough game from the Ft. Riley team figuring themselves as the underdog. Klein's Frosh Run K-Stalc Formations Freshman Tutor Pop Klein, who scouted the Kansas State Missouri clash last week, directed his number one frosh unit against Coach Bernie Masterson's varsity gridders Wednesday afternoon. Assistants Douglas Russel and Tony Blazinc prepped the varity defensive units against K-Statc formations on the Memorial Sta dium turf while Coach Masterson directed separate units through an intensive offensive practice ses sion on the hill. The Huskers, favored to capture their second loop win at the ex pense of Coach Sam Francis' hap less Wildcats, were warned against an aerial threat from the K-Stat-ers. A 35-man player squad was named Wednesday to make the trip for the Wildcat Homecoming party. Ralph Damkroger and Jack Pesek continued to work at the first team end posts, Charlie Too good and Carl Samuelson, Satur day game captain, were at the tackle spots, Fred Lorenz and Sinia is Delta Cop Paddle Win In the intramural table tennis tournament at the Culi.-eum Wed nesday, the Delta Sigma Pi pad dlers took a 3-2 verdict from Farm House. Windrum, Mathes and Bessire won games for the Delta Sins and Lux and Wiggans copped the F irm House decisions. Sigma Phi Epsilon dropped Phi Kappa Psi. 4-1, in the lone match Tuesday. Williams, Capscy, Doer ny and Camp chalked up the Sig Ep wins while Gcaly took the lone Phi Psi victory. Gene Wilkins worked at the guards and Tom Novak was at center. Del Wieand directed from his quarterback slot with Bill Mueller and Cletus Fisher at the half backs and D.ule Adams at full back. Athcrs making the trip: John Doyle. Ed Nvden. Otto Copenhager, Alex Cochrane, ends; Fred Golan. Harold Becker, Eu gene Sim, Ed'ar Thompson, tackles; Rex liny, John Sedlacek, Arden Means, Gerald Jacupke, guards; Robert Costello and Bob Mullen, centers; Joe Partington, Junior Collopy, Jim Myers, Dick Hutton, Bill Moomey, Darwin Salestrom, Bob Riedy, Bob Acker man, Kenny Fischer and Dick Thompson. w ruu w V -tti ffiSJ if; - ft x v r H' W U UuULbLiLr UUullJuQuLluGiJ is so mucn beer to smoke! PHILIP MORRIS offers the smoker an extra benefit found in no other cigarette. 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