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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1947)
Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, Tanucrry 3, 1947 V v.;.v. .y.sjco.-w.v.' If f 0f Coiirteny Lincoln Journal Mr. and Mrs. Aubra C. Dun can of Rorwrll have announced the engagement of their daught ter, Dorothy, to Keith M. De Lashmutt, son f Mrs. Arthur D. dark, also of Burwell. Miss Duncan, a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma, is a junior at the university. She is also a member of Phi Chi Theta and I E. O. Mr. De Lashmutt is affiliated with Sigma Nu. iRaqqsxL BY TOTTIE FIDDOCK. Looks as if the weekend will be a nice one nice and quiet, that is. But we all need a rest after the hard Christmas vaca tion, and the shock of sitting in class again has proved too much for many of the less hardy indi viduals around here. Continuing with the list of pins and rings which recently changed hands, there are Grace Heins who received a ring from Philadcl phian Tom Wright, and Fhyl Johnston who acquired another kind of ring when she became Mrs. Kenny Lahs during vaca tion. Sewing Test. Darlene Pothast and Rick Ayote have been seen together lately. Rick recently gave his Navy pea coat to Potsy so that she could demonstrate her domestic ability by replacing a button. But evi dently she hasnt accomplished this little feat for she is happily wearing said coat. Poor Rick will probably never get it back now. The DU formal Friday promises s fine time. More dates for this event are Marilynn Miller and Bob Green and Barbara Sullivan and Bud Johnson. Only Pooliw. Marj Benson, "who was pre viously reported to be going steady with Jake Dahlgren, evi dently was only foolin. They haven't been seen together since, and Marj will be taking in the Beta formal Saturday night with BUI Levine. More dates for the Alpha Phi formal Friday (the list seems to have no end) are Mimi Smith Dn4 Tim TWiwn Nanev Pierson and Tom Brownlee, Fhyl Kokjer and Bob Diers and lAicme airy son and pinmste Chuck Anderson. Also there will be Mary Jo Over ton and Leo Ramer, who are get tinn in hp emits s steady couple. r.mnv Purdham and pinmate Louis Hanisch, who will come from Omaha and Bev Kamer ana linnoe Bob Gundry, who also will make the trek from Omaha. $04 Question. The question of the week at tojict pvprvone seems to be asking it, is "What's going on between Sue Burgess and Howie Esser?" ctiirrtnv nicht dates will in clude Mary Lois Gibbs and Tom Wright, Peg O Donnou ana Haun, and Ruth DeBaufre and v V Hurry, Hurry! Resolve to Buy Directory Now Now that the New Year has be gun, we should all resolve to keep in contact with our friends who live in other houses, and make an effort to get the assignment missed in yesterday's class. There is no better way to make those resolutions come true than by knowing the address "or tele phone number of your neighbor. The Student Directory has the name of each student and faculty member in the university as well as his place of residence and phone number. It is an indispens ible little booklet which is Just as much a requirement for the stu dent as the text book (and some times, even more). The directories went on sale yesterday, and will be sold in the Union booth all day and in Law College from 11 to 1. They may be purchased on Ag campus in the Union booth and in the fi nance office of the Administration btrilding The price is 50c, and the sale ends Friday of this week. It would be a social error to be without one. Pre-Meds Will Take Professional Tests Saturday Professional Aptitude Tests for pre-medical students will be given on January 11 in room 101 of An drews. The test, prepared by the American Medical Colleges, will begin at 8:45 a. m. and consist of a morning and an afternoon ses sion. Eighty students have registered for the tests and others who may wish to take the examination must register in room 308, Bessey Hall or in Room 3 basement) of the Administration building before January 10. Cercle Francais Will Meet Today To Plan Activities A special business meeting of Cercle Franeai has been called for 4 p. m. Thursday in room 313 of the Union to discuss a project of relief packages for France, a dinner to be held early in th second semester and the constitu tion of the organization. Because of the importance ef these matters to all members, ev eryone is urged to be present. Refreshments will be served. Th tjfomta Joarnal wni Star The 'Worifi NmI BrlmtJ V Sfntz 9reisler at im. nek::, coliseum JAN. 17ft ot 8:15 p. m. Tickets by reserved im at W.6S. X00, $2.44. $1,80. $L2 ami a etaOent mad ervicemeai'B lectioa mi 5c ea,, tax nL, Oa Sale at WALT MUSK STORE, IMS -O" BUY TICKETS NOW! all when you smoko PHILIP MORRIS! Amrha's HUES! Ctearstto! Of coarse favor't ALL fours in every Pin up Mows you amok tdl tbromgh tie eUy! And term's why , . . There! mn imporUmt Mfieremce In Philip Mokkis manufacture that makes Philip Moras tmste better $mok$ better because k lets th FULL FLAVOR come thronga fa your complete enjoyiBut-.iSj fresh, pure? Try Philip MoMis-yo, too, will agree that Philip Morris is America's FINEST CZ HI u r 7 - : Uy uublkJUuuLlLJGL ALWAYS BETTER BETTER ALL WAYS Torn Morgan. V,