Pago 4 THE DAILY" NEBRASKAN Thursday, May' 15, 1937, Shestak Belabors the Greeter; Ponders Concept Of 'Beauty' BV GEORGE T. SHESTAK Item: It is a perfectly normal, undistinguished day. The sun is where it belongs, the trees are doing vhatever any normal tree would do under similar circum stances, people are walking hither and yon it's a ghastly sight. This, then, is the sort of a day that in duces a certain type of idiot to run up, bare all thirty-odd teeth, drool on your hand-painted tie, and gush joyously, "Gee, it's a beautiful and. or fine day!" Waxes Indignant. Beautiful? Well, the sun is shining but what's to prevent it? It's as sure as death and down slips that on a given number of days, the amount of moisture in the upper atmosphere will be great enough to prevent the visible ra diations of the solar orb to tra verse the air blanket and reach the earth. Obviously not worth men tion. Now if Walt Simon should stand on the state capitol, and by sheer lung power (and he has quite enough) blow every cloudlet into Kansas let me know. It will be a red letter day. (This has no reference to The Scarlet Letter by one of the Hawthorne boys the early American sex story of one sort or another.) Esthetic Values. As to this business of beautiful, well, a day is a day and no more. You can't whistle at it, or eat it. The light hurts my eyes anyway. What, is beauty at that? They tell me that in certain rather backward areas in Nebraska, an enlarged pituitary gland is looked iuillettlia Cornhuskers. Dean Skokan, business mana ger of the 1947 Cornhusker, an nounced today that 50 Cornhusk ers are available for purchase. Skokan also stated that Friday has been set as the deadline for $3 partial payments for the year book. Inter-Varsity Officers. Installation of newly-elected inter-varsity officers has been scheduled for tonight in Union Room 316. A social speaker is planned. Interfraternity Council. A meeting of the Interfraternity council will be held for the elect ion of officers today at 5:00, in Room 313 of the Union. Inter-Fraternity Sing. There will be a meeting of all directors who participated in the inter-fraternity sing to receive judges' criticisms from the sing on Friday, May 16. in Student Union Room 315 at 5 p. m. Correction. Undergraduate wives and hus bands of Teachers College will meet for an informal party at the home of C. L. Jennings at 2620 North 45th, Friday at 8 p. m. Club hostesses will be Mrs. J. A. Varney md Mrs. V. W. Arnold. This party was previously re ported as being for graduate wives. Gamma Delta. Members and students interested In Gamma Delta, Lutheran col lege youth organization, will meet for the weekly topic discussion at 7:15 tonight In the VMCA room of the Temple. "To Sign or Not to Sign," a leaflet related to the subject of marriage, will be the topic discussed. Pygmalion . . . (Continued from Page 1.) Irish drama, ."The Playboy of the Western World" by John M. Syngc, March 17-20. Next year's Shakespeare will be "The Tam ing of the Shrew," scheduled for the week of May 12. Dallas S. Williams is director of the Uni versity Theater. Personalized Senior Announcements on as the acme of charm. And I have been partial to bright red lobsters steaming against a con trasting background -of vanilla ice cream as the zenith in aesthetic thrills though you may disagree with me. So VOU sPC' it is a HphataWo anA 1 - uwv.ivuaj. UI1U unpleasant subject. 'All I know, is inai wnen I get up and the day is "fine", I wrap my babuska tightly about mv head run to the nool hall nH niaJ snooker in a dark coi ner until the sun goes down. Slaj chert . . . (Continued from Page 1.) his committee to attend the NSO constitutional convention at Wis consin university this summer. The university has been invited to send four. Those recommended and approved by the Council were Dorothy Lasher, delegate to Nebraska-Dakota NSO regional conferences; Betty Jean Holcomb, debater and radio major; Jack Hill, Nebraskan managing editor and political science major who was a Nebraska delegate to the Chicago conference last Decem ber; and Bob Gillan, former Stu dent Council member who has at tended debate conferences and na tional Unitarian Youth confer- EXPENDABLE CABDS EXPIBE TODAY NEBRASKA. BOOK STORE ences. Other Business. The other major topic for Council consideration was a re quest by the Innocents Society that their group be appointed the one to choose cheer leaders for the coming year. Stating that this had been customary prior to 1942, Ned Raun moved that the priv ilege be restored, despite the fact that a week ago the Council named a committee to choose the yell squad, composed of the pres idents of Corn Cobs, Tassels, In nocents and Mortar Board. A hand vote failed to. carry the motion. Dale Novotny, president of the Student Union Board, presented a list of six board candidates from which the council was asked to appoint three. In an effort to be acquainted, more fuily vith the candidates before voting, eg. pecially because board member ship has recently been revised, the Council decided to table voting until next meeting, when all nom inees are requested to be present for interviews. Dale Ball, chairman of the Cam pus Improvement Committee, re ported five projects under con struction by the committee includ ing improved campus lighting fa cilities, extended parking areas south of the stadium, added traf fic signals at busy campus corn ers, elimination of final examina tions for students averaging 85 percent in any course, and a campus-wide survey of services which the student body desires accomplished. Free Variety Show Gene Tierney & Tyrone Power in SOX OF FURY" 3:00 p. m., SUNDAY, MAY 18 Union Ballroom 8:00 p.m., May 18, Ag Union IT A St t via, m r X- 5a &j-Zg- ' lotS m m m II H n 11 II H ii II H I It 1 If II li a II it H liM I y . i s i&iL -t-v'l ItevJff M X , M j : t V ....... i. m f . : ' jt w -v . '"1 fc... ..(, The grandest smoke you've ever enjoyed! It's true, if every smoker knew what PHILIP MORRIS smokers know . . . they'd ALL change to PHILIP MORRIS. , Yes, the PHILIP MORRIS smoker really gets what other smokers only hope to get . . . PERFECT SMOKING PLEASURE. So for perfect smoking pleasure ... try a pack roday! V 1 1 "A . "S. J mnnnn nui nlfolfollo. Lr Liu U LLU u y MuO aJ if S VftUmt GRAVES PRINTING CO. 312 North 12th U ! ib Tempi A L WAY S BETTER BETTER ALL WAYS