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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1947)
Pose Student Federalists Will Hold Study Group Thursday Night Student Federalists will hold a study group Thursday evening at 7:00 p. m. in the Faculty Lounge of the Union to discuss the general topic of "Sovereignty." The dis cussional meeting is open to all people interested In the subject and who are interested in the re lationship of this intangible na tional freedom in regard to mod ern international activities and the possible creation of a Federal World Government. t Charles Bcrgoffen. Political Science major, will lead the dis cussion, giving a brief talk on the subject before opening discussion from the floor. Questions There are many questions that arise in regard to sovereignty that are difficult to answer because of the various concepts that ex ist in the definition of the term. It can be asked, is "sovereignty", (a) non-existant, (b) only aphc able to domestic and not foreign affairs, (c) something which ap plies in foreign affairs but limited s the liberty of the individual is Dial Twistings By LEE HARRIS For a quick moment of relax ation after a fast and exciting morning of activity, let me sug gest that you catch the 15 minute Fred Waring show offered at 11 this morning over NBC. At 12:15 your local radio sta tion, KFOR, brings you the oppor tunity to "Stroll Between the Book Ends" with Ted Malone, who relates to his vast audience f listeners those old favorites that bring back pleasant memo ries. Passing thru the day, we find one of the best news summaries may be brought into your place of listening merely by changing your dial to 590 at 6:15. You will then be tuned to NBC again, and at your service will be the News of The World program bringing the latest news from around the world as told by newscasters sta tioned thruout the universe. By sticking to the same net work, NBC, you may sit back and enjoy the Great Gildersleeve at 7:30 tonight. "Gildie" is a sure thing when it comes to bringing laughs from his audience as he chases nephew "Leroy" or be comes involved in a complicated scheme. Following thru on the top shows for tonight: Frank Si natra takes to the air over KFAB at 8:00 this evening for his week ly half-hour song and variety show. Following the Sinatra show is Mr. District Attorney. Continuing the follow-up of programs classified as the better choices for radio listening tonight, we skip back to KFAB at 9:30 for the recently returned Information Please program. Information Please is another nationally broadcast CBS production which lasts for one half-hour. Campus Tunes and Chatter are your best bet in the way of popu lar recordings for tonight. The time for this show is set for 11:00 over station KFOR. By now the major part of the day's radio lis- NTJBBIXS PHOTO. The date for the taking of the picture of the Nubbins basket ball squad ban been moved nn to this evening, Wednesday, March 19, at 5:15. All slayers are expected to be in the var sity room In the coliseum base meat by 5 o'clock. LEE HANCOCK'S ORCHESTRA Flaying 9 to Midnite FRIDAY, MAR, 21 44c per person Union Ballroom Union Dne Sl Mar. 22 t in domestic affairs or, (d) unlim HfA twww wbich cannot be de stroyed without destroying the state. In commenting on the discus sion of sovereignty. Bergoffen stated, "An understanding cf sov ereignty and its implications is basic to any intelligent discussion of world problems and world peace." He pointed out that the tiarlniK iwntvtntinn that will be presented will undoubtedly prove interesting. In announcing this study group, Dorothy Lasher. Secretary of the university's Student Federahst chapter, stated tnai sucn a ais cussion will give interested people an excellent opportunity 10 ais- cover exactly what tne Student Federalists stand for and exactly what Federal World Government means, particularly in regard to its relationship to naaonai sov ereignty. The discussion will also give those people who oppose the creation of a universal federal government an opportunity to pre- j sent and argue their case. tening will have been completed; only dance music will then re main on the schedule which ends at midnight - -v . U . J, I ' , ' t K.f J if l J 3 f 'X ' The cutaway over slim dark SUITS . . THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Henry V Records Features Program Musical recordings taken from the bnv ground music of "Henry V will oe played in room 24 of the Temple at 5:20 this afternoon. The program will last approxi mately twenty minutes, and will feature the highspota of the movie's background music. The music, composed by Wil liam Walton, is played by the London Symphony orchestra un der the direction of Muir Math ieson. Recordings of the music cod In the battle scenes and in the love scenes are the outstand ing numbers that win be piayea Grades Grade cards for the first ae mester will be distributed from the office of adnilslsons te administration building between tin. and 4 p. dl u UIUws: A to G Inclusive Wednes day, March 19; H U N inclusive Thursday, March 20; O to Z Inclusive Friday, March 21. Students must present their Identification cards when call ing for grades. CORSAGES OI R SPECIALTY IYERS0N ROWER SHOP ? Sath Ifth St, FkM t-I31 .'NtA-;.-- '- - if i " r, " I . . - . .. . : Second " ) V , , , . - ' f - a "-s, s Calling All Cobs! An eleventh-hour chance for Corn Cob workers to assure their initiation, being planned fs-r the near fntnre, will be ex plained at a worker's meeting tonight at 5 p. m. In the Corn Cob office, third floor of the Union. The new project will demand work hours this week, and workers are required to attend. &emtred also la that each worker wear his Cob sweater to remind war. era of tonight's meeting. Workers are alto asked t bring "JT book sales money, according U Sana War ren, notifications chairman. Notice on army bulletin board: "Court martial docket jammed. Any soldier desirous of violating articles of war will please post pone action for ten days." Ti THEATRE GUILD prunts LAURENCE OLIVIER "Henry V" h TtrkmkUr thru vnii-k aaiim J-WO SHOWS DAU.T. liH-ti NKBRASKA Be. Thurs. Mar. 20 Trtw. MaU: 1.t-$l.ft. Ere: !.-. 4 T ImI. 5. WW'.M i p siimi mm i t,. w 4 --v. I jacket . . skirt . . by ILL WednesHoy, March 19, 1947, Welfare Council Discussion Groups Will Meet Tonight Religious Welfare council spon sored discussion groups will meet tonight at T:30, according to YMCA Secretary Gordon Llppitt. Christian Faith and Action will talk about "Social Action in the Community." Their meeting will be held as usual in the west lec ture room of the library with Mrs. Roscoe Hill supervising. . "Psychology of Family Life" will be the topic taken up by th Preparation for Marriage commis sion when it meets in the YMCA lounge of the Temple. Mrs. An geline Anderson, instructor on Ag campus, will lead the discussion. Rev. Robert Drew will continue heading the Bible Study group in their study uf "The Life of Jesus." f i mE suit OF THE YEAR As seen in Yogtss, Harper's Bazaar and Hademciselie pale - toned Weiner n L srtiaX