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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1946)
Vol. 24 No. 34 'Daily' Staff Enlarged-Ag Editor Added The post of Ag campus editor for the Daily Nebraskan has been created and applications to fill the position during the remainder of the semester are being accepted now, it was announced today. The Ag editor will be a reg' ular member of the Daily Ne braskan staff with the same status and pay received by other news editors. The new editor will head a staff of reporters on the Ag campus. Ag students interested in the position have been asked to sub mit applications to Prof. David Fellman in room 104, Sosh build ing before next Friday. Applica tion blanks may be obtained at the Journalism office in Univer sity Hall. Applicants with few, afternoon classes are desired since the Ag See DAILY STAFF, Page 4 New Magazine Conducts Vets Letter Contest SALUTE, produced by the for mer editors of "Yank" and Stars & Stripes," is sponsoring a letter contest on the subject: "Problems of the College Veteran." This contest is intended to af ford veterans attending accredited colleges and universities under the G.I. Bill of Rights, the oppor tunity of "sounding off on the current educational set-up. From their opinions may evolve ideas or partial solutions to many of the major problems arising out of the great veteran influx in the na tion's colleges. Prizes. Cash prizes in the amount of $750.00 are being offered to the writers of the ten most outstand ing letters. First prize is $250.00; second prize is $100.00. There are eight additional prizes of $50.00 each. Length of the letter should not exceed 250 words. All letters are to be addressed to the Contest Editor, Salute, 19 Park Place, New York 7,-N. Y. The contest closes January 10, 1947; letters may not be postmarked later than midnight of that date. Block and Bridle Lists Requirements For Membership Membership in the University of Nebraska Block and Bridle club was opened today to any student interested in the livestock field. Applications for membership may be obtained in room 201 A. H. hall, and must be filed before Fri day, Nov. 8. Eligibility requirements are completion of two semesters in the university with no "C" or "F" credits, with a 75 average. Appli cants do not necessarily have to major in animal husbandry. Due to membership applications there will be no regular meeting this Thursday evening. WHEN YOUR DATE SAYS A WG WAN AND READ IIBellnnaDnns Wceelk Union Sponsored Concert Tickets Are Still Available Nearly half of the one thousand available tickets for the Union sponsored university orchestra concert, featuring pianist Mario Braggiotti, to be held in the ball room Sunday, Nov. 17, have al ready been issued to students and faculty members, union director Patricia Lahr announced today. Because of the limited capacity (pAiuurilcL Se&L Jjuujl BY PRUNELLA. HERSELF There was a job to be done, Prunella was aware of that as she sat all alone in the crib's biggest booth. All the other girls had gone out to watch the Sigma Nu's fumbling their way back to fraternity row, but Prunella was still busily eavsdropping on the beasties behind her. She fenced herself in with empty coffee cups, made a mosaic sign of sugar papers warning people to detour around the corpses of those who had had too many brownies, sation. "What difference does it make one else in the Phi house," said (sweater of course, the editor said hasn't had but one date with him since he met that blonde with the baby-blue Chrysler putt-putt. And that was just to stand in the Campusline. She had another fellow waiting inside for her." "Then whal are you waiting for?" Burrhead said. "Snag him while the trowling is good. If you. wait too long you don't stand' a chance. The whole Alpha Chi chapter has been dickering for his serv ices as bus-boy. If he gets a look at that covey of beauties you'll never find him with a free evening. If you've been letting your finger nails grow these past two weeks now "Yeah, but I'm just a little girl," Black Dog complained. "Can't fool me, stupe, I saw you guarding that pool this summer. None of this nickle limit stuff, really big time. And now's the big time for this finesse," Newly Blondene encouraged. "Sure is a mess, but here goes. said as she tripped over the corpses There sat Prunella, still worrying what was (to be continued). University Religious Groups Schedule Many Parties, Parties, ranging from horseback ! riding to square dancing, will en liven campus religious activities this week end. Baptist students are invited to a "Truth or Consequences" party at the student center, 315 No. 15, at 7:30 p. m., on Friday. Students are advised that no further details will be divulged come to find tne truth or take the conse quences. The regular Sunday eve ning meeting will be held at the center, with a lunch served at 6 p. m., followed by a short worship service. After the services, the group will attend Religious Em phasis week opening convocation. Lutheran chapel services will be held at 10:45 Sunday morning in Room 315 of the Union. Rev. H. Erck, university pastor, will! GET IT AT THE STUDENT UNION! SUBSCRIPTION $1.75 FOR 1 SEMESTERS LINCOLN 8, NEBRASKA of the ballroom, admission will be by card only. Free admission tickets may be obtained at the Union office on presentation of an identification card or faculty membership card. Combined Talents. Mr. Braggiotti, internationilly- know pianist, composer and musi See CONCERT, Page 2 and concentrated ontheir conver if she has more frat pins than any' the pie-faced redhead in the barrel this had to be more intelligible). "She would be as good a time as any." Catch me on the rebound," Doggie on the way out. Addresses This Weekend speak on the topic, "Is the Reli gion of the Bible Still True?" Miss Elaine Putensen will accom pany th i hymns, and Willis Kush man will give a vocal number. Square Dancing. Square dancing will be featured at the Presbyterian student house party at 8 o clock tonight, with Wayne Wheeler and Mr. and Mrs. Meier calling the dances. Presbyterian activities for Sun day begin at 5:30 when John Nel son, editor of the Intercollegian, will address the group. Supper will be held at 6:30 and at 7:30 the group will go over to hear Dr. Koo, Religious Emphasis speaker. Nancy Clark, Rex Miller, Har riet Thompson are student leaders for the evening. The Sunday program at the I THE Dr. T. Z. Koo will be principal speaker at the first con vocation of Religion in Life week to be held in the Coliseum Sunday at 7:30 p. m. Presiding at the convocation will be Chancellor R. G. Gustavson. Organ music and hymns will open the convoca Lindstrom Will Address Ag Students Dr. David E. Lindstrom of the University of Illinois, will be the principal speaker at the Ag campus Religion in Life convo cation to be held Tuesday as a part of the University Religious Emphasis Week. Gamma Sigma Delta, honorary Agricultural fraternity of which Dr. Lindstrom is a member, is sponsoring a faculty noon 'lun cheon in his honor. -" Classes Dismissed Dr. Lindstrom, a professor of rural sociology, will speak on "Opportunities for Christian Service in Rural Areas," at 4:00 p. m. in the College Activities building. Since classes are being dismissed for this event. Dean W. W. Burr urges everyone to at tend. Following the convocation, the See LINDSTROM, Page 4 Blanche Duckworth Announces 'Girl of the Golden West' Casts By DEDE MEYER Casts for "Girl of the Golden West," coming attraction on the Temple stage, have been an announced by Blanche Duckworth, president ofthe Nebraska Mas quers. This action-packed, comedy drama of California in the ooia Emmanuel Camous Chapel, 15th and U, will gear right into the Relieion and Life Week. At the 11:00 a. m. worship service, Rev. Harold Bryant will speak on some of the outstanding examples in the world where "Religion Made a Difference.' 'A snack supper is planned at the church for all the Methodist students planning to at tend the opening Convocation at the university coliseum. Monday evening at 7:30 p. bl, Dr. Amos Thornburg, Religious Emphasis speaker, will lead a dis cussion group for all married stu dents, and Saturday, at 7:30 p. m., there will be a Scanvenger Hunt at the Methodist student house. Tonight at 8:30 there will be an old-fashioned square dance at the See RELIGIOUS GROUPS, Pare 2 awgwan Friday, November 8, 1946 (DaDnwaD tion, and Mary Esther Dunkin, executive chairman of Religion in Life week, will outline the week's program. Following her address, Dr. Phillips Moulton, national di rector of the University Christian Mission, will introduce the 15 speakers on the Religious Week team. Preceding the main address, the Rev. Edward J. Weisenberg, S. J., of St. Louis University, St. Mary's, Kas., who will conduct the Cath olic Student Retreat, and Rabbi Samuel Wohl, of Cincinnati, O., who will be in charge of the Jew ish program, will make state ments. Begins Officially Religion in Life will officially begin Saturday with a retreat and dinner beginning at 4 p. m. for all leaders and committeemen. On Saturday morning at 11 a. m. the Nebraska Forum of the Air, over KOIL will discuss "Can The Old Faith Meet the Test of the Times?" The panel will be com posed of Dr. Gerald Kennedy, Dr. Arthur Miller, and Phillips P. Moulton, team members, and Gordon Lippit, moderator Team members will give ser See CONVO, Pate 4 Rush days by David Belasco will be presented by the Nebraska Masquers, theatre honorary, in cooperation with the University Theatre. Production dates will be Dec. 11, 12, 13 and 14th. Leading roles for this comedy are the Girl, who runs a saloon and dance hall for the boys of the California mining camp, played by Ann Proper; Johnson, a stranger who wanders into the camp and changes the girl's life, David An drews; Ranee, the sheriff in the mining camp who almost gets the Girl until Johnson shows up, Bill Reese. Second Leads Secondary leads include Nick, the bartender, played by Bill Reu ter; Billie Jackrabbit, an Indian, Dean Graunke; Wowkle, an Indian squaw, Barbara Berggren; Ashby, a drinking sheriff from a neigh boring camp, Don Johannes. The supporting casts are Sonora Slim and Trinidad Jo, both in love with the Girl, by Al Sage and Joe Moore; Deputy Sheriff, Herb Spence; Pony Express Rider, Rex Pettijon; Castro, a Mexican, Russ Krueger; the Sidney Duck, Aus tralian Gambler, John MacDon- ald; Bucking Billy, a dumb miner, Rodney Franklin; Handsome Char lie and Happy Haliday, boys of the camp, James Johnston and Bob Kelligar. Director for this production is Henry G. Lee, a senior in the De partment of Speech. I 5