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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1946)
Paae 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Tuesday December 3, 1946 EDITORIAL COMMENT JhsL (Daily. 7bd)Jut&haL roETY-riFTB rut Subscription rates art $1.50 per semester. $2.00 per semester mailed, or vx.uu Tor me college year, j.uu mauea. single copy sc. Published aauy curing ine scnooi year except Monaays ana Saturdays, vacations and examination periods, by the students of the University of Nebraska under the supervision of the Publication Board. Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office in Lincoln, Nebraska, under Act of Congress, March 3. 1879, and at special rate of postage provided for In section 1103. act of October 2. 1917, authorized September so, iszz. EDITORIAL STAFF. Cdltor ...................... Fhynls Teacmrden Hanactnt Editors ........... Shlrlrr JrakliM, Man Alice Cawood Kewa Editors: Data NoTtny, Phyllis Mortlock, Jack HIU. Man Loeite B Israel. Jeaaae nemraa. aorta Editor ........ Oeorce Miner 8eefety EdiUr Fat Jcniri BUSINESS 8TAFF. tanlneM Maaanr ................ Jim Vaa Ijindlnrham Anistant Basmru Maaarers Darothr Lasher. Gaald Fliif CtrcalaUoa Maoacer Keith Jaaca University Singers Present Eighth Carol Concert Sunday A choral number written by Harry Harter, graduate student in the University School of Music will be among the features of the Union's eighth annual Christmas Carol concert, to be presented by the University Singers Sunday afternoon. Mr. Harter is a resident of San Francisco, Calif., and formerly at tended the San Jose Conserva tory. During the war he was sta tioned at the Lincoln Air Base. Harter's number is one of eight pieces to be sung by the entire membership of the Singers, under the direction of Dr. Arthur West brook. Groups Sin;. Men and women of the 150 member chorus will offer separate groups in addition to the numbers by the combined membership. The women will sing four selections under direction of David Foltz, and the men, directed by Dr. Westbrook, will sing four num bers. A brass ensemble will play two groups of three selections, under the direction of Robert Stepp. Its members are Eugene Stoll, Mar lin Killion and Herman Larsen. trumpet; Jack Snider, horn; Paul Austin and Carroll Brown, trom bone; Robert Jordan, baritone, and Hervon Snider, tuba. Mary Alice Peterson will be or ganist and Marilyn Nelson pian ist for the program. Two Performances. There will be two performances of the concert, one at 3 and the other at 4:30 p. m. in the Union ballroom. The concert is open to the public but seating capacity at each presentation is limited to 800 Admission cards may be ob tained free at the Union. Walt's Music Store, Miller and Paine service desk, and the Ag Campus Student Union. Eastern Group Will Elect New Club Officers Election of officers for the Easterners' Club will be held at the regular dinner-meeting in the Union Wednesday at 6:15 p. m All those who are interested in attending this meeting may do so, stated Art Cohen, acting chair man. It will be possible to attend the business portion of the meet ing, which is to be held at 7 p. m., without attending the dinner, he added. Also to be discussed are final preparations for the specially charted train, which is to run be tween Lincoln and Chicago at the beginning and end of Christmas vacations to make possible better connections with all east-bound trains. Cohen stressed the fact that anyone interested in taking this train, either going to or coming from Chicago, should be at Wed nesday's meeting so that complete preparations can be made. Special. The special car will have "ex tra" accommodations, leaving and arriving times will be more con venient, especially in regard to connecting trains, and it will pro vide an opportunity for students to travel together. Vets Forum Airs Student Opinions On Fraternities Two members of social frater nities and two independents are slated to discuss the question "Are Fraternities and Sororities Bene ficial?" at the Weekly Veterans Organization forum Wednesday afternoon at 4 in the Union lounge. Phyllis Teagarden and Bob Gil Ian will defend fraternities and Don Baker and Daniel Bernd up hold the negative in the Forum discussion. Positions. Miss Teagarden is editor of the Daily Nebraskan, and Gillan a member of the Awgwan and Cornhusker staffs. Mr. Baker is vice-president of the Veterans Organization while Bernd is a fccphomore in the Arts and Science college. The discussion will be recorded nd broadcast on KFOR Saturday morning at 10:30. YW Plans Annual 'Greens Hanging' Wednesday Night Reservations for the annual YW Hanging of the Greens dessert supper should be made at once in the YW office at Ellen Smith, Mary Esther Dunkin said today. The dessert supper at 6:45 p. m. tomorrow evening, will precede the Hanging of the Greens in El len Smith hall, a Y.W. Christmas tradition for over 25 years. Presi dents of women's organized houses and YW cabinet members will officiate in the ceremony. Guests. Dessert supper guests will be Miss Marjorie. Johnston, dean of women; Mrs. Ruth Schmelkin, Panhellenic association; Mrs. R. G. Gustavson; and Mrs. A. L. Burn ham, chairman of the YW advis ory board. Chairmen for the Hanging of the Greens are Elizabeth Curley, invitations; Jo Moyer, greens; and Marcia Mockett, program. Peter Lorre has been killed in 14 of the 23 movies he has made during his movie career. Nov It's My Turn BY EDDIE McCULLOUGII The Big Vice coming up soon (the Mortar Board Ball, that is) leaves all us mere males sweating out dates. My pet amusement is asking people disarming questions so thought I'd find out how the Big Boys plan to get themselves asked. First two I met were drinking coffee in the Crib, and had defi nite plans already laid. One said "Look, I'll show ya," calmly set fire to a crisp new $5 bill, lit a cigaret with it, and tossed the burning scrap onto the floor. The other pulled out a set of car keys, nonchalantly twirled them slowly around his finger. My apologies to the two blondes I knocked down while getting out of the booth. The third one was more aloof. He said "Well, I've been dating for seven or eight years now. Dates aren't so wonderful to me any more that I'll go out just to be going out. w hat s the rush? I d rather wait until I find a girl that I really appreciate, and then start. I got plenty of time." The most particular youth en countered was the one who had seven missions over Pike's Peak to his credit. He said he planned to run a classified ad in the Rag, something like "Wanted: Well- dressed, intelligent, witty blonde or brunette with '42 or '46 model convertible. Must be good dancer, bright conversationalist, well read. Applications will be ac cepted between the hours of two and two-thirty . . . red-heads need not apply." Finally found a fella who had given the situation practically no thought. When he was informed that his date for the Military Ball was not obliged by custom or anything else to ask him to the Mortar Board Ball, he was slightly nonplused. Seems he spends all his spare hours in Omaha, loung ing about the rearmost booth of the soft-lighted Frolics, at the hour when the white-collar girls come in after work. The way he described the date situation in Omaha is that the eligible male has his choice of the horde, and he was having difficulty realizing that he would have any trouble in Lincoln. Thus, kiddies, we have a cross- section of male approach on the campus. There should be enough plans here, with variations on each, to give everyone a solution to the problem. Me? well, ah I think women are allergic to me. But you guys go right ahead and use these schemes they're for free. I'll see the rest of you that night in the Pines or Diamond Grill. ' Stag, that is. And remember, Girls that are older Are renerally bolder Bat girls that are younger Are strictly from hunger! CONVOCATION BEN KUROK1 'The Boy from Nebraska" "THE UNFINISHED FIGHT FOR DEMOCRACY- AT HOME" 2:00 P. M., THURS., DEC 5 Union Ballroom WIN $50 CORN BELT MTLL8, INC., Lincoln, wibU ft carton cover draw tag for their new chocolate cake mix. Mail or deliver your entry in person to our office, 622 First National Bank Bldr Lincoln, Nebraska. - ALL ENTRIES MUST REACH US BY 5:00 P. M. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 194 RULES 1. McMircntati ! rawl Ukil IsekM fcy 1 laefcM. 1, tmM m Uf fcr4er iaffste4 11k") f rh. S. Shw ckoealat Mk. i. AIUw ff ( rf wfcr wHI tkw t ui trsJeaufc. Signe Hasso, co-staring with Bob Hope in Paramount's "Where There's Life," has received an at tractive offer from the Royal Dramatic Theater in Stockholm to return home and star in Schiller's "Joan of Arc," with music by Tchaikowsky. Her acceptance depends on film commitments. AWS Rules Fridays, Dec. 6 and 13 will be one o'clock nights, and Sat urdays Dec. 7 and 14 will be 12:30 nights. This announce ment was made by Mimi Anne Johnson, president of the AWS Board. CHRISTMAS CAROLS CONCERTS By the University Singers 3 :00 P. M. fir 4 :30 P. M., Sunday, Dec. 8 Union Dallroom Admission Cards Available at Union Office ivenin (Enchantment 9 M i ?,Y? f lis To make you the belle of the ball . . . With this in mindjack Herzog has de signed his winter collec tion with an eye to youth, beauty, and sophistication. At Sketched Goud white rayon crepe scattered with sequined star dust and boasting a provocation bared mid riff. 49.95 Ready To Wear, Fourth Floor