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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1946)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page 5 Q(S)!HM(B BY TO THE FIDDOCK. Two more days 'til vacation, then we go to the station " and how! The big excitement over 16 whole days with no books, no classes and no 10:30 nights gets IHLffiASJQHBlfi more out of hand every minute, But nobody intends to be lohe- some and plans for parties and re unions get more involved every day. THursctay, December 19, 1946 r n 1 1 i iii New Year's Eve in Omaha will be a U. N. night. The Sig Alphs are planning a party and the Phi Gams have a big deal scheduled when they invade for the celebra tion. They have made reserva tions for 40 at Peony aPrk and in tend to make it an all night affair Traveling up to the big city for the rat race are Fritz Wolf, Bud Johnson, Howard Mengshol and Bud Ramer. (Their dates are a secret.) New Twosome? Jay Smith is looking forward to the hockey game with Dallas on the 28th. Gordie Petrie, former Ak-Sar-Ben player, and Jay struck up a romance last winter during the playing season which continued via the U. S. mail serv ice all through the year. Gordie will spend a few days in Omaha, and although they're "just friends," it should be the begin ning of a twosome. Helen Ullom and Bob Engle passed the candy at the Alpha Xi house Monday night during a party for alums and their children ine younger generation was amused and impressed, it seems to say nothing of the embarrass ment of the participants in the traditional ceremonies. At the big Phi Delt party Friday night will be Anne Robinson with Cal Olson, Jackie Wightman and Duke Deny, Pat Thompson and tinn Helberg. Two Hands to Drive. Bobby Joe "Farner has finally had the cast taken off of his arm and now he's learning to drive wnn two nands again. Maybe he'll wish he still had the cast! Helendot Newcomer and Ralph weJis are new members of En gaged Couples, Inc. They passed the candy a week aeo Mondav with a demand to make things aennite. Here in Lincoln, the weekend doesn t show much promise for many exciting times. Jack Reece and Jackie King and Jo Srb and Dick Kuhl will drive to Omaha and dance at Peonv. Rrvl T.nt speich and John Cover will be seen at lung s. Another deal in Omaha Friday will be pulled off by Joan Land wherkamp and Scott Christian. Scotty will turn around and have a date Monday with old flame Joanie Vingers, and Pat Toof will be with Jack Clow. Announcement has just been made that a new steady couple on campus is Marj Benson and Jake Dahlgren. It certainly was sudden! Kenny Fletcher hung his Sig Ep pin on Jan Staley last weekend Ken passed cigars Monday night but didn't get showered until Tuesday. It seems he sneaked out on the pledges. One interesting new type of pinning was witnessed when Norm Leger hung his recognition pin on Jeanne Kerrigan. It is rumored that he will pass cigarettes soon. Another strange incident concerns John Beatties statement announc ing his intention of failing in love with Nancy King . . . after only one date at that. Ralph Johnson told his constant companion Buckshot Cain of his intention to spend his vacation in Oregon visiting his girl. He prom ises to repay her, however, by coming to tails Cjty some week end to visit her. Classified Id Houston. Call aftf-r 7 p. m. 3-W210 COUPLE driving to Houxton. Texai for hohduyi. 46 Buick. Take two p- pngT. 5-4447. fOR SALE QRS Portable phonograph ami iworrtR. 3-59r. LOST Tan Elpr billfold with lapera, keya. Call 2-3527. TWward. L -A " V 2Q CHESTERFIELDS STACK WITH THE A B C's OF PLEASURE t II :. (, t .yy. y.-y.' ':V'':V:V:::;x.;v.;:'':''v; ' C-:o:: v:::';::::':':'-:'v"::';-:';::;V::':r;:;,;x ffllHIlSI-fll B V 15 - - mm mm Mip . H Vl UP RIGHT SMOKING ; 1 : I I ! .1i i,,-i j ! CURRENTLY STARRING IN "STRANGE JOURNEY" a Sol M. Wurtzel Production Released By 20th Century-Fox 4xvA v f ! I 'A , : i ill Is : t i j i .H.I : ..J 3