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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1947)
Paae 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday;, fomiarr IX J aqqsudL BY ELLIE SWANSOX. In spite of current excuses that nothing is going to happen this week end because finals are too close, the society world is still buzzing. In the way of new pinning?, we have several on hand. Bob Loisel hung his pin on Bonnie Smith ...the act took place at East Hills. The Betas had three boxes of cigars passed Monday night . . for Mr. and Mrs. George Pinney, Mr. and Mrs, Herb Ben son and John Peters who hung his pir. on former Kappa Irene Dun nell. Just to keep in step with the rest of the boys, it is rumored that wedding bells will ring for them soon. Also planning a February wed ding are Johnny Dale and Mari lyn Duf fack ... it is true that the best man will be her "ex" Bob Healv? D G Formal. The Delta Gammas are having their winter formal Friday night. A new and rather interesting cou ple will be Shorty McLaren and Noggin Chappin. Joline Van Horn will attend with Chuck Gleason, and Curt Hasselbalch with Nancy Watkins spite of recent re marks he has made in terrifying ! reference to his last semester's dates. Jo Traum is once again wearing her ring from Johnny Wise. To put it mildly, it was constantly being thrown back and forth the last week end. NOTICE: Football party to be given by Storz. All members of the squad are rushing to go to the Storz party in Omaha. In case you haven't heard, (football play ers only) meet at Siorz Distribut ing office at 11th & Q today at 1 o'clock, according to Fred Metheny. Campaign Dans. Rod Monismith has announced to brother Phi Psis that he will soon commence on a spring cam paign. . . a woman in every house. That's a food trick il you can do it. One of the pieces of news lately is the slightly in volved love liie of Jean Mctzger. Just recently she stopped going 6teady with Tom Noble ...two weeks to be exact. After a whirl win romance, Chick Neal caught her on the rebound and pinned her in the quiet atmosphere of the Crib. The catch of the affair is that the third ATO, Mark Har graves has to break a date with her a week from Saturday. Another quite surprising de velopment of the Jo Bauer, Stere Wiles engagement is that they are not any more, his was a shock to sister Phis who expected them to be married in June. In a brighter way, the Phis were also surprised Monday night when Babs Stenger passed candy an nouncing a secret pinning of over a month to Kenny Das-mon. There will be at least one per son of the campus looking for ward to exam week. Don Papez is expecting a visitor from. Cin cinnati just to make the week a little brighter. The grape vine still has not identified her. March of Dimes . (CtmtinmrJ from Page 1.) in 1946 as for any previous year, and the number of deaths is also larger, the percentage of deaths in relation to the number of cases was lower this year than ever before. In 1946, only slightly over 8 of the total cases died with the disease. In 1937, slightly over 20 of the number attacked died. "These figudes indicate the big Job that the National Foundation of Infantile Paraylisis is doing. The death rate is down because of the vast amount of time and money spent in training doctors, nurses, and physical therapists in the mrst modern care of the pa tients, Including the Kenny me thod," continued Mr. Cozad. Infantile paraylisis struck heavily in Nebraska in some parts of the state, altho sometimes mis sing entirely adjoining areas. Scottsbluff county had 42 cases and three deaths, while Banner county, directly south, reported no cases at all. In the northwest section of the state, Sheridan county reported 18 cases with one death, and Dawes 44 cases with 2 deaths, while Cherry county, di rectly east of Sheridan, reported only 2 cases. In the United States, Infantile paralysis proved itself to be un predictable, too. In North Caroline in 1943, 36 cases were reported and in 1944, 861 were reported. Minnesota reported 2,656 cases up to October 19,1946, against 182 cases for the same period in 1945. As Wc Sec It . . . (Continued from Pmg 1.) measure. We realize that the trouble-maker are In a minority and that many of the businessmen and their faun ilies, who loyally support the Cornhuskers, would be hurt. 6ut unless Lincoln citizens who cause trouble can be con trolled we believe the athletic administration will eventually, have no other choice. Let's wash our own dirty linen first. Then let's have doormen who will make sure that acknowledged trouble makers never get through the gate. And finally, let's bring to a stop any more debacles such as that of Tuesday night. Win or lose, on the home floor, we're letting our own team in for a lot of grief when they go on the road. J. H. FRIDAY, JAN. 17 COLLEGE NIGHT ot Couples Only Dancing 8-It The Big Top Four Featuring CARDIGAN THE WONDER" ! ' By 1 fir. 4S .- .. t i - fx " ' fx '- : I iv M - ! 4 5 Si'lC ('f RINGMASTER $49.95 I ( ''f h 'y ' I ft VH i M turn. Ever see a troup of suits that do such a waist disappearing art? Well, neither did we. EspeciaUy "Cardigan The Wondei" so beautifully styled by Jaur.ty Junior with a new soddle-stiiched eflect and tailored tab detail! In Mirro-Sheen pure worsted by liron . . . aqua, beige, or surf. $49.95. fill four suits in sizes 9 to 15. L E A D I NG LADY $55 64 Avjfcc ( Mli-. 7 STAR PERFORMER $55