Tuesday, March" 18, 1947 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page 3 First Bouts Set Tonight In Mitt Meet Tonlghtt at 8, honors in the University of Nebraska boxing tournament will go on the block in the Coliseum with some 65 boxers competing for prizes. The bouts will be held tonight, Wed nesday and Friday; the finals be ing held Friday, March 21. Many new boxers will enter the ring: with more or less un known ability, and many are ex pected to surprise. Several boys who showed well In last year's tournament will a tain be fight ing it out for the miniature Golden Gloves awarded to each division champion. Of this group the fol lowing are willing mixers and are sure to give a good account of themselves: Bob Lipps, John Sed lacek, Tom Novak, Bob Tegt, Gor don Hall, are football lettermen and already noted for their prow ess. . Others who have had pre vious ring experience are Har lan Cranston; Stan Daffer, Al Heikes, Ray Roth, and Duane An derson. Some 12 bouts will feature the Tuesday card, with at least that many and perhaps more sched uled to go on Wednesday night at the Coliseum. Finals will fea ture the card for Friday night. In dications are that a good sized crowd will be on hand to witness the three nights of boxing, since last year several thousand specta tors were present for the two nights of boxing. The public will be welcome to the three shows, and tickets are now on sale at the Coliseum ticket office. Team Honors. In the race for boxing team honors, Sigma Phi Epsilon and Delta Upsilon lead the way with seven entries each; Phi Delta Theta, runner-up in 1946, will have four; Beta Theta Pi has entered five; Kappa Sigma four; and several other campus or ganizations will be represented by one or two fighters. TIKSDAV'8 PAIRINGS Time 8:IM 125: Ray Roth n. Hob Carltum. 180: Hob Knitter v. R. ('. i'rotinrll. 14ft: Torn IxiIhH v. Rob Beaten. MS: Hl llaldeman v. Gray Norval. 14: Ray Sliimnn v. I-enn Penrnon. 14ft: Itol Corhrane vs. R. A. hkochel opole. 1ft ft: Roll Hermann yn. Jim Wolford. Womifleir IBotthers Maaskeirs Dim MitM GiridoirtoBi) Prill Ringmaster Bernie Masterson cracked his whip for the first time Monday afternoon as he sent his Husker football prospects through a chilly first day's practice session. The spring-like weather o f morning and early afternoon faded quickly as it neared time for the Scarlet gridiron candidates to gather for their preliminary chores. Not all of the 150 squad men were on hand for the first session, for afternoon labs inter fered with the athletic plans of some of the stalwarts counted on for pigskin duties. After a preliminary limbering up period, Coach Bernie shooed the Scarlet outfit indoors for a brief lecture in the field house, and then back out into the cold they went. Backfield Coach Dou gal Russell had the entire squad going thru more calisthentics be fore the players divided into line men and backfield groups. , A new figure in the ranks of the backs was Joe Partington, regular center on last year's Nebraska team. Little Joe was taking his turn with the rest of the quarter backs trying passes to the other backs. - ' While the backs and centers were busy with passing practice, Line Coach Tony Blazine had a host of forward wall candidates going through practice charges at the west end of the practice field. Early Work. Faced with the problem of find- Ag Intramurals CLASS A (Final Standings) Karm Hon A RiiNtln Alpha Gamma Rho A I'la - Mori Cardinals C'aslnn Club CLASH B Lutheran Students Alpha Gamma Kho B Y. M, C. A 'of fee Kids Farms House R A Men's Club B 4 1 3 2 2 3 1 4 0 6 4 0 5 1 2 1 z z 1 3 0 4 1.000 .8110 .6(H) .400 .ZOO .000 1.000 .600 ftOO .500 .200 .000 I Aft: John Orden vs. Paul Coder. 1ft ft: Vlrxle Ohse vs. Jerold Mcllonnld. 15ft: Vernle Moehart vs. Del Wereand. IBS: Ron Metzicar vs. Rud Kathol. ltift: C. W. Roberts vs. Hwlcht Kyers. 10ft: Fred Turner vs. Stan Hartunka. Hvt.: Franrls Mandula vs. Tom Novak M Haadata AMERICA'S No. 1 COMPOSER WITH AN ORCHESTRA famous composer of "HUCKLEBERRY DUCK" "TWILICHT IN TURKEY" "TOY TRUMPET" "IN A MAGIC CARDEN" AND 150 OTHERS and his BIG NEW DANCE BAND f ) - V f ' If I "everybody" I I I WELCOME J -f V I Junior-Senior Prom ,' f Saturday Night, Coliseum i . ' 7 $ U 8 to 12 I 1 I . $J per couple, tax inch f , - I ing a new quarterback to replace Sam Vacanti, who will finish school this summer and then take a whirl at pro ball with the New York Giants, the Husker coaching staff had a string of quarterbacks trying their hand at finding re ceivers with forward passes. Backfield men wasted no time. Working on the T formation, three trial backfield combinations lined up for drills on some of the T wizardry. Included in one quartette were Partington at quarterback, Tom Novak, Omaha, at fullback, and Junior Collopy, Scottsbluff, and Jim Myers, York, at the halfbacks. All of these players were members of last fall's Scarlet squad, Collopy being shifted from fullback to right halfback late in the season be cause of his defensive prowess. Del Wiegand, Kearney fresh man who sparked the Nubbins last fall, was in the quarter slot of a second backfield which also included Bob Harrington, Auburn flash, who played at Washington and Lee last fall; Dale Adams, Randolph freshman, and roly-poly Wally Hopp, Hastings veteran, who was at fullback. In a third group, Carl Dilldine, Falls City freshman, was at quar ter, Bob Mullen, Connelsville, Penn., prospect, was at fullback, and Bob Ackerman, Sidney speed boy and Bill Mueller, star at Corpus Christi in service compe tition, were at the halfback posts. Among the missing was half back Bill Moomey, still hobbled with a muscle injury picked up during the indoor track season. Other absentees included Quar terback Dick Thompson, Guards E. Schwartzkopf, Fred Lorenz and Gene Wilkens, Halfback Dick Hut ton and Tackle Carl Samuelson. Faculty Bowling March 17, 147 w Business administration 12 Kngineers 10 Law college 10 Architects 8 Geology 6 Dental colleges 4 N. R. O. T. C 4 Teachers college S Physical education 2 Came Postponed The intramural champion ship basketball game between the Phi Gamma Delta team and Hufnagle Field originally scheduled for 5:00 p. m. Mon day was cancelled. No date has been set for the contest which will wind up the intra mural basketball season. Most Impressive Scene of Year la "Henry V the charge of the French knights at the battle el Agfa-Court (HIS A. D.) was the most majestic and spectacular moment oi the year. As gaudily caprisoned hones bore the heavily armed nobles to their doom at the hands of the English archers, modern audiences could view the lull panoply oi the chivalry that died with the Middle Ages. LIFE Mar. 10th, P91 NEBRASKA starting THURSDAY TWICE DAILY 1:30-8. ALL 8EATS RESERVED "JURE BOX REVIEW" 1 ! I - f i h ... . V I' i ' 1 XV; - . ; ? s i- I J : !jli;Vf ! ... ill' ' I s I ll TT C I P EveriIiinR from Lilli Marl ill U J 1 V left to right) ene to "Tiger Rap (reading from CORN Dialled out by those Kofcmet Kluh prize winners Hill Vi'iseman and Dave Andrews (ditto) OPENING NIGHT . ang a "Don't Disturb" fiijn on your radio TONIGHT . . . and every Tuesday and Thursday night. . .10:30 to 11:00 p. m KFOR 8 8 6 12