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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1947)
Tuesday January 7, 1947 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN White Team Wins Prelim From Red '5' BY CCB CLEM. The white clad squad of Coach Tony Sharpe's "B" basketball team walked off with their fourth straight win over the Reds by a score of 47-26. The outcome was never in doubt as the Whites got off to a fast start. The game, a preliminary to the 'Husker-Sooner contest, was fast all the way, and at times down right sloppy. Several football players got into action, including Sam Vacanti, Junior Collopy, Dick Thompson and Alex Cochrane. The starting White lineup got a quick lead, with Robinson doing most of the point making. He collected four field goals before the starting group was replaced by a second team. This team kept the game at the same fast tempo, but added quite a bit of "color" with their roughness and erratic passing. After this team left the court, the third squad tamed things down a bit, with the Whites adding a little to their lead The starters came .in again to begin the second half, and the Whites, led by Bauer and Denker, pulled ahead even further. With the second groups in again the White clads kept right on going, with Sammy Vacanti, grid quar terback, potting shots right and left. He ended up the night with eight points to his credit, as did Bill Denker and Robinson. The last team did a little to boost the score, and the game ended 47-26. High point men for the night . were Vacanti, Robinson and Den ker of the Whites, each with eight, and little Bcrnie- Bieterman of the Reds with seven. The lineups: Sooners REPS I6) Wright, f .... I.swrv, ( .... Srh, c Fieterman, It Van Burnh, B Isham. f .... Wenke. f Corbrane, f . Duphrey. t . . Hind. I Villiken, c .. Davis, e .... ThoTtipwm, g Mecinnis, g . . Deitrich, g .. Pamkroper, 6 WHITES 4J) Pimiwcn, I Saler, I BdlMT, C F.objnson, ..... Denker, e Kostielny, f ... Barker, t Vacanti, f . . . . . . Creed, t Rice, c Damkroger, c ... William. C . ... Berpquist, g . . Busskobl, e ..... Story, ( SoovUle, g ..... Totals 20 fg ft f pts .2 0-0 2 4 0 0-0 0 0 .2 0-0 0 4 .3 1-11 7 1 00 I 2 .0 0-0 0 0 .1 1-2 0 3 .0 1-1 1 1 .0 0-1 0 0 .0 0-0 0 0 0 0-0 0 o .0 1-2 1 1 .0 0-0 0 o .0 2-2 0 2 .0 1-1 0 1 .0 0-0 0 0 0 1-1 0 1 .9 8-11 6 26 iS ft I l .1 0 0 0 2 .1 1-1 13 .1 3-4 0 5 4 0-0 4 8 .3 2-2 0 ,.2 0-0 0 4 . .1 0-1 0 2 ,.4 0-1 0 8 , .0 0-0 0 O , .1 0-1 1 2 ,.0 0-0 2 0 . .2 1-1 0 5 . .0 0-0 1 0 . .0 0-0 0 0 ..0 0-0 0 0 . .0 0-0 0 .20 7-11 8 47 Sigma Nil's Win Bowling Loop Tourney "The powerful Sigma Nu bowl ing team composed of Campbell, Brant, Show, Thomas and John son, outclassed all opposition in the finals of the IM Bowling pro gram Dec. 18 at the Lincoln Bowljng Alleys, and walked off with first place honors in the tournament. Beta Sigma Psi came thru with a team score of 2223 which was good enough for sec ond place and Alpha Tau Omega ran third. All three teams were winners of their leagues and were s. ""cipeting to determine distribu te of points toward the Jack Best Trophy. In the lower bracket, composed of thoe three teams that ended up in the runner-up spot in their own leaene, Sigma Alpha Epsilon topped all opposition w'th a team score of 2324. This puts them in position for fourth place points, while Pbi Kappa Psi is next and Kappa Sigma follows for sixth place honors. (Continued from Page 1.) scorers with ten points, eight of which came during the second. The harum-scarum French Lick, Indiana, eager got up off the floor after a collision with Oklahoma's Dick Reich and tossed in the free toss that made the Nebraska vic tory secure. Reich left the game with a nasty gash over his left yye which required eight stitches. Victory Drought Over. Monday's surprise, the first loop victory for the Huskers and their first win since a 54-51 triumph over Iowa State during the Kansas City tournament in mid-December, halted a six game losing streak. The game started out as if it were to be an Oklahoma victory by as much as Coach Bruce Drake's charges wished. But in the second half the Huskers crept up slowly and finally overtook the Oklahomans who are on their way back to Norman after a win over C.C.N.Y. in Madison Square Garden -and a victory ovef Brad ley Tech in Peoria, 111. Schlciger conducted a one-man scoring- campaign which kept the Scarlet cagers in the game during the first half. He accounted for six points on three of the five goals' from the field that the Huskers collected. Oklahoma 'took its time about building up a lead and were con tent to keep control of the ball until a scoring opportunity ap peared. Gigantic Gerald Tucker, who has been the Sooner's best offensive weapon, did not take a shot at the basket until 17. min utes had gone by. Conrty Tops. Left-handed Paul Courty was the Sooner scoring threat. The ace forward tallied 16 points during the evening, six coming on free throws. But in the second half Nebraska began to move. Bob Cerv and Joe Loisel caged a pair of baskets to bring the count to 21-27 before the Sooners. SDurted back to a ten point margin. With ten min utes gone Nebraska was behind kets by seven points but a pair of fielders by Rodney Cox, a bas Vet bv Retherford and a free throw by Loisel brought the Scar let closer. Dick Srb, a surprise substitu tion. not even listed on the pro gram, then came thru with a pivot shot which pulled Nebraska to within one point of the Sooners, the score reading 39-38. Srb, a Lincoln product, had seen action earlier in the evening in the pre liminary intra-squad contest but when McArthur turned up with a knee injury Coach Good tabbed Srb as the replacement lor 5ciuei The loss of Tucker on fouls hurt the Sooner cause late in the game, while Guards Allie Paine and .Tark Landon had to r'-y care fully since each had four per However. Cerv and Loisel bowed out for the same reason but the Huskers stalled for the final mirmi nrotectine their three- point lead. Shots Missed. Both teams missed numerous shots at the basket during the en rounter which opened Oklaho ma's Bi2 Six campaign. Nebraska's conference record is now one win and one loss. The Huskers make their next start on Tuesday. Jan. 14, when they en tertain Phog Alien's Kansas Jay hawks. Monday's box score: OKLAHOMA. (41) . - . fe ft f tP Courty 1 f -? 2 16 Reich f Jones I ?-?. Pufc)ey t Tiay f Tucker e Waters c Puine g GC Landon g Pryor g Merchant g One Hour PE Courses Given In 2iid Semester Louis E. Means, director of stu dent physical welfare, has an nounced several one-hour credit courses in physical education which are open to all students. TVi varintv of courses has been set up to appeal to the greatest number of students. Some have Kion tot nr for recreational en joyment and, mental and physical well-being, While oiners are un signed to increase body vigor and conditioning. Each course con tributes one semester hour credit toward graduation.. The schedule is published here to give students a chance to think about entering any 01 ine courses before consulting with their advisors on second semester courses. P E 22X11. GENERAL RECRE ATION. Sections mUnu 11:00 MWF and t-r-K 9wi uwr at the Coliseum. Futures six carryover recreational ac tivities, such as badminton, handball, quash, mass games. Softball, bowling. P E. Z2XV. KKt-KKA i lun L oiurno. Sections meeting :00 MWF and 3:00 MWF i . w- PAiuMim v.. t itv. nrh activities as basketball, bowling, shuffleboard, volley ball, tennis. P. E. XIV. GOLF. Class for beginners and Intermediate golfers meets at 1:00 P. E. Z1XVT. AMERICAN COUNTRY DANCE. Sections at both :00 and 1:08 fic mut . mt flrftnt Memorial Hall. Men and women mixed classes of social recre- allnnal nltllM P. E. IX. TENNIS. Class meets ai .0 0-0 . .0 0-0 ..4 1-2 . .0 1-3 . .1 2 3 . .0 2-4 . .0 0-1 ..0 1-2 Totals NEBRAFKA 44) P.etiierford f Cox f Shields t Srhlielger e ......... Srb c .... RrmD ............ loisel g GC) 1 Cerv g 8 3-3 Anderson g ................0 0-4 13 1&-26 20 41 1k n t tp 4-5 4 10 1-3 2 0- 5 0 1- 2 a oo o 2-3 2 o e Totals 15 14-? 21 44 Scire at halftlme: Oklahoma n. OificlaJs: Dick Pulllaaa and Ted O'Sultivas. 1 Seniors GRADUATING FEB. 1. '47 Hurry OIlIIEXl YOUR m -wm 1 T"T.V"mT Time Trials Set For Track Team Coach Ed Weir plans to hold the first time trials for the Uni versity of Nebraska track team Jan. 11. . , . The first indoor test will be Feb. 1 when Iowa State comes here for a dual meet beneath the east stadium. 3 :00 MWF at the Coliseum. P. E. 21 I. GYMNASTICS. Sections at 10:00. 2:00, 3:00 MWF, Coliseum. Course in all types of apparatus, mat work, and conditioning. .dc vtt ft vvw vrTKn Classes . at 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 MWF (TThS at 9:00). P. E. 93. BOXING AMU WKMlunu, 3:00 or 5:00 MWF. P. V WRESTLING. Class at 3:00 P. E. VI BOXING. Class at 3:00 TTh. At Ag College AeUvlUes Building. P. E. 31, 22, 23, 24 Ic GYMNASTICS. General course In physical education ac tivities meeting at 4:00 MWF. P E. 102. COMMUNITY RECRE ATIONAL LEADERSHIP. (2 sera. hrs. credit). Activity and theory course open to students on both campuses men and women. Techniques In leadership for so cials, parties, all kinds of miners, social c recreational program. 4:00 TTh. CyclonesBegin '47 Grid Slate Against Tutors AMES, la. Those football fans who like to discuss what would have happened "if will have plenty to discuss between now and September with the an nouncement of Iowa State's com pleted football schedule. That sensational last second vic tory scored by the Cyclones over the Iowa Teachers eleven has caused plenty of conversation so the two schools will get together again in 1947 for a renewal of the series. The game is scheduled for Sept. 20 opening contest for the Cyclones. mmmmm Exclusive at GOLD'S in Lincoln . . . 66 BHATTIffilDK 99 SIHKDIES IFMS MIEN THE SHOE WITH "YOUR FOOTPRINT IN LEATHER" 95 and 16.50 Good nm for Men! We're extremely proud too, to be able to offer the national! j famous "Matrix Shoes for Men, by Ileywood. Come in. Slip your hand inside a Matrix -shoe and fed for yourself the pressed-in curves in "your footprint in leather. It's a curve-for-curve ropy of the bottom of your foot. . .eliminates painful "break-ing-in. . .it gives all-over support right from the first step. Smart Inside. . .Just as smart outside. . .In blucher and tip styles, brown and black, soft kid leathers. GOLD'S... Men's Store. i. r i 'jf t ! ; .; r'. ft : t t: IMMEDIATELY AT 1 - UILU11 UII II A I - t-s"-" '-"zJ