GEORGE MILLER. RICHARD LAHR. RODNEY FRANKLIN. CHARLES BRIM. JACK HILL. AV BONDARIN. 4. V RICHARD FOLDA. GOULD FLAGG. a r A) V 4. ' A i4j SuiHey A- MM: rv Twin nlaids of Honor Crown Ivy Day Ruler Shirley Hinds was presented as May Queen at the 46th annual Ivy Day ceremony held on the university campus Saturday. ceded Miss Hinds to the thresh hold of the throne and placed the crown on the Queen's head. Miss Teagarden is a member The 1947 May Queen and herjof Mortar Board, former editor of attendants, dressed in formal the Daily Nebraskan, past presi- gowns, were presented with pomp dent of Chi Omega, social soror and majesty in a court scene in'1; former secretary of the YW which their entrance was herald ed by trumpeteers and flower bearers. They ascended to the throne between an Ivy chain, composed oi snior women, and a CA, member of Coed Counselor Board, and member of Theta Sig ma Phi, journalism honorary. Miss Holcomb is Mortar Board Daisy chain, composed of junior jhistorian, past president of Coed 'rmn counselors. memtpr or hfta .Xiu- Ima Phi. Delta Siema Rho. Tassels huee"'s approach were Georgianne of Masquers, editor of the Alumnus!"eaieer ana iMancy i.iynn dorff is former cheerleader, mem ber of Tassels, Student Council, Alpha Epsilon Rho and Alpha Xi Delta, social sorority. Juniors. Junior attendants were Doro thy Meshier, Delphine Ayers, Jac queline Gordon and Bonnie Voss. Mrs. Meshier is a member of Or chesis. Swimming club, P. E. club, YVVCA, WAA cabinet and Alpha Chi Omega, social sorority. Miss Ayers is assistant business man ager of the Cornhusker, member of Masquers, University orches tra and Kappa Alpha Theta, so cial sorority. Miss Gordon is a member of Tassels, Religious Welfare Coun cil and Sigma Delta Tau, social sorority. Miss Voss is a member of Tassels, Student Foundation and Sigma Kappa, social soror ity. Sophomore attendants were Jeanne Hickey and Lillian Lock. Freshman attendants were Eu genie Sampson and Irene Wellen-siek. Pases. Hall. Daisy chain leaders were Phyllis Mortlock, Dorothy Ihci naga, Ruth Ann Finkle and Jean Chilquist, all juniors. Frederick Stiner, senior law stu dent, gave the Ivy Day oration. He is a member of Phi Kappa Psi, social fraternity. University students selected Stiner for the honor at spring elections. Donald Chapin and Dale Novot ny, respective presidents of the senior and junior classes, planted the ivy beneath a towering maple tree, in accordance with tradition. For story on Innocent and Mor tar Board tappings, see pace 2. The pages who heralded the Miss Hinds is a member Mortar Board, senior women's honorary society; former WYCA president; a member of Phi Chi Theta, Bizad honorary; and a magazine and a member of Towne club. Senior attendants were Helen member of Delta Gamma, social' Laird and Doris Easterbrook sorority. IBeindorff. Miss Laird is past Twin Maids. ; president of Student Council, j former YWCA secretary, member The Queen's twin maids oi hon- of Sigma Alpha Iota, Pi Lambda or were Phyllis Teagarden and Theta, TCSA and Alpha Chi Anna Margaret Aasen, Joanne Marthella Holcomb. They pre-1 Omega, social sorority. Mrs. Bein-iRapp, Alice Rife and Margaret ICharles Flansburg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Flansburg, was crown bearer. Flower girls were Joan Davies, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davies, and Maury Ann Heriot, daughter of Mrs. Anne Bunting Heriot. Leaders of the Ivy chain, com posed of senior women, were V v MARY ESTHER DUNKIN. v r JOAN FANKIIAUSER. MARIAN WEETIL i i I - LORRAINE LANDERYOU JEANNE COMPTON. ..-r", Si ' 1 "1 MP I .BERNICE YOUNG. HARRIETT QUINN. " s. 1 V7 i r I HRLETSOWNITTKEi ELIZABETH CUR LET.