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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1947)
I I k Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Tuesday, April 23, 7347 Personally Speaking By Norm Leger ueiore we start, we would like who have to limit their cokes to address a couple of people per- per-day because of the demands sonally: Don't complain if you of activities is Harold Mozer, new are sugniea in tne write-ups this president of Student Council. Sec week. You were sent letters retary of Zeta Beta Tau frater which, we believe, politely asked nity, Harold is a junior in the col you to contact us. You have not shown the courtesy to do so, and consequently we do not have the information for a write-up of you. we do have the pictures. Coed Counselors IYesidcnt. It was on the trip to Minnesota last fall that we first met the comely coed whose picture fol lows. Little did we knew then that this same girl was one of the ' V If . ,v; '.' -v. n . Mary Dye i . . mggesi cogs among UIN junior women. (We don't say "wheels" that s for seniors, we're told.) The coed is Mary Dye, newly elected president of Coed Coun selors. before spring elections, Mary had been elected to the position of vw secretary, but this post she had to give up after winning the A position in Counselors. ( Old devil point system. . . .) During xne past year Mary served as dis trict representative for the Y. A member of the debate squad for tne past two years, she is a mem ber of Delta Sigma Rho, Alpha Epsilon Rho, Pi Lambda Theta and Alpha Omocron Pi sorority Besides spending enough time over the books to make the honor roll for three years, Mary has also worked on stage crews for the university Theatre. Student Council Head. Another one of these people A grand nelectinn for your approval Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th St Liberty Barber Shop Ed WhiJer, Prop. We Cater to Uni Students 131 No. 1J 2-2494 ml, ,ii ijuuimamim jib, in i ....I,. t --.1 1 TOO MIST UK II VT'.ARS OT AGE TO LI B BOOMS. JfO M4I.E fcl BWTS. J Harold Mozer lege of engineering. As an engi neering student, he serves on the engineering executive and is sales manager for the Nebraska Blue Print. But the lure of other ac tivities has drawn him elsewhere. In addition to serving as a com mittee member on the council during the past year, Harold is an active in Corn Cobs. In a talk with the new president we were glad to find out ('cause we might be a senior . . . someday . . .) that one of the bigger projects the council will undertake next fall is the further establishment of Senior week. Harold wants to see the matter placed before the faculty senate early in the year so that results m?y affect next year's seniors. Other business calls for the us ual elections of class presidents and new council members, Junior- Senior prom, and plans for next year's rallies and migration trip. A four-member council commit tee will be appointed in the near future to handle the pep sessions and the BIG trip to see one of the games at another school. Chemists Elect. There will be a meeting: of all members of the student branch of Chemical Engineers today at 5p. m. in Room 102 of Avery Lab. Election of officers will be the main business of the day Members are requested to be pre pared to pay the $1.25 dues. Pre-Law Smoker. Pre-Law students are invited to attend a Delta Theta Phi, le eal fraternity. Smoker Wednes day at 7:30 p. m.. at the Capitol Hotel. Ivy and Daisy Chains. All coeds whose names have been turned In as participants in the ivy and daisy chains for Ivy day must practice today at 5 p. m. in Room 315 of the Unioa, according to Shirley Jenkins, di rector of the ivy and daisy chains, Le Circle Francois. The next meeting: of Le Circle Francois will be held Tuesday at 4 in the faculty lounge of the Student Union. Slides entitled "Un Tour en France'.' will be shown. Refreshments will be served. YW YW Comparative Religion group will meet Tuesday instead of Wednesday at 4 p. m., in Ellen Smith. Phi Alpha Delta. Professors E. O. Belsbeim and L. B. Orfield will be the guest speakers at the Phi Alpha Delta pre-Iaw fraternity smoker to be held Thursday in Room 315 of the Union at 7:30 p. m. Style Review Shows Sports Campus Wear More than 200 students from the university, Nebraska Wesley an and Union college attended last week's Sportswear Review at Ma gee's, featuring clothing for all campus wear, tennis, golf, swim ming, boating and travel. Fabrics based upon requisites of the sportsman made their debut at the style show. The light-weight, washable and color fast qualities of McGregors "Action under the Sun" sportswear for men were pointed out. Students modeling in the show were Joan Butler, Betty Chipman, Donna Gallagher, Shirley I.ierk, Maryann Loomis, Sally O'Shea, Virginia Pester, Sally Swiler, Rob ert Allen, Charlie Bocken, Fig Flagg, Bud Johnson, James Ken ner, Alan Potter and John Sherwood. Chess The University Chess Club will hold its regular meeting in Parlor C of the Student Union on Tues day, April 29 at 7.00 p. m. W Nw?T Hi, t jj Kl i i W r- f:Jyv ; A M . fe AiC i KA I i mm? caoBRis ty better to smoke! t V;' 2K --L i f i t-A. A ' V 1 V Thc Grandest smoke youVe ever enjoyed! t v 'V. - A Its tfue, if every smoker knew what PHILIP I V - w" '' 'zA MORRIS smokers know . . . they'd ALL change I "r 'K'S4tr " s to PHILIP MORRIS. I . . fJ:uA V Yes, the PHILIP MORRIS smoker really gets ) OJrtr : ' what other smokers only hope to get... PERFECT " Jr" ' SMOKING PLEASURE. I " " 1 So for perfect sjnoking pjeasure ... try a pack l -- V today! -. A A. raw 0 UuLlbJU UUU UiJ U U J (J u CL A L WAY S BETTER BETTER ALL WAYS I