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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1947)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 'jae T Thursday, April 3, 1947 3 ISseb Sjiiodl if Courtesy Lincoln journal. I ASEBALL .MENTOR Coach Tony Sharpe will see how his Nebraska baseball team, shapes up when he sends his players into action Friday and Satur day against the University of Colorado at Boulder. Sharp directed the Nubbins basket ball squad this winter. Weather Bothers Varsity Golf Team Candidates Try-outs for the 1947 Univer sity of Nebraska golf team were held Sunday at the Hillcrest Country Club. More than 40 men were on hand to make their bids for the varsity berths. The volfers were not in their best form because of cold weather and a stiff wind. Bernie Morten sen was medalist with an 80. He covered the first nine with a 40 and shot the same on the back nine. Rollin Bailey and Del Ry der, Grand Island city champion, toured the links with 82 each. Keith rowell shot an 83; Don Waite, Srottsbluff city champion, an 85; Rod Smith, 87; and Paul Ilyland and Don Stroh, 88. Coach Williamson urges all men to continue practicing, because another try-out will be held soon after spring vacation. There is a possibility of a match before the first regularly scheduled contest with Oklahoma University on April 26. Veterans who reduced the amount of their National Service Life Insurance policies with Vet erans Administration during 1946 chose an average of $3,432 as the amount they wished to carry. Nearly 20,000 patients in Vet erans Administration hospitals participated in athletic activities each week during December as part of VA's physical rehabilita tion program for hospitalized veterans. Nebraska baseball players will get their first taste of action Fri day when they face the Colorado Buffs in the opening contest of a two-game series scheduled for the Boulder diamond. 24 Travelers. Coach Tony Sharpe has named a 24-man traveling squad for the trek west, and has decided on a tentative starting lineup and bat ting order except for three posi tions. Hobe Hayes, Lincoln sandlot start, will lead off for the Scar let team and will play second base. Jim Sharp will open in left field and hold down the second spot in the batting order, followed by Shortstop Bob Grogan. The important cleanup post is still in doubt, with Bob Cerv, bas ketball letterman, and Wes Maser, leading hitter on last year's team, battling for the position. Cerv re ported late, but has cut quite a swath in the Husker ranks with his hitting prowess. First Base Problem. Shirley "Butch" Matthews, Nat ick, Mass., slugger, is slated to bat in the fifth spot, with either Bob Schleiger or Thurman Wright coming sixth. Schleiger is ex pected to get the nod at first base against left handed pitching, while Wright, high scorer on the Nub bins basketball team, will move into the lineup against right handed hurlers. . Bill Denker of Elkhorn is the third base regular and will bat seventh ahead of Catcher Sam Vacanti. Either Wally Scheef, Gretna minor letter winner last year, or Bob Noel of LaGrange, Ind., will start on the mound. Both pitchers are right handed. Angelo Ossino, prewar regular, will be available for relief duty. In last year's two-game series the Husker nine trimmed Colo rado, 10-0 and 5-3. The Colorado outfit was also the opening foe in the 1946 campai, . Play Saturday. The Nebraska team will leave by bus Thursday morning and will return Sunday after a game on Saturday afternoon. In addi tion to the starting lineup, Sharpe has tabbed the following players for the travel roster: Pitchers: Jim Sandstedt, Harold Jacob, Sterling Varr Vleck, Elroy Gloystein and Jerry Schmidt. Catchers: John Maxwell, Dil ford Blatchford. Infielders: Fritz Hegwood, Vic tor Goerke, Fritz Wolff. Outfielders: Harlan Powley, Dean Rogers. Cage Drills Coach Harry Good announces that there is a possibility of spring basketball practice following spring vacation. In the event that an organized practice is not con ducted, basketball men are urged to work out whenever they have free time. i " J h - r f , i ft''' hi 3 Courtesy Lincoln Journal. O U T FI E L D CANDIDATE Wes Maser, outstanding bats man on the 1946 Scarlet base ball team has shifted from shortstop to outfield this season and is battling with Bob Cerv for the center fielld spot in the starting lineup. Kiwanis Nabs 1st In Civic Jamboree The Lincoln Kiwanis Club won team honors in the Civic Jam boree sponsored by the Univer sity of Nebraska Department of Physical Education and Athletics. The Jamboree was held Tuesday evening in the N.U. coliseum. The Civic Jamboree is held to provide organized competitive recreation for the civic clubs of Lincoln. Volley ball, bridge, bad minton doubles, cribbage, barber shop quartet singing, basketball, free throws, and shufflcboard were among the competitive events. Following the Kiwanis Club in team standings were: Rotary, sec ond; Co-Op, third; J.C.C., fourth, and Lions, fifth. About 775 of the veterans who drew self-employment allowances from Veterans Administration during December were operating their own manufacturing estab lishments. - : -.St. Ll iSiJi :Si . 4I f I . . - J r"' I,' t 1 f ' - f 4 - f t , ' , 1 tP Courtesy Lincoln Journal. TRAINING ROOM SCENE With at least three major sports going on at the same time Trainer Ewyn Dees is a busy man. in the Nebraska field house training room. Here Trainer Dees (left) gives Harvey Stroud, trackman, some attention, while football player Jack Evans looks on . At the right Bill Moomey get in some licks on the stationary bike. Moomey is a football halfback as well as be ing a track hurdler and sprinter. In addition to football and track candidates, baseball players also make use of the training room facilities. Rough Gridiron essidn on Tap Spikers Steal IM Spotlight WithCloseTilts Volley ball stole the intramural spotlight in the early part of the week as seven games clicked off in rapid succession on the coli seum floor Monday night. In the afternoon contests played at 5:00, the Phi Kappa Psi team looked good in the first game of their match with Sigma Alpha Mu as they downed SAM 15-13. However, the Sammies came back in the latter two contests to take two wins and end up with a record of a pair of wins and a lone loss. All teams play three games in each match and all games are registered in the standings. While this spirited battle was going on, the Sigma Alpha Epsilon spikers were put ting the finishing touches on the Cornhusker II as they copped three straight games. The Kappa Sigma-Beta Sigma Psi game was postponed until a later date. Volley ball scores: Sigma Alpha Mu 2, Phi Kappa Psi 1. Sigma Alpha Epsilon 3, Cornhusker II 0. Kappa Sigma vs. Beta Slsma Psi, post poned. Presbyterian House 2. TMCA 1. Ag Club 3, Huskerville 0. Lillies 3, LSA 0. Delta Upsilon 3, Tau Kappa Epsilon 0. Badminton. Zeta Beta Tau advanced to the group of quarter-finalists as they downed Tau Kappa Epsilon two games to one. Most of the action in the badminton tourney which is single elimination will take place after spring vacation, with a few of the matches being held this week. Wednesday's competi tion found Delta Upsilon knock ing off the P. E. Club by the count of 3-0 to stay in the fight for tourney honors. Water polo continued to cause attention as six sets of ambitious splashers gave their best in the games played Monday night. Most of the Water polo action is fast and furious as all teams are near ly evenly matched, and for the most part play has been close thus far in the season. The fact that the games are played with winners coming out with but slight margins was born out Mon day night as two of the three games were won by three point margins or less. In the opener of the evening Phi Gamma Delta edged the swimmers from the P. E. Club 10-7, to continue on a victorious path. The other close contest was Coach Bernie Masterson's Corn husker football minions took things easy Wednesday afternoon in preparation for another one of those rough-tough scrimmage ses sions which have come to char acterize this year's spring practice sessions. The Scarlet players are getting an abundance of actual game experience, and the UN coaching staff is giving everyone a chance to show his stuff. Backfield candidates ran thru plays without opposition during the Wednesday practice period, while linemen absorbed more of Tony Blazine's pointers on for ward wall maneuvers. Ends and backs combined for a passing workout later in the afternoon. One position shift occurred during the day. Bob LIpps, letterman guard, returned to that spot after beginning the spring drills at an end spot. Three backfield combinations were running for the Scarlet in yesterday's practice. Dick Thomp son quarterbacked a crew which had Cletus Fischer and Bill Reidy at halfbacks and Dale Adams at fullback. Phil Young spent the time familiarizing himself with the fullback assignments by fol lowing Adams on the plays. Kenny Fischer was also in action with this bunch. Two More Groups. In another quartet Joe Parting ton was at quarterback with Jim Myers and Junior Collopy at half backs and Wally Hopp at full back. The third outfit had Carl. Dilldine and Bruce Bergquist at quarterback, George Bostwick and Bill Beuller at halfbacks and Dar win Salestrom and Bob Mullen al ternating at fullback. played between Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Kappa Sigma with the Sig Alphs coming out on top by the narrow margin of 11-9. In the final, Zeta Beta Tau could muster only three points while the Betas from Beta Theta Pi picked up 12 counters. The final: Beta Theta Pi 12 and Zeta Beta Tau 3. Thursday's schedule of Volley ball: Court 1: 8igma Phi L, ilon ts. Delta Upsilon. Court 2: Sigma Chi vs. Sigma Alpha Mu. Court 3: Delta Tau Delta vs Slums Nu. Court 4: Theta XI vs. Phi Kappa Pst. Court 5: Cornhusker II vs. Delta Up silon. Court 6: Ag Club vs. Presbytcilan House. Thursday night's Water Polo: 5:10: Alpha Gamma Rho vs. P. E. club. 5:18: Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs. Ksrrn House. 5:25: Beta Theta PI vs. Tau Kappa Epsilon. The estimated number of Na tional Service Life Insurance poli cies in force with eVtrans Ad ministration on Dec. 31, 1946, was around 5,600,000, consisting of nearly 5,000,000 term and over 600,000 permanent plan policies. t iiii",iV tlf raj,-' 1 ""if' ' i ijjYifrsr'ir tmm - mi i ' w ir'l 1 L'-'iii'r-'r'-'rHif NIGHT COJLIiSsCiE FRIDAY, APRIL 4lh TTf Couples Only Please i A 1 n I I't l ll fa h H !i !J y-v. fci is ft K I'; f. II hi U & v. . w. V . h ft B 1- - &: ti