The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 04, 1947, Ivy Day Edition, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    . Member
Intercollegiate Press
Subscription rates ar $1.50 per semester. $2.00 per semester mailed, sr
93.09 tor the college year. $3.00 (nailed. Single copy 6c. Published dally during
tht school year except Mondays and Saturdays, vacations and anamination
r-riods, by the students of the University of Nebraska under the supervision
mi Ute Publication Board. Entered as Second Onus Matter at the Post Office
an Lincoln. Nebraska, under Act of Congress. March 3. 1879. and at pec ml
rat of postage provided for In section 1103. act of October i. 117. authorised
sVptember 30. 1922.
The Dally Nrhrakan is pnhlUhrd trr the stndrnts of the t nlTrretty of Nebraska as
a espmiiHtn of sta(lit nrws sail nplnkins only. Arrnriflna; to article II of the By lawi
SnTeralns startent publication and aitmlnHterrit hjr the Hoard of Pwhllratlon "It Is
the deelarM piillry ef the Board thnt ptthllrattnfi anrier U Jnrlndlrlloa shaH be tree
from editorial censorship on the purl of the Hoard, or nn the at of any member af
the family of the anlvrrnltri hut members of the stuff of The Dally Nebraska are per
aonallr responsible for what they say or do or canse to he printed.
(Ed. Nelr: The opinion expressed by rolnmnlaU in The Dally Nebraskaa da
ael necessarily represent those ef the tnlrersitr r The Daily Nebraskan.)
Editor mtlrley Jenkins
Manaaint Mttnrs Dale Nornlnr. Jack Hill
News l.illtnrs .Jeanne Kerrigan. Norm l.ecr, I'al Jensen, Wally Becker. Une tinldrn
inorts Ifdlliir Oeorge Miller
Nortel Knltor , tlene Jensen
As News r.1l(ir Charles Brim
Kpeelal Feature Fdllor 8a a Warren
Ptislnesa Manater V Jim Vaa l-andlnsham
t'lrenlntlnn Manager Keith Jones
asiant Business Managers Gould Flasg, Al Uimu, Bill Wilkin
Ivy Day Oration
Mr. Chancellor, Members of the. Faculty, Fellow Students, Ivy
Day Guests, and Friends:
The choice of a topic on which to speak this morning has been
left completely in my hands. I have been tempted by the traditional
Ivy-Day subjects; which have ranged from an expose of the ter
rible conditions which exist and are allowed to flourish at the Uni
versity of Nebraska, including terrible facts about the administra
tion, the faculty, the curriculum and higher education in general to
the topics aimed at some Individual who, thru his constant misdirect
ed efforts has come to the front to be dubbed by the orator, as "The
Man Most Likely to Completely Ruin the State.' I assume, material
for such a range of subjects is not lacking, nor is It a fact that much
research was put in" to find choice topical scandal and none could
be found. The fact is however, that another subject, far removed
from campus life, as such, yet close and vital to each and every
one of us, Impressed Itself more firmly upon me than any other
The subject matter of this problem is daily presented to us in
the newspapers; it is considered very seriously by some and lightly
by others. To me It presents a difficult maze of considerations which
cannot be answered or fully understood in a short space of time.
I am thinking of the present conflict between Capitalism and Com
munism, i
During the next few minutes I should like to hurriedly review
ome of the facts that are known about this head-on clash; some
of the Intentions possibly assignable to or behind the facts; some of
the possible consequences to you and me, as a result of this con
test; and lastly, to offer a conclusion for your further thought and
We are all aware of the fact that these two huge systems arc
based on theories that are diametrically opposed. Fundamentally,
Communism is based upon the supreme superiority of the State. So
it is with the country that is identified with Communism namely
On the other hand, Capitalism, or the United States, founds its
system, not on the super-stte, but rather on the importance of the
individual. In, practice and application, individuals in the United
States very nearly experience freedom. In Russia, such an experience
is unknown. And so it is, that these countries, these two peoples do
not know or understand one another. The very rock foundations
upon which the two systems build their governments, differ so com
pletely that there Is little if any hope of having one Government
understand the even more complex and more alien superstructure of
the other government.
This complete lack of contact and of understanding between
Russia and the United. States is changed over into completely oppo
site methods of operations. Whereas, the United States is prone to be
fcaiiley Johnson
Seleef ed os IHlecedl
For the first time since 1943,
the Innocents Society tapped 13
prominent junior men as new
members of the senior men's
honorary group at the annual
Ivy day ceremonies yesterday.
The announcement was made
that Dr. R. G. Gustavson was
to be tapped as the sixth honor
ary member chancellor, but since
he is in Washington, D. C. he
was not present to accept the
recognition. He will be tapped
June 7th at the annual Inno
cents alumni banquet.
The new president of Inno
cents is Stanley Johnson, who
was tapped by the retiring presi
dent, Bill Thornburg. Johnson is
president of Nu-Meds, secretary of
Kosmet Klub, a member of the
varsity swimming team, student
council, Sinfonia and Theta Nu.
He is a member of Phi Kappa
Psi fraternity.
The new vice president
M? LE)glrJSn
) i
ii,..s7!w til , 4 IwsisaaMriUti Awsawirtfci'iimiiwriaii t:M.iM
nn ro9
Varsity Dairy club, Pershing Ri
fles, Block and Bridle, Univ. 4-H
club and is business manager of
the Cornhu.skcr Countryman. He
is vice president of Alpha Gamma
Kho fraternity.
T.ipped by Fred Metheny was
Ned Raun, president of the Ag
Exec Board. Raun is a member
of the student council, the Varsity
Dairy club, Ag Union board, Per
shing Rifles, Block and Bridle, and
the junior livestock team. He is a
member of Alpha Gamma Rho
The tenth new Innocent is
George Miller who was tapped by
Bill McBride. Miller has been
sports editor of the Daily Nebras
kan for the past two years, and is
a member of Newman club, stu
dent foundation, and Kappa Taut0 campus with all the color
A Dha. scholastic iournalism hnn. ispiencior ana excitement 01 lor
Don C'hapin. Dale Novotny.
They planted the ivy.
orary. "secretary or Beta Theta Pi
fraternity. Miller was one of thp
isieieht eligible bachelors Dresentfii
Marun resetc. rast president oi at the Mortaar Board ball last De
Sigma Chi fraternity, Pesek is cember.
the '47-'48 Yell King, a member
of Corn Cobs, student council,
interfraternity council, Xi Phi Phi
dental fraternity, and has worked
for the Student Foundation. Ho
was tapped by Willard Visek.
Richard Lahr was tapped by
George Abbott as the new secre
tary. Lahr is president of Kos
met Klub, and is a member of
the student ' council and the
Cornhusker staff. His fraternity
is Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
The Innocents' new treasurer is
Lee White who was tapped by
Morton .tuber, white is a mem
ber of Corn Cobs, Student Foun
dation, Student Union board of
managers, inter-fraternity council,
Pershing Rifles and a former
member of the Daily Nebraskan
staff. He is a member of Sigma
Alpha Mu fraternity.
Rodney Franklin is the new
sergeant-at-arms. A past presi
dent of Kappa Sigma fraternity.
Franklin is a member of Corn
Cobs, Nebraska Masquers, Per
shing Rifles, Alpha Phi Omega
scouting fraternity, and is the
interfraternity council secretary.
He has also worked in Univer
sity theater productions. Frank
lin was tapped by Bob McNutt.
Richard Folda,. former president
of .Kosmet Klub, was tapped by
play, the Russians have no such impractical Icleas to hamper them.
If Russia assigns loml other country as its target for expansion, the
most direct method of gaining control is to carefully place subver
sive agents, propagandize the electorate, murder or intimidate the
opposition and walk in. Russia's purposes and aims cannot admit fair
dealing. To think that this country is immune to such treatment by
Russia, is to evade the evident. Communist agents seem to be so well
placed and so numerous that the President of the United States has
seen fit to disqualify them from Government employment. Highly
responsible government positions are filled today only after the
nominees have survived a 20th Century trial-by-fire, conducted,
among other things, because of known potential strength of this
Russian army within the United States .
At the United Nations meetings these two conflicting systems sit
before one another in an attempt to bring aLut World Peace, based
upon moral obligations. So far, flain showings of good faith with
which to back promises are conspicuously absent.
From this stalemate that seems to exist between the Communist-Capitalist
opponents, where next? There is an ultimate re
sult that will surely be reached; these two will not remain dead
locked forever. There are many possibilities to change the set-up and
each any every one of them has one thing in common the elimi
nation of one of the contesting systems. The government and system
of Communism could possibly change over a period of time to such
degree that it would no longer be Communism, but rather a Capi
talist state; and in the process one contestant would be out. This
type of elimination has little chance of happening.
The United States could possibly glide from Capitalism to Com
munism; thus eliminating one system. This type of elimination is
not an impossibility. When this country plods not-too-slowly in the
foot prints of England possibly into the dead-end street that Eng
land now occupies where, it has been said, the dole "from the
cradle -to the grave" protects men from productive work except in
time of World Wars; then initiative is overcome and the distin
guishing features of Communism become hazy if not non-existant.
Much change has been brought about in the United States dur
ing the last few years to secure many claims of society. When the
day comes that a claim of society is acclaimed as such and secured
by majority vote alone, without regard to a minority claim, that!rrfl TJa-iIrl t-iirtL-of
Blnns u-111 Iraan ronttnlletl. Inranliu. nil... fV, V,I. 1 I -" " OIlllilVIL I
nAVaAW via i vv it kwiiuvtv tuvviiii Tb at.AV'bf) sllCIl baft) V-VSUilbl J 11CCU
not worry over the clash with Communism; thi country's peaceful
entry -into the brotherhood of Communism will not be far off,
return of Innocents pants, except the DU's, who ap
full participation in peared in white dinner jackets
the Inter-fraternity sing, the 47th and the Sig Eps, who sang under
annual Ivy day festivities returned! a sweltering sun in tuxedos.
The annual rain, which threat
ens to dampen activities but ai
mer years. jways clears up just before fes-
Hundreds of spectators, parents livities beg'n. and is almost as
and students thronged the site of ,much a tradition as planting of the
. . ..... : . : 1 1 . . . 1 : . :
me ova campus at O Clock as thei" "":u " maieridiue mis year.
University band heralded the Skies were sunny and tempera
tures reached the high eighties in
With the
tapping and
Sedes Clhiosein)
Klew PiresidleGDii
Twenty new Mortar Boards, the Coed Counselors, YWCA and Pi
u i t . . . 'opening of the traditional all-day
Charles Brim was tapped by affair
Walt Rundin. President of Farm
House fraternity, Brim is a mem- Then, with all the pomp and
ber of the Ag Exec Board, Block pageantry of a Continental coro-
nnrl Rrirllo inlorfmliirnif r.nnn I nation, the 1947 Ollppn nf tho Mav
cil, Farmer's Fair board, and is'Miss Shirley Ann Hinds, preceded ?'ng results of the morning soror
Ag news editor of the Daily Nebraskan.
and attended by maids of honor,
proceeded across the mall ud to
by Bob Schlater was tho May Queen's court.
Hill is a managing edi- After revelation of the May
(u;(.n, came the annual Inter-sorority
sing. Girls, attractive in
slim pastels and whites, vied for
ine mucn-covetea loving cud
mer Awgwan, Hill is one of the i which goes to the first place win
eight eligible bachelors. He is alters. Results of the judging were
member of Tau Kappa Epsilon not announced at once, however,
fraternity. jbut were kept secret until the aft-
The 13th Innocent tapped was Traditional- planting of the Ivy
the afternoon. Old Sol sunburned
quite a few in the afternoon ceremonies.
Following the inter-fraternity
by trumpeters and flower bearers; ltv sin8 were announced. Alpha
Jack Hill.
tor of the Daily Nebraskan and is
editor of the Bulletin, Student
Foundation publication. A mem
ber of the editorial staff of the for
Gould "Fig" Flagg. As assistant
business manager of the Daily Ne
by senior and junior class presi
dents was done by Don ChaDin
braskan, Flagg is a Kosmet Klub .and Dake Novotny
worker, and a member of the in- j In the afternoon the May Queer,
terfraternity council. He is vice assumed her throne and presided
president of Alpha Tau Omega over the inter-fraternity sing. Men
fraternity. chose contrasting coats and slack
largest number in the history of
the Nebraska chapter, were mask
ed yesterday at the traditional
Ivy Day ceremonies, by the 15
retiring members of the senior
women's honorary.
First junior woman to be
chosen, Joyce Geddes is the new
president of Mortar Board. Mask
ed by Eleanor Knoll, retiring
president. Miss Geddes is treas
urer of Tassels, vice president of
the Student Foundation, member
of YWCA, Home Ec Club, Phi
Upsilon Omicron, home ec honor
ary, and Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Joanne Ackerman was masked
as vice president by Virginia
Demel. Managing editor of the
Cornhusker, Miss Ackeman is a
member of Tassels, Student Coun
cil, Junior-Senior Prom Commit
tee, Kappa Alpha Theta and was
chosen Typical Nebraska Coed at
the 1946 Coed Follies.
New secretary of Mortar Board
is Priscilla Flagg, masked by
Merrill Shutt Grant. Miss Flagg
is president of Home Ec Club, as
sistant business manager of the ..
silon Omicron, Coed Counselor,
Board. YWCA, vespers
tee and Alpha Phi.
Beta Phi.
Newly elected director of the
All University Fund, Beth Noer-
enberg is also a member of Home
Ec Council, Alpha Lambda Delta,
YWCA and ag Student-Faculty
Council. She was masked by
Carol Bridenbaugh.
Joan Fankhauser, masked by
Lorene Novotny, is managing edi
tor of the Cornhusker, and is a
member of Coed Counselor Board,
Sigma Alpha Iota, YWCA Cabi
net, varsity band Kappa Kappa
Lorraine Landeryou is president
of the Student Foundation, mem
ber of YWCA and Delta Gamma.
She was masked by Mary Claire
Twelfth Mortar Board to be
selected was Bernice Young,
president of ag YWCA. She is also
a member of the Publications
Board, Home Ec Club cabinet,
Student-Faculty Council, Phi Ep
silon Omicron, Alpha Lambda
Delta, ag YW cabinet and Chi
Betty Lou Horton masked
treasurer of the organization and
is a member of Tassels, YWCA
Cabinet, Coed Counselor Board,
Towne Club, and AUF Advisory
Board. She was masked by Shir
ley Jenkins.
a runnerup lor two years,
was declared first place winner,
and the girls returned to sing
again the song that won them
Kappa Sigma fraternity was de
clared first in the inter-fraternity
sing. It was almost a personal
tribute to leader Aubrey Petit,
school of Music student.
Masking of Mortar Boards set a
new record this year as an un
precedented twenty junior women
were chosen.
Then came the stalking of new
Innocents. Hooded, dressed in quers. Coed Counselors, Varsity
long gowns, the Innocents chosen! cbpte squad, YWCA and Chi
in 1942, spotted, stood back and Omega.
made running tackles of new In-j Sixth Mortar Board to be
nocents. Innocents are limited to i masked was Beverly Jackson, who
I rvlQrv I. 2. nar Tlnntrin e ram
Commit- ii. ..... I. VTirr- a .
Religious Welfare Council, Stu
dent Council, Pi Lambda Theta
Marcia Mockett is the new and Delu Gamma. She was
masked by Mimi Ann Johnson.
President of the city campus
YWCA, Shirley Schnittker was
masked by Phyllis Teagarden.
Miss Schnittker is also a mem-"-
r Mo1" abrla. Delta. Tas-
Historian Betty Jean Holcomb t1 phi Chi Theta and Delta
was masked by Marthella Hol
comb. Betty Jean is president
of Alpha Epsilon Rho, radio fra
ternity and of Delta Sigma Rho,
debate honorary, member of Mas
thirteen annually.
dent of the interfraternity council
ani Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity.
He is secretary of the men's point
The seventh new" Innocent is
Avrum Bondarin business man
ager of Kosmet Klub. Bondarin
is a member of Corn Cobs, Nebras
ka Masquers, Alpha Epsilon Rho,
honorary radio fraternity, and the
University theater. He is a mem
ber of Zeta.Beta Tau fraternity.
He was tapped by Ren Bukacek.
Duane Munter was tapped as a
new Innocent by Morton Zuber.
Munter is a member of Kosmet
Klub, Corn Cobs, Ag Exec Board,
FB'salteB'Biity-Soiroii'ifly m
mt&Myel-JuLDnx ...Alpha Phi's
History Teachers
Schedule Annual
Meet Activities
The Nebraska History Teachers
association will hold its 34th an
nual meeting here next Friday
and Saturday.
Principal speaker will be Dr.
Marshall M. Eneppen, hostorian
and political scientist at Michigan
State College. He will address the
association at a university convo
cation Friday at 11 a. m. in the
Union ballroom, the annual ban
quet Friday evening and the noon
session Saturday. Saturday morn
ing the history teachers will hear
Dr. Edgar N. Johnson, university
Miss Florence Jenkins, Lincoln,
is president of the association.
Alpha Kappa Psi
Alpha Kappa Psi, bizad fra
ternity, will hold a smoker and
.IFPnrnl riierMiccinn mafitinff in 4Va
' I'Vl m thl.t tvrtA ft ttllfmlnbtlAn i in.. TV t - 1 . . m . - .
umuiiuvii io Ti. inn tuasiuiuijr uuca iiui. union i uesciay, jviay o at o p. m
lack prooaDiuty. lhis technique has been used for many centuries.
With each application, man has come closer and closer to the anni
hilation of humanity. Now, the physical scientist has, at last, placed
at the warrior's-feet the weapon that has great promise of finally
gaining the disastrous end.
Now, where do you and I and the children who will follow us
A formal pledging of new mem
bers will precede the smoker
which is being held in honor of
the new pledges. Mr. John Camp
bell will be the principal speaker.
Recently elected oficers are
Ronald Leigh, president: Ted
years and
'round our
only yesterday
Kappa Sigs
Men's Win
First place honors in the tradi
tional Ivy Day Inter-fraternity
sing went to Kappa Sigma, whose
professionally - rendered "Kappa
Sig Picture Song" was directed by
Aubrey Pettit.
Beta Theta Pi and Alpha Tau'
Omega won the judges' nod for
runnerup and third places at the
colorful Ivy Day festivities Satur
day afternoon.
The Betas sang the beautifully
sentimental "Loving Cup." They
were directed by Christy Taylor.
The Taus, who were led by Kenny
Damon, chose "Princeton. Home
coming Song."
Altho all songs went off with-'
out mishap, the Phi Rho Sigma:
entry was undermined. The med
ical fraternity members left from;
Omaha Saturday morning and one)
car broke down. Brothers whor
made the trip safely did well sing- eat
ing "After Dark." and
Noteworthy for their choice ofi
costume were the members of;
Sigma Phi Epsilon, who appeared'
in tuxes, and Delta Upsilon, whose. tt . A,
dinner-jacketed singers drewlTo Krsp. a brcatn ot that within
much favorable comment for! "'e Deathless Vine;
"Come Raise a Glass to Delta J." .... ..
Other men's vrnnm h a0!Anfl tho these, too, may ne'er
Poem ;,teke First
Place Cup
Thru the
heart it
As tho 'twere
that we
Had laughed and loved and
dreamed thru wondrous hours,
While o'er an ancient wall or
stately free . . .
The Ivy Winds.
Each leaf an hour, each vine a
year it seems;
lJiey rustle and cling- about the
To Wisdom thru youthful fires,
revolt, and pain.
But, no matter what the- after
math ...
The Ivy Streams.
spires may seek the sky,
towers raise.
Known shadows fade and new
mens groups who sane''
and their directors were: Si?mai
Alpha Epsilon, Lynn Eller, "Riff;
Song"; Sigma Chi, Bill French.
"Lost Chord"; Farm House-, James
Sears, "Comrades"; Sigma Nu.
Bruce Coffman, "Ole Ark's A
'Movcrin "; Delta Tau Delta, Rob
ert J. Keller., "Summertime";
Phi Gamma Delta, Don Brown, "A
Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody";
Phi Delta Theta, Don;-ld Draper
"Phi Delta Theta"; Beta Sigma
Psi. Leonard Blinde. "The HHU
survive . . .
The Ivy Stays.
Iiicliurri Pliiptts
H. Phipps Wins
iviiimai jvv uav
Poetry Contest
Alpha Phi took the coveted first
place in the Inter-sorority sing
Saturday . morning with "Two'
Bright Stars" directed by Barbara
Jean Olson.
Placing second was Alpha Chi
Orega, directed by Peggy Shelly.
The Alpha Chis sang "Toast of
Atpha Chi Omega."
Receiving third honors was
Gamma Phi Beta singing "Gamma
Phi Beta Sweetheart" under the
direction of Dora Lee Neiden-1
Winners were chosen on the
basis of otal effect, tone, blend,
pitch and general appearance.1
Judges were James Vail, director
of Fremont hieh school music:
Miss Lucille Riley of Beatrice
high school and Hugh Rangeler
of Lincoln high school.
Other groups participating in
the sirtg and their directors were:
Alpha Omicron Pi, Donnie Wage-
man, "Beautiful Lady of Alpha
O"; Towne Club, Anna Sorenson.
"Pearls of Friendship"; Kappa
Kappa Gamma, Shirley Lierck, "I
Love You Truly, KKG"; Delta
Delta Delta, Betty Nicodemus.
'"Deltas Mine": Alpha Xi Delta,
Barbara Vescly, "Whether Her
Hair Be Gold or Brown"; Sigma
Delta Tau. Annette Jacobs, "When
Life's Setting Sun"; Terrace Hall.
Hoas May Harney, "Terrace Hall
Sing Groups.
is a member of Coed Counselor
Board, Student Foundation, Re
ligious Welfare Council, YWCA,
Kappa Phi, and Towne Club.
Helen Wulf slipped the black
mask on Miss .Jackson.
Mary Dye is president of Coed
Counselors, member of Alpha Ep-
snon no, ueita Sigma Kho, Fi
Lambda . Theta. JVai;sity debate
squad and Alpha Omicron Pi
Miss Dye was masked by Shirle,
Masked by Joy Hill, - Arlis
Swanson is business manager of
the University Theater and mem
ber of Masquers, Purple Mask,
Alpha Epsilon Rho, Student Coun
cil, Religious Welfare Council,
2U3 Delia.
Marianne Srb is editor of the
Cornhusker Countryman, vice
president of ag YWCA, secretary
of Ag Exec Board and Home Ec
Club and a member of Phi Up
silon Omicron, Panhellenie Coun
cil and Alpha Omicron Pi. She
was masked by Marolyn H-rt-sook.
Mary Ann Campbell was chosen
by Eleanor Knoll, Virginia Demel
and Merrill Grant. She is presi
dent of BABW and a member of
the Unaffiliated Students Asso
ciation and Towne Club.
Marian Weeth is managing edi
See MO&TAR BO ADS, page 4.
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Winning entry
n the Ivy Day
s submitted bv
enter this picture. We stand to lose the world stands tn Ins svi-rv. . " -"-. .. "B,P. .e a ajj-z-iiv
thing if either one of these two highly possible ways of settling thlsjnell, treasurer. S
conflict with Russia comes about. When the final elimination is rom-U-r .
of St Mary"; Sigma Phi Epsilon,! poLlry contest wa
Pn.n, nu "w',rd S,'ns Richard Phipps, freshman in Engi
Epsilon . Delta Lpsilon, Robert neering college, who read his
nilTV. a? uRa'S a G,ass t0 P"cm- "Tne Ivv" at Ivy Day ere-
v s 'aii. ci iff it ;i itnri m.m,,,. V',t,i-,:
gie"; and Phi ' Rho Siema.
Hornberger, "Afti-r Dark."
plete, the chances are two out of three that we will end up in thcjdo not believe a solution to our present conflict problem is to
Communist machine or merely end up; one chance remains that we found in further advances of physical science.
tart 1 1 Ka I A KitP I af..nak.....n1
ttiu in WUOH1C03 as usual, If thprp i a cnlnti
Sigma Kappa, Jean Lock.
"Sisma Kappa Loyalty Ore"; Chi
Ome?a, Margaret Ann Amend, "A
Chi-O Girl Who Wears a Pin of
Pearl"; Residence Halls. Arlene
Kostal, "Sweetheart of Raymond
Hnll"; Howard Hall, Rosa Bouton
Hall and WiNon Hill sineing to-
The poems were judged on the; aether, Gladys Kasal, "Smoke
j.isis of originality and relevance Gets In Your Eyes"; Knnpn Aloha
U ivy Day tradition and cere-j Theta, Jo Ackerman, "Would That
mony. Judges were members of j Wishes"; Love Memorial, Florence
.... if,...-., in jcii uiii.111 miuuj' ui'ftnnuiu. w ny do i j,ove YOU.
the great problem confronting us, I
ioo university.
What can we do now to increase our chances of survival? Weibelieve it lies in those fields of knowledge that aim toward the oal! .phPPs Proceeded to the throne
can continue out attempts to block Communisms advances, we can
continue our witch-hunts, we can closely check our slide to anti
capitalistic weais. unese human checks however may be met by
counter-movements by our strong opponents and we continue in the
Many people Jbeheve it is unwise for this country to check the
advances of Russia further into Europe, by outright aid. It would
appear to me to, be allowing the opposition an advantage, to follow
any other course, than the one now being followed.
In the fight to avoid defeat, this country has no other alterna
live but to use all of the safeguards now at hand; in the attempt to
with the Ivy Day orator and read
fh. . n a T V , "'u""""a, .OUL" iitIUS are covered byjhis puern following the oration
.. svnai avitiiuco. iue poifiuiat solution must Do reached
by furthering our techniques and understanding of economics, so
ciology, psychology and the like. If we can solve fundamental prob-
1 . . . . . ...
icuis ui numan coniuci or prooiems Irom which human conflicts arise! tilicd "Ivy "
such as the efficient distribute
wv i o iw Aciiiuuc; aixztio
I believe we will be well on the way to understanding amon
men and countries.
Last year's contest winner was
Marthella Holcomb, a member of
Mortar Board. Her poem was en-
Delta Sicma Pi
international House, Laura Wil
terdink, "It's Spring Again"; Delta
Gamma, Mimi Hahn, "DG Girls";
Carl Hall. Ritq Maginn, "In the
Still of the Nisht"; and Pi Beta
Phi. Marilyn Nelson, "Sweetheart
of the Wine and Blue."
The winners were announced at
the conclusion of the inter-fraternity
sing Saturday afternoon.
Jane McArthur was general chair
man of the inter-sorority sing.
1 i . .. ....
xouoi exists as to tne ability of suci social sciences to solve IT 11 T I"
conflicting problems. Whatever the fact may be as to the ..ossihilitvllOlflS 111111011011 "m "s annound Heacl Mas"
of success by following this new emphasis on social sciences. I he-! ...... , ,: .'72, "wt
,:. ,t .1 ... i, . ... , . , .... ... ' l I'M in. 1 llllll,lll Oil , """"I . .1111111. Miiu
inu .uu .nuuier woe oi auacK namely a new empnasis onj'"?ve we are iorcea to place our faith in them. For if no solution is Delta Su-ma l'i fraternity was! Forrest Blood. Jr.. faculty mem
the sciences 'Jiat.may solve the problems of man, as an individual, (possible from that source, I believe tho chances for civilizations end;eld t'"-- English room "of thelbe'".s: LaVern Baumgart. Adam
rather than on tOse sciences that solve the problems of man againstwi11 continue to be two to one. If great advances are not encouriged Ilotcl L'coln early Sunday morn-l''lenm. Harry Campbell, Howard
nature. With eveiy worthy advance of physical science, has come and realized in a short time from those sciences. I am convinced 'that j'f The intiti;''i"n was folovved; Dolen. .Toe Fiala Warren Hinze.
a corresponding advance in the field of death-dealing devices. We Communist domination or total war will be forced upon us within 'chS" "jSl Sffi, IW
now exist amonMhe luxuries and wonders of the physical sciences. ,,ur lifetime. , j Ibauch, William Samuelson and
yet never has civilization been so near a self-imposed extinction, ll Frs-il Sini,.P I Thc "ow rncmhcrs admitted toiWilliam Stephens, undergraduate
I itin.r the professional bizad organiza- members.
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