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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1947)
IMil em's Vol. 48 No. 6 LINCOLN 8, NEBRASKA Thursday, i i ; I' eat I 7r ? Aetieirinnioin) Astis Election of a new secretary was postponed one week by the stu dent council at its first meetfng of the year held in Room 316 of the Union, pending a further rul ing by the AWS board in the case of Jo Ackerman, overpointed holdover member. Special dispensation was re quested of the board by Miss Ack erman, whose resignation from the council has been tentatively accepted. The constitution requires four men and four women holdover members and there are no senior women eligible to replace Miss Ackerman, council president Har old Mozer explained. Appointment. Mozer appointed the necessary committees to complete the work ing organization of the council. Committee heads for the year are: Frank Loeffel, agricultural college junior, rally committee; Dale Ball, business administration junior, campus improvements; A r 1 i s Swanson Patterson, senior hold over, budget; Bob Wenke, law junior, constitutions; Bill Palmer, senior at large, publicity; Betty Aasen, fine arts junior, handbook publication; Joan Fankhouser, senior at large, senior week; and New Cornhusker Managing Editor To Be Appointed A new Cornhusker managing editor will be appointed next week to fill the position left by Harold Smith who did not re turn to school this year. Year book Editor Jo Ackerman said Wednesday. Applications are being accepted now and may be obtained in the office of the School of Journalism in University Hall. Students who applied for any job on the Corn husker editorial staff last spring need only report to the depart ment office. John Soenichson, business admin istration junior, national student Filings Now Open For Union Board Junior Member - Filings for one junior member, male or female, for the Student Union Board will continue until Monday at 5:00 p. m. Applicants must have a junior standing in the university and a weighted 75 average for each preceding semes ter. The position was vacated by Sanford Lerner who is not re turning to school. For additional information contact Harold Mozer, president of the Student Council or Dake Novotny, Daily Nebras ka n editor. Applications should be turned fn at the Student Union office. ATTENTION Students holding University Theatre Season Tickets are urged to make seat reservations imme diately. Some Season Tickets still available. KOX OFFICE CLOSES OCT. 4 AT G:CQ P. M. ffm V- - ' ! s & m srt co-operation. Elective committee heads picked last year from holdover members are Ned Raun, Judiciary, and Stanley Ahrends, elections. Arrangements made during the summer for the student migration to the Missouri football game were outlined by Frank Loeffel, chairman of the rally committee. Fall Election. Fall election day for the junior and senior class presidents, was set for Nov. 18, the ninth Tues day of the semester, as required by the amended by-laws. Plans were laid for a complete investigation of the matter of Senior Week in time for the fac ulty to act before graduation in June. "O" Street Dance Rally Set Oct. 3 Something new in football rally spirit will precede the Nebraska-Minnesota game to be played in Memorial Stadium Oct. 4. A street dance sponsored by the Lincoln Junior Chamber of Commerce will be held Friday, October 3, at 8:30 p. m. in down town Lincoln, it was announced Wednesday by Glenn Youssi, Jaycee chairman of the Fall Foot ball Festival committee. The dance will be held in two uptown blocks on 12th street be tween O and M streets. This is a change from the original plan which was to have the dance on O street. Music will be furnished by the Gay Fiester who will play from bandstands especially constructed for the event. The street will be closed after 5:30 p. m. in order to prepare the area for dancing. Plans are be ing made for the Junior Chamber of Commerce to assist the police department in handling the an ticipated crowd. Ducats On Sale For Ag Dance Tickets are now on sale for the Farmer's Formal to be held on Ag campus in the College Activi ties building on Oct. 3. Tickets are priced at $2 per couple and may be purchased at the Ag and city Unions, in the information room at Ag Hall, or from any Ag Executive Board member. Charles Brim and Ned Raun, publicity directors for the affair, are urging students to buy their tickets early to facilitate plans for the dance. Morton Wells and his orchestra have been booked for the formal. T ipeim $mdy September 25, 1947 ONE READY Building "B" in the center of the university men's dorm system opens Saturday. Building "A," the large structure on the left in the architect's drawing, will not be completed before winter. Building "C," a duplicate of "B," is to be ready in the fall. Yell King Issues Call For Student Support In preparation for the Indiana game, Yell King Martin Pesek today issued six suggestions to students seated in the card section to assure better co-ordination in the traditional half-time card stunts. (1) Cards should be in proper order and ready to flash as soon as the first half ends, since the flashes are prepared to coincide with the band formations. ((2) No one should leave their seats in the card section after ten minutes of the second quarter have been played. Empty Seats (3) If there are empty seats, all persons should move toward the center of the card section so that only the edges have to be filled. This will make it easier to fill vacant seats. ((4) Cards should be held with the long side horizontal and the short side vertical. (5) Signal for raising the cards will be the chant: "'One, two, three, UP!" The same signal will be used for lowering: "One, two, three, down!" Don't Tear (6) Since paper cannot be obtained as in pre-war years, stu dents are asked not to destroy their cards. Later in the game, they will be passed to the aisles. Corn Cobs will collect .them so that they may be re-used a later home games. There will be a change in the order of card stunts. This should be kept in mind by all the students planning to sit in the card sec tion. No. 1, a football with a red "N" will be No. 3. No. 2, the words "Hi Hoosier," will be No. 4. No. 3, the words "Bo plus Bernie", will be No. 1. No. 4, the word "Hoosiers," will be No. 5. No. 5, a red "N" will be No. 2. The cheerleader will remind the section before each stunt which number is next. Close attention by these students will be nec essary because there will be very little time between stunts. All-University Set for Friday All-University Church Night, sponsored by the Religious Wel fare Council, has been set for Friday, Sept. 29, and all other campus functions are suspended for that night. The annual church night is set aside so that university students may become acquainted with student pastors and other stu dents who will form their denom inational groups. The various student centers will be meeting places for the different groups, and scheduled programs will be held there or in one of the city churches. Presbjr House, Meeting Spot. Presbyterian students will meet at the "Presby House.' at 333 North 14th street, and from there will go to the First Presbyterian Church at 17th and "F" streets for skits, refreshments, games and an introduction to the vari ous ministers and presidents of student groups. The Temple at 20th and South streets will be the meeting place for all Jewish students, who will have a special service there at Building 'B' Rooms Ready For Occupancy Sept. 27 The university's first men's dorm will be ready for oc cupancy Saturday, Seutember 27, E. B. Brown, director of the university student housing bureau announced today. Men with rooms reserved Church Night 8:00 p. in. 8:00 p. m. Five mea and women representing SDT, ZBT, SAM and independents will read the service. Rabbi Samuel H. Baron of the Temple will discuss "Are The Jews A Nation, Race, or Church?" The service will be followed by a reception and so cial hour sponsored by the sister hod of the Temple. Catholic, Methodist Meetings. Catholics will meet in Student Union parlors XYZ at 8:00. All Methodist students are in vited to attend a Circus Carnival at St. Paul Methodist Church, 12th and M streets, at 8:00 p. m. Any student may attend one of these group meetings whether he has a regular religious affilation or not. Society Applicants To Be Intervieiced Applicants for the position of Society editor on the Daily Ne braskan staff will be interviewed by the Publications Board some in bunding "B may start to move in at 8 a. m. Saturday. Brown emphasized that all rent must be paid before a man can occupy his room. Residence hall for men, build ing "B" is the first of the three dorm buildings now under con struction to be completed. It is designed to hold 68 men in two man rooms. Those are combina tion study and sleeping rooms. All space in this dorm was as signed last spring by a lottery among applicants for the space. Men slated for all three dorm buildings have been living tem porarily in the Field House, at Huskerville or in private homes. Basement Unfinished Although the building will be ready for occupancy Saturday, Brown noted the game rooms and lounges in the basement will not be finished until later. Every ef fort will be made to complete the facilities within the next few weeks. Landscaping and bcauti fication cannot be undertaken un til the two buildings still under construction are completed. Corner rooms in building "B rent for $75 a semester per man. Inside rooms are $65. When com pleted, building "C" will have the same number and type accom modations as the one now open ing. The largest of the three'A," when finished will house 136 men in four-man study rooms with dorm sleeping facilities similar to those in fraternity houses on the campus. These will rent for $50 a semester. Vacancies in "A" At the present time there are 80 vacancies in building "A" which cannot be completed before win ter. These were caused by many of last spring's lottery winners finding other permanent resi dences this fall. Applicants for the rooms will be taken again as soon as an open ing date for building "A" can be estimated accurately. A number of spaces will be set aside for each class as in the spring and wherever necessary lotteries held to de termine which applicants are granted roomss. Buthman to be Counsellor. Henry Buthman, graduate ' aN sistant in geolgy, will be the resi dent counsellor at the first dorm. Counsellors for the other two buildings will be appointed by T. J. Thompson, dean of men, as the buildings are completed and filled. Each building will have a man ager to handle the administration of dorm business. This will leave the resident counsellors free from detail so their time can be devoted to aiding the students with per sonal problems and helping the derm residents organize recrea tional and social functions. The proposed mens dormitory system calls for ten residence halls combined with central dining fa cilities. When fully completed thw would care for nearly 1,000 stu dents. 8 Applications for DaiI' Reporters Still Accepted Students interested in working as reporters on the Daily Ne braskan can still apply any aft ernoon this week at the Daily of fice, in the Union basement, bake Novotny, editor, announced that all reporters will meet Monday at 3:00 p. m. in the office. Regular reporters will be paid monthly on an inch-rate basis. time during the week of Sept 29 Oct 4, Dr. William F. Swindler, director of the school of joun al ism, reported Wednesday. The meeting has been tem porarily postponed pending the appointment of a new Publica tions Board by Chancellor Gus tavson, but all filings for the post closed Wednesday evening.