The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 12, 1947, Image 1
dT9 VJiegand, Hutton Tally In Scarlet's First VJin BY CEORCE MILLER. CLYDE WILLIAMS FIELD, AMES, Iowa. Without doing anything to aid their cause, the Nebraska Corn huskers wound up on the long end of a 14-7 count against Iowa State Saturday afternoon in the Huskers' initial Big Vol. 48 No. 18 LINCOLN 8, NEBRASKA Fankhauser, Stahl Named Heads of New Publication Joan Fankhauser and Skip Stahl were elected to the posi tions of editor end business man ager of the new campus maga zine, "Cornshucks," by the Publi cations Board at their meeting Saturday morning, Dr. W. F. Swindler, director of the school of journalism, announced. The two heads were thus re warded for their promotion work in getting a magazine back on the campus. Needs Help at First. To get the publication on its feet, Miss Fankhauser has issued a call for any student help, tal ented or not. For this first of six editions, the magazine cannot Y JOAN FANKHAUSER t i I Council Requests Group Constitution All student organizations, ex cluding social fraternities and ' sororities, must submit their con stitutions to the Student Council for necessary revisions and ap proval before Nov. 1, according to an announcement by Bob Wenke, chairman of the constitutions com mittee. Any organization that does not have its constitution submitted by that time for approval risks the loss of its recognition as an ap proved student organization. Constitutions will not be con sidered unless they are typed and submitteed in triplicate. AH con stitutions should be mailed to Constitutions Committee, Student Council, University of Nebraska. 1 - lJ 2.'- A N i ; 4 -ft ! : ; -Phyllis Harris. 1946 ning number in Harvey's Notre Martin Pesek PEP RALLY- have too much support from the student body. Stahl said he ex pected to get at least 1,500 sub scribers Jeane Millane and Rod Wag oner were elected managing edi tors and John Slothower and Bud Gcihart were elected assistant business managers. Miss Fankhauser announced a meeting of all new staff members, plus any other students who are interested in working for the magazine. The meeting will be held in the old Awgwan office at 4 p. m., Tuesday, Oct. 14. She emphasized that at the present the magazine - is without a per manent office. Nebraskan Editors Get Raises. The Pub Board also approved raises for all staff members of The Daily Nebraskan, except the society editor and the special fea tures editor. All other positions will receive a raise of $10 per month. Thus, the editor will re ceive $50, the two managing edi tors $40, and the five news edi tors and sports editor $30. These raises are retroactive for the first month of school. The board also approved travel expenses for university delegates to the Associated Collegiate Press convention, Oct. 23. Mortar Boards May Compete For Fellowship The $500 Katherine Wills Cole man Fellowship is being offered again this year to all members of Mortar Board graduating in 1948. The Fellowship, awarded na tionally to eight girls over the past six years, will go to one or two applicants to be selected by a committee of deans and a commit tee of national Mortar Board of ficers. Candidates must be unmarried and be able to qualify as candi dates for the Master's or Doctor's degree in an accepted graduate school. Information and application blanks may be obtained from Mrs. Edward M. Williams, Mortar Board Fellowship Chairman, 191 South Franklin Street, Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, before Dec. 1, 1947. - 47 PeD Queen, draws a wtn Dame trip contest Yell King stands by. Sunday,' October 12, 1947 ' l V i t v. 1 i"''' ''-'4 LOIS GILLETT. Lois Gillett Chosen '47 'Hello GirF Lois Gillett, Towne Club repres entative, was presented as the 1947 "Hello Girl" at the fourth annual "Hello Dance," sponsored by the BABW, Friday night in the Union ballroom to a crowd of nearly eight hundred unaffiliated stu dents. Miss Gillett, a junior in teachers college, is also Tassel treasurer and secretary of the Coed Coun selor board. Intermission Program. An intermission program which started about 11 p. m. featured Helen Ochsner accompanied by Sue Fishwood singing "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes" and "They Say It's Love." Led by Miss Ochsner, the audi ence sang "Little Sir Echo," theme of the dance, and the "Hello Girl" candidates answered from back stage. As the song was sung the second time. Miss Gillett stepped out from behind the curtain through an archway of red and white crepe paper to be presented with a corsage by Rex Cosier master of ceremonies. Elected From 17. Miss Gillett was one of 17 can didates named by each unaffiliated group to compete for the title. She was elected at a door election at the dance. The "Hello Dances" were started four years ago when an army air base had its headquarters in Lin coln as a get-acquainted affair and proved to be so popular that they were continued as an annual event. UN Student Reviews World Affairs on Air George Caraker, internationally known lecturer on world affairs, senior transfer student from Mon tana State University, who com pleted a national lecture tour for the season 1946-47 is now being heard over KOLN Monday through Friday at 6:45 p.m. Caraker, formerly on the Na tional Broadcasting Company and Associated brodcasters in the west commenting on the news, was a U. S. news anaiyst on international short wave beamed from the East across the Atlantic and from the West to Mexico and the Latin American continent. His writings were translated in Oriental lan quages for short wave transmis sion to occupied territories in the Pacific. Caraker, whose lecture com ments brought press and ; radio comments from both sides of the Atlantic, is an American who at tended British schools. Coll-Agri-Fun Date Scheduled In Late October The sixteenth annual Coll-Agri-Fun will be held Saturday even ing, Oct. 25, in the college Activi ties building on Ag campus. The two hour show will be followed by dancing until midnight. LaRayne Steyer Wahlstronm, manager of the Coll-Agri-Fun, stated that "The enthusiasm evi denced indicates the program will be tops in Ag college entertain ment. It will be a fast moving show and promises to be an en tertaining evening for all those who attend." It is not too late to enter curtain acts by individuals or organiza tions. Information can be ob tained from any member of the Coll-Agri-Fun board. The board is composed of; LaRayne Steyer Wahlstrom, Duane Munter, Jean Ann Roberts, Ruth Swanson, Gale Erlewine, and Philip Keeney. Skits and curtain acts will be presented to the board Wednes day, Oct. 15, for approval and final dress rehearsal will be held Wednesday, Oct. 22. The times for the various organizations to present their skits and acts for approval on the 15th are as follows: UNION BOARD. Filings close today for sen ior members of the Student Union board. Applications for the two senior vacancies may be filed in the Union office until 5 p. m., today. From the a p p 1 icants, recommendations will be made by the Union Ac tivities committee to the stu dent council, who will elect the new members. Noted Agriculturalist to Visit Campus Dr. Dillman S. Bullock, the first agricultural missionary ever sent out by any Board of Missions, will speak at an all-university convocation Tuesday, Oct. 14 at 4 o clock in the Union ballroom. Dr. Bullock, now missionary director of the noted El Vergel Agricultural School and Farm of the Methodist Church in Angol. Chile, South America, is making a special tour among nine of our leading agricultural colleges. He will speak on his experiences as a teacher and investigator of agri cultural methods in the southern continent. Here Oct. 12-14. Dr. Bullock will be on campus three days, Oct. 12-14, during which time he will address seven different groups. His schedule includes the Agri cultural Youth Fellowship of the Evangelical and United Brethren church at 5:30 p. m. Sunday after noon and the Adult Education group of the same church. 8 n. m. Sunday night. On Monday Dr. Bullock will speak to the noon-hour YMCA group, YWCA commission group at 4 p. m., and students of Ne braska Wesleyan university that evening. Speaks at Tuesday Convocation. He will conclude his speaking engagements by dressing the Tuesday Convocation and a joint meeting at the YMCA and YWCA Agricultural groups at 7:30 p. m. tiis purpose in coming is to meet students of agriculture and home economics who would be interested in mission service in their respective fields. Post-war conditions in the Far East, famine in India and now more recently j bix contest. The Scarlet offensive machinery bogged down completely againit the stubborn Cyclones and it was not until the final three minutes of play that the UN eleven could manage to compile a first down. It was hard to believe that the Huskers won the game. After last Saturday's unspirited exhibi tion in the first half, Nebraska followers were unable to imagine the Huskers in a more pitiful state but the Scarlet gridders reached a new low in helpless ness in front of 12,500 fans who attended the parents' day in Ames. Capitalize On Breaks. A wild pass from center and a blocked punt provided the Huskers with their two acorinj opportunities after the Cyclones had taken a 7 to 0 lead at the end of the first half. The first break for Nebraska occurred late in the third quar ter when Ron Norman went into deep punt formation on the fourth down for Coach Abe Stuber'a scrappy Iowans. Norman reached unsuccessfully for the ball as it sailed well over his head and bounded toward the Cyclone goal. Jack Pesek and Carl Samuelson smeared Norman on the IS five yard line where the Huskers took over. Dick Hutton provided the first Nebraska touchdown when he skirted left end to enter the end zone standing up from the three yard line. A similar lucky break gave Coach Bernie Masterson's pupils their margin of victory. Damkroger Blocks Punt. Rugged Ralph Damkroger blasted through the Iowa State defenders to smother a Norman punt. The ball was on the 23 at the time of the play and when the flurry of activity ended, Guard Fred Lorenz was curled around the pigskin on the Cyclone three yard line. Quarterback Del Wicgand took no chances on a fumble but car ried the ball himself to plow into See HUSKERS. Paee 3. This Week . . Convo Speaker developments with South Amer ica have created an urgent de mand for a limited number of young people qualified to assist under-priveleged people in find ing solutions to some of the every day problems of improved agri culture and home life. In South America Since 1908. Dr. Bullock's South American experiences began in 1902 when he went from the United States to Chile to take care of a 600 acre farm and industrial school. After ten years in Chile, Dr Bullock returned to the United ' States and was principal of th County School of Agriculture in Marinette county, Wise, and ex tension specialist in dairy cattle for the University of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Livestock Breeders' association. In this latter position he in augurated a "pure bull campaign" which became the basis nf th U. S. Department of Agriculture's nationwide "Better Sires, Better Stock" camtiaien. Still later he was agricultural commissioner oi the U. S. Department of Agricul ture to South America with head quarters in Buenos Aires. He also traveled widely through Argen tina, Uruguay, Peru and Chile. From this Cost hp pntprpd th service of the Methodist church director of the El Vergel Farm and School. This is the lareest agrirnlfiiral missionary school in South Amer ica. Besides training young men in rural farming and industries, it has carried on. iinrW rr Ttni. lock, a varied experimentation in introducing new crops, seeds, and especially fruits into Chile. It ee wnvo, rare z. i T