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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1947)
PAGE 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, September 25, 1947 J Jul (Daih ThJbia&Iuuv Member Intercollegiate Press FOKTT-SIXTH TKAB Aiihrritln nln are fl.Av per aemetter, $t.M per mwln mailed, or ft. 04 tor lh nillrice year. :l 00 mailed. Mnilr ropy Sr. I'uullfihrd dally during tl rlxxil year exoepl Monday and Saturday!, varallnni and examination ixrlodn, by the I nlvernlly of Nrhranha undrr lh amierYUlun al the I'nlillrallun Hoard. Entrrrd aa rtecond ( U Mailer al the I'nnt Olflre In IJnroln, Ni-braka, undrr Art nf t nrr, Marrn S, I Kill, and al aprrlal rate of pontage pruvldrd for la arrllua DOS, Art of October t, 117. aulhorUrd tfa-utember SO, 11122. The Rally Nrhraakan If pobllnhed by the atndrnU of thr I'nlvrrnlly of Nebraska a an exrelon of atiidrnto nrwa and opinion only. According In article II of the By Law governing atudrnt puhllrallon and admlnlntrred by thr Hoard of I'nlillrallonn: It l Ihr d relit red policy of t he Hoard that publlratlina undrr lid Jurisdiction ahall br free from edllorlnl rrnnrhlp on the part of the Hoar !, or on the part of any member nf the family of the unlvemlty; but members of the staff of The Ially Nebrankao are personally responsible for what they say or do or tauM to be printed." Stadium and Students . . In anticipation of record crowds at all home football games during the 1947 season. A. J. Lewandowski has is sued a plea for cooperation tering the Stadium that is every student planning on attending the games. The director of athletics has informed the Daily Ne braskan that a number of posters, demonstrating the de- sired method of presenting student activity coupons to ticket-takers at stadium entrances will be displayed on the campus, beginning Friday. He informed us that by holding the individual activity book toward the gateman with the proper coupon, in the case of the Indiana game that will be number one, separate from the rest of the booklet, spec tator entry into the stadium will be greatly facilitated. Each activity ticket holder will be expected to present his indivilual booklet, in another attempt to speed up entrance into th? stadium. A late announcement from A. J. Lewandowski states that the stadium will be open 8 to 12 a. m. and 5 to 7 p. m. Friday for inspection. Student ticket-holders are asked to take tickets and find the quickest way to their seats, to facilitate seating Saturday fternoon. Lewandowski emphasized that each home game will begin promptly at 2:00 p. m. but that gates will be opened at 12:30 p. m., thus ensuring every student an ample amount of time to be seated before the kick-off. Ramp numbers in the stadium are repeated on the doors entering the stadium and the ramp leading to each individual seat is numbered at the top of each activity booklet. Entering the proper door and ramp will be ex tremely important throughout the entire season in order to avoid conflict in seating when the stadium begins to fill. Included in his request for cooperation was a note of congratulation to the student body seated in the east stands during last season's football campaign. Lewandowski re marked that a number of citizens had specifically requested seats in the west stands in order to be able to watch the card sections and cheering carried on by the undergraduate body in the east stands. However, he concluded his re marks to the Daily Nebraskan with the statement that suc cessful demonstration of school spirit similar to that of the 1946 season would be extremely difficult unless spectators cooperated in every possibly way with seating directions. As seen in Mademoiselle in methods of seating and en worthy of the consideration of ViVa Of brown, retl, or Mack leather , . . villi new closed toe and high-riding vamp, these slings are perfect for casual wear on or off campus. 7.95 Listen to Simon's Snooper, 10:45 p. m. KFOR Sunday through Thursday To the Editor: One of the most difficult admin istrative jobs on this and most campuses today is that of traffic safety and control. At present there are approximately 2500 cars entering the university campus every day. To handle this influx, there are only 700 parking places. Obviously, a parking problem has arisen. The university administration, the faculty, through a committee appointed by the Chancellor, and the university Veteran's organiza tion are, at present, holding joint investigations of this situation in the hope of finding a permanent answer for it. This will take time, however. Therefore the university Veteran's organization is asking all of you to co-operate with the administration by observing the following: 1. Obey all traffic regulations. 2. Keep your automobile speed down to 15 mph. 3. Stop at all stop signs. 4. Park between the yellow lines. 5. Keep off red lines. 6. Above all, keep your eyes open. . Pedestrians should cross the streets at " cross walks only and use care. All people connected with the university who do not actually need to drive should not take up parking space and those who do should consider others by not occupying more than one parking spot. The Veteran's Organization will appreciate any suggestions or criticism in connection with this problem. These may be sent to 209 Nebraska Han. Signed, Bill Brown, Vic.e - President, Veteran's Organization Delta. Sigma Pi . Elects Officers Election of officers of Delta Sig ma Pi, professional commerce fra ternity, was held Monday night at the Union. New officers are: Headmaster. Herman Chrlstensen. Senior warden, Harry Campbell. Junior warden, Clayton Sack. Scribe, Norman Warwick. Treasurer, Don Mathes. Historian, Nell Bratt. Senior guide. Bruce Kielnkauff. Junior guide. Dale Askcy. Chancellor, James Wehrman. Headmaster Christensen an nounced a preliminary schedule of activities for the fall semester, including submission of a list of qualified bizad students from which candidates for membership will be selected. Shoe Salon, Fifth Floor imii mn ItlOCClES JacueLuc Courtesy Lincoln Journal. Dr. Joseph Alexis will head loan commltte Alexis, Chosen Student Loan ommitteeHead Dr. Joseph E. Alexis, chair man of the modern language de partment, was elected to head the newly enlarged student loan com mittee at its first meeting Wed nesday at the university founda tion office, Perry Branch, chair man of the foundation announced late Wednesday. The committee elected Mrs. An geline Anderson, instructor in home economics on the Ag cam pus, as its secretary. Other Members. Other members of the commit tee, appointed by the Board of Regents at their special meeting of Sept. 6, included: T. T. Aakhus, associate professor of engineering mechanics; L. E. Crowe, associate professor of dairy husbandry; William E. Hall, associate profes sor of educational psychology; and ex-officio members John K. Sel leck, comptroller, and Perry Branch, chairman of the univer sity foundation. Re-organteation of student loan procedures was undertaken by the Regents upon recommendations to the chancellor from the faculty committee on committees headed by Dean Roy M. Green of the col lege of engineering. Meet Again. The committee will meet again in two weeks after the members have conducted individual studies into the student loan arrange ment. In recent years the loan com mittee consisted only of Alexis, Selleck and Professor C. E. Mick ey, now retifed from the depart ment of civil engineering. By in creasing the membership, the fac ulty hopes to give the loan sys tem a broader outlook and make the money available more readily to the students, DO YOU NEED MONEY? LOANS OX DIAMONDS WATCHES RINGS RADIOS CAMERAS Royal Jewelers 1138 P ST. LtEGBSTEK TODAY for HARVEY BROTHERS "CORNHUSKER TOUR" DRAWING! JUST 14 DAYS LEFT TO REGISTER No purchase is required to be eligible for the drawing to be held at the Tassel-Cob Rally on October 10. All regularly enrolled male students of the University upon presentation. of ident cards may fill out registration cards. The two lucky winners each receive one round trip "Tour ticket to the Nebraska Notre Dame game. Drop In at the headquarters for the best-dressed men on campus and register! HARVEY 1230 0 ST. Naval Exams Scheduled On Dec, 13 The navy has announced a sec ond nation-wide competitive ex amination for its College Training Program. These exams have been scheduled for Dec. 13, 1947, open to high school seniors or gradu ates between the ages of 17 and 21. Successful candidates will be given a four year college educa tion at government expense and will be commissioned officers of the Navy or Marine Corps upon graduation. The students selected by these competitive examinations will be assigned to the 52 N.R.O.T.C. units, of which this university is one. If accepted by the college, they will be appointed midship men, U.S.N.R., and will have their tuition, books, and normal fees paid by the government. In addition, they will receive pay at the rate of $50 a month for the four year period. At the end of two years active service fol lowing college, the men may apply for retention in the regu lar Navy or Marine Corps, or they may transfer to the Reserve and return to civilian life. The program is open to male citizens of the United States be tween the ages of 17 and 21, and quotas have been assigned each state and territory on the basis of its high school population. Those who are successful in pass ing the aptitude test will be in terviewed and given physical ex aminations; then, if found quali fied in all respects, their names will be submitted to state and territorial selection committees composed of prominent citizens and naval officers. The Navy ex pects to enter about 2,500 students into the program commencing with the fall college term, 1948. Applications are available in the Office of the Director of Ad missions, Room 103, Administra tion Hall. Dr. Rosenlof's office will supply any informatio Yearbook Pleads For "Gag Shots", Unusual Pictures An urgent call for unusual campus pictures, "gag" shots and especially for Ivy Day snapshots has been issued by the Corn husker staff. A complete pictorial section called "Campus Scene" has been planned for the 1948 Cornhusker, Nadine Anderson, managing edi tor, declared. For this section, students are asked to contribute lively and unusual snapshots of campus activities. Glossy prints of parties, infor mal sports, hour dances or just plain "horse play" are needed, Miss Anderson indicated. Any one having pictures of last spring's Ivy Day ceremonies or of any of the participants and spectators are especially urged to bring them to the Cornhusker offices. Emphasizing this need, Miss Anderson said that the 1948 Cornhusker now has practically no suitable pictures of the Ivy Day program.