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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1947)
Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, March 26, 1947 Westover Tells Convocations KK Show Limit 1U JLllgllllIll Union Week On Ticket Sale Only 1,650 tickets will be sold to the spring Kosmet Klub show, "Aksarben Nights," according to Van Westover, Kosmet Klub busi ness manager. The show will be presented three nights, April 17, 18 and 19. Reservation coupons are now being sold by Kosmet Klub work ers at a price of 75c each, and for seat reservations without fur ther cost at the Temple theater these coupons may be exchanged box office on April 14, IS, 16, 17. Co-authors of "Aksarben Nights" are Dave Andrews and Bill Wiseman. Max Whittaker, spech department instructor, is di recting the show. The show has an all-male cast which includes a 20-man pony chorus. "Aksarben Nights" is the first Kosmet Klub spring produc tion since 1942. "Pott Shots" was the name of the show which was written by Bob Aldrich. It dealt with a college, rapidly going broke, that schemed to obtain the money of a corset manufacturer, an alumnus of a rival school. Theater . (Continued from Page 1.) Lords, David Andrews and Doug las Peters: and messenger, Herb JSpence. A gentlewoman attending Lady, MacBeth is played by Pauline Holm. The three witches are Ann Proper, Lorma Bullock, and Gladys Jackson. Charles Zoeckler Is the tech nical director. Students on the production staff include June Gast, assistant to the director; Arlis Swanson, business manager; Dorothea Duxbury, assistant busi ness manager; Gertrude Cloidt, house manager; Tom Stimpfig, stage manager; and Dale Lemonds, construction manager. D. Ann Richardson heads the lighting crew. Other members are Richard Espergren, Gwen Chris tiansen, Dorothy lusher and Sheila Curran. Head of the stage crew is Walter Davis. The workers include Rex Coslor, Marcia Tipperman, Merle Stalder, Richard Petrashek, and Dale Lemonds. Donna Marsh is had of the property crew, with Marilyn Eidam, Jean Jensen, and Marilyn Beyer as assistants. William Reu- ter is in charge of sound effects. The crew includes June Gast, Rex Fettijohn and Jim Welch. Bar bara Berggren is the costume manager. Highlighting the activities at the Union this week will be three con vocations. All will be held in the ballroom. The first one. Thursday 11 a. m will feature the former president or me India Youth Congress, Dr. a. (-nanara-bekhar. He is now a lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania. His topic will be "Poverty and Population in India.- Next Monday President Drake of Doane college will speak at the convocation at 12 noon, and the next day the President of Concor dia college, will be the speaker at convocation at the same time. Tonight in the ballroom will be the last social dancing class, held at 7:30. Friday night at nine o'clock Jean Moyer's band will play for a dance in the ballroom. Saturday, at 2:00 the Big Six bridge tournament finals will be held in the Union, and the same nignt there will be a juke box dance at nine o'clock. Sunday, a variety show, "Song of Bernadette" will be shown at three o'clock and at eight o'clock at the Ag union. There will be a coffee hour in the lounge at five o'clock. Tuesday at four, films will be shown at the Siesta Film Hour in the lounge. Dames Release Activity Slate The University Dames, society for the wives of married students on campus, has announced the following events, which will take place this week. Tonight, the bridge couples club. Elizabeth Jones, chairman, will meet in the Union at 7:30. Also tonight is the meeting of the knit ting Interest group, which will meet at the home of O. G. Edison, 3248 T Street at 8 d. m Tomorrow the music apprecia tion group will meet in the fac ulty lounge at 7:30. Square dancing will be held 315 Union, Friday the 28th at 8 p. m. Coriihusker Co-op Elects Scheinost Prcxy for Year At a regular business meeting Monday, Charles A. Scheinost was re-elected President of Cornhusker Co-op for next year. Stan Dietrich was named vice- President and social chairman; Kieth Greenstreet became Treas urer; and Dean U Quigly was picked Secretary. Harold E. Mer- rit was re-elected steward, while President Scheinost appointed Ro land Lowe to the post of Athletic Manager a second time. BLOCK BKIDLE CLUB Block and Bridle club will meet Thursday, March 27, at 7 p. m. in Room 208 Animal Husbandry Ha 11. New officers will be elected. BuaHIletriim WOMEN MEDS. Gftnua Ma Ttota, mna'i BMxttraJ fraternity, will hold a meeting Tkarada ivrmlnf it I h ht ITnloa. PmUcat MjTle HHvr mrgti ail mmm- INNOCENTS. Tfcera H1 fca a awtm af Ma aaU cadet toaicht 4 1:M . m Thnrabeiff aamamul tadajr. rRKSBT KA8TEB VESPER Fra-Eaater Vaaaan win ha tela ricsky Stadaat Baaaa arcry naraia he laa week a Mart 91 an April :! a. at. BUI II UNIVERSITY CONVOCATION SRIPATI CHANDRA-SEKHAR Former President India Youth Congress F ormer Member Indian National Congress Poverty fir Population in India" 11. -00 A. M., THURSDAY, MARCH 27 UNION BALLROOM JEAN MOYER'S ORCHESTRA Playing 9 to 12 FRIDAY, MAR. 28 44c per person Union Ballroom Juke Box Dance 9 p. m. to 1 1 :30 p. m. Union Ballroom J "Classified f LOST Mottled, brown heavy rimmed glasses. Kt-ward. Call 3-3831. FRIDAY, MAR. 27 COLLEGE NIGHT at hi ; t A I - i ;i skippy ahdersoii featuring SINGIN' SONG TITLES" Dancing 9 until 12 Couples Only EASTER LONG after! . . and i(n msm Yoor topper, $anj and short, hs a way of appearing over everything in yoor wardrobe ... suits,, even dance froeka. Sketched, just three of oar "short V sweet" eol- 2995 u Hi COATS SECOND uuo 13 It "7 n