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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1947)
gunday, February 23, 1947 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page 3 Hi usker Track Team ' Outscores Oklahoma i BY GEORGE MILLER. Nebraska track athletes and fans focused their attention on the Big Six indoor championships scheduled for Kansas City March 1 following the Huskers' well earned 58 to 45V win over the Oklahoma thinclads Saturday afternoon at the UN indoor layout. A more-than-capacity crowd , Jammed into the east stadium arena and overflowed into the infield and outside the track into the stadium lobby to witness an other Husker assault on dual meet and university records. Little Bobby Ginn, a disappoint ing: third in the much-heralded 880 with Kansas State on Wed nesday, redeemed himself In great fashion with a scorching: 1:57.7 In the half mile against the Soon ers. He also racked up a new dual meet standard in the mile run with a 4:30.2 clocking-. Ginn's 880 time wipes out Har old Kopf's short-lived record of 1:58.4, which the Lexington stnder established three days ago, and also erases the dual meet mark of 1:58.5, held by Bill Lyda of OU, Saturday it Kopf who set the pace while Ginn held back. Then in the last lap the Mad fson dynamo turned on the heat and whirled into the home stretch with a wide lead to shatter the existing record. Jim Martin, fast improving Benson freshman, pulled ahead of Kopf to grab second place as the Sooners were . shut out in the event. Kinder Continues. High jumper Monte Kinder continued his deadly work with dual meet records as he hurtled over the bar at 6 feet, 2 inches to overshadow the old mark of 5 feet, IQVi inches, held by Bill weaver of Oklahoma. Weaver was one of the com petitors Saturday, but could do no better than a tie for third with Husker Dick Powers. The Soon- er's freshman leaper, Bill Lam beth, wound up second with a jump of 6 feet. A potent Nebraska mile relay Quartet composed of Don Vollert son, Loyal Hurlbert, Harvey Stroud and Bill Conner easily out distanced the Oklahoma team and in addition put a new relaV mark f 3:29.4 ,into the record books. Nebraska's 1942 team held the previous best with a 3:32.5 com pilation. In the high hurdles, the veteran Ralph King stamped himself as a Nubbins Win In the preliminary contest be fore the UN-Missouri game, the Husker Nubbins throttled the York College "B" team by a top heavy 89 to 30 margin. Thurman Wright led the win ners with 15 points, while Bill Saler had 12 and Bob Allen 10. At the half the Nubbins sported a 52-16 lead. Bulletin BAPTIST FET.I-OWSHir. Memlwrs of th Baptlnt Student Fellow ship will meet tonight at S:30 at the Ban tW student center. The Rev. Glenn Peter sn, paxtor of the Rherldan houlevard Bap tist church will be the torn speaker. MKTHODIST GROUP. The "Hub of Harmony" chorus will sing tonlRht at 6:30 at the St. Paul Meth odist church followlnR a fellowship lunch , at 5:30. At 7 p. m. the five quest groups of the current session of the St. Paul University of Life group will meet. Ac MEN'S CI.UI. At; Men's Social clnh will hold a meettnr Monday at 1 p. m. In the Ac union. SIGMA TAD. Members of fltgma Tan will have a dlnn- Her meeting followed by Initiation Thnm day at p. m. la parlors A and B of the rntoa. MCNTEX NERVTCKS. The annual Lenten worship series at the MethodlHt student house will begin Tuesday mornlnft at 7:15. The half-hour services will be held esch Tuesday until Holy Week. The Rev. Harold Bryant will present the meditation at the opening service. NEWMAN CI.ITB. There will be a reneral meetlnr of all members of the Newman club e4ay at :nu p. m. in rooms ii tf tne vaioa. I)ST Tn Teachers College, ring, gold with blue set with Delta Gamma crest on It. Generous reward. Call Eleanor Knoll. 2-7742.1 SLIDE rule and case lost between Bauer's Drug and A TO houie.' Reward. 3-1095. LOST Brown leather u"r-lined glove. Re-w?Ii- 2-225. LOST Woman's Gruen gold wrist watch, within ease, downtown. Reward. Ceneva Baker, 2-1107. LOST Blue shell-rlmmed classes with pen In esse. Near Sosh. Norma Jean Hock. 4-2418. Event Summary Track. NU 60-yard dash S 440-yard dash 8 880-yard run 9 Mile Two-mile 0 60-yard highs 6 60-yard lows S Mile relay 5 OU 4 1 0 4 8 6 3 28 OU 1 3H 8 6 174 454 Totals 40 1ld. NU Pole Vault 8 High Jump 6 'A Broad Jump 1 Shot put Total 18H Grand Total 68 H definite threat for Big Six honors as he swept over the tall timbers in :07.6. the best time of his career. King's performance equal led the existing conference in door mark but was one-tenth of a second shy of the dual meet record held by Husker Bill Smutz Hutton &one. Despite the absence of Dick Hutton who deserted the track squad to get married, the Husker showing was encouraging. Al Thompson continued to score points in the 60-yard dash and low hurdles by placing second in each event. Harvey Stroud and Loyal Hurl bert came up with potent finish ing kicks in the 440 race and wined out the early lead held by Landon Westbrook of Okla homa. Stroud edged his t)rd teammate at the finish ' line i in the time of :50.8. i j ; More encouragement came m the shot put. Although Dick Piderit did not win the event, he con tinued to improve his distance. Saturday the former Lincoln high weight man heaved the shot 48 feet, 4 inches, the best mark of his career. Plato Andos of Okla homa won the event with a toss just two and one-Quarter inches better than Piderit's effort. The Husker stratosphere twins, Don Cooper and Dick Miller, copped the first two places in their pet event. Cooper won the pole vault with a height of 13 feet, while Miller dropped out of the running because of a bad back after clearing 12 feet, six inches. Coach John Jacobs Sooner dis tance aces swept the two-mile grind. Clarence Vicklund was a surprise winner in the good time of 10:05.3, as he showed his heels to teammates Lonny Chapman and John Canaris, defending con ference indoor king. Nebraska runners Don Morrison and Bob Tobin were far arrears, Tobin leading Morrison to the tape. With Hutton absent, Oklahoma's defending indoor hurdle champ Jon Sharp won the 60-yard low event by a narrow margin from Husker Al Thompson. The broad jump continued to bring grief to the Scarlet squad The best Dick Powers could man age was a 20-foot, 4-inch leap, good for third place behind Jay Cornelison and Marwin McCon- nell of the OU outfit. Summary: TRACK. Mile run Won by Bob Ginn, Nebraska; second, Ray Burns, Oklahoma: third, Ben Blocum, Oklahoma. Time 4:30.2. (New dual record, betters old mark of 4:32.4 set by Ginn In 1941.) 880-yard run Won by Bob Ginn. Ne braska; second, Jim Martin. Nebraska; third, Harold Kopf. Nebraska. Time 1:57.7. (New NU varsity indoor record, betters old mark of 1 :58.4 set by Kopf In 1947. Also new OU dual record, better ing old mark of 1:58.6 let by Bill Lyda, OU, 1942.) 440-yard dash Won ty Harvey Stroud, Nebraska; second, Loyal Hurlbert, Ne braska; third, Landon Westbrook .Okla homa. Time :50.9. 60-yard dash Won by Laddie Harp. Oklahoma; 'second, Alan Thompson, Ne braska; third, Don Cooper, Nebraska. Time :0 4. 60-yard low hurdles Won by John Pharp, Oklahoma; second, Alan Thomp son, Nebraska; third, Hobe Gllstrap, Okla homa. Time :07.1. 60-yard high hurdles Won by Ralph King, Nebraska; aeeon-,, John Sharp, Oklahoma; third, Bob Berkshire, Nebraska. Time :07.S. (Equals Big Sis Indoor rec ord.) Two-mile run Won by Clarence Vick lund, Oklahoma; second, Lonny Chapman, GREETING CARDS A grand telcction for your approval Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th St KS Ace Shines But Nebraska Tankmen Best Smoky Stover put on a brilliant one-man exhibtiort for the Kansa State swimming team, but his ef fort were not enough, as Coach Hollie Lepley's Husker mermen swamped the visitors 54 to 30 at the coliseum pool Saturday after noon. The Wildcat ace scored three firsts during the meet, winning the 220 and 440 freestyle eventa and taking the diving champion ship. Stover's contributions were the only first places the K State swimmers could muster. His 220 time of 2:29 equalled the pool record set earlier this season by Phillips of Minnesota. Marvin Grimm, Wilber ace, kept up his sprint pace by win ning the 50 and 100 yard free style events as well as swimming a fast anchor leg on the Huskers winning 440 yard relay quartet, Other Nebraska winners were Les Oldfield in the backstroke, Conrad King in the breast stroke and the medley relay team com posed of Oldfield, King and Dick Draper. Summary: 300 yard medley relay Won by Nebraska (Les OMfield, Conrad King, Dick Draper) second. Kansas State. Time 3:28.9. 200 ' yard freestyle Won by Smoky Stover (KS) ; second, Bill Burr (N); third, Dean Porter (N). Time 2:29. (Equals pool record.) 50 yard freestyle Won by Marvin Grimm (N); second, John Leidt (KS); tnird, jack uampbell (N). Time :24.6. Diving Won by Smoky Stover (KS) sedond, Roger Moore (N); third, Bill Case, (N). Winner's score 271.6. 100 yard free style Won hy Marvin Grimm (N); second, Perry Branch (N); tmrd, John Leidt (KS). Time :55.4. 150 yard backstroke Won by Les Old- neia (; secona, uon Meyer in ) : tnira, James Orloff (KS). Time 1:54.9. 200 yard breast stroke Won by Conrad King (N); second, John McGill (KS) ; tnird, Bart Greenberg (N). Time 2:42.5. 440 yard freestyle Won by Smoky stover (KS); second, Bill Bur (IN) ; third Dean Porter (N). Time 5:43.6. 400 yard relay Won by Nebraska (Perry Branch, Jak Campbell, Dick Draper, Marvin Grimm); second, Kansas state. Time 3:49.5. Oklahoma; third, John Canaris, Oklahoma. Time 10:05.3. Mile relay Won by Nebraska (Don Vollerton, Royal Hurlbert, Harvey Stroud and Bill Connor) ; second, Oklahoma. Time 8:29.2. (New dual record, betters old mark of 3:32.5 set by Nebraska in 1942.) FIELD. Pole vault Won by by Don Cooper, Nebraska, 13 feet; second, Dick Miller, Nebraska 12 feet 6 inches; third, Bill Carroll, Oklahoma, 11 feet 6 inches. High Jump Won by Monte Kinder, 6 feet 2 Inches; second, Bill Lambeth, Okla homa, 6 feet; tie for third between Dick Powers, Nebraska, and B. Weaver. Okla homa, 6 feet 11 Inches. (New Oklahoma dual record, bettering old record of 5 feet 10 ft Inches by Weaver in 1946.) Broad Jump Won hy Jay Cornelison, Oklahoma, 21 feet 10 13 Inches; see ond, Marvin McConnell, Oklahoma. 21 feet S Inches: third. Dick Powers, Ne braska, 20 feet 4 Inches. . Shot put Won by Plato Andros, Okla homa, 48 feet 2 Inches; second, Dick Piderit, Nebraska, 4S feet H Inch; third. Kenneth Hoi I ins, Nebraska, 45 feet. Proudly Announces the WORLD PREMIERE Wed. Night at 8 P.M. Mf"' "The SEA of GRASS" Starring Spencer Katharin TRACY HEPBURN Robert WALKER Melvin DOUGLAS On Jli lay Doors Open 7 P. M. All Seats 76c -A: : Is r-.' t T- rf- m m -u. ',7,', . .. w Scarlet Cage Force Fails to (Halt PJ3izzou Nebraska's one point halftime lead failed to stand up under a furious Missouri attack during the second half and the Huskers lost their seventh Big Six contest of the season to the Tigers by a score of 60 to 49, Saturday night at the Coliseum. Through most of the first half and the first ten minutes of the second half, the Huskers held close, but two quick buckets by Bob Garwitt from far out and another two-point effort by Thornton Jenkins gave the visi tors a lead they never lost. Uncanny accuracy from the foul line during the second half played a large part fn the Ben gal's success. In the second half Coach Spary Stalcup's crew pitched in 13 foul shots without a miss. Fouls were numerous during the rough contest and the Tigers capitalized on their chances IHI have your measurements taken and place your orders for our WHITE II II WWMtwW-M"- .w...v.v..w. 4 I 1 v.- -yv... f You're the man most likely to Succeed Van Heusen sport shins ...111 Free Variety Show Michael O'Shca & Susan Hayword : fMACEi LONBSN" The Story of the Famous American Adventurer 8:00 p. m., Sunday, February 23 Union Ballroom making a total of 20 of 24 at tempts. Dan Tippin, Thornton Jenkins and John Rudolph paced the winners with 16, 15 and 14 points respectively. Rodney Cox came back into the game after being cut on the forehead in a first half collision, and took scring hon ors for the Huskers with 14 tal lies. Nebraska held a 28-27 lead at the end of the first half after a see-saw struggle In which both teams started slowly. But In the last half the Missouri reserve strength began to tell and the Scarlet hopes wilted. By virtue of the loss Nebraska ts now all by itself at the bottom of the conference race with two wins and seven losses. The Tigers still have a chance of tying pace setting Oklahoma Sooners, provid ing the Sooners drop both remain ing games while Missouri is scor ing nothing but victories from here on. PHARMACY STUDENTS LAB COATS THE i 1229 R ST. 'UNCOlH.KEBH The road to success is paved with Successful Appearances ... in Van Heusen Sport Shirts! You get good taste in patterns, colors smart, neat, comfortable collar fit, with or without a tie! Van Heusen tailoring flatters your torso! Magic sewm&nship, laboratory-tested fabrics give you long wearing satisfaction. Graduate to Van Heusen today! Phillips-Jones Corp, New York I, N. Y. Maker of Van Heusen Shirts, Tics, Pajamas, Collars, Sport Shirts, i i 1 t r k'V i if V S' A ;.