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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1947)
Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Tuesday, Tanuary 7, 1947 fcdqsUL BY PAT TOOF. A brief review of said boister ous vacation runs along the ma trimonial rut ... A great percent age of the campus coeds returned displaying the conventional two rings on third finger, left hand a proinaDie vacation without a doubt. Even Sue Newman dis closed the second ring from George Penny on New Year's eve which she has had in her pos session since their marriage in Oc tober. Alice Christiansen and Johnny Call have decided that their ceremony will take place in June. Diamond Boom. The diamond business obviously boomed too . . . Libby Wenger flashing hers from Kansas man, Samburn Cook, Dorothy Duncan wearing the ring of Keith Delash mutt, while Beth Polehmus found her bit of ice from Tom Pierson hidden in the box of candy . , . cracker-jack fashion. Enid Kelso gave her promise to Warren Con nell, leaving Ray Spear looking around . . . home ties proved bind ing. Jackie Carothers brought back a diamond from the Secre tary of Chamber of Commerce of Broken Bow . . . strictly politics row. Old friends will take interested note of the whirlwind affair of Janice Blakeslee ... no longer en gaged to Johnny Jones, she will marry home-town boy this sum mer. Not sharing in the gaiety, Dale Ball spent a lonesome two weeks in Fremont while fiancee, Phyl Sorenon, vacationed beneath the California sun. Hank Heidtbrink proved to be attentive company for Ginny Pester . . . spending most of the vacation at her home. Will bear watching. Old Ties Broken. In another light . . . some of the latest ' break-ups which have oc curred . . . starting the new year off right, Jean Wtzger broke all ties with old steady, Tom Noble, while strong rumor has it that Bob Test is footloose and fancy free with all bonds to Kathy Legge severed Line up. girls ... The Sigma Nu buffet supper re sulted in one more fraternity trinket leaving its original owner . . . speaking of George Shaw's white star which is now in the possession of happy Phil Hoke Dick Knudsen also gave up his Phi F.-i pin to hang beside the Kappa key of Sally Stebbins. Just to se: how it works out, Steve Cole left his ATO identification with the girl in Grand Island . . . Will be looking toward the fu ture tomorrow . . . v&Atprui Jkadtf fioA (Big JkiAt BY BILL PALMER. Everyone is back to the campus and ready to settle down to the grind of studying. After a two week Christmas vacation all need the rest it will bring. seriously, almost everybody in class Monday morning looked bright-eyed. The reason their eyes looked bright is because they were bulging at the sight of all the Christmas present neckties that adorn the male students. Women bought as gifts those cra vats the stores advertise as "hand painted." Any man can tell that the paint was only spilled on the neckwear. The poor recipient feels he has to wear his Yule tide noose, and he then looks like a rainbow on a spree. Hw Was Years? And that reminds me, how was your New Year's eve? "That is one night I shall never forget I Sixteen Earn Coed Counselor Silver Scrolls Sixteen coeds were honored for their outstanding work in Coed Counselors at the annual Christ mas tea held in Ellen Smith Hall December 18. Marthella Holcomb, president of the organization, pre sented each counselor with a silver scroll. The awards were made on a basis of points earned and recom mendations from little sisters of the counselors. Award Those receiving - the awards were: Jeanne Branch, Dorothy Brown. Betty Chipman. Katherine Copple. Cora Ann Didrickson, Pa tricia tiik. Nancy Gish, Lois Gil lette, Betty Jeanne Holcomb, Dorothy Lasher, Genene Mitchell, Marcia Mockett, Ruth Norman, Marguerite Nootz, Helen Schall. and Ula Mae Schall.- Serving tea for the first hour were Dean Majorie Johnston and Mrs. E. Christiansen, and for the second hour, Mrs. R. C. Gustavson and Miss Mary Mielenz. Christ mas music was furnished by members of the three music so rorities, Delta Omicron, Mu Phi Epsilon, and Sigma Alpha Iota. A welcoming party for all new freshmen women entering the university second semester has been planned for Tuesday, Feb. 4. had a wonderful time that night people told me the next day As the clock chimed the old year out, people started wishing each other a happy New Year with a kiss. By the time I had finished kissing all the girls I couldn't remember who my date was. A swift uppercut to my chin, how ever, persuaded me that my as sailant's wife 'wasn't she. I suppose the Casey boys will be making up with their co-eds now. They broke up just "before vacation thus saving the expense of a Christmas present. The average student took two or three textbooks home with him When he got ready to return to Lincoln he found them, dusted them off and brought them' back. Oh well, if they had been left at school someone might have stolen them. This is really the homestretch for the semester with finals start ing on the 23rd. Don't give up. I believe it's possible to do 18 weeks' work in two, if you don't sleep. I fill. SENIORS I NAME CARDS and ANNOUNCEMENTS for FEB. 1, 1947 GRADUATION Special Price ORDER NOW AT 1279 ft ST UNOOIN NEIR The Ag Student Unin Ad visory Council will meet today, Jan. 7, at 5:00 p. m. in the As I'nion. All members mast at tend this first meeting of the council. Final payment of $2.75 for those who bought Cornhuskers on the installment plan is due at once, business manager Dean Skokan said today. Be ginning Feb. I. the final pay ment will automatically be raised to $3, he warned. , : V iir r i ii wi air IK A IV MOYKirS Orchestra 9 In 12 Midnite SAT., JAN. 11 I'nion Ballroom 4 ic per person by B. J. Holcomb CRIBSIDE CONVERSATION Santa didn't bring me a ring vacation!' three girls and No, two . "Oh, what a terrific . "Well, there we were, boys." ... "I just don't know what happened to December 31 and January 1." . . . "My aaa gave me one cnecK dook io last an semester." . . . "Well, the two boys decided the three girls ought to" ... "I put my Christmas gifts on layaway." ... "I said all semester. Can you imagine me working ?" . . ."So the five of us went to the show!" GOOD NEWS ... for the new year comes from HARVEY BROTHERS. For the first time in 50 years of business, HARVEY'S are having a clearance sale! In order to clear shelves for new merchandise the 1230 "O" street store has made sensational reduc tions on regular stock. Bargains of interest to the campus man include wool sport shirts formerly 7.95 to 10.00 now priced at 5.29. Wool hose now .89 were 1.50. Leisure jacket? of 22.50 and 14.98 quality are a surefire buy at 19.50 and 12.98. Coat style sweaters were 6.95 to 7.5C are now 4.69. T shirts (were 1.35 and 1.65 now .89) fine quality handkerchiefs (all prices now .35) warrant your attention. Brocade mufflers in all colors were 3.70 are now 2.95. Beautiful all silk 5.00 neckties are selling at 2 89. Formerly 3.50 and 2.50 neckwear is now 1.89. You'll want to take advantage of these money-saving reductions to add to your college wardrobe. Stop at HARVEY'S today! PRIZE WINNER . . . among the greeting cards this season was one made on a paper towel bearing this scrawled message: "If I spend money for cards I won't have any left for New Year's you have a dry Christmas and 111 have a terrific New Year!" f' -'ifn'Z ' ESQUIRE FASHION PARADE . . tonight at 7:15 . . KFOR J. o m&f x; hi V ."" :&-av- 4 '-'-J Get Hep! Get Warm, in an OVERCOAT! No use complaining about the breeze across the Mall ... get yourself a really warm overcoat from among our com plete (at last!) collections. The style, color, and size you. need it's here! TWEEDS FLEECES $3350 CHEVIOTS HAIR FABRICS $4250 $55 Kuppenheimer, Alpagorm, mni Kentingttm excluiive uuh uu Men's Clothing, Second Floor