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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1947)
Sunday, January 19, 1947 ElUooeiiey Ocu Track It was tryout time again in the University of Nebraska in door track season as Coach Ed yeir sent his Husker cindermen and field performers through their paces in a time trial workout Saturday afternoon. Bill Moomey, York dazzler who played a bit of football for the UN team at right half, delivered a pair of outstanding perform ances. The speedy athlete won a 60 yard dash in the time of :06.4 and came back a bit later to chalk up a win in the 60 low hurdles with a clocking of :07.3 Good Future. Both times were indicative of good future performances and show that Moomey may develop into a strong point-getter on this year's indoor team. Al Thompson, former Omaha Central track man, followed Moomey to the tape in both events. Weir's worries about the field events were practically erased by two better than average perform ances turned in by Monte Kinder and Dick Piderit. Kinder, former Kearney Teachers ace, cleared six-feet two-inches in the high jump, while Piderit pushed the shot 46 feet 4 inches. As usual the Huskers' distance ace, tiny Bobby Ginn, came through with victories. The Madison mite won the mile in 4:41 but was not trying to use his speed. Instead he concentrated on achieving a 4:40 clocking. Phil Husker Wrestle Squad Divides Colorado Meets Coach Jerry Adam's Husker wrestling team broke even in a pair of matches against Colorado foes, whipping Denver University 19 to 9 and bowing to Colorado State by a 22-8 margin. Mickey Kelly and Mike DiBiase, 121 pound and heavyweight, re spectively, were the only grap- plersto win in both meets. DiBiase pinned both of his opponents. The summary of the Denver meet: 121 Kelley, Nebraska, decisional Sil- vestian. 128 Sparano, Nebraska, pinned Mitchell. 135 Hughes. Denver, decisloned Barrett. 145 Harvatt, Denver, decisloned Tamal. 155 Hughes, Denver, decisioaed Marin kovich. 165 C. Boker, Nebraska, decisloned Peckenpaugh. 175 H. Boker, Nebraska, decisloned caneion. Heavyweight DiBiase, Nebraska, pinned Leuennan. The Colorado State meet: 121 Mickey Kelly, Nebraska, decisloned Ban Kanus, Colorado. 18 Al Matsuoka. Colorado, won by default from Howard Crom. Nebraska. 136 Ivan Gilbaugh, Colorado, won by forfeit from Mickey K para no, Neiaska. 145 Tony Yamasaki, Colorado, de- cisionea jack Tamai, Nebraska. 155 Lester Davison, Colorado, decisioned aianuiaii Boxer, isebrasaa. 165 Joe Klune. Colorado State de cisloned Andy Marlnkovich, Nebraska. 175 Bob Klune. Colorado State, de cisloned tiarold Boker, Nebraska. Heavyweight Mike DiBiase, Nebraska, imiuvu ood Aiaiaen, Colorado. Ag Y . . . - (Continued from Page 1. Student Faculty council. Florence Arnold, the new vice president, has been music chair man for the YW cabinet for the past year, is a member of the Coed Counselors, Home Ec Club council, Phi Upsilon Omicron, ana coii-Agri run board. Lillian Lock has been chosen the new secretary. A sophomore, I she is a member of the Student Faculty council, the Home F.r club, Ag Exec board, and is social cnairman 01 ine YW. She also attended the summer conference at Estes Park last year. Countryman Staff Member. f Lois Thcrfinnson, the new treasurer, is a member of the YWCA cabinet, the Home Ec Club council, and the Cornhusker Countryman staff. ' The district representative, is Marilyn Lyness. She is a sophomore, publicity chairman of the YWCA cabinet, University 4-H club, and a mem- ber of the Home Ec club and Stu- ' dent Faculty council. The retiring officers are: Carol Bndenbaugh, president; Sue Fish- wood, vice president; Ruth Ann Medaris, secretary: Nancy Bach- f kora, treasurer; and Beth Noren berg, reporter. The new officers will be installed at a candlelight ervice on Tuesday evening, Feb. .4. They have been elected to serve for a year. SparEkles Tcvouts Myers. Nelson harrier. ond and Henry Schlueter third in me iime. Beats Pursuer. In the 880 yard run Ginn beat off a determined rhnllpncA hv I Lexington's Harold Kopf and won wie event m z:ui.8. While Ginn's time was slower than last week, Kopf was a full seconrl unrfor hie previous best. Lanky Ralph King won over rivals in the 60 vard hieh hnrriloe as he stepped over the harriers in :u. to nip Herb Glsh of Lin- coin. Oishs place was a surprise for he had been riinnin in sistently in third and fourth nlnrn positions. Ray Magsamen of Al- won piacea tnird. Quartermiler Lov?.l TTnrihrrt n Ord won his net event in -ii q out-lasting Harvey Stroud and Bin cornier in a race to the tape Later in the xxttumann Rill ru. house ran an unescorted 440 in :52.8. Dick Miller, fnrmpr Tti Si-w champ, and Don Cooper were the omy poie vauiters to hold forth during the afternnnn's ovinia Miller quit after clearing 12 feet incnes, wnue cooper topped the iz-o mane. Don Morrison was all hv him self in the two mile and jogged the distance in 10:35. Absentees cut down th in some events, as Dick Hutton, Jim Martin and Boh among others, failed to appear! fm xne iNeDrasKa team will make its first official start against Iniva State-the first Saturday in Feb ruary, witn the linal tryouts slated for next week. The performances: AH Vlt iloih U'nn K Dill - j . J J Dill nutimiT, York: aecond, Al Thompson. Omaha: third. t3ill n i . ' uinifr, uayani, lime :uo.4. Rjl'finiH ll',.n h. .. IT. n. j North Platte; second. Bob Long. Norfolk; uwiu. xjr jnuKsamen, AiDion. Time :06.5. 44fl VH run U'nn Ku 1 II it . - - j ..... U ij. a . nunuen, Ord; second, Harvey Stroud, North Platte; third. Bill Conner, Bayara. Time :51.9. K SO vrl mm Wfn DnkKw -; k.ii - 'j u.i.iuj uiiiii, ,inui- son; second, Harold Kopf, Lexington; third. loom. lime z:UI.8. Mile run Won by Bobby Ginn. Madison: second. Phil Myers, Nelson; third, Henry RrhlnntF Tim. A -At Two mile run Won by Don Morrison, Lincoln (only entrant). Time 10:35. " ru nign nuraies: won by Ralph Kin... Wntrnn eimiiiI ll..k -.jh f : coin; third, Ray Magsamen, Albion.' Time V .o. 60 Vfl rrl low tinrHlna nrrt mu Momiipv. Vn rvl uvriiH a i tv.,., . ' Tkl I ll,lllWUII, Omaha; third, Ralph King, Waterloo. Time Vl.0, Shot Kir nt.b Ti: .1 I. T I " J ri'irni, i . 1 1 1- COln 46 feet 4 Inches iMnnrl ll.rh ., - Omaha, 42 feet 2 inches; third, Wayne Sees, Gordon, 41 feet 11 Inches. Pole vault Won by Dick Miller, Fair bury, 12 feet 9 inches; second, Don Cooper, York, 12 feet 6 inches. High jump Won by Monte Kinder. Cam- hririV A Im( 9 inph... I tj ; i. i Powers, Sargent; third, Orville Glass, Be atrice, 5 feet 9 Inches. VALENTINES 4l grand selection for your approval Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14 Cc3I3i TEXT BOOKS WE PAY MORE! WHY? BECAUSE WE ARE NATIONWIDE BOOK DEALERS SELL YOUR BOOKS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE k St THE DAILY NEBRASKAN IM Basketball January 13. 820 Club 40, Vets Organisation 34. 520 Star: Rooney 18. Vets star: Leonard 12. Pharmacy Collere IS, Lillirs It. Pharmacy star: Volstren 6. Lilliea star: Neiling 12. Cyclones 28, Westerners It. Cyclones star: Krslach 9. Westerners star: K. Kadlerll 6. B-Fs 28, Blue Jays 27. B-Fs star: Homcnsky 14. Blue Jay star: Bonsteel 11. Galloping Dominoes 34, The Pointers 28. Galloping Dominoes star: Fugata 12. Pointers star: Tebbs 12. Hnfnarle Field 38; P. K. Club X 26. Hufnagle star: Fesched 14. P. E. Club star: Moerer 12. January 18. Delia Taa Delta 43, Sigma Alpha Ep- ilnn 41. Delta Tau Delta star: Sharp 15. cigina Aipna Kpsuon star: Gardner 8. Rltrmm I" hi 1A Rla Th.l. rot Sigma Chi atar: Whitehead 14. Beta Theta PI star: Emmett 8 Rigma No 37, Pioneers 28. Sigma Nu atar: Breated 14. Pioneer tnr Uplfiv 7 Theta XI 41, Cornhoiker SI. Theta Xi atar: Whittler 18. Cornhusker star: 8eerere 8. Phi Delta Theta ax. aim a inv.. u- Phi Gamma Delta star: Cady 16. Bigrna Aipna mu star: Lagman 4. Delta Vpsilon 19, Phi Gamma Delta 18. Delta UMilnn star- n Vnl, K Phi Gamma Delta star: Long 4'. mrinmiisi noun j, presbyterlaa House 24. Methodist star: Hass 8. Presbyterians star: Denning 9 B Team Results. Sigma Chi 26. Brown Palace 4. Alpha Tau Omega 19. Delta Tau Delta 16. Sigma Nu 21, Brown Palace 12. Sigma Alpha Mu 21, Farm House 20. Sigma Chi 44, Delta Tau Delta 20. VALENTINES AT 2 Block So. 13th & "O" OF BUZZA-CARDOZA Direct From Hollywood Allow Your Campus Clerks Ginny Pester Donnie Wagner TO ASSIST YOU IN YOUR SELECTION "For Guy's and GaVs, If Cifts from Der" JANUARY CLEARANCE on Hundreds of Items Priced at 49c. 99c 1.99. $2.99. $3.99 at Big Savings to You. LISTEN TO KFOR Sundays 1:25 P. M. For "That Reminds Me" Del Lienemann, '41, Pres. Charlotte Peek Lienemann, '45, Mgr. OWNED BY IIUSKEK GRADS TO Scarlet Mermen Prep For Season's Opener In a practice intrasquad meet, Coach Hollie Lepley's charges went through their paces Satur day afternoon warming up for their opening meet with Minne sota at Lincoln next Saturday, the 25th. The races, gave Coach Lep ley a basis on which to pick his first string swimmers. Results of the events: 300 yard medley Les Oldfield, Conrad King, Marvin Grimm. Time, 3:24:4. 220 yard free style Bill Burr, Dean Porter. Time, 2:47.8. 50 yard free style Marvin A Gift That Endures R PHOTOGRAPHIC-PORTRAIT is a source of much pleasure to one's friends. As a token of affection and remembrance, it is certain to be appreciated. And when done by Townsend, it is certain to be artistic and distinctive. M Years at 226 V 4 Z M A iS, r" - A ST. PAUL METHODIST CHURCH WKDNEKDAV, JANUARY 22 8:30 P. M. Prices $3.00, $2.40. $1.80, $1.20. $1.00, lie, tax Inrlndrd. Tickets on sale at sehmoller Mueller Piano Co., 1212 O Ht. tomorrow. Mail orders filled prompt ly. Make checks payable to Turnpike, 1212 O tit., Lincoln. SHOE Page 3 Grimm, Bill Draper, Perry Branch Jack Campbell (last three tied for second). Time, 2:63. Diving Roger Moore, Bill Case. 100 yard free style Marvin Grimm, Bill Draper, Perry Branch. Time, :58.3. 150 yard back stroke Andy Miller, Roger Moore. Time, 2:16.6. 200 yard breast stroke Conrad King, Art Cohen. Time, 2:50.4. 440 yard free style Bill Burr, Dean Porter. Time, 6:13.8. 440 yard free style relay Perry Branch, Bill Draper, Jack Camp bell, Marvin Grimm. Time, 4:09.2. VALENTINE'S DAY FEBRUARY 14 South 11th n wm ' m m m y . W F ZaJW 1 I i t. t: I I it ri f; i , ft ii t-'i t. ' '.V . '.'