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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1947)
Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Weanesaay, Feb'ruary It, 1947 Olson, Hayes Give Joint RecitalToday Barbara Jean Olson, soprano, and Morris Hayes, baritone, will be presented in this week's school of husic student recital, today in Temple Theater. Open to the pub lic, the program will begin at 4 p. m. Both Mr. Olson and Mr. Hayes are seniors and members of Uni versity Singers. In the Singers' an nual Christmas Carol concert each had solo parts with the chorus. Miss Olson played the leading role of Santuzza in last year's op era production of "Cavalleria Rus ticanna," and was heard as a so prano soloist in "The Messiah," during the same season. A mem ber of Westminster Presbyterian choir and of Delta Omicron musi cal sorority, she will sing an ora torio air from Haydn's "Creation," and songs by Schumann, Masse net and the American, Campbell Tipton. Fritz Kreisler's Violin ob ligate arrangement of Rachmani noff s "O, Cease Thy Singing" will close her group. Aleta Snell will play the violin part. Mr. Hayes directs a youth choir at First Plymouth Congregational church, and prior to his 46 months of army service was choir direc tor of St. Paul's Methodist church. A member of Phi Mu Alpha-Sin-fonia, he attended the musical fra ternity's national convention in Ann Arbor, Michigan, during the Christmas holidays. Opening the program, Mr. Hayes will sing a group of four numbers including the Aria "Vision Fugitive" from Massenet's "Heriodiage" and a Beethoven song, "In Questa Tom ba Obscura." The complete program for to day's recital is: Bols Epali , Lully In Questa Tomba Obscuro Beethoven Evening Song Olmatead Vision Fugitive " Herod iado,") Maaaenet Mr. Hayes. Recitative and Air, On Mighty Pen! ("Tne Creation") Haydn Die Lotos blume . Schumann Ouvre tes yeux bleui . Mamenet The Crying of Water Tipton O, Cease thy Singing, Maiden Fair Rachnanlnoff YM-YW Plan Joint Meeting Plans for the Nebraska district conference on March 14-15 will be made at a joint YM-YW meeting tonight in Ellen Smith hall at 7:15. Continued YM-YW support of the all-campus vesper services held every week will also be stressed at the combined business and social meeting. Mary Esther Duncan will dis cuss the role of the two organiza' tions in the Religious Welfare council sponsored all-campus dis cussion groups starting Wednes day, Feb. 19. YW members will conduct the evening's worship service. Bill Reuter will be in charge of rec reation and mixers which will close the meeting. Public Schoolmen to Meet The annual meeting of princi pals and superintendents of Ne braska public schools will be held Feb. 14-15 at the Cornhusker hotel. The meeting, at which pro fessors of the Teachers' college will attend, will present the prob lems of the teacher shortage and school legislation. Prospective Teachers The second meeting for pros pective teachers for the school year 1947-1948 will be held on Thursday, Feb. 13 in the Social Science Auditorium at 4 p. m. Mr. Moritat, director of teacher placement, will give final in structions for completing regis tration in the Placement Bu reau. This is not a repetition of the December meeting and should be attended by all who plan to teach next year. FOR SALE Two Engineering Drawing eis. oHM l aiier o p. FOR SALE Double breasted Tuxedo, size 34. Phone 4-1 828. FOR SALE Man's corduroy sport suit. aize 38-40; blue broadcloth Jacket. Like new. 3-416B. FOR SALE Unused Log Log Duplex De- citrtg suae rule. Albert scneiaeier, 1336 "G". Item ember ON . VALENTINES DAY with flowen from HILTNER FLORAL CO. PLANTS CORSAGES - CUT FLOWERS 135 So. 12 2-2775 rcccrcb Yco'H tb:r too, for Ihsso AwUMS a J fcL. ' V V'H'f iy1 v t -x THSf ALBUMS ARC ON SALE AT DEALER Carnival Costumed All organizations participat ing in the Penny Carnival must have their costume plans in by noon today, according to Bev erly Jackson. The plans should be turned in at Ellen Smith haU. Deans Heiizlik, Goss Address AUP Members R. W. Goss, dean of the Grad uate School, and F. W. Henzlik, dean of Teachers' College, spoke on "Professorial Appointments and Promotions," following the American Association of Univer sity Professors dinner at the Union Monday evening. Procedures. 'Procedures of the University of Nebraska for Making Promo tions in Rank'' was the topic of Dean Goss' address. Dean Henz lik spoke on the subject of "Cri teria and Characteristics Used in Professorial Appointments." Much of this information was gathered by questionnaires from other uni versities in the country. An open discussion followed their speeches. NcedNewRoclts In Your Head? Get Yours Now By Sac Golden. If the university ever boasted a ready granite market, the bot tom fell out of it Tuesday. Forty thousand pounds of what were once a dozen granite col umns decorating the old state capitol building, were dumped on the campus when the new state house was completed in 1931. The university has been trying to give the granite away since then. Now It needs the vacant lot west of the stadium, upon which the stone was left, for temporary classroom buildings. But, turned down by all de partments of the state govern-! ment and by all county boards in the state, it is desperately offer- j ing the granite to anyone willing to come and take it away. So if you own a wheelbarrow. you re in. I The first newspaper published in the Colonies appeared in 1690. j It was discontinued after the first , issue. Oregon Daily Emerald. PHI CHI THETA. FU CM Tfceta fl am Mri U C.-M la una HI at tfc Uafaa. stoear. lag FieaMcat taw Em. Wadtaa Kmltrmm, aeWal cfcakmaa of ha TWCA, .. taat Mm wH M a cok bear at 4 a'ctonc Fitter at BDa HmNfch ha. Al awrtsw aa hiTttea la FRIDAY, FEB. 14 COLLEGE NIGHT at HOBS DAVE HAUN and his orchestra Dancing 9 until 12 Couples Only Adm. 83c each plus tax YOU CAFT WIN' A' FREI oik. HOUSECOAJ 0R NEGLIGEE Th Spring 1947 Twla"eollectioTwanMpJiido7"h wftrld'i grt fashion centers. Part of this collection was inspired by the leading" Franc couturiers rc er styles wert crtoted by Tulo'i designing 'stoflFtin Hollywood ond New York; D' you thlnVyou:on ttll which ore Frnch end which pr. American?, 8svtnten"sTylrhave' been phofogrophTd IrTfull oloT ondTnTfTlrd 'dimension reolismYou con see them right now In our Negligee Deportment.) . CONTEST RULES 1 VATyo see thTmWafure fashion show, Just check yowpnswtrs o tnhy card tuppHed by w enec.l Cke Tulolecousem: In" 23 words or less. $. In lhTvent of snore than one contestant answering correctly, best, oceomponylhg sentence will determine winner. Decision of the fudges will be final. Employees of this store, and the manufacturer! and affiliates ore not eligible for this contest. Answers become property of Tula. Winner will be awarded any Tula gown retailing' up o $29.50.. CORRECT. ANSWERS WILL BI POSTED FEBRUARY 17Jit Salesclerlct win provide entrycards, with no pottage required IrNniwerc musfbg woiled bef ore februqry 15th, so.comt.ln early