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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1947)
Page 6 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, February 13, 1947 a I V St ; 1 4 : V. si Is . A v HUSKER DIVER Roper Moore, shown Jiere at the top of a back dive, is one of the standouts on Coach Hollie Lcplcy's UN swim ming team. Moore has lost'only once this season, and will be a member of the Husker team which will face Bchiit College at Bc loit, Wisconsin, on Saturday. (Daily Ncbraskan Photo.) Husker McrillCIl T, Af ol Ftftl, Afi" x m Start vs tfeioit The University of Nebraska swimming team will engage in an other tough duel this weekend when they encounter Boloit Col lege of Bcloit, Wisconsin, Satur day at 3 p. m. Bcloit College has won five and lost one rwimminff meet tl'is yc?r. Tliey lost to Chicagro University last week. The Cornhuskers, meanwhile, have managed to break even with two wins and two losses. Coach Holhe Lepley is hoping for a good showing this week as the swimmers have shown con tinued improvement in each most to date. The team will entrain Friday afternoon and arrive in Beloit at 8:00 Saturday morning. Time trials will be held Thurs day to decide the other entries in the back stroke and breast stroke. Competing for the posi tion in the back stroke will be Frank Kinzie and Andy Miller. In the breast stroke Bruce Green berg, Art Cohen, Don. Heinz, and Jack Kleinkauff will be . swim ming for the other spot on the traveling squad. Nebraska's entry list: Dive i : Roger Moore. Fret Style Distance: Bin Burr and Dean Pnrtei. Free Style Sprints: Marvin Grimm, Pick Draper, Jack Campbell, and Perry Br anch. Back Stroke: Lea Oldfield (acting cap taim. Breast Stroke: Conrad Kin. Intramural Basketball MONDAY. Clan A. Sigma Chi M. Theta XI 24. fti-lra Taa Delta St, Rnnn Talae 18. Alnhn (iiima RlM 24, lfe-ta Slrnia PkI 2(1. D.I I a I ptllna 2S, Hlrma Alpha KpKilon 18. Clasa B. Alpha Umml Mm 18. rionorr o-Op II. Itrlla Taa Helta 21. Kappa his 2(1. Alpha Taa Omera SI. Mlgma I'hl Kpoilon 81). Beta Theta PI 2. Thl flamma Helta 1. Muma Alpha Epullnn j, Hl I pslliin 20. Independent I-eaxur. VMCA 36, rt Club 26. mi m w 4 MORE OF THESE WERE NEEDED Lanky Dick Schleiger gets away from Iowa State' Don Paulson (24) to score a second half field goal for the Huskers in Monday's cage battle. Rod Cox (12) and Joe Brown are the Huskers in the scene, while Roy Wehde (11) and Bill Block (13) are other Cyclone players. (Daily Ne braska n Photo.) I Sooner Tliiiickid Vel8 IIoM Kc' ToOU Title Hope s NORMAN, Okla How Okla homa fares in the Big Six Indoor track and field championships March 1 in Kansas City's Muni cipal Auditorium depends no little on how fast John Jacobs, Sooner conch starting his 25th year, is able to restore half a dozen "soft" Oklahoma war vets to the sharp form that was theirs four years ago. Althought Jacobs' Sconors de feated Oklahoma A&M 59 2 3 to 44 13 in a du;.l indoor inert here Saturday afternoon, six poten- Itially promising ."'inner stars who : hnvplVl vH fm.ld ,nrmsPiv,s ,n practice scored 3 23 points. a total of only Andy Cary, champ of 191 ii Si. half-mile cnampions on campus irom last v.T.o has doneyc31". 'n's year's tournament prom 1:55.6, didn't ccr'-rt; in the var sity meet althouTh he won the "B" meet 880 in 2:10.2. defeating Dan Painter, a 4:27 miler here four years a;o. by half a foot. Lynn "Hobo" Gilstrop, diminu tive Sooner low hurdler of 1943, who was second in the Big Six outdoor meet low hurdles, fin ished third agpinst a strong 60 yards low hurdles field in the Aggic-Sooner dual here Saturday. Cyclone Choice AMES, la. Roser Watts, fresh man swimming sensation, has been named "Athelet of the Week" at Iowa Slate by the 630 club, student gmip organized to promote better backing of ath letics. AAMMA rtKI.T. C. aroma Delta i:i ticit Thursday al 7:lf p. m. la the VMCA rm -s t the Temple. A dlaeamlmi at the rare que Utm WIN be led by Ixais lii 'drr . TEA DANCK TICKKTS Tleheta ana mnney for tlie Bis:tj C"een Tea Daaee moat be trraed In at the C'nrn husker off Ire today If rtm 4 and S p. m. Kosmel Klub Kosmet Klub will meet in Room 307 of the Union at 5 p. m. Today. ft. IM Boxing Tourney Billed Soon BY LEE HARRIS For the second consecutive year the UN intramural program will include in its schedule the boxing tournament. The meet this year will be held on the nights of March 18, 19, and 21. The final elimination bouts in each of the eight classes will be held the last night, March 21. Independents as well as organ izations art urged to enter the meet. Any orcanlzation may enter as many as two men In each weisM and a total of 16 boxers. As few as four may enter and still keep the team eligible for the team trophy. ! Bouts will consists of three two -...4 A ..,,,',.4.? HTIia j rnnnirA. I Hamuli; luuiius. aih, n-u. . - ment for enirants is that each man entering must participate in at least six workouts under the supervision of boxing Coach Jerry Adam. The best time for work outs will be from 3 to 6 p. m. from now until tournament time. How ever, necessary equipment may be checked out any time during the day at the coliseum. Equipment Furnished The university will furnish all equipment and any medical care that may bo needed. Persons who intend to enter are urged to be gin workouts as soon as possible so that no contestant will be eliminated because of a lack of training sessions. Because of the many top flight candidates and the numerous I 1 . . . . . T 1 ..A ises to outdo last year s wnicn was witnessed by 5,000 well satis iied fans. The tourney held last year, the first in almost ten years, was won by Alpha Tau Omega with Phi Delta Theta and Beta Theta Pi close behind. o i. i ' to his credit, hurt his leg in prac proni'scs to exceed last year s total i .. , . ' . . . of sixty-two while the number of spectators is expected to be near ly doubled. Reserve ringside seats Mill be sold for all bouts as well as regular admissions. The team capturing the high est total of points will be awarded trophies. Individual winners will be presented with a minature set of Golden Gloves, while the runnerup in each class will re ceive a medal for his efforts. The second place team will also be recognized with a trophy. No Trophy Toints Points for the Jack Best Trophy will not be given for teams com peting in this tournament. Cham pions last year: 112, Sid Salzman, A TO. 118, Ray Roth, Independent 126, Stan Diller, Independent. 135, Dclbert Roth, Beta Theat Ti. 147, Wayne Watson, Lillics. 165, Bob Lipps, Beta Theta Pi. 175, Chick Thorne, Phi Delta Theta. Heavy, John Sedlacek, Inde pendent. DRAWING SETS ARCHITECT'S, ENGINEER'S & ARTIST'S SUPPLIES IMT ASH. Inc. 233 No. 12th FRIDAY, FEB. 14 COLLEGE NIGHT at DAVE HAUN and his orchestra Dancing 9 until 12 Couples Only Adm. 83c each plus tax Distance Stars Pace Jayhawk Tracksters The Kansas Jayhawks, defending outdoor track chann pions, will be on display Saturday night when they meet the Nebraska thinclads in a dual meet at the east stadium layout. Coach Ed Weir's Huskers will be gunning for their second win of the short indoor season. On February 1 Ne braska swamped Iowa State but , last Saturday Missouri edged the Huskers at Columbia. Distance Feature. Bobby Ginn, Nebraska dis tance ace, who has had his own way in the mile and 880 events this year, will get some stiff com petition from the Kansas team. In cluded in the Jayhawk roster is Hal Moore, who trailed Ginn to the finish line in the outdoor mile last May. Moore was among the top two-milers in the Big Six this fall. A pair of freshmen performers, Earl Jones and Bob Karnes, are also expected to make things in teresting. Jones holds the Mis souri high school 880 record at 1:57.5, while Karnes is the pres ent Kansas record holder for the prep mile. He set the mark with a clocking of 4:29.9. More Jayhawk strength is cen tered in half miler Hal Hinches, who took second in the Big Six indoor meet last season, and John Jackson who won first place hon ors in the 440 in the conference outdoor struggle. Another K. U. standout is low hurdler Forrest Griffith who turned in a :07.2 mark over the low sticks for Lee's Summit, Mis souri, last year. Griffith is also a dash man and broad jumper. In the weight division Coach Ray Kanehl of Kansas can call i upon the veteran l,eroy Kobison j who has been a Big Six contender for shot put honors the last two i years. He scored 22 points in the Big Six outdoor meet. At least one Kansas stalwart will not be in action Saturday. High jumper Tom Scofield, who has a mark of 6 feet 6V2 inches tice last month and will pass up the Husker meet. Not all the injuries are on the Jayhawk side, however, for Scar let sprinter Dick Hutton has been bothered by an ailing back. With Bill Moomey already side lined in the sprint section, Hut ton's disability would leave the Huskers in precarious straits if he is not able to run. Quartermiler and broad jumper Fritz Ware, who pulled a muscle before the season opened, is an- A Gift That Endures A PHOTOGRAPHIC-PORTRAIT' is a courre of much pleasure to one's friends. Rz a token of affection and remembrance, it is certain to be appreciated. And when done by To-.vr.send, it is certain to be artistic and duiLinclio. St Tears at PROCTOR & GAMBLE DISTRIBUTING CO. offers exceptional opportunity for college men between ages 2$ and 27 Starting as salesmen with opportunity for Rapid Advancement to executive type work supervising and training men Straight salary, added compensation, expenses paid, and car furnished. Write letter of application, including telephone number t 821 W.O.W. Bldg. Omaha, Nebr. on the in Cooper Ready. Don Cooper, the sensational Ne braska pole vaulter, will attemut to boost his best height nearer the 14 foot mark against the visitors. In the Missouri meet Cooper soared 13 feet 9 inches, the best any Husker pole vaulter has done since the days of Harold Hunt. Another strong: spot In the Husker team is the 440 yard run. Weir can call upon a trio of dan gerous quartermilers with the as surance of receiving: rood .per formances.. Harvey Stroud, North Platte letterman. Bill Conner, Bayard veteran, and Loyal Hurl bert, Ord freshman, are among the best in the conference in this event and provide the basis for a potent mile relay squad. High jumper Monte Kinder will lead the Nebraska entrants in this event. Kinder cleared 6 feet 3 inches against Missouri and will be out to repeat this leap. Against Robison in the shot put, Nebrasaka has Dick Piderit and Buzz Hollins, Piderit has gone over 47 feet and figures to im prove this mark. Hurdlers Ralph King and Al Thompson will be out for revenge. King, high hurdler, was beaten at Columbia as was Thompson in the low barrier event. Faculty Bowling League Ready To Open Season The Inter-College -Bowling league swings into a full round of games Thursday evening at the Lincoln Bowling Alleys;- The league is composed of ten inde pendent teams and is the only one of its kind in operation at this time. Teams are made up of either faculty or students. Lines are rolled off from 4:10-6:00 each Thursday evening. Schedule for today: Physical Education vs. NROTC. Engineers vs. Dental college. Ag college vs. Teachers. Lawyers vs. Geology. ROTC vs. Bus. Adm. 22C South 11th other UN trackman jured list.