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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1946)
(Wednesday, November 27, 1946 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN D.1ILITARY BALL PARKING RFQFRVF PARKING AREA V o a: 1 i 1 i i l TLJLJ CM I - "T"ST LJ i2"m ST Turnpike Tells House Winners OnRadio Show ' The orority, fraternity, or co op house winning free admission to the Turnpike will be announced over KFOR on the radio program broadcast from the Pike's ball room. Following a plan recently intro- duced by the Pike, each week a name will be drawn from a pool Of all fraternities, sororities, and organized houses represented on the campus. Every member of the house winning the lottery will be admitted to the Pike free of charge. Last week, the Alpha Xi Deltas won the first drawing and danced to the music of George Winslow ' 'for free." 'YM-YW Sponsor Coal Slrike Forum The Coal Miners and American Liberty" will be the topic of the 4 YWCA-YMCA sponsored forum scheduled for 4 p. m. next Tues day in Parlors XYZ of the Union. Participation fn the discussion wiil be Mr. Cuvtis Elliott and Mr. Richard Bourne of the econ omics department. The current coal strike and its relation to American labor and liberties will . be considered by the forum group. inivirrin hirt -n'l tie Siz Ecel- Irnt eofidHlon. 22 12th. F'OUND In the Union lounge by Sl Kn. on tvlr)1e4 turtle. Owner I'le call The Uily N-brkn OJite. rtnder h Ki-i rpecliin " a rum. n. (e in return fur M-rviAt rendered. i Classified J OVERFLOW PARKING I 1 I l i ! COLISEUM I I I CARS PARKED IN 4 LANES DIAGONAL PARKING DIAGONAL PARKING r L I3TH ST Nu Med Dinner Features Talk By Psychiatrist Dr. Robert Stein, Lincoln psy chiatrist, will be the speaker for the Nu-Med meeting December 4, according to Stanley Johnson, president. As stated in the November 24 issue of The Daily Nebraskan, a new procedure for banquet at tendance has been invoked. Any Nu-Med member planning to at tend the banquet is to place his name and 50 cents in an envelope in Dr. Otis Wade's office, 308 Bes sey Hall, before Thanksgiving va cation. "Any member, o( course, unable to attend the banquet Is welcome to come in for the business meet ing and speaker, at 7:15 p. m.," Johnson said. THURSDAY NIGHT Dancing 9-12 ceo SPECIAL TURKEY DAY DAI2CE There will be no College Night this Friday because of vacation period SYSTEM VINE ST TAXI STAND MU"ST "S" ST I iidii ex I4TH ST PON Local Stations Will Broadcast UN-Uclan Tilt Not everybody can be in the Husker bleachers at Los Angeles Saturday, but everybody can tune in on the radio to hear the Corn-husker-Uclan tilt this weekend. Local radio stations KFAB and WOW are sending their "ace sportscasters" in the persons of Lyell Bremser and Tom Daly to California Saturday, and promise full coverage of the game and half-time festivities replete with local color. The radio industry hereabouts expects the whole midwest to be huddling in excited little groups around the family radio Saturday, relaxed and refreshed after a brief respite from the books. So if you're a Cornhuskcr through and through and your Farnsworth-Canehart can pick up the KFAB or WOW signals, you'll be at your radio-side come this Saturday p. m. at Admission 58c Plus Tax iJLTfcD Ksuad JoWiA TLcdion Traveling more than 5,000 miles in the past two months, Colgate Prentice, 22 year old national president of Student Federalists Inc., has spread the student group's doctrines in almost half of the nation's 48 states. After his release from the Army Air forces a year ago, Prentice met Harris Wofford, originator of Student Federalists and a former national president. The two stu went leaders met at Smith col lege, when Wofford left Prentice had become a convert to the theory of federalism. Newcomer. . A newcomer to national student affairs, Colgate served as execu tive chairman of Swarthmore's AVC chapter and organized the local chapter there. His election Xto the national presidency is now taking him on a cross country tour ending on the west coast. After his three day stopover in Nebraska, Colgate plans on going directly to California and the uni- versities of Southern California, San Francisco and Berkeley. When asked the reasons for taking such an active interest in student affairs. Prentice said, "It seems that the youth of America definitely need an ideal and a goal to counter-act the fatalistic philosophy which seems to be taking hold of society. Background. In the way of background ma terial on the personable young Federalist, Colgate told The Daily Nebraskan that he comes from Williamsburg, Virginia, was a junior majoring in political sci ence at Swarthmore college and plans on continuing his present activities in national affairs. Prentice admitted that he had his eyes on a position with the State Department and that he would try to avoid politics in the belief that such connections would tie him down. During the war, he served as central fire control officer with the 20th air force on B-29'c for 19 missions and was stationed at the Lincoln Army Air Field for five months. Admitting with a wry smile that while Nebraska TJw EBERHARD BALL-POINT PEN For all of your Jewelry needs including A?" NlNt M0IMIM "B Keepsake DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING Shop Note Authorised LOWELL'S 1 was all right, he just didn't care for the army. An experienced public speaker and debator, the young Virginian has about seven months to serve as the national president of the Student Federalists and he then plans on returning to his studies at Swarthmore. French Society Names Heads Of Committees Le Cercle Francais held its second meeting Monday at 4 p. m. in room 315 of the Union. Two hundred views of France were displayed in the room decorations, which carried out a French land marks theme. President Robert Johnson pre sided at the meeting at which the following heads of committees were appointed: Duane Adams, Constitution committee, Mildred Patterson, decorations committee, and Frances Forster, publicity committee. The main theme of the meeting was French popular music. Re cordings were played of "J'atten drai," "J'ai ta main," "Y a de la joie," "Melancolie," and Apres toi je n'aurai plus d'amour." Mem bers joined in on the second chorus, " singing from mimeo graphed sheets. Refreshments were served at the meeting. Turkey . . . (Continued from Page 1.) Thanksgiving vacation?" was an incredulous question. "Why, yes," he said, looking suddenly frightened. "Is there something wrong with that?" "No, but there's something wrong with you!" was the reply, as two men came around the street corner and caught hold cf Marski. "We're from the institution," they said. "This man has been giving us a lot of trouble. Has he bothered any of you?" I was able to say quite sin cerely, "Yes, he has given me quite a blow." FABER Come in and try it!!! You'll buy it! Known throughout Anerica A popular choice Shop Here Keepnake Dealer 3th &0 Cash Credit Si j i I u L '