The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 28, 1947, Image 1

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    E O TO
Vol. 48 No. 8
Scholastic averages of the 33
fraternities and sororities on cam
. mis frr th Kchool year 1946-4
were released Saturday by the
registrar s ollice.
Farm House toDDed the men
list with the year's high average
of 85.525, and Kappa Aipnt
Theta led the sororities with 81.25
nnlv .10 hicher than second pla
Chi Omega. Alpha Gamma Rho
was second high fraternity lor
both semesters.
Although the highest fraternity
ranking lor the lirst semester last
year was 4.55 points higher than
the top sorority average, the low
est ranking was higher than six
fraternity averages.
Farm House Again
Farm House fraternity has
headed, men's lists for 15 years,
records snow, a mens scnoiar
ship cup, awarded annually, was
in continuous possession of the
Farm House irom ivm-h, except
for 1937, when Sigma Aipna r-p
si Ion won the honor.
No Other Ranklnrs
No ranking of other organized
A.! - 11
nouses, societies, ciuus ui
university averaee were tabu
lated this year. The great number
nf students makes compilation
prohibitive, the registrar told The
Daily. Nebraskan.
First and second semester av
erages for the school year 1946-47
1. Farm Houm
S3 52 85 53
84.14 83.32
80.21 79.73
79.27 80.39
78.52 78.52
78.00 78.08
77.68 77.95
77.56 76.65
77.17 75.68
77.02 78.85
77.01 76.92
1. Alpha Gamma Rho
3. Beta Sigma Psi
4. Sigma Alpha Mu
5. Zeta Beta Tau
. Phi Kappa Pal
. Beta Theta Pi
9. Sigma Nu
10. Alpha Tau Omea
11. Phi Gamma Delta
12. Sigma Chi
13. Sigma Alpha Epslloa
14. Sigma Phi Epsllon
15. Tau Kappa Epillon
16. Delta Tau Delta
17. Delta Upallon
18. Alpha Sigma Phi
19. Kappa Sigma
20. Theta XI
1. Chi Omega
2. Gamma Phi Beta
3. Kappa Alpha Theta
4. Alpha Chi Omega
5. Kappa Kappa Gamma
6. Delta Gamma
7. Alpha Omtcron Pi
8. PI Beta Phi
t. Alpha Phi
10. Alpha XI Delta
11. Delta Delta Delta
12. Sigma Delta Tau
13. Sigma Kappa
74.97 77.0425
76.85 77.31
76.65 77.0423
76.46 75.07
76.06 76.11
76 00 76 66
75.91 75.31
75.59 74.64
75.45 76.55
80 97 81 34
80.64 80.132
80 62 81.89
80.52 81.00
80.50 80.04
80.42 80.133
80.16 79.81
79.63 80.87
79.22 78 91
79.18 78.79
79.15 78.78
77.52 76 84
76.56 75.97
Date Bureau
New Feature
Of Ag Formal
So you'd like to go to the Farm
er's Formal?
Well, you needn't stay home for
lack of a date.
Due to the fact that this Is the
first social function of the year on
Ag campus and the guys and gals
haven't had sufficient time to get
properly acquainted, the Ag Exec
Board will operate a date bureau
in conjunction with the ball.
Here are the details. Eds and
coeds who don't have dates
should register Tuesday at the
Ag Union when they vote for
Farmer's Formal queen. There
will be two lists for each sex.
Men will be divided into two
groups according to height. Those
over five feet ten inches and those
shorter. Girls will be divided in
the same manner except the me
dian height will be five feet six
.The men will be required to
eds will be placed in a box and
the men will draw for their pros
pective dates in the Ag Union on
.Wednesday. I
LINCOLN 8, NEBRASKA Sunday, September 28, 1947
Dean of Women Marjorie Johnston, right, and Mrs. R. G. Gustav
son greet a few of the nearly 700 coeds who attended the Dean's
annual tea Friday afternoon at Ellen Smith Hall.
Record Attendance Reported
At Dean Johnston's Reception
At foat 70O women students
were entertained at a formal tea
eiven bv Miss Mariorie Johnston.
dean of women, and members of
her staff Friday afternoon at El
len smith Han.
Attendance at the tea was a
record turn-out. "The staff here
has never seen women line up
and wait to get in," said Dean
Johnston. "We were happy that
such a large number wanted to
Receiving Line
Mrs. R. G. Gustavson, Miss Elsie
Ford Piper and Miss Joan Witt
Professor Elliott
Talks at Banquet
"The aim of graduates of the
college of businesr, administration
should be to foster and preserve
a high standard of commercial
This was the keynote of a talk
made by Dr. Curtis M. Elliott,
economics professor, to members
and guests of Delta Sigma Pi,
professional commerce fraternity,
at a dinner held at the Union
Wednesday evening.
Dr. Elliott stressed the need for
honesty and fair play in busi
ness practices, especially during
periods when a short supply of
goods creates competition among
buyers who are willing to pay
premiums to obtain scarce items.
Headmaster Herman Christen-
sen presided at the meeting, in
troducing new officers and can
didates for membership.
Gustavson Opens
Review Series
In the first of a series of six
book reviews, Chancellor R. G.
Gustavson discussed "UNESCO.
Its Purpose and Its Philosophy,"
by Julian Huxley, Friday evening.
The reviews, to be held in the
west room of Love Memorial li
brary, every other Friday this
fall, are being sponsored by the
university extension division.
A second review was given by
Mrs. Norma Kldd Green on "Who
Makes Foreign Policy," by Blair
Bolles. Mrs. Green is chairman
of the review series which iff open
to all adults. Course fee is one
dollar or 35 cents for single admis
) -
were in the receiving line with
Miss Johnston. Guests were greet
ed by Joyce Geddes, Mortar
Board president; Elizabeth Curley,
AWS board president, and mem
bers of Mortar Board.
Presiding at the tea table in the
dining room were Mrs. Carl W.
Borgmann, Mrs. C. H. Oldfather,
Mrs. T. J. Thompson and Miss
Mabel Lee, Mrs. G. W. Rosenlof,
Mrs. Earl Fullbrook, Miss Mar
garet Fedde and Miss Luvicy Hill.
They were assisted in serving by
the presidents of the women's
houses and organizations.
Assisting in the drawing room
were Misses Margaret Cannell,
Mildred Taylor, Sallie Wilson,
Mrs. Philip Schmelkin and Mrs.
Paul Schnert.
Music was provided during the
tea by-members of Delta Omicron,
Mu Phi Epsilon and Sigma Alpha
36 Ag Seniors
Candidates For
Formal Queen
Thirty-six senior girls from Ag
campus were named eligible for
the honor of Farmer's Formal
queen by the Home Ec depart
ment on Friday. In order to
qualify the girls must be Home
Ec majors with a weighted aver
age of 80 or move and 89 ciedit
hours in the university.
The queen will be chosen by
secret ballot on Tuesday. All stu
dents are eligible to vote in the
election which will take place in
the Ag Union between the hours
of 8:30 a. m. and 5:30 p. m.
The outcome will remain secret
until the night of the dance when
the girl with the highest vote will
be -presented as queen and the
next six highest will appear as her
attendants. Eligible girls are:
Elsie Bameaberger Nancy King
Margaret Bower Lux Joyce Kinney
Marilyn Chaloupka Virgene Kovarlk
Ann Chamberlln Phyllis J. Lah?
Jean Chilqulat Esther Lucht
Pauline Chrlatenien Marian McNaught
Belva Velte Commini Rodola Nelson
Patricia Crownover Beth Noerenberg
Wllma Elaon Marilyn Nordgrea
Roberta Faea Ruth Peters
VodU Fidel Jean Ann Roberta
Sue Flshwood Jeanne Secord
PrUcllla Flags' Maryetta Shoup
Erma Grace Fuller Maryanne Srt
Joyce Geddes LaRavne Steve
Patricia Holm Seott Wahlstrom
Joey strickler Martha Tolmaa
Margaret Joan Tltua Beraioa ' Touca
Doris C, Huffaker '
lebinsisllx EBeveii
(Dally Ncbraakan Sports Editor )
Indiana's classy Hoosiers completely outclassed a fcame
Cornhusker aggregation Saturday afternoon at Memorial
Stadium as they romped to a 17-0 inaugural victory before
32,000 fans.
Too much all-around power and football savvy Bpellotl
victory for the Big Nine team.
but couldn't compete against
No Homes
For UN
Because of inability to locate
places to live in Lincoln, 25 uni
versity faculty members may be
forced to resign their positions,
Dean Carl W. Borgmann said this
Teachers, all married and some
with families, are at present oc
cupying space in hotel rooms,
trailer camps or rooms in private
hmes without housekeeping priv
ileges, Dean Borgmann reported.
In the same predicament are
30 graduate students needed to
help carry on the university's re
search program. They may be
obliged to enroll at other institu
tions, Borgmann said.
Lincoln residents with rooms
and housekeeping privileges for
these people are asked to phone
the university housing office,
2-7631, Ext. 161.
Council Joins
Debate Faculty
Mrs. Nancy Connell, former di
rector of debate at Nebraska Wes
leyan, has joined the university's
speech department faculty it was
announced today. Mrs. Connell
will work with debate coach Don
ald Olson, in directing debate ac
tivities this year.
With this addition to the staff,
the department will be able to
maintain a larger squad than in
previous years, Coach Olson said.
All students, men or women,
who are interested in intercol
legiate discussion and debate may
attend the first meeting Tuesday,
Sept. 20 at 7:15 p. m. in Room
201, Temple, not Wednesday eve
ning as was previously stated in
the Daily Nebraskan.
Shaw, Johannes To Play
Leads, "Joan of Lorraine"
Tryouts for the University Thea
tre's forthcoming production,
Maxwell Anderson s "Joan of Lor
raine," resulted in the casting of
Mrs. Rita Shaw as Joan and Don
Johannes as Masters, the two lead
roles. The secondary leads of Ab
bey and Dauphin will be played
by Abe Katz and Dewey Ganzel,
Mrs. Shaw, who came to the
United States from her native
land, England, one year ago, did
dramatic work with a group of
students who attended the Royal
Academy of Dramatic Art in Lon
don, and last year she assisted in
the production of "Pygmalion,"
helping actors to acquire the cor
rect English and Cockney accents.
Cast Completed
Others in the cast include Jack
Macdonald as Al; Polly Ann Rick
ly, Tessie; Mrs. Mary Wendstrand,
Marie; Michael Shanahan, Ger
der; Robert Langwell, Elling;
Clare Denton, Dallner, and Av
Bondarin, Card well.
Eddie McCullough will play the
part of Quirke; Pauline Holm,
Mrs. Reeves; June Cast, Mrs. Sad
ler; Dale Wisser, Farwell; Robert
Baum, Noble; Joe Moore, Char
tier; Gaylord Marr, Tremoille;
JacU. Wendstrand, Kipner; Dale
Anderson, Dunois, and D. C. Sla
ma, Gourcelles.
Dallas Williams, University The
atre director, who will direct
Nebraska fought stubbornly,
the team balance and ability
of the Hoosiers.
Led by All-America candidate
George Taliaferro and the haul
charging Harry Jagade, the In
diana eleven outplayed the Husk
ers in every department while
running rough shod over the Me
morial Stadium turf.
Indiana opened the contest and
advanced the pigskin to the Ne
braska 25 before the Huskcr line
held. But Nebraska's offense
sputtered and the Hoosiers again
backed the Scarlet to the goal post
shadows before Cletus Fischer
broke loose on a 32-yard scamper
up the east sidelines to midfield.
Once out of the rut, Nebraska
battled the Hoosiers on even terms
throughout the remainder of the
first period.
Jagade Scores
Taliaferro, Indiana's dusky
triple-threater, intercepted Del
Wiegand's pass at the quarter. On
four plays Coach Bo McMillin's
boys had racked up three succes
sive first downs and had the ball
on the Husker five-yard stripe.
After staging a brief goal line
stand, the Huskers wilted as
Jagade rammed over from a half
yard out for the game's first
Quarterback Rex Grossman's
placement was good to boost the
Hoosiers lead to 7-0.
When both of Grossman's kick
off attempts after the initial
touchdown went out of bounds,
the Huskers took over on the In
diana 40-yard line, but the Hoo
iers stymied Masterson's "T" guid
ed students and took over on the
20 as Myers' kick missed the cof
fin corner and rolled into the end
Fischer, Myers Spark
Sparked by Fischer, the Husker
T warmed up late in the second
canto. Cletus intercepted a Hoos
ier fumble on the 46 then ad
vanced 39 yards on a pass from
Wiegand. With only seconds re
maining, James "Squat" Myers
flipped at strike to Ralph Dam
kroger on the two-yard line. But
the gun sounded ending the half
(See HUSKERS, Pace 3.)
"Joan," urged that all students
who hold season tickets should
come to the box office this week
to make seat reservations for the
season. The box office will be
open from 12:30 to 5:30 p. m.
every afternoon of this week.
Two Members
Added to Bizad
Research Staff
Dr. Edward Palmer, head of
the university's department of
business research, has announced
enlargement of the staff to cany
out the work of the department's
business studies. He named Miss
Inez Conley and Mr. Carl Wil
son as new members of the stalL
Miss Conley was formerly en
gaged in statistical research with
the Kansas State Employment
Service, while Mr. Wilson comes
to the department to serve as a
graduate research assistant.
"The program this year will
probably include a study of busi
ness fluctuations in Nebraska as
measured by the new business
index which the department ha
developed," Dr. Palmer said, "as
well as a proposal for a greatly
enlarged system of reporting
business and economic data from
the various cities of the state."