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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1947)
Wednesday, May 14, 1947 THE DAILY NEBRASfCAN Page 3 B3)U Trackmen Cop Dntramural Meet FINAL RESVLT8 OF IM TRACK MKET nnt rpHiion 49 a Flrld House 4S Nm No Sigma Alpha Kpsllon 12 Bets Thrt PI 10 P. K. Club ..i 19 Alpha Tau Omen IT Fhl Delta Thete 1A4 . fhl Kappa INI 14'-, Phi Gamma Delta 7V4 Mxma Alpha Mo 6 Plum Chi 6V4 Theta XI , 6'i Kappa Hlrnut Farm Hoiim 4 Pioneer Co-Op 4 Beta Slirma Psi, Delta Tan Delta, Alpha Gamma Hhn, CornhUNker Co-Op. Sigma Phi Kpullnn, Zeta Beta Tau, Blue Jay did not gy arore, BY LEE HARRIS Delta Upsilon Tuesday surged ahead of the Field House in the last event of "the Intramural Track Meet to win the two day carnival by a slim one point margin. The DUs went into the final event, the pole vault, trailing by five points and needed either a second place to tie or a first place to win the meet. The pole vault event ended in a tie between Junior Cal lopy of Alpha Tau Omega and John Bumstead, the Delta Upsilon man. The first and second place points were divided between the winners and as a result the DUs gathered their needed margin to take first place in the meet. The Sigma Nus took third place in the meet showing plenty of power in the running events but lagging in the weights. Coming fourth was - Sigma Alpha Epsilon with Beta Theta Pi not far behind. Records Broke Tuesday was another day. of record breaking in most of the events starting out with the 120 yard low hurdles. Here Jack Barker of Sigma Nu set a hot pace in the first heat to win first place honors clipping Jim Myer's record of last year with the time of 14.7 second. George Bostwick of the Field House was not far behind Barker as he posted the second place time of 14.8 seconds. In the 880 relay Delta Upsilon set another new record by going the distance in 1:39. The winning team of Ackerman, Plith, Hem ingson, and Finstrom was only one second better than the Field House relay team which took sec ond with a time of 1:40. This event could have meant victory for the Field House had they been able to beat the DU mark. The remaining teams were well grouped for the most part with Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma Nu, and Beta Theta Pi taking the next four positions. The Betas and Sig Nus tied for Nationally Advertise fifth place. The feature running event of the day was the 1,000 yard race where another new record was posted. This time Lee Chapin of Phi Delta Theta shattered the old mark by turning in the time of 2:27. Chapin ran a fine race, starting in the middle of the group and not taking the lead until the first turn. He was the pace setter most of the way and with his fine spurt in the stretch Lee had at least forty yards over his nearest opponent, who was Jenson of the Pioneers. In the second part of the 1,000 yard run Phil Sprague of the Field House found the going a little tougher, but he finished strong to take first place points with the time of 2:33.5. Running second to Sprague was Crawford of Phi Kappa Psi. Orville Glass put Beta Theta Pi back in the running with a winning jump in the high jump. Glass broke the record . of 5'9" with a jump of 5'11". Tom Mil liken of the Phi Psis was second, Don Hanson from Theta Xi took third and fourth place honors went to Neidfeldt of Sigma Chi. In the discuss throw Wayne Sees who yesterday won the shot put event continued the tradition of breaking record by tossing the disc out 127M feet. Coming sec ond was Jack Pesok and Tnrip- pendent with Villors another In dependent taking the third posi tion. Paul Coder who rnnlH rtn no better than fourth place in the entire field was the sur prise winner of the fraternity groups. His toss went a little over 117 feet. Tuesday's RphiiIIh. J 20 yard low hurdlers: First. Jack Barker, o! Sigma Nu; second, George Bostwick of Field House; third, Bralnnrd of Farm House- fourth, Herb Oosh of Sigma Alpha Epsilon; fifth, Reldy of Phi Kappa Psi; sixth, Seymour nf Phi Delta Theta. Winning time: 14.7" new record. 8HO yard relays: First, Delta Upsilon (Ackerman, Pllthe. Hemingson and Fin strom); second, Field House; third, Sigma Alpha Epsilon: fourth, Alpha Tau Omega; fifth, Sigma Nu; sixth. Beta Theta PI. Approved Log Log Slide Rules Available From Stork Pat Ash Inc. 233 No. 12 White ghillie with the new Of soft, supple toe-cooling vamp that you as loose or as tight Fifth Floor Bcrnic to Head South Dakota Pigskin School Bernie Masterson, football coach at the University of Nebraska, will head the football faculty at the South Dakota High School Athletic association's annual coaching school. The school will he held at Spearfish, S. D., Aug. 19 to 22. Coach Masterson and his staff, Tony Blazine, Dougal Russell and Ray Prochaska will present the T formation to the Nebraska Coaching School Aug. 12, 13, 14 and 15 in Lincoln. The school is sponsored by the Nebraska High School Activities assocation and the Department of Intercollegiate athletics at the University of Nebraska. Major Leagues AMERICAN. Ronton 19, Chleago . New York . Ht. Ixul 1. Detroit H, Washington 0. Philadelphia 7, Cleveland 6. NATIONAL. Ronton 7. Chicago 4. New York 6, ht. I-ouls 0. Time: 1:39, new record. High Jump: First, Orville Glass, Beta Theta Pi; second. Tom Milllken, Phi Kappa Psi; third, Don Hanson, Theta XI: fourth. Neidfeldt, Sigma Chi: fifth, Callopy. Alpha Tau Omega; sixth, Cox, Beta Theta Pi. Winning Jump: 6 11", new tecord Discus: First. Wayne flees, Field House second, Jack Pesek, Ind. ; third, Villors! Ind.; fourth, Coder, Kappa Sigma; 127'9", new record. Pole vault: Tie for first between Cal lopy, Alpha Tau Omega and Bustead, Delta Upsilon. Six tied for third place. Height, 109". Personalized Senior Announcements No Deadline GRAVES PRINTING CO. 312 North 12th South ( the Tempi 2-2145 ties pouch vamp leather I... wi)h the new open drawstring can adjust as you please I O.Y Puny Jayhawk Star Improves In Javelin Toss LAWRENCE, Kas. When Leroy Robison, KU's 190-pound weight heaver, copped individual scoring honors at the Big Six outdoor track meet last year by ringing up 22 in the implement events, conference thinclad fans thought they'd seen a Herculean perform ance. This year Jayhawker Coach Ray Kanehl is giving them something even more amazing to gab about. The performers' name In Bruch Henoch, a toy-sized Jave lin thrower from Enterprise. Any cinder expert -will tell you Robison's 190 pounds is small as present day weight tossers go. But Henoch scales a mere 145. That leaves him virtually unclassified and unnoticed that is until he fires his first throw from the scratch board. Then it's a study trying to figure out how the guy does it. This spring, with conference track clubs again at full pre-war strength Henoch wasn't expected to figure very heavily in the Jay hawkers' outdoor title defense Mixed Swim There will be mixed swim ming party tonight in the coliseum pool from 7:00 to 8:30. All are invited. t 4 - , i . V (f S 1 "v v . 'Pcttcf &ndet Pc4tt... ColorM-floy-for ploy, lor sport, for dorrcino! Bobbie lrxXt fashioned ihis stunning dress of o beouliful EVERFAST print, fine combed cotton that tubs like a honVy. loicious color combinations in sizes 9 to 15' JyH" Third Floor New PA System Ready ul Coliseum The public address system now used in the University of Ne braska coliseum and stadium are the latest types available. Athletic Director A. J. Lewandowski states. The new installation at the sta dium operates on 250 watts, dou ble the power of any previous in stallation. Three separate units have been installed In the coliseum, adapt able for almost any requirement, Lewandowski said. "The equipment was purchased through the University of Ne braska," Mr. Lewandowski said. "However, the engineering and in stallation has been done without charge by Elmer Brown, and Max Carter of Lincoln." May 23 and 24 at Lincoln. He picked up a third at the Kansas relays with a pitch of 17V 8',2". He moved the ceiling up to 170' 103i" at the Drake games, although failing to place. When he steps out against - Mis souri in Columbia next Friday in the Hawkers' final dual show be fore the league carnival he'll carry a top mark of 193' 2". Graduation Cards alc Fathers' Day Cards Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th St. SEEN. IN :; MAY " CHARM A - : ' 1 "r?'i: " r """" I 5r.-r1fcfciyjiewKN