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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1947)
Sunday, March 2, 1947 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page 3 i MARVIN EXPERT FROM wn nro. NEBRASKA. ?E SPENT TYRS. ikTTWP WAV V. WITH AN EYE TO THE FUTURE he: is nvroRiN(T in SPEECH AND RADIO WORK. ?ur unckTD mfrmam SWIMS THE FREE-STYLE SPRINT CVCNT5. HE HAS COMPILED fr1 cNVIMULL . a a. k .k r v r nttUHU mm int ou AND iOO YD. RACE' ANT.yy - Twenty Games Billed for Ames Baseball Team Ames, la. Iowa State will play i the longest baseball slate the Cy clones have had in many years with a total of 20 contests listed , for the 1947 season. Coach L. C. (Cap) Timm will send his squad into action for the first time against Iowa Teachers at Ames, April 4-5. The season will close at Manhattan in a set with Kansas State, May 26-27. Inrluded In the list will be 12 conference cnies, with all schools appearing on the schedule at least twice. Nebraska will face the Cy clones four times all within six days. The 1947 Iowa State schedule: April 4-5 Tow Teachers at Amu. April 11-12 Minnesota at Minneapolis. April 18-19 Simpson at Amu. April 21 Drake at Ames. April 28-29 Nebraska at Ames. May 2-3 NebrasRa at Lincoln. Mav 8-10 Oklahoma at Ames. May 12 Hrake at Des Moines. May lfl-17 Missouri at Ames. Mav 23-24 Kansas at Lawrence. May 26-27 Kansas State at Manhattan. IM Basketball FINAL A LEAOIT. STANDINGS. roaster son Cheerful As Grid Prills Near Si em a CM Beta Theta PI A Tail Omeca Phi Kappa Fsi P Delta Theta Farm House SiC Al. Mu Sigma Nu Coach Bernie Masterson is con fident that the University of Ne braska will field an improved football team next fall. All of the 1946 squad has at least one more year of eligibility. This, plus the enrollemnt of new talent at the second semester, is what Coach Masterson is bas ing his hopes on. Plus the fact this year he will have the en tire group in spring drills which start March 10. There is the chance that for mer Nebraska players who have been in service will return next fall in time to play. Amons the new additions are Charles Harrington of Auburn, a 175-pounder who was among: the 10 leadinff pass receivers in the nation last fall when he played v. ur chine-inn & Lee. Charles Toogood, a 250-pounder from North Platte, and excep tionally fast for his size, will try for a tackle assignment. Bob Mullen, from Connellsville, to vhn nlaved fullback for a r-lrina turn overseas, is a protege of Clarence Herndon, former Uni versity of Nebraska tackle. Mul len is 6 feet 2, weighs 200 pounds. Ex-Wildcat r,rlAn. 6-1 and 215 pounds, played tackle with Northwestern in 1944 and had monins wvkc u-ith tho Field Artillery. Golan played 58 minutes against Notre Dame as a memoer oi me ixuiui Bill Mueller ,a scat baeK wno played with Corpus Christi while in service, is another likely pros pect who enrolled at mid-year. Joe Brown, guard in basket ball, may try for an end position. Bob Cerv, until a back injury suffered in basektball, had been thinking- of reporting- for the grid sport. If his back responds to treatment he may take a whirl at the grid sport. John Gare of Northampton, Mass., who was here in AST, liked the west and decided to return here to school, is another tackle prospect. He played a year under Andy Kerr at Colgate. One of the oddities of the spring list is the fact that there are three Aliens Paul, Robert and Bruce all from Lincoln but no kin. Robert Ackerman. Sidney: Dale Adams. Randolph; Paul Allen. Lincoln: Rohert Allen. Lincoln: Bruce Allen. Lincoln; Ken Ackerman, Sutton. Harold Becker. Lincoln: Bruce Berg Huist, Lincoln; Ralph Beckwlth. Albion: Roy Broberg. Newman Grove; George Bostwick, North Platte. Frank Collopy. Swttabluff ; Alex Coch rane, Ord; Gerald Calhoun, North Platte, Don Cooper. York. , . Carl Dilldine. Falls City: Erwin Dav sh, Mason City; Charles Dobash, Mason City; Bob Devinev. South Sioux City: "J Dibiase, Omaha; Ralph Damkroger, De Witt. Jacque Fvans, Grand Island; Jack Ed Wards Bridgeport. Ken Fischer. St. Edward: Don Fm Btrom, Kearney; Bob Farner. . Norfolk; Cletus Fischer, St. Edward; Harry 'ox, Lincoln; James Fricke. Lincoln. Gail Gade. Omaha; Jim Godfrey. Corad; rick .-Goeglin, Lincoln; Jim Gutschow, Elfir; Ravmond G-aham. Red Oak. Ia.; John Gerlach, Lincoln; John Gare. North hampton, Mass.; Fred Golan, Chicago. t ia vtmnA Folrtuirv! Oordon Hall Lincoln; Jack Haren. Omaha; Wally Hopp. Hastings; Richard Hutton, Auburn: Lloyd Heimansen, Hay Springs; Harold Hawley, xT.,...b. fv rhurlrn Harrington. Au burn; Robert Harrington, turei. iwwn, Rod Johnson, Holdrege; Jerry Jacupke, William Kane, Aberdeen, S. D.; Bill Kimball, Lincoln; Al Kirlin, Lincoln; Gene Kelly, Lincoln. George Lee, Lincoln: Roy Long. Blair; Fred Lorenz. Lincoln: Bob Lipps, Lincoln; Francis Leik, Lincoln. u-inum UNunv Vnrlr Fred Metheny Lincoln; Jerry Moore, Walthill; Francis i .. i . vumMiAwn fi - i isrn r muss- ... Thotim Vvr York: Jim McWllliams, Scottsbluff ; Raymond Magsa- men Albion: Keltn Manning, uavia .nj , Reginald Mathews, Nantutket, Mass.; u . ircHnnl I .inrnln : Hon Aiuuens. Connellsville, Pa.; Bill Meuller, Omaha; Raymond Mohler, Ashland. Tom Novak, Omaha; Ed Nyden, Lin coln; Marshall Neihart, Lincoln. Riwniii' Richard towers Sargent; William Prall, Omaha; Harlan Powley. Pender: Joe i-arungion, unwui, T. J 1. 1 jnviln lurni, ' ' Bill Rolfsmeyer. Lincoln; Pat Kooney, Nebraska City. Hn. Cwanann T.npnln! 1 Kin bailor. Omaha: Vernon Stiner, Hastings; John c 4 1 n C. ar Rrhwnrtzkonf . Lin- o.ic..c. ....... , - - - coin; Robert Schleiger, Omaha; Carl Sam- ,, nrt,H island- William scnwincK. Neligh; Bob Sim, Nebraska city; uarwin Salestrom, St. Eawara: tisxvey oiruua, . . 1-) i n - Cnnf filrimnt Omsha: .1 U J -U I i . . . . " - . , - , . t-i. ci... cf.tcWnff John snmmers. Omaha; Charles Story, Lincoln; Robert Schneider, Nebraska City. T-ti. Thnmnuin Lincoln? Jim Thomson T Ihmi). . Tim T'fl'vtnT HllViri CitV! Bog Tegt, Fremont: Charles Toogood, North Platte; Charles Tremaine. Beatrice. D,ih.ri iTripc rrinv Penter. Kas. cm v.ointi Omnbs Lawrence Villars Twiimnrh: Rruce Villers. Tecumseh; Don ir,.II.H..n u ) m .1. ' Ti'nirin rtmnhH Walter WrU kins. Omaha: John Weddel. Arcadia; Meno Wilhelms, Auburn; uel wiegana, jvear ney. Phil Young, Oakland. Iowa State Tankmen Drop Scarlet Friday Hollie Lenlev's UN swimminc team dropped their fourth meet this season and their second this week as the Iowa State Cyclones cut the waves to a 49-35 margin at the Coliseum pool. Arain Marvin Grimm, the Dil- ber flash, proved the bright spot of the 'Husker contestants. He broke the eight year old pool rec ord held by Adams of Iowa State in the 50 yard free style with the scintillating time of 24 seconds flat and Just missed the 100 yard record by one tenth of a second. Star of the Cyclone victors was Rrtrer Walk who broke two Dool records, in the 200 and 440 yard free style events, lie came in over two lengths ahead of the nearest 'Husker competitor in the latter, and his 2:17.5 in the 200 broke the five-day record of Iowa U.'s Hutinger, who eclipsed the old mark only last Monday. 300 yard Medley Relay: Iowa State (Robison, Nielsen, Kullman), Nebraska (Oldfleld, King, Draper). Time: 3:09.6. 200 yard free style: Watts (ISV San dall (IS) Burr (N). Time: '2:17.5. !M) yard free style: Grimm (N). Branch (N), Smith (IS). Time: :24.0. Fancy diving: Wlnslow (IS), Moore (N), Case (N). Points. 314.3. 100 yard free style: Grimm N. KulN man (18), Campbell N). Time: :.S4.1. 1M yard back stroke: Robison (IS), Thompson (IS), Oldfield (N). Time: 1:47 0. 200 yard breast stroke: Howes (IS). King (N), Johnson (1S. Time: 2:38.4. 440 yard free style: Watts (IS). Scar borough (IS), Burr (N). Time 5:06.0. 400 yard free style relay: Nebraska (Branch, Campbell, Draper, Grimm), Iowa State (AH, Savage, Smith, Watts). Time: 3:47 0. Denote new pool record. Delta TTpsilon Phi. G. Delta Ric Al Frw. Delta T. Delta I. w V " 1 6 0 Theta Xt 1 ! 5 1 Cornh. Co-On 1 ! 4 2 Kappa Sigma 1 5 3 31 II. 6 0 Sig. Phi. Epa. 3 3 4 2 'Pioneers 2 4 3 3 Zeta Beta Tail 6 3 3! in. ii J 7 0 Beta Sig. Psl 4 3 6 l'Al. Gam. Rho 2 R 4 3 Brown Palace 1 6 4 31 B 1.EAGIES. I. w II Al. Tail Omega 6 Sigma Chi 5 Sigma Nu 4 D. Tau Delta. 3 Gam. Delta Al Ensilon Beta Theta Pi Delta Upsilon . O S. Phi. Fpsilon 1' Kappa Sigma 2 Brown Palace 31 n. ii 1 Al. G. Rho 1 Z. Beta Tau 2 Pioneers 21 III. w 11 Theta XI 6 P. Delta Theta R Surma Psi 3 Cornhuskers 3 INDEPENDENT 0 Phi Kappa Psl 1 1 Farm House 3 Sig. Al. Mu 31 LEAGUES. Hufnaele Fid. Ball a Chain P.E. Club Smitnv Pitliks Blue Jays S20" Club Huskerville V-5's Pharm. Coll. P.E. Club LiHies Whit Kids Engineers Seagrams w II 0:Westerner 1 Cyclones 3 Eveready n. w V S 1 5-F's 5 1 V-9's 3 2 Vet's Org. 5 31 III. w li 6 OTMCA 3 2 Gall' g Dominies 3 2 Pointers 3 21 IV. w II 6 0 ROTC 4 1 Methodists 3 2 Presbyterians w 1 3 3 3 3 1 5 w 1 3 3 1 4 1 4 w I 3 3 2 4 0 6 w 1 3 3 1 4 1 3 A meeting of all Innocents has beea scheduled for Monday night, according to President Bill Tboraburg. IPrc-Iityeiilory Sale AT 3L fHtUHHfMltm. WfMmmmmtttm On 13th, H block south of "O" HurrySavings Up To 50 Hurry Allow Your Campus Clerk ' GINNY PESTER DONNIE WAGNER To Show You These Outstanding Values "For Guys and Gals, It's Gifts From DeTs" LISTEN TO KFOR FOR "THAT REMINDS ME" EVERY SUNDAY 1:25 P. M. "You'll enjoy Shopping at Deft to background Music" Del Lienemann, '41 Charlotte Lienemann, 45 Manager OWNED & OPERATED BY HUSKER GRADS rflWjijjniiibMiifc Our Forty-Second Year! Last Night . . . VL ZETA BETA TAU 1UorfJ premiere And s On SIMON'S Bpnsmtatiue Jevee JCirilienhc vaunt iif iU-4-!i A I SJJi You're the man most likely to Succeed Van Heusen scores top marks in the biggest subject Style! Van Heusen Shirts show good taste all over, from collar to cuff. Smart, neat, comfortable collar fi t figure-flattering tailoring throughout. Style-sawy goes together with hard-to-get quality Sanforized, laundry-and-Liboratory tested fabrics give years of satisfaction. Graduate to Van Heusen today ! Phillips-Jones Corp., New York 1 , N. Y makers of Van Heusen Shirts, Ties, Pajamas, Collars, Sport Shirts. in Van Heusen Shirts and ties 'v;.... V'