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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1947)
PAGE 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 23, 1947 H It Says Here ft ft 1 I i '4 n '.'.A BY PAT NORDIN. It might as well be spring judg Ing f:om the actions of most of our fellow students, who continue a mad orgy of pinnings and en gagements. It must be the re sult of a summer of sordid se clusion. First of the pinnings is a cousin act performed at the Kappa house . . . Barbara Turk is now the pin-mate of SAE Sandy Porter, while cousin Pepi Votava displays Bruce Kaufman's Sigma Nu pin. Polly Hare has also announced her engagement to Bob Burhans, SAE, but sister Joyce Geddes prefers home town boy, John Forman. Complications. Complications have set in, how ever, in various cases. Jo Seidel Alpha Phi, and Dick Rogers, Sigma Chi, brought their pinning of two years duration to a close this summer. Jo is now being true to Bill Purdy of Omaha, and Dick would like to be true to AO Ti Wendy Corkin. But, being old fashioned, Wendy would like more than one date to make up her mind. Phi Gam Jerry Johnston was feeling kittenish in the Crib Fri day, when he brought in a plastic balloon to play with. The balloon J lv ! i If - A ' 1 Je;in Compton and Dick How ell, popular campus couple, have announced their engage ment of last June. A senior from Seward, Jean belongs to Pi Beta Phi, Mortar Board, Student Council, Cornhusker and is vice-president of AWS board. A law student, Dick is a member of Beta Thcta Pi. 50011 made the rounds of the booths as waiters dodged and Jerry laughed hysterically. Paimor has it that AOPi Mari anne Sib and Sig Ep proxy Dick "Hans" Folda have considered ex changing Mortar Board and In nocent pins. Sounds like a pin ning on a smaller scale. Gamma Fhi's Torchie Rediger has again taken up steady life With Bud Gerhart, ATO a plan that -was discontinued for the summer. They have evidently formulated a new system, as coke dates don't seem to count, at least as far ns Torchie is concerned. YMCA lo Hold Organizational Meet Thursday Upperclnssmen commission groups will be organized at the YWCA fall rendezvous Thursday, from 3 to 5 p. m. at Ellen Smith. Commission groups to be or ganized are social service, commu nity religion, intcrcullural .rela tionship, knitting, Bible study, personal effectiveness, upperclass leadership, vesper choir, interna tional problems, teen-age leader ship, labor, and music. Hetty Lou Horton, university delegate to Oslo, will discuss the summer conference at 3:30 p. m. In charge of the general arrange ments is Janice Beck. Eleanor Stahl is chairman of the refresh ment committee. Freshman will meet for organ izational purposes Oct. 30. SCHOOL SUPPLIES Note Rooks, History Taper Tens, Tcncils, Erasers, Ink, etc. CoMcnrnd Stationery Store 215 No. 14th Lincoln Confused. Arlene Peterson, Kappa Delta, is having a hard time making up her mind between a Kappa Sig, an ATO and a Phi Gam after a date with each over the week end. Being firm, she already turned down one pin. SAE Alex Cochrane is having a hard time keeping his mind on his studies as he awaits the arrival of Edward Alex or Holly Cochrane, which ever the cast may be. His wife is former Theta M. A. Cawood. Fiji Bill Scheruck received quite a jolt when his date Jean Zehrung arrived at the picnic wearing a skirt. Other members of the crowd kept Bill in doubt for some time before disclosing the fact that he had been de ceived by a pair of pedal push ers. Steadies. The steadies in the Pi Phi house are beginning to confirm the rumors circulating about them. Pi Phi pledge Patty Cheek and Sig Alpha Tom Griswold have de cided "steady" is the word, as have Ann Stevenson and Phi Gam pledge Jack Killian. Biggest surprise of the week was Pi Phi Bev Lytle's announce ment of her approaching marriage to Jack Davis of Gothenburg. The event will take place November 9, in Gothenburg where the couple will make their home. P.A.D. Professor Edmund Belshelm will b guest speaker t the Pi Alpha Delta smoker scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 24, at 7:30 p.m. in the Persian room f the Cornhusker Hotel. All first year law students are invited. Student Council. Student Council meeting .Wed nesday, 5 p.m., Room 316, Stu dent I'nin. SALESBOOKS All Tassels and Corn Cobs have been asked to turn in Cornhusker salesbooks to Rusty Ayers at the Cornhusker office by 5 Wednes day afternoon. Cornhusker office hours are 1-5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Foreign American Students to Attend Cosmopolitan Meet TheCosmopolitan Club 1 will hold it first meeting of the year at 4:30 p. m. Wednesday in Room 315 of the Union, according to Rambarin Ramdin, vice-president. All members, as well as in terested new sttudents, are eligi ble to attend. . The Cosmopolitan Club is a so cial organization aiming to ac quaint foreign and American students, and to provide social contacts and common interests. rjl if s (I m w caoinis 'V'y-m 0 is so much '"' lcf-f. b . fA better to smoke! f$V f frk , ,fr c J ' yUl : .1sn- 1 I , VLf&' 'I y PHILIP MORRIS offers the smoker an extra sc...- '. "-tA ''' 4 benefit found in no other cigarette. For Philip I 1 ' t ' '' ' V Morris is the ONE, the ONLY cigarette recog- ' '',' V; ' rj'" "f nized by leading nose and throat specialists as j VV.Ni definitely less irritating. , 'v ) Remember; Less irritation means more X ' ' - smoking enjoyment for you. . 'V,Wft- 1 3 V Yes! If every smoker knew what' Philip 1 wii7rp.t);mw,, ' r-v Morris smokers know, they'd all change to L , s,,li PHILIP MORRIS. oil Bpilflfl m 5J i . I ! TRY A PACK... TODAY