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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1946)
ttttKrr"i"- Page 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN . Tuesday, November 12, 1946 EDITORIAL COMMENT rOKTT-FIFTB IKAB Subscription rate are 11.50 per semester, $2.00 per semester mailed, or $2.00 for the college year. $3.00 mailed. Single copy 5c. Published daily during the school year except Mondays and Saturdays, vacations and examination periods, by the students of the University of Nebraska under the supervision of the Publication Board. Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office In Lincoln, Nebraska, under Act of Congress, March 3, 1879, and at special rate of postage provided for In section 1103, act of October 2. 1917, authorized September 30, 1922. EDITORIAL STAFF. Cditor Phyllis Terarden Manuring Rdltnrs Shlrlry Jraltlna, Mary Alice Cawood Kews Editors: Dale Novotny, Phyllis Mortlork, Jack Hill, Mary Louise Blnmel, Jeanne Kerrigan. torts Editor Gears Miller BI KINRSS STAFF. minu Muiim Jim Van fjuidinrham AmlMnnt Bnolncos Managers . Dorothy LMber, Byron Rarnlck Circulation Manacer Keith Jones Lost? Where's your sense of humor? I thought we had this all settled, but seems I was wrong, again! The great American sense of humor evidently got lost in the shuffle, as evidenced by the complete lack of understanding on the part of some students who claim a normal amount of intelligence. So the Republicans did sweep the country. Some ot us are happy and some of us sad. And since it was rather an unusual occurrence, let those who will have their fun It certainly can't do any harm, and it might do a great deal of good. It's been a long time since the Republicans had a chance to be the brunt of any offensive discussion. Let the rains come! Since a university is the proving ground for countless things, let us say it is a place to develop some of that in valuable "give and take" spirit. To be able to take things seriously, yourself included, is a very fine things. But there are times when it is to everyone s advantage to look at the lighter side of a question. It's very relaxing. Try it some time! It all boils down to he fact that it's nrttv sorl whpn -- - i -j " two political parties, symbol of a democracy, start slashing eacn otners tnroats tnrougn tair means or loul. After all, one party had to have a majority. This freedom we have now is a valuable asset. May we maintain the integrity of this freedom by using it wisely. This goes for all of us. And may the day never arrive when we become so stilted and unimagiative as to lose all sem- Diance or numor in its finest sense. WE'D RATHER WALK I WITH YOU IN V THAT DORIS D0DS0NI J f i 1 ti More becoming than s convertible . . . nd you'll really go placet! Doris Dodion meant smooth streamlining for juniors ... whether it's s date 'ot sn S AM clatt or an TM clsnibake. More malel per gal . . . meant Dorlt Dodton Junior Original! Sires sn to Afiten . . . mm mmm illi.i. IH-, , ,M, M I g95 to 1495 T) eV( ' C) Vols Thanksgiving Dinner Ainioiiiiced A Vets' Thanksgiving dinner will be held in the Union, Room XYZ, on Saturday, November 23 at 6:30 p. m. Tickets are $1.00 per person and may be obtained at the Vets Or ganization office, 209 Nebraska Hall, from Bill Thornton or Iona Sherman, social chairman. Ad Solicitors Wanted! Students are needed to solicit ads for the Daily Nebraskan. This is an opportunity for stu dents to gain practical experi ence in the advertising field, in addition to earning money. All ad solicitors earn a ten per cent commission. Persons inter ested should apply to J. C. Van Landingham, business manager of the Daily Nebraskan, Tues day at 3 p. m. Sig Chis Change Sweetheart Party The Sigma Chi pledges have changed the date of their Sweet heart party to Saturday, Novem ber 23, because of competition by Duke Ellington on the previous ly scheduled time, November 15. A tea dance for all pledge Sweetheart candidates will be held at the Sigma Chi house on No vember 15 between 5 and 6 p. m. All-weather wear with a DOWN EAST . FLAVOR. 'j ' '0:1 V IIV Wp . . . Yankee gnl lias nolliing on I lie tough neM of our rain-uml-Min roals. Specially Irealed gabardines ami poplins make your bark like a duck's. Antl if the Kim rtmifi out, you won't look like Kilroy's Mor relation. Set? our von fitleruhle selection. $11.50 to $21.50 Cvt on the air wave tonight irith "ESSY" ami hi fahion fart and frolirtt tsquir tuahion I'arude . . . 7:15 p.m. Tueiday . . . KtOH