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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1947)
0 Tues'dcry, September 23, 1947 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 Intramural . - AtJ - 1 Starting TOMORROW! " Grid Teams V, Begin Action The race for (ha Jack Best trophy is on. Intramural Director, Lou Means, has announced the touch football leagues and the first two days' schedule. Thhty two teams are ready to fight it out for the championship of the gridiron sport. Last year, 34 teams played 112 games before Phi Delta Theta was crowned the all-school cham pion. Gnyle Lobsack and Jack Cady led the all-victorious Phi Delts in their wins over the D. U.'s for the inter-fraternity title and over the Lilies, Independent champs, for the school champion ship. All games will be played cither on the fields west of the Coli seum or at the Ag campus. Games will start at 5:00 p. m. sharp. TUESDAY'S SC!IFIH'LE Field No. 1 Zeta Dcta Tau vs. Alpha Tau Omega. Field No. 2 Phi Delta Theta vs. Beta Sigma Psi. Field No. 3 Pioneer Co-op vs. Fhi Kappa Psi. Ag Field No. 1 Phi Gamma Delta vs. Alpha Gamma Fho. Ag Field No. J Sigma Chi vs. Farm House. WEDNESDAY'S SCHEDULE Field No. 1 Cornhusker Co-op vs. Delta Tau Delta. Field No. 2 Sigma Nu vs. Brown Palace. Field No. 3 Theta Xi vs. Sig ma Alpha Epsilon. Ag Field No. 1 Ag Lilies vs. Ag Men's Club. INTKI It ATKRM'I V I.KAf.l K l.cnmu' 1 Zi'ta Beta T;in SiKma A Ipliii Mu Alpha Tau Omega Theta Zi IVlta Upsllon Sigma Alpha Kpsilnn Sima I'lil KpMUjn league II Phi Kappa Psi Phi Delta Theta Pioneer Co-op Heta Sigma Psi Sigma Nu Cornhusker Co-op Brown Palace Delta Tau Delta league III Beta Theta Pi Phi Gamma Delta Tau Kappa Kpsilnn Alpha Oamma Rho Farm House Sigma Chi Kappa Sigma IXDKrKMlKXT I KAOl K League IV Presbyterian .Student House Newman Club Vet's Orpanizatinn Hufnnglr Co-op Huskerville I-eagiie V Miles Ac Men's Club Rickoteera KOTC Wranglers 1 V 1 i PJkJ! ft IIUSKEK S( up speed on two-hour sc dium. The noon runnin -'L ' V 1 ATHACK Jim "Squat'' Myers, Husker ludfback. picks one of several lengthy jaunts again.1-1 Nubbins during rimage session Saturday altirnoon iit Memorial Sta York hi:;h school standout climaxed his uftcr- cil'orts by. i (.'turning a Nubbins punt i0 yards to a touch-down in the fourth period. Wilkins Named Game Captain Senior Irtterman and starting: guard. Gene Wilkins of Omaha, was named Monday by Coarh Bernie Mastcrson to be game captain for the Nebraska-Indiana tussle next Saturday. Standing 6 ft. 1 in. and weigh ing 205 Wilkins is a three-time letter winner. Lincoln Cathedral Choir Issues Call for Singers Students interested in singing with the interdenominational Lin coln Cathedral choir should report to the choir's studio at Lower Emmanuel church, 15th and U streets, the choir secretary an nounced Monday. Inactive during the war, the choir has only recently moved into the Emmanuel location. CLASSIFIED fOIi tinia Ttm-M ntr. useu I'lulll oul Champion Ktanilard. Call after 800 evening at 1419 "C" Kt. At1'- A. FOR Sale mO Kurd, Tudor. jamei Monaban. B-3322. IX3ST Alpha Mil pin net with pearl. Jo Ann Kinney engraved on back. Kuy Klnsey. 3(140 MORRIS Knur. Drawing Set for ale. Uaed very little. 2-4hM7 aok for Don or 1431 Kt ENJOY bicycling at TKD'K-KKNT-A-BIKK, 2-'.th A N. Thone 5-tl. 25c per hour. USE RAG CLASSIFIED TO SOLVYOUR TROUBLES I. 1TV !..... l.o. I v 4. i i linu ih a it i iitii-M 6.?00 Activity Ducats University of Nebraska students have purchased CfiOO artivit tickets, accoi'ding to Max Peter son, student athletic business manager. Tickets will remain on sale in the Coliseum lobby thruout this week. Those who have coupons and receipts may acquire tickets there. A report from the athletic of fice indicates that scats are still available for the Indiana-Nebraska game. A Sell-out for the Minnesota contest is predicted. Big Six Schedule FRIDAY. Kansas I . v. Ilrmrr. Oklahoma I . vn. Detroit. Kansas Slal1 vs. Tra Minri, SATl RDAY. Nebraska x. Indiana, lima Stat n. Colorado V. Missouri V4. Ohio State. Bowling Team? Will Organize On UN Campus P.owling is destined to be a big year-round student recrea tional activity on the University of Nebraska campus this year. This is evidenced by plans for the organization of inter-college and interdepartment bowling leagues plus the advent of inter fraternity bowling leagues in early November. Director Lou Means is also is suing a call from intramural head quarters for duckpin bowling teams to file entries at 207 Coli seum at once. There will be no entry fee. Any fraternity, independent or ganization, or group of unorgan ized students may organize a bowling team and file entries at headquarters. Deadline for filing is Saturday, Sept. 27 at noon. 1 PfTWMH' ff ife. mm V -J 1. ;ipiiw:' i mi nli il tmima mamm tiirT tr--r . -- I 2y .'ASM noons r 1:45 FOOTBALL FANFARE and COLOR CARTOON "SLAP-HAPPY LIOX" ivkccb (MuhcJL Lwtcofifu JLlMt r i I lULyw k ye i 1 PHKSKXTS SI:Vi:X OUTSTAXIIIXG KVKXTS . The Greatest Array f Vi'orltl Famous Stars Ut appear in Lincoln in One Seas4n . . Great Musir . . . Beautiful Danein"; . . . Unusual and Colorful . . . Exciting . . . THE DON COSSACK CHORUS AND DANCERS . The original S. Hurok presentation ... 36 voices in rollicking song . . . Jaroff Conductor . . . Oct. 23. 1947 RHYTHMS OF SPAIN . . . The Flamenco and Basque Dances . . . authentic Span ish Rhythms. in colorful revue featurinK Fcderico Rcy, l.olita Gomez and ensemble . . . Carolos Montoya . . - flamenco Kuitarist . . . the distinguished pianist . , . Pablo Mitiuel . . . November 15. 147 Guiomar NOVAES Ranion VINAY . . . "the TENOR of the year at the Metropolitan . . . inst returned to the United States from the La Sila in Milan where he starred lor TOSCAMN'I . . . in Otello . . . Jan. 21. l'.NH Isaac STERN Greatest Woman Pianist of today . requests . . . Dec. 4, 1947. returned by numcrotii MARKOVA AND DOLIN . . . and ballet ensemble with String Orchestra . . . "Classic and Komnntic Gems from Famous Ballets" . . . the NL'M BER ONE ballet team of all time . . . Dec. 9. . . f the violinist of this generation . . . rercntly heaid in the picture llumoresque" . . star id NUC" Telephone Hour . . . February 19. 1948. Norina GRECO , . . beautiful, clever Dramatic Soprano of the Metropolitan . . . a great voice and personality in "A Night at lti Metropolitan" . . . March 2, 1!M. LINCOLN HIGH SCHOOL AIJMTOIIIOa (All Seats Reserved) STUDENT SEASON PRICES: for All SEVEN Events . . . Federal Tax Included $7.80 A $10.20 . . . Remember . . . You SAVE 33' by buying: SEASON TICKETS . . . You Get Choice Seats . . . Tickets Now On Sale at Walts Music Store, 1140 O Street PHONE: 2-4150 For Reservations or Inforamtion. Or Mall Orders to the: PHILIP J. MI LLIN CONCERT AND THEATRICAL MANAGEMENT, 1140 O Street. Write (or Phone 2-4150) and We Will Mail You A Beautiful Prospectus. 1 f i it i I '