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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1946)
Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, November 14, 1946 Marion Louise Holts Eleanor Edisoi K V ML N ' M - i- - i s x v.r; ! - - .k - - -' - - " Tit 1 Ml J - -J Courtfsy Lincoln Journnl The engagement and approaching marriage of Miss Marion Louise Holtz to Perry V. Branch, Jr. has been announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holtz. Mr. Branch is the son or Mr. and Mrs. Terry W. Branch. The couple will be married at 8 o'clock Dec. 27 at Westminster Presbyterian church. Before her graduation from the university, Miss Holtz was a member of Alpha Chi Omega, Phi Chi Theta and Beta Gamma Sigma. Since his discharge from the army, Mr. Branch has attended the university where he is a member of Phi Kappa Psi. Still Prunella BY PRUNELLA, HERSELF With all this conversation by the beasties behind her finished, Prunella at length understood the cause of it all. The so-called ladies were planning to ask men for dates to some stupendous spectacle. "Oh, how horrible," murmured Prunella, and the face in the napkinholder replied, "Not a bad idea." "Especially if you get tired of admiring big handsome Brutuses from a distance. My feet get so tired walking up and down these steps just to see them drinking Brazilian milk shakes with other girls. I want a football player all my own, even if he's only left end on the 27th string's bench. Wonder if anybody can get in on this act." Whereupon little Prunella summoned her courage. Af ter it had answered the call, she turned to face the remain ing duet. A quick look told her that lacing that prune physiognomied pair did take courage. "Could you tell me where you're going to take your dates, if you're stronger than they are, and they consent to go with you?" she queried in her best asking-foolish-ques-tions-of-strangers tone. "Sure, stupe," Newly Blondene explained. "We're ropin' in our men early for the Mortar Board ball, December 13. With a Friday the 13th coming up, it'd be just our luck to have everyone but Ging E. Vites and Simple Que Sampson dated up unless we get on the beam quicklike." "Then, is every girl in school inviting a fellow to the party?" Prunella asked. "But natch, droop." Burrhead cut in. "That's the night we take revenge on these lowly creatures for all the things they've pulled on us this twelve-months. We fix corsages of limburger, empty casks of C2H50H, wilted rose-buds bent cigarettes and used lipstick cartridges. We complain that we're just about broke, apologize for having to have the car home by 11:30, and take over their role, in general, for the whole evening. Every December is the chance of a lifetime, as far as I'm concerned. Of course I'm very, very rusnea au tne time keeping the dates in my appointment book straight, but I do think this custom is so very quaint." "Yeah," Blondene rejoined. "It's my one date of the year, too." "Then all I have to do is buy a ticket, and ask any man I want?" Prunella said. "Gosh, December 13 is only 33 days away. Getting a date is lots more important than Christ mas shopping, I'd best concentrate on this first. Mortar Board ball, eh, wonder how they knew we'd be wanting to ask someone. Maybe they have the same problem as human being do. Let me see, who could I ask that wouldn't laugh in my face ? Suppose there's someone around whose face has been frost-bitten? There must be someone ... let me think." And forthwith she headed for the registrar's office, where she could examine the enrollment cards for all 5400 male students. In the excitement she even forgot to pay her check, and her eagerness spurred her to such speed that th cashier chasing her lost out before she passed Ellen Smith BY TOTTIE FIDDOCK. A busy weekend is in prospect for everybody, in spite of tests and shortages male or female, that is, depending on your point of view. The ratio of men to girls will be increased a lot this Saturday night with the invasion of the Iowa State team and cheering section. Entertaining the Iowa team after a rowgh game will be Marge Bock, Ann' Whitham, Donna Keichcl and Mimi Loomis Joanie Vingers will spend the eve ning with old friend Floyd Mellen also from Iowa State. Question of the week at the DU House is, "Where is LaBaron Goodwin's pledge win??" The an swers are many, but most popular theory is that Jo Ackerman is now the proud possessor. Friday Dates. Duke Ellington's appearance at the Pike Friday will draw Mimi Smith and Jack Campbell and Barb Wendell and Jud Ankoren. Candy was passed Monday to members of the Towne Club by last year's president and vice- president. Ex-prexy Marion Priest and Bill Bennett made it official with a diamond, and Eleanor Ed ison and Jack Busch cinched things, too. Also on Monday. Jeanie Millane and Jim Price dis tributed chocolates at a dinner meeting of the Kernels. Beta Sig's "Barbary Coast" party Saturday night will see Frank Mann with fiancee Marv Lou Martin of Hollywood. Lee Gissler and Mayetta Parchen, "Nobby" Tiemann with Mary Ann Korb, Walt Wolfert and Pat Fiske, Harold Schieve and Pauline Holm, and Jim Traester and Vir ginia Douglas Steady Deal Off. Pulling a fast one on ex-steady Johnny Anderson this week end, is Jo Strain, who will have dates with Bill Wait both Friday and Saturday nights. Seems Johnny doesn't know yet that the steady deal is off. Friday night the dates will be scattered all over Lincoln from King's to the Stuart. Myrt Rider will be with George Kirk, Margie Lees with Joe Philbrick, Gene Jensen and Ed Doyle, Midge Johnson and Jim Nash, Marge Sturm and Orv Chatt, and Gretch Burnham and Elmer Sprague. Wehrman Tubbed. Threats finally developed into actuality for Bud Wehrman, Mon day night, when he got ducked. Dut good, is he or is he not, go ing to hand his pin? A new combination at the Phi Delt Pledge Party will be Faye Simpson and Bob Renner. Jackie Wightman and Duke Derry will De mere, too per usual. Joe Loisel (his name hasn't ap peared here for at least a week) thinks he might be slipping on the home front, so he's going to West Point this week end to surprise nis girl. For the information of all con cerned, Ellie Swanson and Jack Cressman are going steady as of Jast Jrriday night. If y I I 5 - I - I i& ' . x : V " inn muiriii I in 11 1 I iiniM him I m Courtesy Lincoln J'urrnl Mr. and Mrs. Oskar E. Edison have announced the enaement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Eleanor, to Edwin John Busch Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. E. . Busch of Omaha. The couple will be married in February. Miss Edison, a member of Towne club, will be graduated from the university in January with a de gree in home economics. A member of Delta Phi, Mr. Busch will be a candidate 'or a master's degree at the end of this semester. Volunteer Worker Speaks Thursday On China Welfare Miss Elizabeth Turner, Student Volunteer Movement traveling secretary will speak on her ex periences in China and her work wit hthe movement at an inter- Varsity Christian Fellowship din- ner in Parlor C. Student Union. I Thursday evening at 5:30 p. m. j According to Carol Johnson, so- I cial chairman, those who have not I made dinner reservations and ! who are interested in hearing Miss Tunrer are invited to come after the dinner, which should be over between 6:15 and 6:30. The speech will be given in con nection with Religion in Life Week. VPino nnnnn FOLKS FAR AWAY W WAV RUST CRAFT CHRISTMAS CARDS Large aeleclion at the GOLDENROD 215 North 11th St. Salh f Staical ! JOHNNY COX'S ORCHESTRA Playing 9 to 12 FRIDAY, NOV. 15 44c per person Union Ballroom No Dance Sat, Nov. 18 V $ I M VP pfc DU556 V A' ARISTOCRAT ' f -OF JAZZ-'. liiyyi MM and his fam Orchestr-a AT THE FRIDAY, NOV. 15 Tickets now on sale at Schmoller A Mnel- Ux. Tickets at Turnpike nite of danojeJlrfneH Jlillul itozndol Hi i Km i bat aoilibsit m&v-ZZ qod mill al mm nBtn 9tU nisi