Page 4 THE DAILY NEBR ASK AN Wednesday, May 14, 1947 Speech Graduates Establish High Record of Excellency BY LARRY GOLDBLATT This is the third of a scries of articles paying honor to Nebraska students and alumni. Today, we will examine part of the record established by the university speech department. We feel this can best be done through a dis cussion of the prominent former students it has produced. Where Nebraskans have gone, over the country and over the world, in all fields of speech work, dramat ics and dramatic writings, they have made fine records for them selves. A treat number of students could be listed in an attempt to cxtoll rightful due. Lack of space forbids us to acknowledge them all, so we merely submit a partial list of prominent alumni of the University of Nebraska speech department. Many of our former graduates have found prominence in the field of tetaching. Armond Hunter is among the first to be called to our attention. Armond is director of speech department of North western University. While at Ne braska, Armond was graduated in 1937 with a B.A. degree in speech and later earned his M.A. degree in Fhilosophy at Nebraska. He is a former director of the Univer sity Theater. Chrts of '39 visi tors to Drake University will meet former classmate Portia Boynton directing the Children Theater at that university. Until last year, Portia instructed at the Nebraska School of Agriculture at Curtis, Neb. A friend whom many of you may recall is Geraldine McKinsey, class of '46, now director of debate at Nor folk Junior College and high Rifle Club Elects Avner President Sam S. Avner was elected presi dent of the Nebraska Rifle club at a recent meeting. Selected as vice president was Robert B, Avner. Herb Miller and Walter Palmer were chosen secretary and treasurer. Theater . . . (Continued from Page 1.) class morality where "you have to live for others and not for yourself." Barbara Jean Olson has the role of Henry's mother, Mrs. Higgins. Others who appear in the play are: Beverely Cummins as Clara Eynsford-Hill; D. Ann Richard son, Mrs. Eynsford-Hill; Robert Cappel, Freddy Eynsford-Hill; Gladys Jackson, Mrs. Peace; Helen Plasters, parlour maid; and Her bert Spence, Merle Stalder, Lorma Bullock and Av Bondarin, by standers. Clarence Flick is the director of "Pygmalion," with Helen Plasters and Shirley Sabin as as sistants. The house manager for the production is Gertrude Cloidt. Bargara Berggren is in charge of costumes. The box office will be open evry afternoon during the days of production. The Saturday matinee will begin promptly at 2 p. m. iim"im n mniOTIM i V o0iM m . a YOV MVT HT. It TKRS OF AGE TO .MU t'Ll'B ROOMS. MO MALE GUESTS. school in Norfolk, Neb. Black. Robert Black, class of '43, is serving in the capacity of techni cal director of the Civic Theater, Portland, Oregon. A Nebraska graduate, Bob received his M. A. degree at Northwestern Uni versity. Bob made national fame his excellent work in set de signing for which he is con sidered to be an authority. Look ing back in the records of the class of '28, the name of Zollcy Lerner takes its place in the spotlight. Zolley is now in Holly wood writing radio and movie scripts and -producing motion pictures. Jack Bittner, class of '39, has turned to acting as a career. Jack has appeared in sev eral successful Broadway produc tions and has recently taken his talents to the movies. These are but a few of our alumni who have left the campus to rise to higher goals on the outside. Their success has been great, though the zenith of their goals has not yet been reached. To those of you in the University of Nebraska speech department, may their success be an inspiration and may you some day reach or surpass their fine standards. "The greatest voice has not yet sung; the greatest song has not yet been written; the greatest actor is yet to take the stage." BunHetfnun Comenius. The Comenius club will hold a business meeting in room 107 of the Law building at 7:00 tonight. Vespers. Marjorie "Frosty" Ice, Dan forth Fellow on campus, will give the meditation at Vespers tonite at 5 p. m. in Union 315. Herb Jaekman will sing "Temper My Spirit" and Patricia Neely will play a violin solo. Dave Evans Classified FOR your evenfnc rerreatinn to to Ted Rent-A-Blk. 2;.th "N".r.n- r.-J12H. I1AVK an afternoon opening fur a O.I. who will be in summer rliool. ran Mirt now. I'pcrlron Cleaner, 322 So. lltli Street, Phone 2-7:1. LOST-Key rime nrri Parker M If f;mnl please notify 3-2. 44. VKN PTVPKNTS Board and Room for Summrr Pension Mn a week. Brown Pal ace 2-3VI!) or 2 2.'pS3. LOST Sipnia Nu Tin. initials P, A S. Cull 2-78.'. S. LOST 1'hi fiammi Delta pin, name on hack. Reward. Robert Orr. 2-791.'). 1X5ST-Ladies yellow gold Bulova wrist watch on prnrtiT field by Coliseum. Reward. Call 2-7371. Marjorie Anthony. WANTED Ride for 3 to Columbia, Mis souri. Leave Saturday noon. May 17th; return Sunday evening. Pay all ex penses. Call 3-5784 after C o'clock. WANTED Office secretary and stenoc. rapher Agricultural Chomesti-v Build ing. Phone 2-7261 extension 224. will play piano selections. P re-Law Meeting. The Pre-Law association will meet at 7:30 tonight in Law 101. Dean Frederick Beutel will speak and officers for next year will be elected. Graduate Wives. Wives of graduate students and husbands will meet for an In formal party at the home of C D. Jennings at 2620 North 45th, Fri day at 8 p. m. Club co-hostesses 't will be Mrs. J. A. Barney. and Mrs. V. W. Arnold. Dairy Club. The Varsity Dairy elub will meet tonight at 7:30 In the Ag Union for the election of officers. Movies will be shown, according to Clay Kennedy. SUMMER SCHOOL JUNE 9 Delightful Air Conditioned Class Rooms High Grade, Practical and Thorough BUSINESS TRAINING COURSES Graduates placed in fine positions. Individual help and counsel of expert instructors Insures rapid and satisfactory progress. Write or Call Today. LINCOLN SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Approved for G. I. training. Accredited Courses. W. (L ROBBLNS. Pros. 14th & P St, 2-6774 Lincoln, Nebr. 0roiNAi 4f OLD - - . ' , ' tm mam o Cool o Colorful o Priced Right at fotch Snip On Bowi 75 M Men's Shop First Floor jLs'y .r',. J J tit. t I 'T-f : X H Ik t t ; )mnii and wovim r 0&0H,-MO0. WC NU IHM CtT UIJWM 9m Sii I 0 o fl mill I