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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1947)
Pago 4 Dirt Diggings It seems that Dirt Dingin's com merits on conditions at the air base have brought several new is sues to light. One of the more impressive is that for the last scv eral tlays there has been no heat supplied to the houses of the fam ilies who live there. This naturally means that in this chilly and rainy weather the chil dren are becoming sick. Most of the families have babies or very j on ni; children and it is detri mental for all concerned when the heat to the houses or converted barracks is cut off. Further there has been no explanation to the families that live there. Also, with two gyms in fairly decent shape there has been no at tempt to form any recreational program at the air base. Certainly, something should be done so that Huskerville is given recreational facilities. They are an integral community and a part of the uni versity. They pay rent to the uni versity, and the facts should point the way to n recreational program. The families at the air base de serve a break and we feel that they deserve more than no recrea tion and no heat in their houses. Sick babies are not conducive to study, nor do they leave us with pleasant thoughts that all is well at the air base. Ycsterady, the VA came forth with a new rule to the effect that no graduating GI could take any of his "leave." This meaus that the GI's graduating lose about $50 for the single men and $65 for the married veterans. This, in itself, is not the worst part of the situation The non-graduating student does not lose this, but has it added to his GI Bill time. Why should we penalize the men that graduate? Hancock Selected Nu Med Prexy Bill Hancock, junior in the arts and science college, was elected president of the Nu Meds, pre medical society, last week. Hancock succeeds Harris Bar ber, retiring president. Other ot- ficers elected were Ted Lehman, vice-president; Stan Malashock, secretary, Sherill von Bergen, treasurer. Personalized Senior Announcements No Deadlin GRAVES PRINTING CO. South f (h Tempi 312 North 12th I GINGHAM CAFE Steaks Chops Chicken Chinese Dishes Fountain Service 1128 P St Phone 2-7823 r TURNPIKE TONITE 8:30-12:30 Adm. only 1.25 Ea. Plus Tax TOMORROW NKiHT LEO PEIPER Vets Eligibility For Leave Pay Ruled on by VA Two rulings of importance to all veterans under Public Law 346 (the G. I. bill) have just been re leased by the Central Office of the Veterans Administration in Wash ington, D. C. Ruling No. 1. Students under Public Law 346 who plan to attend summer school will not be paid subsistence through the nine-day interim pe riod between the end of the sec ond semester and the beginning of summer school unless they spe- ciffically ask for it. The Veterans Consulation Board had previously been informed by the Veterans Administration that the payment of subsistence through the in terim period would be automatic, but under the more recent ruling such is not the case. Therefore, all veterans under Public Law 346 who will attend summer school and who wish to have their subsistence continued through the interim period should report to the office of the Consul tation Board, Room 101, Mechan ics Arts hall, to fill out the prop er government form. If a veteran asks for and receives this interim subsistence, his time entitlement will also be charged the corres ponding amount which will in turn be deducted from his leave ac count. L vfri i 1 WHITE PLAYSUIT against your summer tan in fresh, cool rayon sharkskin. One-piece with hutton-front skirt. Sizes 10 to 20. 8.95 WHITE TAILORED SHIRT- of Bates rayon . . . welcome addition to your skirt, shorts or slack ward rohe. Short sleeves. Sizes 10 to 20. 3.95 Sftortswear . . . Fashion Floor . . . Second THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Saturday Date For nd Annual Radio Banquet Romulo Soldevilla will be toastmastcr at the second annual radio banquet scheduled Satur day at C p. m. in Union parlors XYZ. Sponsored by Alpha Epsilon Rho, national radio honorary, the banquet is the first since last year's inaugural banquet, at which . over 75 people attended. Paul L. Bogcn, director of radio and faculty sponsor of AER was featured speaker last year. Entertainment. Entertainment this year in cludes magician John Carson and skits presented by students of. radio. Representatives of com mercial radio stations in Lincoln and departmental heads have been invited to attend. Mu chapter of Alpha Epsilon Rho was established on the Ne braska campus in September 1946, and now its membership includes 21 actives, seven pledges and two associate members. Ruling No. 2. All veterans under Public Law 346 who are completing their courses through graduation ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE LEAVE SUBSISTENCE which has accrued to their credit. Such leave subsistence, however, may be col lected if that veteran re-enters training at some later date fol lowing graduation. O 0 Religious News METHODIST GROUP The St. Paul Methodist "univer sity of life" croup will meet at the studernt house at 5 p .m. for an outdoor vesper service and instal lation of cabinet officers. LUTHERAN SERVICE Sunday Lutheran chapel ser vices will be held at 10:45 a. m., room 315 of the Union. In obser vance of Pentecost Sunday, Rev. II. Errk, university Lutheran pas tor of the Missouri synod, will speak on the topic, "The Church of Jesus Christ." The last Luther an service of the school year will be held June 1. GAMM DELTA The Lutheran chapel group will hold a picnic Sunday afternoon at Pioneers Park. All students are requested to meet at the Union at p. in. Students who have cars at their disposal are, asked to bring them. INTER-VARSITY PICNIC The annual IVCF picnic will be held Saturday afternoon at Pio neers Park. Transportation will be furnished for students who at tend. First car will leave the Union at 4 p. m. PRESBY STUDENT HOUSE The Presbyterian Student House group will meet at 4 p. m. Sunday for a picnic at Pioneers Park. After the supper, there will be a closing vesper service with Dr. 1 r -- 1 1 --. I i mil Friday, May 23, 1947 Arthur Miller as speaker. Stud ents who can supply transportation should notify Sam Maler. A coffee hour will be held at the House each afternoon during exam week from 4:30 to 6 p. ni May 28 to June 6. All students are wel come to attend, and a sufficient supply of aspirins will be on hand for any bothersome headaches. FORMULA FOR SUCCESS. All that Ella Lanchestcr, top notch character actress now play ing in "The Big Clock" at Para mount, ever asks of a screen role Is that it be mixed up with the story. "I don't care if it's big or small," she says, "us long as it's plotty." nnniLiLS 70lh and South to the Jean Moyer ORCHESTRA DANCING Friday and Saturday Adm. 83c Plus Tax I naif