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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1947)
Tuesday, January 21, 1947 THE DAILY NEBRASKA Page 3 .ni u jr r e k UlDGIHILDTEjr By George Miller Mel Williams Tops Nubbins Seorers Tying together a few loose ends before plunging into semester exams: While the Nebraska indoor track team has been working out in the steam-heated east stadium layout another Big Six team has not been faring quite as well. Coach . Ward Haylett has been drilling his Kansas State cindcrmen outside due to a construction project which has taken over the indoor facilities at Manhattan. A new in door layout is under construction but until that time the Wildcats will be forced to rely on mild win der weather. Just wait until the outdoor sea son gets started, say the K-Staters. Reports brought back from the Colorado trip by members of the Nebraska wrestling team indicate that the altitude in Denver and Greeley bothered the Scarlet bone benders during their bouts with Denver University and Colorado State teams. Just a word of warning to the grapplers: The Kansas State B team took care of the Wichita (i University mat squad by a 17-8 score last week. The Wildkittens won every bout except the heavy weight and 136 pound tussles, wh;le the 121-pound bout was a draw. Although most Cornhusker ath letic teams will be marking time during exam week. Coach Hollie Lepley's varsity swimming team will make its first start on Satur day, January 25, against the Uni versity jf Minnesota at the coli seum pool. Something of a reciprocal trade agreement seems to have been ar ranged between Missouri and Purdue. Bill Bangert, one-time Big Six shot and discus champion, transferred his allegiance to the Big Nine school last year, and this a- season the Missouri track team has come up with Nels Klaus who won points for the Boilermaker team last season in the same events. A pair of Big Six coaches have been named to rules committee posts on the National Collegiate Athletic Association. Bruce Drake, . Oklahoma basketball coach, re places George Edwards of Mis souri as the fifth district repre sentative on the basketball panel, while Jack McGuire, Iowa State swimming coach, represents the district on the swimming - rules committee. Husker athletic followers will have their heads spinning when the second semester athletic sched ule gets underway. A far cry from the wartime days, Nebraska teams will be engaged in intercollegiate competition in varsity and Nubbin basketball, indoor track, gymnas- ' tics, wrestling and swimming. The Iowa State intramural of fice has worked out a novel way of timing intramural basketball 'games. With 140 teams engaged in competition, Director Harry Schmidt has been faced with a shortage of timer's watches. To remedy the difficulty he has es tablished a klaxon horn in the center of the gym and starts and ensd four games at the same time. Individual games may be halted for timeouts and substitutions, but the master timer ends all games after 35 minutes, no matter how many delays may have occurred in individual contests. To take care of the problem for - Husker intramural teams. Direc tor Lou Means has pstahlisheri a system whereby the clock is never stopped during the game and all timeouts reduced the actual play ing time. This eliminates disputes about stopping and starting the clock. J Classified jj TUXEDO for sale Size 37. length 31. Call 2-2038 between 6-7 P. M. FOR SALE Ice skates, men's shoe style, size a, worn twice. Mrs. Stewart, 2-7279 8:K to 5:(K. . LOST Maroon Eversharp fountain pen. Norma Nelson. Phone 2-7371. Em. 201. VALENTINES A grand telection for your approval Goldeiirod Stationery Store 215 North 14 Compilation of Nubbins basket ball statistics reveals that Mel Williams, forward, is leading the second string cagers in points scored with 28 to his credit. Wil liams also leads in field goals, with eleven, and is tied with Bob Robison and Matt Keating in the Sigma Chi Quint Raps Wcslcyan B (Held over from Saturday'! edition.) The Sigma Chi fraternity quin tet ran over the Weslcyan B team by a 60-30 count Friday night in the preliminary contest before the Wesleyan-Wayne encounter. Bus Whitehead anrl .Tim M- Williams, a pair of Scottsbluff hotshots, paced the Sigma Chi team with- 21 and 19 points, respectively. Attention, Seniors Announcements for seniors graduating at the end of this semester are now in stock at both the Nebraska Book store and the Co-op Book store. matter of free throws made, each having sunk six. Rounding out the first eight scorers are Bob Robinson with 24; Thurman Wright with 21; Anton Lawry, Bernie Bieterman, Fred Simpson, and Don Bauer with 19, ana dick srb with 18. Playw fg ft pf pts Williams 11 6 3 28 ttoolgon 9 6 5 24 Wright 3 3 21 I .awry g 3 12 19 Bieterman 8 3 T 19 Simpson 9 1 4 19 Hnuer 9 1 19 Srb 7 4 10 18 R. Schleiger 8 1 6 17 lienker 6 2 9 14 Kostlrlny 8 4 1 14 vacantl 2 5 14 Ftire 4 5 4 13 Mllllken 4 4 1 12 Keating 3 3 12 Fumkohl 5 1 4 11 Wenke 4 12 9 Van Burph 4 0 4 8 Swanson 2 4 8 8 Saler 1 4 8 6 McKtnnls 12 8 4 Dietrich 1 0 1 2 Berqulst 0 2 4 2 P. Schleiger 0 1 0 1 Dufphey 0 0 1 0 Creed 0 0 1 0 Complete statistics for the six "B" frames follows: Nubbins Dts.l Opponent Dts 381 Norfolk JC 17 B6I Concordia 48 Western Union 52 32! Midland 21 67 MorninpxMe "B" 42 631 York "B" 30 K-Statc's Dean Call Speaks at Organized Ag Dean Call of Kansas State col lege will share the speaking plat form with Chancellor R. G. Gus tavson when Organized Agricul ture, a three day session featur ing latest developments in all agricultural phases, opens on Ag campus Feb. 4. Various agricultural and home making organizations are the hub around which the meetings havS been built for more than 30 years. Organizations which are to be represented are the Crop Im provements association, Livestock Breeders and Feeders' association. State Dairymen's association and several garden clubs. Possibilities of improving rural health will be emphasized the third day of the meet. Marlene Dietrich, Ray Milland and production crew gifted di rector Mitchell Leisen with hand some Empire Clock upon the com pletion of Paramount's "Golden Earrings.H Total 321 Total 210 Hi VI -;; :" :.-..!-.;; i TURNPIKE FRIDAY, JAN. 24 Tickets now on sale at Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1212 O St, $1.55 ea, incL tax. Tickets at Turnpike night of dance, $1.80 ea, incl. tax. VETERANS and WIVES!! We can use a limited number of men or women to work during rush period for approximately two weeks from January 23. If you would like to earn-extra money at this time contact Mr. Mac Dougall at this store before Jan. 23, 1947. IDNI75 T3 Boo& Student SuppHa QC0K 5TGCZ 1 WrY fit L 79 -sre setter i IX n ft V $ 7VS7y FRESH V H A, " New Blend! New Taste! ' I w new rresnness! 4L- 1 Youre the man most likely to Succeed Girls cut in on man! Why? Look at that Van Heusen Shirt! Famous Van Heusen collar styling sends your Eye-Q zooming. Figure-fit tailoring emphasizes the athlete in you. Style, comfort, plus magic sewmanship and Sanforized, laboratory-tested fabrics to give you many semesters of economical wear. Graduate to Van Heusen today! Phillips-Jones Corp, New York 1, N. Y., makers of Van Heusen Shirts, Ties. Pajamas, Collars, Sport Shirts. a. in Van Heusen Shirts and ties New Blend! New Taste! New Freshness I Made by the revolutionary new "903" moisturizing process. Beneficial moisture penetrate every tobacco leaf give you smoother, milder, better moke! Get new Raleigh "903 Cigarettes today. r '1 I t 'fi