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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1947)
Thursday, April 3, 1947 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page 3 Honoraries To Announce Member List At the joint meeting of Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi to be held at a dinner at the Student Union, April 3, both societies will an nounce the names of their new members elected this spring. Phi Beta Kappa announced seven members in the fall for the class of 1947 and it is anticipated that another 12 students will be elected. Sigma Xi will announce new associate members numbering about 20 students, it is estimated. The joint meetings of the two societies was inaugurated in 1915 and has been maintained since that time. The speaker for these occasions is brought to the cam pus at the expense of the two so cieties as a service to the univer sity. After the dinner the public is invited to the Union ballroom for the address of Prof. John Ise, the guest speaker for this year. Pro fessor Ise has announced his topic as "Homo Sapiens in the New WnrlH " All reservations for the dinner must be made by April 1st accord in? to the secretaries of the socie ties. Prof. David Fellman, presi dent of Phi Beta Kappa, will pre .side at the meeting. Water Safety Classes Slated For Students mi etiirionta tit the University of Nebraska will be given a chance to further their swimming acui ties starting April 28. A repre cAntntiv nf the American Red Cross Water Safety council will conduct courses and examinations in life saving and water saiety work at the coliseum pool. The course will start April 28 and continue until May 9, with the classes scheduled to meet each afternoon from 5 to 6. Men who are Interested in the course are urged to be in satisfactory swim minc condition when the course begins. This will eliminate the necessity of any conditioning worn during the class periods. Coach imipv's Advanced swimming class on Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day is open to tnose wisning io ao conditioning work. The recrea tional swimming period irom a.iz to 5 daily is also available. Cqach Lepley also plans to con duct a learn-to-swim campaign. The instructors for this program will be those men who have nassprt the Red Cross course. Classes from 4 to 5 and 5 to 6 are nhnnrd. with the complete pro gram running from May 12 until May 30. TVTpn wishing additional infor mation may see Mr. Lepley or call Extension 21. J I f I 11 l II - k. - t . A UHO DO those snmr TOKERS THINK THEY'RE lZOOLQGcY) i Ag Feeders Day Program Announced Plans for the 34th annual Feed ers' Day which is to be held Fri day, April 18 on ag campus have been released by Professor Wil liam Loeffel, chairman of the ani mal husbandry department. Feeders' Day which is sponsored by the arrtmal husbandry depart ment is instrumental in revealing experiments in breeding and feed ing carried on at the college of ag riculture in the past year. The traditional event is attended by persons throughout Nebraska and neighboring states who are inter ested in livestock breeding. Professor Loeffel said that at tention would not be confined ex clusively to cattle, but that feed ers of hogs and sheep would also find phases of the program which will interest them. Professor M. L. Baker, In charge of feeding experiments, told of plans for showing the results of experiments with native hay, vita min A and proteins. Past Feeders' Day programs have averaged crowds of some 2,500 to 3,000 farmers and ranch ers. The largest crowd ever to at tend one of the days, exceeded 4,000. During the war years the program was somewhat curtailed and it was necessary on occasion to hold the traditional day via radio broadcasts. Joan Milk. Jr. k t.-..Tv 1 Salutes Spring k l'1 ' P Writes 1 Kf .S J? SI I I num 11 4 VvVsVVmv- W m K a m u mm m jljbv jt 0,d S . Floor A- ) . m r 4ii ? . rV .- w Spring night and day dream! loan Miller's classic button front dress with patch pockets and winky goM buttons. In Dan River Pavilion pas ' tels . . . Cream, flqua, Maise or Pink. Sizes 9 to 15. 14.95 Joan Miller goes prim as a Pilgrim ... 'til the Quaker-cuffed jacket comes off . . . revealing a slick one-, piecer with cap sleeves. In Red, Brown, Blue or Green gingham check. Sizes 9 to 15. 12.95 tr limit- --I; L m.i r.u i i- ii mi n ! mm m nMMniii. mum Ml n. mil i ! ! V V '6 SI It k ii 9. 8- n ir 1 if- K 1 n I I U i. :i H u u I' ii B