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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1947)
Wednesday, Odoter 22, 1947 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 Nubbins Set For Kansans Friday Nigbt Nebraska's Nubbins Friday will journey to Ft Riley, Kansas, where they will initiate their ab breviated two game schedule un der the lights Friday evening against the much publicised Can-tours. Thus far this year the Husker a squad has for the most part delegated most of their time to ward executing Indiana, Minne sota and Notre Dame plays against the Varsity. It has only been in the last six or seven days that Coach Ray DeBolt has had the chance to send his charges through some of their own offensive for mations. Defensively the Nubbins have proven themselves capable of staunch play and should look good. As for the offense, Detsolt has such sprint stars as Harry Meginnis and Chuck Peterson, who may come through when called upon, and with the shift of fullback Ben Munson to the right half position the Nebraska backfield will contain both speed and power. Most of the offense will come on the ground as far as the Huskers are concerned as most of the time spent has gone to polishing power plays. Thirty-three Man Squad. Carrying thirty-three men on the traveling squad which will leave Friday noon and arrive in Ft. Riley at four the same after noon Coach DeBolt expects to use three full teams against the Can tours. The starting lineup will include Harlen Powley and Sophus Lar son at ends, Oscar Mussman and Bob Harrington at guard, William Kimball and Ken Ackerman at tackle and Hubert Unger at cen ter. In the backfield, Rus Hale will take over the quarterback chares, while Harry Meginnis and Munson fill in at the halfback posts with Dean DaMoude get ting the nod at full. The first team line averages 192 while the ' backfield scales 177 per man. Others slated to see a lot of action at Lou Kempkes at tackle, Harry Fox, at end and Jim Peters at the left half spot. No word has come from Ft. Riley as to the strength of their team since the reports that Glen Davis, Chuck Fusion, and John West were to play for them. These three great West Point Ail-Americans would indeed give the Husk ers plenty to aim at Friday night if they play. However, Davis is reported out of action with a bad knee leaving Fusion and West as possible opposition for the Nubbins. I , ' J f 1 V EARNS PROMOTION Bill Mueller, hard-working Husker halfback, has been promoted to a first team berth in the Scar let 'T" formation backfield. The 170-pound hustler's pectac ular play against Notre Dame Irish at South Bend Saturday earned him the advancement. "Rockfist's" drive and spirit has been an encouragement to Hus er hopes as they move into conference action. Aggie Student Awarded High Honor at K.C. Duane E. Sellin, a student on the ag campus, has been award ed the highest honor offered by the Future Farmers of America. Duane was awarded the degree of plans to return to the farm after receiving his college degree. American Farmer at the National Convention held at Kansas City last weekend. The American Farmer degree is awarded annually to members who have achieved distinction in vocational agriculture, rural lead ership, farm citizenship, and pa triotism. The Norfolk boy is a sopho more here at the College of Agri culture. He was president of his local F. F. A. chapter and secre tary of the state association. He JANUARY GRAUATES. January graduates who have not already made application for de grees or certificates should do so in room B-7, Administration building, not later than Saturday, Nov. 1. Office hours are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily; 8 to 12 a.m. Saturdays. &3 GAMES BACK TO SCHOOL TO FOOTBALL GAMES FOR VISITS HOME ON SHOPPING TOURS Go economically, comfortably by air-conditioned Super-Coach. Overland Greyhound convenience makes it your first choice. Go and come when you please. There's an Overland Greyhound bus leaving when you are leaving. Compare the low fares below. You'll leave your car at home. Call Overland Greyhound Agent for details. EXAMPLES OF LOW FARES NORTH PLATTE ....$4.40 OMAHA $1.10 KANSAS CITY, Mo... $3.55 NORFOLK $2.75 CHEYENNE, Wyo....$9.l0 Plas T V. J. FELLMAN, Union Biu Depot, 32? So. !3th. Tel. 2-7071 tITUlM TO tCHOOl 4 Q 8 :C0 a "QD CD r OPERATED INTERSTATE JIAMSII LINES Huskers Polish For K.S. Fray After seeing the Husker of fense click against Notre Dame last week, Coach Bernie Master son continued to polish the scor ing punch for Nebraska's second conference tilt this Saturday with Kansas State. Coach Sam Francis lowly Wildcats, in the throes of a 21 game losing streak, will be pointing to the Husker battle and the Nebraska coaching staff is working to check against a pos sible letdown in the Husker camp. While Masterson worked with the offensive maneuvers. As sistants Dougal Russell and Tony Blazine herded two defensive units against a third varsity string running K-State plays. The Huskers went through a brisk 50-minute skirmish with the first two units handling the ball carrying chores. Top Physical Condition. The Huskers will be in top physical form for the K-Staters. Only Dick Thompson, out all sea son with injuries, will be on the cripple list for the Wildcat Homecoming celebration. Jack Pesek and Ralph Dam kroger lined up with the first unit line at the end posts with Charlie Toogood and Game Cap tain, Carl Samuelson at the tack les and Gene Wilkins and Fred Lorenz at the guards. Tom Novak was at center. Del Wiegand directed from the "T" with Bill Mueller, promoted to a starting berth by his show ing against the Irish, and Cletus Fischer teamed at the halfback spots. Dale Adams, whose hard running Was a bright spot in the Husker offensive attack at South Bend, lined up at fullback. Bob Costello took over on defense in Wiegand's spot Organize New Independent IM Table Tennis Tourney A new table tennis tournament for independent men only, either on city or ag campus, has been an nounced by the department of in tramural athletics. Teams of five men must be en tered by Friday, Oct. 24 ,at 5:30 p. m., at Room 207 Coliseum or Extension 21. There is no entry fee and all equipment will be fur nished by the department. Weir lo Name Two-Mile Squad for K-Statc Trek The University of Nebraska two-mile squad to make the trip to Kansas State will be named Wednesday by Coach Ed Weir. The Husker long distance men will oppose the Wildcat runners Saturday morning at 11:00 at Manhatten. This will be the third meet for the Nebraskans. Minnesota edged them in the first meet and last week the Colorado Buffaloes dropped them in a meet at Boulder. IM Turkey Race Entry Lisl High A record number of 500 en trants in the annual cross country turkey Thursday afternoon is as sured following the entry dead line Tuesday afternoon. The annual Jack Best event will start at 4:30 in front of the east stadium. All intramural managers must pick up official numbers at the coliseum Wednesday before 5:00 p. m. 4vJ O G 'A Complefefy New Musical Experience' Norman Granz "MAEM At The nDnnnoQiM&MODNiiir The greatest jazz concert in history featuring . . . Coleman Hawkins, tenor sax Bill Harris, trombone Flip Phillips, tenor sax Howard McGhee, trumpet Ray Brown, bass Hank Jones, piano J. C. Heard, drums Helen Humes, vocals COLISEUM Friday, Oct. 31, 8:30 Tickets $1.00 plus tax at Union Office Presented by Student Union Activities Committee 8 n ram rarrrircri r? A UJ c c r UJ L wm ism & mm lj till H ID W JiiiT ii iiilO o The boys who play for pay, says Stanley Frank, are often thrown for a loss by the tiniest personal crises. They develop more complexes than any psych major ever heard of. But Red Smith, the New York Giants' line coach, knows how to baby the bruisers . . . and make 'em outdo even Frank Merriwell himself when it comes to the old college try. Don't miss the amusing article in this week's Post about th fellow who is pro football's one-man court of human relations. YOU HAVE TO BABY THE PROS by Stanley Frank V