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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1947)
Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, April 2, 1947 PiiMic Housing Meetings Held John Lange, regional director, and W. H. Wolaver, five-state area manager, conducted the federal public housing conference held on the university campus Tuesday. Problems of colleges and muni cipalation such as division of cost of operation between local agen cies and FPHA, final disposition of projects, fiscal arrangements and allowable normal operating expenses were aired. Representatives of the univer sity, Union college, Nebraska Wes leyan, Dana college, Doane college, Midland college, Peru Normal, York college, Fairbury junior col lege and the Nebraska State Trade School at Milford attended the conference. Graduates Join Illinois Faculty Among thp new faculty mem bers added to the instructional staff nf the University of Illinois' Galesburg division are two former Nebraska women, Dr. Johanna 1. Ogden, who will instruct classes in rhetoric, and Miss Elsie C Mul ler. who will teach mathematics. Dr. Ogden graduated from Ne braska in 1914, and was for a time assistant dean of women. She is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and the American Association of Uni versity Women. Miss Muller. who also studied at the University of Nebraska, re ceived a bachelor s degree irom Nebraska State Teachers' college Wamp. Nebraska. She is a mem ber of the National Council of Mathematics Teachers, National Education association, ana me Michigan Education association. Music Sorority Presents Spring -Concert Monday- Delta Omicron, professional music sorority, presentea us an nual spring concert Monday night in Temple theater. The vocal ensemble conducted by Barbara Olson of Lincoln opened the concert with Bach's Hoar Kini? of Aneels and also presented the closing selections, Hageman's "Do Not uo My vave and "Tree Silences' by Lenz. Alice Saunders played two vio lin solos, Rachmaninoff "Vo calise" and "Slavonic Dance" by Dvorak-Kreisler. Marilyn Nelson played Copeland's piano show piece "Scherzo Humoristique." Arleen Heinz sang Debussey's "Mandoline" and Smith's "My Song and My Love." A triple trio composed of Jac queline King, Joyce Stuve, Nancy Pierson, Margaret Shelley, Mar garet Ann Amend, Mary Lou Sommer, Patricia VerMaas, Mary Earton and Lois Swanson sang Stougton's 'Kung Fu-Tze" and Clokey's "Flower of Dreams." Joann Weston and Margaret Shelley were accompanists. Magee Leads in Chess Standings According to Haxry Bichman, ecretary of the University Chess club, the standings after the third week of competition in the round robin tournament are as follows: Magee, first; Bichman, second; and Gloor, third. Behind the leaders, in this order, are Schlei ker, Sakalak, Wehrmani Berry, Cuttenbcrg and Story. Late applicants will be accepted, and should contact Harry Rich man as soon as possible at 2-3120. Election . (Continued from Page 1.) VI, concerning qualifications for candidates to fill Council vacan cies .and an addition was made to Article V providing that presi dent and vice-president of Coun cil mutt be chosen from the hold over members. By custom, secre tary and treasurer are also elected irom the holdover membership. The election would have been validated at 9:45 p. m. if it had not been for a tie between Na dine Anderson and Jane Mc Arthur for the secoond woman representative from Arts and Science college. Five tedious re counts were made before an er ror was discovered in favor of Miss McArlhur. The elections committee and faculty advisor, Hiss Mary Mielenz, validated the election at 1030 p. m. BaallGSflim POULTRY CLUB The Poultry club will meet to night at 7 o'clock in the Poultry Husbandry building. Plans for special events during Easter va cation will be discussed accord' ing to Frank Foote, publicity cnairman. KOSMET KLUB There will be a meeting of all workers in Kosmet KJub in room 307 of the Union tonight at 7. VETER-ANNS Tickets for the Veter-Anns din ner to be held tomorrow in Par lor A of the Union at 6 p. m. may be purchased from Ula Mae Schall, 5-9537, or Marjorie Bau mann, 8-1388, for 85 cents. All members are urged to be present as group photos will be taken. NTT-M EDS There will be a meeting of the Nu-Meds at 6:15 p. m. in the XYZ parlors of the Union to night. Dr. Stewart will speak on "Public Health" and officers will be nominated for next semester, acording to Ted Hehman, pub licity chairman. VARSITY DAIRY The Varsity Dairy club will meet tonight at 7:30 in the Ag Union. An election of new mem bers will be held and nomina tions for next year's officers will be made. Plans for the dairy Colonel Grove Named Army Day Speaker Colonel William R. Grove, ROTC instructor in Field Artillery on the university staff from 1938 to 1940, will be the main speaker at the Lincoln Chamber of Com merce Army day public affairs luncheon, April 7. During the war CoL Grove per formed distinguished service as a field and staff officer specializ ing in Artillery support for the Army Air Forces and was award ed the Legion of Merit and the Bronze Star MedaL He became a senior instructor in logistics at the Army's Com mand and General Staff College judging contest will be discussed. TRI-K CLUB University Tri-K club will meet tonight at 7:15 o'clock in the Ag Union. Plans for the spring judg ing contest will be discussed. All iMrpnMrat mmm a mat have Af tlvttlra natal iiim4 la a laa H.A.B.W. office ar ta a aoaxa mrrober .by 5:0 Frt ty April 4, la III af I ta rPfWw ptnft TM CABINET. Tha rnlvemMy TM CaMort wM mwl Wedamday, April t. at :M la the Sta aat I'ntoa. to dlsras plan for Fiitea Park. inaMnHi at farcin fMaas am rampaa, aaa! the nm'i stag party wMra win nw arid April l a, afrarai la oeram Mmm. VMCA nam iKwtans. All numbers are arcra to attrad. Literary Club Elects Pierce Alice Pierce was elected presi dent of the Palladian Literary So ciety at the election for officers for the third term Monday, March 24. Other new officers are, John in Fort Leavenworth, Kana fol lowing the war, and served in that position until his present as signment as Director of Courses at the school. , Veteran students may attend the luncheon which will be held in the Chamber of Commerce dining room April 7. Tickets may be se cured at the Chamber of Com merce Lincoln office. McCorkle, vice president: IrvlB Blish, critic; George Mehuron, re cording secretary; Kathryn ElKng son, corresponding secretary; Jim Welsh, program secretary; Doris Weldon, historian; and Erwin Cone, who continues as treasurer. Don Kroger, retiring president, and Miss Pierce are now up for election into the Palladian Gavel Club, alumni organization o the Palladian Society. EASTER CARDS A grmmd flection for your approval Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th St. WITH - POTATO CHIPS DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FROM 7:00 P. M. TO 12:00 P. M. BILL ftSEIUnHITirS CAFE Just Phone 2-4470 r" when you smoko U:Z, f . -A muf msmMgy " ih VV' , . " 7 i iJ h mm foot mim K . 7HwaXn t. 1 I 0 XML dSJi --Qnnnn nnri IFflH F, America's FfJI5F Ciwrotio! Thcre'f an important difference la Philip Morris manufacture that lets the FULL FLAVOR of the world's finest tobaccos come through for your com plete en f oyment clea n, fresh, pure That's why the flavor's'ALL yours when you smoke Philip Morris! That's why Philip Morris taste better smoke betterall day long! No wonder that with millions of smokers everywhere,' Philip Morris is America's FINEST Cigarette nn WVDtt A LVVAYS BOTTGR-BGTTER ALL WAYS J CI I -r l