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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1947)
Thursday, February 13, 1947 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page 5 Valentine' sDay Brings Beauty Queens'To You BY MARILYN DENISON. Valentine's Day, to most Amer icans, means a time of happy an ticipation. Candy, flowers or sen timental cards from the "certain someone" in your heart are the traditional things to receive. Usually these expressions of sentimentality are bedecked with the customary red and white colors of Valentine's Day. These are supposedly the colors of love, Sometimes humorous greetings are sent to friends, but the sender usually remains anonymous. After seeing some cards of this type, it seems to me that is the only sensible thing to do. Origin. The origin of Valentine's Day, as we celebrate it, is unknown, It somehow started long ago, be cause a martyr, called St. Valen tine, was beheaded on Feb. 14, 270 A. D., on the eve of the Ro man festival of the Lupercalia. Much later in the Christian era, sentiments and those persons to .whom they were directed were known as Valentines. Sources claim, however, that the sending of love tokens has no connection with the saint. . Last Chance. If just by chance any of you men awake with a start in your Thurs day classes suddenly remember ing that you have not decided what to get your best girl, relax with the comforting thought that it still is not too late to ask her to the Valentine Tea dance. It will be held in the Union ballroom from 3 p. m. until 6 p. m. Friday The feature attraction will be the presentation of the univer sity's 1947 beauty queens. You will dance, too, to the music of Dave Haun and his orchestra. The idea of the party is sure to meet with your girl's approval. Besides, she will know that you really haven't forgotten her. Students May Write for 'Wit, Wisdom' Mag A publication of college wjt and humor by college students about college students and their acu ities will be available to students all over the country this April It will take the form of a maga zine to be entitled, "Survey of College Wit and Wisdom." Contributions are being soli' cited by the editors from any col lege undergraduate, and are to be of humorous nature in the form of poems, jokes, or anecdotes. Each should be about college situations, students, professors or activities. Entries should be mailed to the Survey of College Wit and Wis dom, Box 18, Tiffin, Ohio, by March 25, 1947. All rights to publication are reserved by the Survey of College Wit and Humor, An escort opening a door in a gentlemanly "manner then walk ing out ahead of the girl. Sheepish swain, whose dis course on the perils of his date's high-heeled slippers on icy streets is suddenly cut short as he as sumes a tobogganer's position in front of the coliseum. Ex-G.I. student strapping on unmarred leg brace and dusting off can preparatory to making his monthly personal report to Vet eran's administration. University student cutting across Sosh lawn and tripping over "Keep Off the Grass" sign. Student exclaiming "Good Gravy" as the flour and milk mix ture dripped down his back. A nervous bus boy apologizing. Girl, late to class, playing hop scotch from one dry patch of ground to another as she negoti ates a short-cut across a thawing stretch of ground. Infinitesimal gray mouse play ing havoc with both male and fe- Squibs Westmoreland Pays AIl-Time High in Checks Ashley Westmoreland, veteran's administration manager for Ne braska, announced that the regu lar subsistence checks paid in January constituted an all-time high since the GI education and training program was inaugurated in 1944. At the close of January, 1947, 19,511 Nebraska ex-GI's were on the v e t e r a ri administration's regular subsistence payroll re ceiving checks totaling $1,279,915 to aid in their training and school ing under the GI bill. In addition to regular subsis tence checks, the VA in January paid out $503,907 in retroactive payments to student veterans and on-the-job trainees under the GI bill. male population of crowded Crib during a leisure hour. Curiosity as to what waiter muttered under his breath when heedless coed flung her coat back wards into his face and his tray of hot coffee. Gallant young man bumping-a dainty coed and pardoning him self by saying, "Squeeze me." 1 CLEAN, FBESfl, PUBE America's FINEST Cigarette I Of course ihf flavor's ALh fotsrt in every Philip Mokkis you smoke dl through tht dayi And her ft why ... There's an important different in Philip Mokkis manufacture that makes Philip Mokkis tost better - tmokt better because it lets the FULL FLAVOR come through for your complete enjoyment fresh, jwrt Try Philip Monu-you, too, will agree that Philip Mokkis ia America's FINEST Cigarette 0 Typical Nebraska Coed's Identity To Be Told at Follies Style Show BY PIIYL MAURER. The AWS-Faculty Committee has chosen 20 girls to model in the Coed Follies style show Tues day evening, Feb. 25. From these 20 girls the Typical Nebraska Coed will be chosen, and her identity will remain secret until the evening of the Follies. The following are the activities in which the girls are engaged. Candidates. Sara Alexander, Kappa Kappa Gamma, is a member of Tassels and Swimming Club. Nadine Anderson, Alpha Phi belongs to the YWCA and the Student Foundation. Jeanne Branch, Kappa Alpha Theta, is a member of the YWCA, WAA, Coed Counselors, and the Cornhusker. Marion Campen, Gamma Phi Beta, belongs to the YWCA and the Cornhusker. Marilyn Denison, Alpha Chi Omega, works for the Cornhusker, Student Foundation, and the Uni versity Theatre. Joan Farrar, Kappa Alpha Theta, is a member of Tassels, Coed Counselors and the A. U. F. Ruth Ann Finkle, Alpha Omi- when you smoko HILIP UORRIS! ALWAYS BETTER cron Pi, is a Daily Ncbraskan re porter and belongs to Coed Coun selors, and is a YWCA officer. Lois Gillett, Towne club, be longs to Tassels, YWCA cabinet, Coed Counselors, W. A. A. and Student Foundation. Jeanne Ilickey, Alpha Phi, is a member of Coed Counselors, and is the publicity director for the Student Foundation. Jeanne Kerrigan, Pi Beta Phi, scholarship chairman, belongs to Coed Counselors, and is a news editor for the Daily Nebraskan. Lorraine Landeryou, Delta Gamma, is the treasurer of the Student Foundation, and a group leader of the YWCA. Lillian Lock, Love Memorial Co-op, belongs to Home Ec club, vice president of the Ag Execu tive Board, secretary of USA and Ag YWCA. Alice Nakata, International House, is a member of Nu-Med and the YWCA. Shirley SchniUker, Delta Delta Delta, is a member of Tassels and is YWCA president. Jeanette Sherwood, Alpha Xi Delta, is a member of the honor BETTER ALL WAYS ary scholastic fraternity, Alpha Lambda Delta. Grace Smith, Gamma Phi Beta, belongs to Tassels and Coed Coun selors. Barbara Speer, Delta Delta Delta, belongs to the honorary scholastic fraternity, Alpha Lamb da Delta. Bernice Young, Chi Omega, is on the Ag YWCA cabinet, Ag Publicity Board, Home Ec Club Cabinet, and the Student Faculty committee. Moritz Schedules Poll of Students R. D. Moritz, director of sum mer session, will conduct a sur vey Feb. 17-18 of all students in terested in attending the 1947 ses sion. Students will be asked to fill out information sheets stat ing whether or not they plan to attend. Irate Salesgirl to Disagreeable Customer: "Go easy, Madam, the days when I used to insult custo mers are still fresh in my mind!" Roosevelt Torch. 6&S )