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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1947)
Ve.-g-nr March' 30, 1947 nverhead Drill Marks Football ork Inday . .. riAAtrs were in need HUSK!, fnllowine Thursday's Jugh scrimmaee, so Coach Ber S Masterson had a diet of pass Sand kicking practice on Up nr tne Da-"-1"-" ; . .7, Friday afternoon spring drills. ..S were Jack Pesek and Jta " handled tne majority S the toe chores last fall. Back- Cried s a kickint specialist, and Z State last season bore out the 1 . j-hAti'in v ilia " Jome fifty rd boots durinr the Friday sess.on. Pacsine 100 came u oiwu- lion juvcrs ere among the overhead artists who were' outstanding. Although he did no passing from his half back post last iail, nuuon udsneu possibilities as he naUed receivers ..nh rppularitv. Tony Blazine's men up front pass defense as well as on formations to protect Ne braska passers. Kose Bowl Grids. Onlookers at Fridays session were Herman Rohrig and Harry Hopp of the Rose Bowl team. Rohrig now performs with the Rav Packers, while Hopp will be with the Baltimore Colts next season. Two weeks of spring training have gone by the boards, and the Huskers will have one more weeK of work before laying off for snrine vacation. Following the week's rest, the gridders will have three more weeks of practice. Scarlet Rank 2nd hi All-Sport Voint Tabulation Nebraska ranks second behind Oklahoma in all-sports rankings following the completion of six conference competitions. In fig uring the standings six points were given for first, five for sec ond and so on down the line. The Huskers have failed to win a single championship, but have finished second in indoor track and swimming. Missouri and Kansas were held back in the scoring because they did not com pete in wrestling and swimming competition. Okl. Neb. ISC Mo. KSC KU Football .. AS 3 2 3ft 1 SV C Coun'v .6 3 1 4 5 2 Ind. Track. 3 5 1 6 2 4 Biskubl .6 1H3H5 143" Swimm'p .3 5 6 0 4 0 Kiwtl'g ..5 4 0 3 0 Total!. .. ;ss 22 194 184 164 15 Did not compete In lhe sports. 1M Standings WATER rOLO. I-eacue I. W Mm t'psiion 3 Phi Delta Theta 2 Alpha Tau Omepa 2 eiema Alf,ha Mu 1 Phi Kappa Psi 0 Theta Xi 0 S'fma Phi Epsilon '. . '. 0 1 --j;w II. Jappa Si em a 3 'nna Alpha Epsilon . .'. 2 B'la Theta Pi ... . . .1 kli Beta Tau 1 nn House 0 "u Kappa Epsilon '. 0 i . cn III. 'itma Nu 3 Phi Gamma Delta ! 2 Nffla Chi . 2 P E. rii.h t rlsr i",ammi Rho" ; o MU Tau Dflta 0 VOI.I.V RALU League 1. 8iPma Alpha Epsilon 3 wn Palace . 4 Pfii vvmon 2 Ma Gamma P.ho 3 Tiu Kappa Epsilon" 1 L 0 2 1 3 4 5 0 2 2 2 5 0 0 3 3 3 3 0 1 2 2 0 0 L S-f ep"."; 2 ' Th-ta p 4 P "V"us 3 uamma Helta 1 neer Co-Op ....... . . V. V.Y. 1 Delta Theta lsKue III. 6 3 wrnnusker l n Sleroa Nil lrue IV. Mt tau D,.ita . Chi . . . "' Xi .. zn AiphaMu-:: r Kappa PS . . ; ; 2 2 1 0 0 0 Independents. House &rtr, Ls "wrvilie" Tr-. W . . 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 ProvMaoL Administration Nall,86 applications ap lor dune iqll n.lce Ute Ins"rance to date9,10.00 the total approved t , DOtBLE SCRIMMAGE Two different games were underway during the Thursday scrimmage work which was the high point in last week's football drills in the Nebraska spring training camp. In the above action an unidentified ball carrier smashes through the white-clad Nubbins on a fine play. Another game is in progress in the background. lie IDiBiase Bows: Grimm Fourth in 50 Marvin Grimm, Nebraska's rep resentative in the National Col legiate Association swimming championships; placed fourth in the 50 yard freestyle event Friday night in Seattle, Washington. Michigan's R. Weinberg splashed to victory in that event in :23.3. Ohio State moved to the front in team scoring with a great array of divers pins world champion freestyle Bill Smith. One new rec ord was established Friday as George Hooserhyde of Michigan State won the 1500 meter mara thon with a mark of 19:44.2. Mike DiBiase, Cornhusker heavyweight participating in the N.C.A.A. wrestling meet, was the victim of the biggest first-round upset. Mike, last year's A.A.U. king, was decisioned by Leroy Alitz of Iowa State-Teachers by a 5-4 margin. Team Race. The team championship, fol lowing the opening day's matches, was developing into a showdown between Cornell College of Iowa, Iowa State Teachers, Illinois, and Red Cross Swim Men to Give Tests Coach Hollie Lepley announced this week end that a representa tive of the American Red Cross Water Safety council will be on hand starting April 28 to give courses and examinations in life saving and water safety work. Be in Shape. An invitation is extended to all male students who are interested. The 20-hour course will extend from April 28 until May 9, "'ith classes meeting from 5 to 6 each afternoon. It is recommended that those men interested be in satis factory swimming condition in or der to eliminate any necessity of using class periods for condition ing. Men wishing to participate in preliminary work may attend Coach Lepley's advanced swim ming class on Monday, Wednes day and Friday, or they may use the recreational swimming period from 3:45 to 5 daily. Coach Lepley's present plans are to onduct a learn-to-swim cam paign, using the men who have passed the Red Cross course as volunteer instructors. This pro gram will start May 12 and con tinue until May 30. There will be two classes each afternoon, one from 4 to 5 and the other from 5 All those interested in the Red Cross course see Mr. Lepley or call Extension- 21. The complete pro gram is to be conducted free of charge for those participating. EASTER CARDS A grand election for your approval , Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th St. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN pao 3 ly 'J l t l't A i ' 1 Oklahoma A. & M., the defending champion. Bill Koll of Iowa State Teach ers, defending champion in the 145 pound class survived Friday's preliminaries, as did Cornell's 136 pound Lowell Lange and 121 pound Dick Hauser. The latter two grapplers won National A.A.U. championships in their weights while still in high school. Harold Molt, 121 -pounder from Iowa State Teachers remained among the season's unbeaten wrestlers by successfully advancing to the semi final round. Swimming Party Booked April 2 At Coliseum Pool A co-recreational swimming party will be held in the univer sity coliseum from 7:00 to 8:30 Wednesday, April 2, for all those who care to attend. Everyone is invited to the get together splash. The facilities of the university pool will be open during the evening for the con venience of all. Swimmers must provide their own suits but tow els may be obtained for a fee of 5 cents. All students must have a swim ming permit on file or bring it with them. These may be obtained at the Student Health Service, Pharmacy Hall. Everyone will ad here to the rules of the pool. All faculty members and their fami lies are cordially invited to join in the fun. '5f.-.s 1 Gene-"I c-80? POSlW 'Datum ! ZZ ,, , ,--" ..nn " starring in jivn. atet? s "lilt KUa 9 -V. EDGE" Says. $ Tv twitched to the new ' RALEIGH less ""7,U- 1 - M M Mill j - 4, -4 i Iowa Slate Golf Team Faces Nine Match Slate AMES, la. Iowa State golfers will compete in nine matches dur ing the 1947 season. Four non-conference contests and five in the Big Six will make up the schedule to be played by Coach Jack McGuire's golfers. The seasoon opens April 11 when Drake will play host to the Cy clones. The 1947 Iowa State golf sched ule: Friday. April 11 Prake at Pes Moines. Friday. April 23 Orcifihton t Ames. Friday. May 2 Kansas at Ames. Saturday, May 3 Kansas State at Ames. Monday, May 5 Minnesota at Minnea polis. Friday. May 9 Drake at Ames. Friday. May 16 NYhraska at Ames. Saturday. May 24 Missouri at Olumhia. Monday,, May 26 Oklahoma at Norman. AIR NAT. OVARn. The reeular weekly drill period f the Air National Cliard unit will be held Mon day nicht, March SI, at ha n cur No. 1 at the air base. Free transportation will be provided for member and prospective member. Baa lll leave the north door of the post office at 1 p. m. Free Variety Show Jennifer Jones & Charles Bickford -SOXfi OF BEEtNADETTE- 3:00 P. M., SUNDAY, MARCH 30 Union Ballroom 7:30 P. M., March 30, Ag Union II 'III w Au'iyfeiijis 7$:w (Si f n Asm Three Sports Highlight m Activity Slate Intramural activity continued to hit a high pitch this week as teams began to dig in for cham pionship honors in three sports, water polo, volley ball and bad minton. In the badminton single elimi nation tourney, Sig Alpha Mu Thursday succeeded in downing Sigma Fhi Epsilon. The Sammies copped two out of three games to earn the right to advance near the quarterfinals. In Friday's ac tion, Beta Theta Pi white-washed Delta Tau Delta three games to none as they moved near the finals. Leading the three water polo leagues are Delta Upsilon, Kappa Sigma and Sigma Nu. This rough and tumble sport has been hitting a fast pace through the week as all teams have their eyes on play off snots. Thursday and Friday results: Zeta Beta Tau It. Tau Kappa Kpsilon S, Kappa Sipma 17. Farm House 0. Alpha Tau Omet-a 13. Phi Kappa Tat k Pelta Upsilon 2f, Theta XI .V Sigma Chi heat Pelta Tau Pelta (forfeit). Sigma Nu 18, Alpha Gamma Rho &. Volleyball. The newly formed volleyball leagues that number three frat ernity loops and one independent league have also hit a hot pace this week as an average of three games a day have been played on the coliseum floor. The undefeated leaders in the fraternity loops thus far in the season are Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Thi Epsilon, Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Nu and Beta Sigma Psi. Leading the independent league are the unbeaten Presby terians and Lillies. Thursday and Friday results: Beta Theta Pi 2. Phi Oamma Pelta &. Pelta Tau Pelta 2. Sisma Chi 1. Farm House 3. Pioneer Co-op 0. Cornhusker U 2. Tau Kappa F.psilon 1. Phi Pelta Theta 3. Alpha Tau Omeea 0. Brown Palace 3. Alpha Gamma Rho 0. Mater Polo Schedule for Monday. .V10 Phi Gimma Pelta vs. P. K. Club. 5:18 Sicma Alpha Kpsilon vs. Kappa Sig ma. . 25 Zeta Peta Tau vs Beta Theta PI. Volley Ball for Monday. 5:00. Court 1 Pipma Alpha Mu vs. riil Kappa Psi. Court 2 Sipma Alpha Fpsilon vs. Corn husker II. Court 3 Kappa Sipma x-a. Beta Slpma Pal. 7:20. Court 1 YMCA vs. Presbyterians. Court 2 Ar Cluh vs. Huskerville. Court 3 Ullles vs. I.SA. Court 4 Pelta fpsilon vi. Tau Kappa Kpsilon. -AALj New Blend I New Taste I New Freshness I Made by the retlutionary new , "903" moisturizing process. Bene 1 ficial moisture penetrate (very to ' bacco leaf gives you a smoother, milder, better smoke! Get new Raleigh "903" Cigarettes today. ill