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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1946)
Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, November 8, 1946 i By Jeanne Hickey. Take three deep breaths and slowly exhale in order to get in shape for the gala week end with its many parties and lengthy plans. The Phi Psi Bowery party Sat urday night promises to be a suc cess with such couples as Nadine Anderson and Jack Schultze. Bar bie Turk and Davie Miller. Guests must diess to represent persons of t!ie roaring 20's. and the re sults will probably be amusing. Dating to the music of Onn Tu-k"r at the Phi Delt party at the Pike Friday will be Audrey Forsvthe and steady. Art Birk. Don' Corper and Sheila Curran, Virg Falloon and graduate. Masie Platner, and Dede Meyer and Hat tie Wilbourne are looking forward to this event. Jack Dickey and Ellie Detweiler will be back to gether again for that night Sig Alpha Party. The Sig Alpha "annual" will be a great party, according to re ports of their plans. Walt Rungen and Lou Plouru who were pinned last ' Saturday, plan to take it in, as well as Bob Burhans and. Mil lie Haycraft, who people say will be going steady in a very short time. Sneaking of steadies. Peg Cowles and Bill Tyson, Pat Krause and Gen" Dildine make two wonder ful couples who have decided to dafp onlv each other, that is. Peg with Bill and Pat with Gene. Louise Carter seems to find great interest in Joe Williams. They are seen together quite reg ularly. Norrie Anderson has been occupying the time of Georgie Wythers of late, and Jack Colgon seems to have his bid in for the time of Sue Alexander. Bloodshed? Much blood is being shed by Kent Kratz and Virgil Ohse as to who is taking Marggy Cobb out each week end. The boys in the house are thinking of placing bets. Buck Barger has found new in terest at Omaha U., coed Jean Mc Cauley. Buck is going to Omaha to see her this week end. f s - " 4 1 FRITZ HEILBRON HATCBCV ENTMTAINM WFTB DON REID oa.1?.a AT TBI SAT NOV. f ABM. UM BA. IXVt TAX SMITH-WARREN ORCHESTRA Playing 9 to 12 FRIDAY, NOV. 8 44c per person Union Ballroom South American Dancing Class 8 to 9 p. m., Nor. 8 Union Ballroom Dr. Webster Tells Nu-Meds of ETO War Experiences Dr. Frederick Webster discussed his as commander of a front-line medical unit in the European theater, at the Wednes day night Nu-Med meeting at the Union. Dr. Webster, who is practicing orthopedics, was himself a casu alty in Europe. His speech was preceded by a banquet and busi ness meeting, at which President Stanley Johnston announced that the Cornhusker picture will be taken next Tuesday. Nov. 12, at 4:45 at the Rinehart-Marsden studies. Limlstrom . . . (Continued from Page 1.) YM will supervise organized rec reation in the Activities building. At 6:00 p. m. the YW will serve a spaghetti supper open to every one at a minimum charge. The Ag YW-YM cabinet members are selling the supper tickets which must be obtained before 5:00 p. m. Monday. As a climax to the day's activi ties, Dr. Lindstrom will speak on "The Rural Church in a Christ ian Nation" at 7:30 in the Activi ties Building. Any student who wishes to confer with Dr. Lindstrom may do so Tuesday between the hours of 11 and 12, 1:30 to 3:30 in Room 110 of the Plant Industry Building. mons at Sunday morning services at various churches. Msgr. George Dance Planned For Saturday B.A.B.W. is sponsoring the an nual "Hello" dan'-e tomorrow eve nings, from 8 to 12 in the Union ballroom. The affair is stag or date, and admission is 20 cents. During intermission there will be a floor show and 15 candidates, one chosen from each unaffiliated house and. club, will be voted upon to represent the typical coed at large. Girls who are candidates will be voted upon by those at the dance on the basis of their ap pearance, popularity, and person ality. Those who are competing for the title of "Hello Girl of 1946" are: Joe Kt-llcnharRer. Wlliton Hall. Mary Acnes Gnwaerode, Howard Hall. Clco Si bmoUI. Cox Hall. Ann Proper, Car! Hall. Mantaret Si men. International House. Vtrian Frasicr, Loo mis Hall. Patricia Ver Maaa. 331 Claa. Ardyce Stara, Terrace Hal). Sue Ftihwood, love Co-op. Jeanne Bowling. Northeast Hall. Rene Stokely. Town. Club. Knlice Luke. Heaperla. Bettv Beoknnr. Amiklta. Evetya CahaT Candidate from Lincoln. The "Hello Girl" will be pre sented with a corsage at the end of the balloting. Representatives said that the ballroom would be decorated with a theme in keeping with the name of the dance. Tickets are now on sale in the lobby of the Student Union. Schuster has scheduled two mas ses instead of one in Parlors XYZ of the Union Sunday morning, featuring sermons by Father Weisenberg. One will be at 9 a. m. and the other at 11 a. m. The program for Saturday and Sunday: Batarilar: 11:00 a. m. Nrhranh Forum a the Air. KOIL. 4:H) p. m. Retreat aad aaaaer far ld em and commrtteemca at BaptHt Student (eater. HumtMv: "KrUtMi Tadajr." KFAB Medlattaa broadcast, 8:311 a. m. Ir. T. Z. Kan. :0U a. a. Maaa far Catholic KaeVata, t'nkta XVZ. Father WelnenlterK, 8. J. 1 1 rr)A Moral rhnrrti Nerrtrea. Fa-nt vanrelWai, KMaabeth Jaaea. IM rtrbrfrrtaa, Dr. T. X. Koo. TrMtx, Methadfcrt. Dr. Harry V. r-antNon. Warren MethodM, Elhmbeta Ti CataaHa -WaaVato, Caiaa XYZ. rather Wetaeaaerg. . J. . , 2:00 p. m. I'nlon XVZ. Father Wrlaeav ben. 8. 1. 1:M p. aa. Cabeaetn af Caaapun Ka llriM beaapa. Dr. OUrwr Kelaaa, Kiwaanarl Church, lath and U . Ht17:M p. m. I.atheraa dtudcatl, Meat Lutheran. Dr. Cart K. Land Qatat. tS-7:(ia p. m. rreabyterlaa studeat Home. Ir. Jaaa OHrer Nehea. 64 p. nv Cataaac Student. Father Weloenber. 8. i. 7:80 p. m. Onenln Convocation, I a y Coliseum, "The Faith that Makaa a Dlffereara." Dr. T. t. Koo, Chaneellac Gaataraaa. presiding Daily Staff . . . (Continued from Page 1.) editor will be required to work with other members of the staff in the Nebraskan staff each after noon. Applicants will probably also be asked to work on the Daily Nebraskan for a week before the Ag editor is actually chosen in order to become acquainted with the work and to demonstrate their qualifications. FREE VARIETY SHOW Ida Lupino and Monty Wooley in "LIFE BEGINS AT 8:33' 3:00 P. M., Sunday, November 10 Union Ballroom Coffee Hour 5 fo 6 Buffet Dinner 5:30-7:00 Even a freshman knoVs that the really BIG event of the year is The Military Ball ... and Miller's fa is receiving new dresses every day! " ) v II if I " f l .'"i'W:-"'' A H K FAWION FLOOR SECOND fTliLLER PAt (1 E