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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1947)
Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Tuesday, April 15, 1947 Ten Fellowship Awards Announced by Dean Goss Ten university students hav been awarded fellowships with a cash value of $7,500, Dean R. W Goss of the graduate college, has announced. The fellowships, amounts, and recipients, all awarded for the 1947-48 academic year are: Franklin N. and Orinda M Johnson Fellowships, worth $750 and all tuition fees each Merle F. Hansen, seeking a doctor's de tree in zoology, who is complet ing a study of rodents in Ne braska; Robert T. Coupland, seek ing a doctor s degree in botany, who is currently engaged in re search work on native grasses Hervon L. Snider, formerly teacher in the public schools in Wilber and Benkelman, who is seeking a doctor's degree in sec ondary education, and Robert B, Hurlbert, to receive his bachelor of science degree in June with a major in chemistry, who will take graduate work in chemistry in the university. Miller Fellowships. Donald Walters Miller FelloW' ships, worth $750 each William D. Aeschbacher, formerly prin cipal of the Madrid, Neb., high school, who is seeking a doctor's degree in history; Thad H. Pit- tinger. jr., who is seeking a doe tor's degree and majoring in ge netics and plant breeding; War ren C. Johnson, who received a bachelor of science degree in 1942 from the university and is now working toward a law degree; and Elizabeth McHenry. junior, who is majoring in bacteriology and chemistry, Nathan J. Gold Research Fel lowship. worth $1.000 and all tui- BULLETIN Cornhusker Payments. All $3.00 partial payments for the 1947 Cornhusker must be paid by Friday afternoon, Dean Sko kan, Cornhusker business man' ager, has announced. Sigma Tau. Sigma Tau will hold a dance for members and their dates Fri day from 8 p. m. until midnight in Parlors XYZ of the Lnion. Women's Sing. All women's organized houses entering the Ivy Day Sing con test must pay the one dollar fee at the dorm to Georgianne Red iger or at the Ellen Smith office by Friday. No group will be per mitted to enter the contest unless the AWS board has received pay ment. Y.W.C.A. Group. T.W.C.A. Religions group will meet in Ellen Smith at 4 today. Mr. Tangeman of the Christian Science Committee on Publication will speak, and all students will be welcome, according to Lor raine Zahn, group leader. Special Permission. Students who wish to attend the Marion Anderson concert must obtain special permission and must be in fifteen minutes after the concert is over. Kosmet Klub Meeting. A meeting for all Kosmet Klub workers and actives will be held in Room 307 of the Union today at 5 p. m. All Kosmet Klub alum ni are urged to attend. Women Swimmers. The university women's swim club will present a spring show, "Aquatic Calendar," in the coli seum at 8 p. m., April 25 and 26. Each number will depict a month of the year, according to Evelyn Lucas, publicity chairman. All participants are members of the swimming organization. Ad mission price will be 40 cents. Classified THE VITA CRAFT COMPANY hag openings for men who are interested In . milking a connection for a sales position with a future. The product Is quality alu minum cookware. Qualified men Inter ested in sales and sales personnel work can begin on a part time basis now and earn from (100 to $200 per month while carrying a regular course of study. Upon graduation these men will be considered for key positions in our National Sales Organization. Undergraduates can qual ify for lucrative summer work In their borne areas. Write Vita Craft Company, 4125 Penn, Kansas City 2, Missouri. If ALE HELP WANTED Bus boys for tea room work. Work 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. Apply after 2:30 p. m., tearoom manager, fiftn floor. MILLER & PAINE J"OR BIKE parties and picnics go to Frod's tion fees Francis J. Haskins, to receive a masters degree in agronomy in June, 1948, who is making a basic study which will be useful to Nebraska's castor bean breeding program. Charles Stuart Fellowship, worth $500 Raymond L. Arth aud, seeking a master's degree in animal husbandry, and who plans to do research work in animal breeding and genetics. Grand Island Engineers Club Provides Fund Grand Island Engineers club has established a scholarship fund with the University Foundation, Perry Branch, director, has an nounced. The club will provide a mini mum of $100 annually for one or more scholarships for students of engineering. Recipients must be able to do satisfactory college work, show promise of success, and be in need of financial aid Preference will be given gradu ates of Hall county high schools. The dean of the engineering college will select recipients of the awards. Signing the trust agreement with the Foundation were L. A. Melkus and E. W, Keiss of th Grand Island or ganization. Lee Magee to Give Chess Exhibition 4t Meeting Today During the regular meeting of the University Chess club today, Lee Magee (one or the top Mid western players) will give a si multaneous chess exhibition. Ma gee will -meet all challengers, playing them all simultaneously. In order to make this tourna ment a success and tax Lee Ma gee s ability as much as possible, all chess players whether mem bers of the U. C. C. or not are cordially invited to participate in the tournament and become ac quainted with the Chess Club's activities, it was announced by the U.t.t. president, Bud Levin- ger. 1171 lirfTrrr mm r: : I I! . -a a 3 ILJSnwVsi IMPORTED VI? f B0YAI BEfVJIH . u 14 UN Coed Wins Honor Mention Fashion Award Dorothy Bimson, arts and sci ence senior, has been awarded honorable mention in the eighth nationwide competition for fash ion fellowships offered annually by the Tobe-Coburn School for Fashion Careers in New York. Winners. Winners of the fellowship this year are Geraldine Stoner of the University of Minnesota, Nelje Weber of Denison University, and Roberta Holbrook and Martha McNaughton of Purdue Univer sity. Honorable mention also went to Romayne Brown of Spra cuse, Kathleen Harter of the Uni versity of California, Edie Jones of Bowling Green, Marjorie Mer rill of Stetson University, Jean Richards of Utah State Agricul tural Callege and Jane Kothmann of Southern Methodist, and Nancy Lovejoy of the University of New Hampshire. Prof. C. Minteer Represents Iowa Prof. C. C, Minteer will repre sent the Iowa institution April 24 at the inaugural ceremonies for John L. Knight, chancellor of Ne braska Wesleyan university. President Charles E. Friley of Iowa State college extended the invitation to Professor Minteer, an alumnus of Iowa State. YM-YW Sponsors Animal Carnival For Student Fund Plans for the annual Estes Car nival which is to be held from 8 to 11 p. m. Saturday, April 19, in the Ag Student Activities Building, were released today. Eleven organizations are expec ted to present booths, according to Barbara Goodding and Duane Foote, co-chairmen of the carni val. A prize will be given to the booth judged best from the stand point of originality, artistic ap peal and salesmanship. There will be dancing, tnd refreshments will be served. The carnival is sponsored by the Ag Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. Proceeds go to a fund to help send students to the Estes Christ ian Conference at Estes Park, Colorado, in June. Alums Receive Election Ballots Members of the university's Alumni association have received ballots for the annual election of their officers, executive commit teemen and members of the as sociation's board of directors, Ar thur A. Dobson, president, has announced. Ballots were sent to all active association members, Dobson said, v New officers will be named at the association's annual Round Up luncheon at the Union, June 7. MOTHER'S DAY CARDS A grand selection for your approval Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th St WITH POTATO CHIPS DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FROM 7:00 P. M. TO 12:00 P. M. BELL MERIDITirS CAFE Just Phone 2-4470 lot a Gmy$hoi$ jl 7 M If " . V ' - ' - f I 7 M ' 'TO- 14 v ' I y fcJ TJ 1 KXRri WHAT YOU DO-8d w a crary shot featuring PtpA. Cok. WtH Mlot what wa think are the three or four beet "shott" wy mocth. If yours U on of these, you get ten buck. If U sBn't, you get a uper-deluM rejection slip for your , AND-if yoo Juat tort of happen to send In a Pepel-bottlseap witn your "snot," you get twenty buckt instead of ten, if ws ttink your "ehoV k one of ths btrt. "'f r? rwZl PmtCdti BrtOtri from too to not-